Our choice: WW3 or recognizing post-9/11 US ‘wars on terror’ as lie-started, Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression

“You're the real deal in a world of imposters, and I've seen the program make men out of monsters.”  ~ Avert Brothers, True Sadness
The following are two submitted 1-page briefs requested by Jim Fetzer and Robert David Steele for 9/11 Truth: Citizen Intelligence Briefing for the President of the United States of America. 

Robert rejected the first one as unable to clearly address its topics within one page, liked the second and promised inclusion in the Briefing because the topic of lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression following 9/11 is crucial to understand the purpose of 9/11 as a false flag attack

The final editorial choice was to not include this topic, which I agree might distract from the principal subject of what happened on 9/11. 

Of course, a comprehensive briefing for a later date would include: 
  • relevant history of what happened before 9/11 to explain context of the false flag event, 
  • what the false flag event was intended to open for policy in the ongoing US rogue state empire,
  • what actually opened and evolved with policy since 9/11/2001, and
  • criminal collusion of leader-liars in corporate media and public education to intentionally “cover” 9/11 Truth with disinformation.
Our collective purpose for public and official communication is Emperor’s New Clothes breakthrough of game-changing facts to reveal and end a lying, looting rogue state annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions

Of course, the importance of We the People reaching critical mass to recognize the above objective facts, along with expressing intellectual integrity and moral courage to speak the Truth is in stark contrast with the specter of World War 3.

We invite insiders to abandon the monsters they serve, reclaim their hearts and integrity, and rejoin the human race in roles they’re uniquely positioned to act upon.

For public consideration, here are the two briefs.

First brief:

Recognizing post-9/11 US “wars on terror” as lie-started, Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression

Post-9/11 US armed attacks to destroy “terror” are easily proved by US government documents as started with lies known to be false as they were told, and as illegal Wars of Aggression. Complete documentation in this peer-reviewed published paper, and this White Paper circulated among interested Members of Congress. Highlights:
  • The facts are Emperor’s New Clothes obvious to prove the lies and illegality. Those of us working on these points are unaware of any attempt to ethically refute these facts such as, “war law states a, b, c, so the wars are legal because d, e, f.” 
  • Two world wars resulted in ~100 million deaths, and inspired two US treaties that make military armed attack illegal in all cases except a narrow definition of self-defense from another government’s imminent or actual attack on one’s own nation.
  • US “official reasons” for war are easily demonstrated as known lies, such as Iraq:
    • had WMD (all 16 US intelligence agencies documented zero threat to the US), 
    • had aluminum tubes only usable for nuclear weapons (DOE and IAEA reported them as impossible to use for that purpose), 
    • Saddam attempted to purchase enriched uranium from Niger (CIA reported this claim was based on crude forgery, and refuted by multiple and all on-the-ground professionals),
    • Saddam worked with Al Qaeda (all 16 US intelligence agencies reported zero evidence).
  • US corporate media (six corporations) are criminally complicit to repeat these lies.
O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation as official first name) follows a history of treaty-violating US wars to maximize control of planetary resources (natural, financial, and human). Costs include annual millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted:
The obvious response of the Executive Branch is arrests of those .01% “leaders” and liars causing these colossal damages. The US Supreme Court supports immediate declaration that any so-called “laws” passed to commit obvious crimes are void, with US military trained to refuse illegal orders (no order for illegal war can be legal). The origin of the United States is patriots factually asserting their own government as illegally violating guaranteed rights.

If you prefer analogies to translate data into accurate stories, try here, here, here.


Second brief:

Recognizing post-9/11 US “wars on terror” as lie-started, Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression
11 July 2018

9/11 is a fraud by the US upon the world including ongoing unlawful Wars of Aggression. The crime of 9/11 as to who did what, when, where, and related facts for analysis of why is a separate, challenging, and revealing topic I defer to others. I’ll stick to the easy explanation and documentation to prove US/UK/UN unlawful Wars of Aggression after 9/11.

Analogies help put facts into perspective; the following populations are mathematically accurate representing the US (United City), Afghanistan (Afghan City), Iraq (Tigris City), and Iran (Tehrangeles) all having populations of 100,000. Complete documentation are in this peer-reviewed published paper, and this White Paper circulated among Members of Congress.

Once upon a time… you live in United City with a population of 100,000. On September 11, 2001, a reported “suicide” car driver downtown kills one person and injures two. Media and your mayor, Dick Tator, blame a “terrorist” who resides in Afghan City, and demand extradition. The mayor of Afghan City expresses condolences, and agrees to arrest anyone for the crime of 9/11, or any other crime, upon presentment of evidence. The FBI claim jurisdiction, and order cooperation for factual discovery of all involved to have lawful arrests and prosecutions for this crime. Dick Tator refuses to provide any evidence, then violates the FBI order with the following actions against Afghan City, Tigris City, and Tehrangeles:
  • Bombs and invades Afghan City. The bombing and invasion affects everyone, with at least 100 killed and 150 wounded. Resultant poverty now kills one in ten children. Dick Tator and his soldiers killed 100 times more Afghan civilians than died from 9/11, and in OBVIOUS violation of law.
  • Bombs and invades Tigris City. The bombing and invasion cause  ~6,500 deaths and injure over 40,000. Dick Tater targeted and destroyed Tigris City’s water treatment plants, electricity, and key bridges. Tigris City had nothing to do with the one person killed on 9/11. Of course, this is also an OBVIOUS crime.
  • Threatens to attack Tehrangeles: Dick Tator and his media lie that their mayor is a “threat to peace.” The FBI regularly inspect the alleged threat and find no evidence. Dick Tator and his media take a speech by Tehrangeles’ mayor for rule of law in another city, and lie that the Tehrangeles is threatening to wipe their neighbors “off the map.” Dick Tator threatens to use a nuclear weapon as a first strike because Tehrangeles is a “threat to peace.” And yes, these threats are more OBVIOUS crimes.
Costs to United City: The unlawful attacks and occupations cost United City residents long-term ~$25,000 per resident, ~$100,000 for a family of four. Few soldiers have died, but 50 have been injured and many severely for a “suicide” car crash that killed one United citizen and injured two. Most United City residents feel they’ve been lied to, resent losing rights “for their own safety,” but still follow lying media and “official” explanations. Other cities hope that enough of United’s citizens and soldiers recognize Dick Tator’s War Crimes, war embezzlement, and propaganda to arrest the criminals and end the wars.

Real-world cost data: ~$6 to $8 trillion now for US taxpayers (and counting), ~15,000 US military and contractors killed with ~1,000,000 disabled, ~22 US veteran suicides per day (~8,000/year), a range of 370,000 killed in the invaded nations to 2.4 million in Iraq alone, with ~10 million people displaced. 

But if you prefer analogies, here and here are two others.

Costs of War/Brown University (high resolutions here, here)

And just because it's helpful, the usual closing for public consideration:

‘We the People’’s choice: choose and participate in this rogue state, or demand .01% arrests

If you’re ok with what you find on Earth, please continue living in it. 

If, however, you wish something more virtuous, you must think, speak, and take actions to arrest .01% “leaders” responsible for these documented and ongoing crimes as required beginning to create a brighter future. 
Also: please consider that .01% lying “leaders” ok with killing millions have even darker self-expressions. This includes pedophilia, and emerging public disclosures of UK Prime Ministers and US Presidents as pedophiles. 

And it will get worse before it gets better. 

Data for .01% arrests:

The categories of crime include:
  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).
  2. Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
  3. Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
  4. Looting trillions in measurable damages of ~$1,000,000 per average US household. I know, I know, but this colossal amount is part of my professional peer-reviewed and published work that we find zero refutations against the data we present in good-faith integrity.
US military, law enforcement, and all with Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, face an endgame choice:
In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk):
3-minute videoPolice, Military – Was your Oath sincere?
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.

Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu

Note: My work from 2012 to October, 2017 is on Washington’s Blog. Work back to 2009 is blocked by Examiner.com (and from other whistleblowers), so some links to those essays are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive (blocked author pages: herehere).


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