What to expect when ‘We the People’ win over illegal .01% US rogue state empire: 1) temporary depression, 2) massive Truth, 3) unimaginable inspiration/breakthroughs. Are you ready?
The US is a lying and illegal rogue state empire ( full documentation and video walkthrough here ). This is ongoing history of empire: taking over as much of the world possible to control resources (natural and humans as work animals), and with propaganda in corporate media and public education for pretense of a constitutional republic. Importantly, the Roman Empire devolved from a republic into tragic-comic .01% oligarchic “eat their own” self-destruction, as did ancient Greek democracy voting for the death of Socrates rather than face his obvious questions about virtue within that wanna-be empire. There are three possible outcomes of this human condition: The empire wins, with tighter control over We the People to serve them. We the People win, after an Emperor’s New Clothes breakthrough of truth and .01% arrests for obvious crimes centered in war, looting, and lying. The contest continues as a type of school for humanity to discern truth from bullshit spin, and to ch...