Requesting my school district to remove military recruitment because of US illegal Wars of Aggression: how will colleagues, district, and students/parents respond???
"If you don't speak boldly and clearly about lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression , then you won't speak about anything important." ~ just some history teacher My wife prefers that I not make waves at work. But when the ongoing illegal US rogue state government makes constant waves of war killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions, I have to safely test those waters to discover if the tide has finally turned. My personality, left alone, would be to “go Gandhi or Dr. King” for organized lobbying, public demonstrations, and legal challenges. That said, because I listen to my wife (and she is right 99% of the time), I’ll limit my role as a contributing scholar and facilitator of communication regarding the following emerging contest. I won’t advocate, but simply discover status of my community to the factual claim of current illegal US Wars of Aggression. I’m curious if they’re finally ready to recognize this Emperor’s