
Showing posts from November, 2017

What to expect when ‘We the People’ win over illegal .01% US rogue state empire: 1) temporary depression, 2) massive Truth, 3) unimaginable inspiration/breakthroughs. Are you ready?

The US is a lying and illegal rogue state empire ( full documentation and video walkthrough here ). This is ongoing history of empire: taking over as much of the world possible to control resources (natural and humans as work animals), and with propaganda in corporate media and public education for pretense of a constitutional republic. Importantly, the Roman Empire devolved from a republic into tragic-comic .01% oligarchic “eat their own” self-destruction, as did ancient Greek democracy voting for the death of Socrates rather than face his obvious questions about virtue within that wanna-be empire. There are three possible outcomes of this human condition: The empire wins, with tighter control over We the People to serve them. We the People win, after an Emperor’s New Clothes breakthrough of truth and .01% arrests for obvious crimes centered in war, looting, and lying. The contest continues as a type of school for humanity to discern truth from bullshit spin, and to ch...

5-minute video: Earth/Humanity is in a time of summing up. How do you add all facts together for what Life equals, what you’d like to add and subtract, and where to go with your answers

Snordster’s five minutes of Visible’s blog : The most important facts to summarize: We the People live in a .01% lying & illegal rogue state empire Consider this:  Carl Herman   is a National Board Certified Teacher in Government, Economics, and History, also credentialed in Mathematics.   Jim Fetzer   (podcasts   here ,   here ) is Distinguished McKnight Professor of Philosophy Emeritus of the University of Minnesota Duluth; Founder,   Scholars for 9/11 Truth ; Editor,   Assassination Science ; Co-Editor,   Assassination Research , and author to over 30 books. Jim and Carl contribute nearly 100 years of academic training and professional experience in this four-part series to reveal among the most obvious lies of omission and commission keeping Americans ignorant of ongoing .01% US rogue state empire. Jim and Carl factually assert an  Emperor’s New Clothes  condition that Americans can easily see for ...

JFK assassination +54 years = overwhelming, irrefutable comprehensive proof killers were .01% US illegal rogue state empire demanding arrests in 2017 as ongoing murder accomplices after the fact

Kerry Cassidy’s outstanding 2-hour interview of JFK assassination experts Professor James Fetzer , Ole Dammegard , and Paladin : My 2016 interview with President John F. Kennedy: who assassinated me and why, American public’s opportunity today to cause peace :  Introduction:  Of ~100 various film clips I show high school US History students, over the years their favorite with demand to see the entire documentary is  Advanced Placement US History  teacher John Hankey’s documentary,  Dark Legacy . I’ve invested over 100 hours in research of the facts associated to causes for JFK’s assassination, and fully recommend Dark Legacy. I also fully recommend the works of  Jim Fetzer  (and  here for several researchers’ presentations , and  here for a 1-page summary ) and  Jim Marrs  on this subject. The evidence is overwhelming to prove US government assassination of President Kennedy in ~50 key areas. This evidence is even mor...