2019 interview with Socrates: Are Earth’s sheeple damned for psychopathic dictatorship and voting to execute Truth? Or are White Hat insiders unveiling ‘The Great Awakening’ for inescapable and final Truth? (8 of ?)
“We cannot fix the exact point at which our empire shall stop; we have reached a position in which we must not be content with retaining but must scheme to extend it, for, if we cease to rule others, we are in danger of being ruled.” ~ Alcibiades in 415 BC according to Thucydides, arguing for Athenian empire similar to current US “leadership” rhetoric today for more OBVIOUSLY LIE-STARTED AND ILLEGAL wars on Syria , Iran , Venezuela , etc., etc., etc. Socrates was blamed for "teaching" Alcibiades, among evidence for his "crime" of "corrupting the young." Socrates is sitting on a bench facing the ocean at a resort on the Big Island of Hawaii’s west coast. I approach behind him. Language warning: Socrates and I speak in the same language that caused his execution for “corrupting the young.” Carl: Amazing, right? Socrates: (still looking out) More beautiful than Greece with these insanely colorful flowers. And the night sky reveals the star...