By Jack Murray (bio below)

Most people are law abiding and support their police. Most assume that they have the protection of the laws defined in the US Constitution, state constitutions and codified by legislatures. You may not realize that a person in church or your neighbor is actually part of the Gestapo: the one who tells you he is a “federal agent,” and exhibits a secretive and strange sort of friendly demeanor. He isn't there to protect your rights. He is protecting the ancient rights of the King.

Local and state laws are enforced by local and state authorities, with federal laws by Federal agencies, such as the FBI.

English Common Law protected the individual from invasion by his overlords. It stated that no matter how humble it may be, “a man's home is his castle and neither the King nor his men shall enter.” It is known as the “Castle Doctrine.”  This is a principle on which the right of self defense exists. In most states that right is extended to a person's normal place of employment. It is also within the “stand-your-ground” laws.

The protection against unlawful entry by law enforcement is recognized by the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution which requires a Search Warrant to enter a home or business. Those warrants are issued by civilian courts after presentation of affidavits supporting a presumption of criminal wrong doing. 

An issue within the American Colonies at the time of the Revolution was Martial (Military) Law. The British appointed Provincial Governors who utilized the British Army to search and arrest individuals. There was no protection against this.

A century later following the Civil War, Martial Law was enforced by Federal Troops stationed in the former Confederate states. In 1878, the Posse Comitatus Act was signed into law ending the occupation and separating Military from Civilian Law.

That agreement was reached, when Southern Representatives wanted Federal Troops out of their states so that they could return to local law enforcement. At that same time, there was also a desire on the part of towns on the Western Frontier to take charge of their own law enforcement. Up to that time, Military units existed to protect the early settlers during the Indian Wars. 

Villages originally grew up near an Army post for the protection it provided. Eventually, they added families, shops, schools and churches. They created governments and hired sheriffs. They no longer needed the Army for protection from the Native American. Today, there are towns that retain the 'Fort' as part of their name.

Posse Comitatus prevents the participation of the Army in Civl Law enforcement. It is in effect today with some exceptions; most having to do with emergencies on a national scale. Much of that is related to terrorism. National Guard are under state control and are generally not considered subject to Posse Comitatus.

Over the last few decades, local police have been provided military equipment and training: Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT), for example. This sounds fine to most citizens who want to feel safe from bad guys. 

However, there is something else happening.

For at least forty years, the US Army has placed military police in civilian police departments. These Military Police are part of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID). Officially, they serve as  detectives on Army Posts. Those who work in the civilian arena declare themselves to be “just like Federal Agents,” except they are not Federal Agents and their jurisdiction ends when they leave the Army Post. Representing themselves as such is a crime: “Impersonating a Federal Officer.” Continuing the deception and acting as law enforcement is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Both of these are Felonies and may be prosecuted at the State and Federal level. US Army personnel being present at, and involved, in a civilian crime scene is a crime.

They maintain offices located in civilian centers which are often many miles from the nearest Army Post. They were located on Maryland Parkway, just south of Flamingo Road in Las Vegas, NV.  Ft. Irwin, CA would be the closest Post, approximately 150 miles away. A soldier off-post has no civilian authority.

I believe their  purpose, along with the military personnel that train SWAT Teams, is to condition local police to the presence of military personnel, hence Martial Law.

They are utilized to effect clandestine (warrantless) searches and surveillance. Unless someone is aware of who the guys in cheap sport coats are, evidence obtained illegally may be used in court. They are able to vanish into the shadows, since they are not an official part of local law enforcement.

They partake in misdirection plays, such as guiding locals away from a protected suspect in order to maintain cover for a higher-level crime. For whom do they really work? They play both sides. They discover where a fence or drug dealer is working, and then demand a bribe. If that doesn't work, they “arrest” the person, separate a portion of the cash on hand for themselves and then call in the locals to “take over.” In some cases, they work for themselves.

They have been known to set fire to drug labs and then blame a fall guy. They have been caught at these crimes. Local police arrest them, but judges generally dismiss the case. They kill people when it suits them, including people who witness an “event.”

Many local uniformed police will ask for ID. When they discover the ID is Armed Forces, they may say, “You are out of your jurisdiction,” while many uniformed and “plain clothes” police will defer to the “Agent” and work with them. 

They gain entrance to the local police by introducing themselves as “Federal Agents.” If nobody checks ID, they are in. When the next person asks, “Who are those guys?”  the response is “Federal Agents.” There is no such thing as a generic federal agent. Federal Agents have ID from their respective agencies. Always ask to see it.

The next step in the infiltration is to discuss the name of a “known suspect.”  The name is not familiar to the locals, so the reaction is, “Wow, these guys are really tuned in, we've never heard of this guy.”  And then, there is a “cut-out” to provide a body on which to overlay the story.

He is likely a subject of MKUltra. Someone who is in this program has been drugged and hypnotized. While in a trance, they experience bright lights and trauma conditioning. They are given a word or phrase, called “the trigger.” It is a nonsense word or phrase unlikely to be encountered accidentally. It can only be heard by the subject at the sub-conscious level, and recreates a trance state. The subject is programmed to obey the command given when they hear the trigger.

This type of programming requires psychiatrists and psychologists. There are always willing participants in these fields. Some are in the military, and some are recruited from universities or private practice. It is known that the CIA ran this program for years, and that it originated in the German Schools of Psychiatry. There is no reason to believe that they have ceased. They have a direct line to Military Police.

The cover story is something like “He is the son of a big-time New Jersey gangster.” Everyone has seen The Godfather, so they think they are dealing with the likes of Michael Corleone. They don't tell them “His father is a Denver bookie with a card game in his basement” because they need a story that gets attention. In many cases, the cover story is far from the truth.

When a false flag operation is planned, the story will be ready to go and the fall guy selected will be on deck. Much of the the fall guy narrative is standard: loner, anti-social misfit, no romantic attachment, a drifter, which are customized to fit the contrived situation.

Because the subject is under mind control, they are watched closely. Phones are tapped, and they are followed. Employment opportunities are thwarted. Romantic possibilities are destroyed. The home is searched and bugged. Vehicles are sabotaged. If they are employed, a co-worker is found who will provide the handlers with updates on the subject, such as: “He said he has a date tonight.”

The subject can be triggered to do or not do certain things. He can experience loss of time, and not remember where he was or what happened. He may be “suggested” to plant a bomb or just be at a certain place at a specified time. Thus, he can be set up at an event for which he cannot provide an alibi.

At this point, the handler team works as investigative control: “Look this way, not that. We have a suspect we've been watching. This is what happened and how it happened.”  They have made allies within the local system to assist with promoting the narrative. The allies may or may not be aware that they are being guided to conduct investigations in a directed manner.

The CID conducting vendettas is a variation, but includes the same tactics. If a soldier had been a part of an investigation or operation while serving on active duty, he may be followed into civilian life. Investigations, especially Congressional, can result in forced resignations, early retirement or transfer. Operations that are to remain secret can cause a lot of damage if exposed. In these cases, “agents” act in the capacity of protection muscle.

A soldier may have witnessed a criminal event such as U.S. Air Force planes transporting large amounts of heroin. The concern that information may be released is motivation to create a narrative to impugn the character of the individual. If he tells what he knows, his story can be dismissed under the disgruntled employee scenario. Or he may meet with a fatal “accident.” The same goes for a witness to any controlled event.

For people who have not experienced this type of interference in their life, it can be impossible to comprehend. If someone befriends a subject, and has no way of knowing their background, it is not difficult to convince them the cover story is real. There will be a visit by the “credible federal agent” to the subject's new friend to present the “biography.” This will end the date tonight.

Everyone has heard of the Gestapo, and today's Deep State/Shadow Government. These agent' are part of that system. They are soldiers under cover within the civilian sector. The Deep State has taken the place of the King and his power. Perhaps the Deep State is only a front for the King.

Operation Paperclip was a program following WWII to bring scientists from Germany to help with the development of the Atomic bomb, jet engines, rocket propulsion, etc. My theory is that it was an avenue for State Police, Intelligence, politicians, teachers, and persons from every walk of life who had worked within the Nazi regime. In other words, an entire group of upper-echelon Nazis came to the United States. 

I recommend that you watch a few episodes of NCIS. This is a popular television show that depicts Navy police as Federal Agents. You will see them intersect with civilian police and encounter jurisdiction issues. You may see an episode where they work with the Army Militay Police. They kick in civilian doors for a little off-the-books snooping. This literal programming of the public teaches that this is all OK; all in the name of catching the bad guy.

There are movies which depict this such as Conspiracy Theory and the Jason Bourne series . They make clear the brainwashing, loss of time issues, and the control apparatus. See what happens when the the trigger no longer works, and how much effort is put forth to eliminate (kill) a subject they no longer control. The whole is more important than a single component. If they lose any of their own along the way, this same principal applies.

These stories also depict the true nature of these agencies which are created as a form of espionage to “protect the nation.” They are taken over by persons who use them for their own ideologies: usually, schemes that on the surface are to effect political outcomes, while using them to acquire large sums of money for themselves.

Propaganda, whether on an individual basis or society wide, is a means of  mind control. Propaganda is used to manipulate public opinion to create desired outcomes. You already know that advertising is propaganda to convince an individual that a product will deliver certain desired results.

Be aware of the message you are receiving.  

Entertainment, (fake) news, documentaries, and especially children's programming carry messages to create a mindset. Millions of dollars are spent every year producing content, and it reaps large rewards. False flags are the ultimate in propaganda and are nearly commonplace in today's world.

The shows that depict the hero living on the edge of danger, while disregarding laws, is propaganda. Society will accept Martial Law because they are being conditioned to believe all law enforcement is for the good of the whole. The public are propagandized to want to feel safe.

Other important propaganda talking points: 
  • The Constitution is out of date. 
  • The law means what we say it means. 
  • The ruling of a Judge is the final say. 

How does this come to be? In a word: ambition; the desire of individuals to be important and have power over others. They feel a need to be admired, even respected, at least for the perceived relevance they create.

Within the institution, the growth of influence is an outcome of individuals within the structure of the institution. The more regulations that can be created, the larger the institution grows, the more power it acquires, and the more personnel required to manage its ever-growing sphere of influence. Individuals, when allowed, will look for more relevant, exciting avenues in which to become involved.

An MP investigating black marketing by a supply sergeant, or theft in a barracks is fairly mundane. But, if that same individual can become a CID Agent, he can pass himself off as some sort of “secret agent” in a city police precinct, and suddenly he is looked up to. He has importance.

It is the natural evolution for a bureaucracy to grow, to take on ever increasing power over ever growing facets beyond its original intent. It is dangerous to a free society, and it can be especially dangerous if it includes the use of police powers. 

It can be deadly for a Republic such as accepting propaganda: “Sometimes bad guys have to be shot. Sometimes it takes place outside a restaurant where you are dining, or an entertainment venue. It is all necessary. You are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. If you see one of these events, don't say anything because what you think you saw never happened.”

On February 1st of this year, the San Bernardino County, CA Sheriff's Department began using a $160 million dollar digital radio system. It provides encryption for voice and data transmission. This will eliminate monitoring by anyone, including news agencies, hobbyists, and criminals. This type of system, known as SINCGARS, (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System) has been in use by the military for several years. They are not generally available to the public. Without knowing the home frequency, it is next to impossible to monitor any transmission.

It is now making its way into Civilian Law Enforcement. On its face, it seems to have sensible considerations to put this system into use. On the other hand, it can be worrisome as an indication of further militarization of civilian law enforcement. There is certainly need to protect the privacy of citizens' information going out on airways. Yet, it provides another layer of secrecy to police work. Even to the point of protecting wrongdoing by law enforcement personnel.

Citizens are not at war with their law enforcement. There is a need for citizen participation in law enforcement because criminal elements of our own military and government have infiltrated law enforcement, and are at war with us.

Bio: Jack Murray is a Viet Nam-era vet who was raised in a small college town in the wheat fields of the Northern Plains. After two years of college, he served as an Army Medic where he became aware of the CID. After this service, he continued to serve with the National Guard and earned a BA in Biology, and an MA in Economics. He has worked in management, ran his own business, and has lived in different areas of the country. He encountered the CID again while researching police practices, and became intrigued by what he discovered: what went on in one jurisdiction was also in all others.


  1. A good example is the FL shooting hoax... It was a psyop and nobody wants to investigate since the truth will come out.In the mean time unconstitutional laws and measures have been put in place.

    1. Step-by-step, Solar flare: their false flag narrative is yet another opportunity for the .01% psychopaths to be "on stage", with more and more seeing what actually exists:


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