NoCal/SoCal ‘forest/brush fires’ that don’t burn trees but pulse energy to disintegrate buildings, vehicles! Fire Captain: ‘No plausible explanation except Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)’

heart-felt acknowledgements to all researchers:

3-minute security camera video of destroyed NoCal winery showing pulsing energy:

Witnesses reported what videos below show: pulsing blue lights coming from above, as well as apparently selective total destruction of buildings and vehicles that left neighboring buildings and all trees/vegetation untouched. In light of such facts inconsistent with ordinary fires, experts are helpful to consult if we wish to understand explanations that match those facts, and explanations that do not. Veteran Fire Captain John Lord witnessed the NoCal fires, and concludes the damages are not possible from brush/forest fires, but can only be accounted for from Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). 21-minute interview:

12-minute video of similar destruction from 9/11 in New York, and from China, Portugal, Iraq, Tennessee, Canada, and what we saw in NoCal:

9 minutes of how microwave weapons work, with analysis of fire films:

25-minute video discussing laser weapons and SoCal fire evidence:

6-minutes looking closer at SoCal damage:

4-minute analysis of possible directed microwave energy:

4-minute video of the fire destruction leaving streets perfectly clean:

20-minute interview of Debora Tavares showing NoCal fires locations fit exactly with public pushback against “smart meters,” and geographically exactly where PG&E located energy targets they admit in e-mails: 

21-minute video documenting NoCal burned areas match Agenda 21 targets for “redevelopment”:

4-minute video of a New York EMT describing apparent DEW weapons on 9/11:

What does this all mean? 

Among the facts we must consider to create meaning from the above data: ‘We the People’ live under an ongoing illegal rogue state empire that must be ended by .01% arrests. If you’re uncertain about this fact, please upgrade your learning (or refute it after examining the evidence).

Until the larger picture is embraced that includes arresting the .01% criminals engaging in such apparent events of DEW-engagement upon Americans at home, we can expect only more subjugation to their “leadership”.


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