2019 revolution (top-down & bottom-up) on 4 levels of .01% rogue state empires: US, global, exo-political/ET, and cosmic to allow such robust evil
“You can be amazing; you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug. You can be the outcast; or the backlash of somebody’s lack or love. Or you can start speaking up. ” ~ Sara Bareilles, Brave ( music video ) Revolution : from Latin revolutio, a “turn around” or return. Earth is in historic revolution at four levels, with 2019 analogous to The Emperor’s New Clothes when We the People trust our own eyes to see: Ongoing US illegal rogue state empire , lying for centuries to neocolonial-loot targeted “slave” groups (human resources) to parasitize natural resources, that annually kill millions , harm billions, and loot trillions . The empire’s lies are paper-thin, repeated in controlled corporate media and public education , and will be recognized and ended in a relative moment after We the People choose to look rather than take dictates from literal .01% psychopaths. Global neocolonialism from all so-called “developed” and “former” colonial powers,...