18-minute video: Hillary speaks typical .01% psychopathic evil of empty ideals NEVER addressing facts of illegal US rogue state empire annually killing millions, harming billions, looting trillions, AND blaming voters/Russia after DNC/Clinton stole primary from Sanders
hat tip: Prison Planet I’ve written about 40 articles documenting Trump as a tragic-comic wanna-be Roman Emperor, and that said, the propagandistic bullshit of Hillary Clinton are rich learning how We the People are farmed by the .01% rogue state empire class. 18 minutes of fascinating empty platitudes and misleading rhetoric from Clinton at Rutgers University pandered by a criminally-complicit academic (or brainwashed sheeple, as are the fawning audience): Facts of illegal US rogue state empire Among key facts: US ongoing lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression require all US military and government to refuse all war orders because there are no lawful orders for obviously unlawful wars. Officers are required to arrest those who issue obviously unlawful orders. And again, those of us working for this area of justice are aware of zero attempts to refute this with, “War law states (a, b, c), so the wars are legal beca...