
Showing posts from March, 2021

64-minute video: Need to Know news for lucid analysis and commentary on current events (March 29, 2021)

  Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer , Chris Weinert, and I discuss current events here on BitChute (censored on YouTube).   Want to learn more about false flags and conspiracies? For ~25 years I’ve learned from Professor Fetzer’s academic work; he offers 24 free video presentations from the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference . Context: American Revolution 2.2 2020: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS I’m a professional historian with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress on ending poverty that led to  two UN Summits for heads of state , have written ~1,000 articles since 2009 with ~50 million page views that include  published research , and was recognized by two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best high school teachers among ~20,000 teachers in Central L.A.  I also wrote a 2005  ~40-page White Paper  circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice Preside...

Ready for another game-changer? Tartaria was a global civilization with free energy, healing centers, classic architecture that our Evil .01% ‘reset’ ~200 years ago then claimed as their own (mud floods, World’s Fairs, star forts, and more)

As a professional historian with published research , I’m one of hundreds in independent media who explain, document, and prove the United States is an ongoing criminal rogue state empire . The abundant lies of omission and commission to propagandize empire start in corporate media , then are placed in school text books . The annual costs of the .01% psychopath class include millions killed , billions harmed, and trillions looted . If you believe anything claimed by proven Orwellian-liars acting as “official” empire “leaders,” you are a sheeple. Sheeple ignore the objective and independently verifiable data of the first paragraph to believe the US-led wars are for peace , exponential debt means prosperity, we had a fair election in 2020 , our leaders care about children , and forcing people to wear masks and never get close to other humans while forbidding “non-essentials” to work is  for our safety . Reflection upon the above documented data that expose the US as the leading...

Challenging our public school district’s obedience of county ‘health’ ‘orders’: Superintendent claims forever ‘health orders’ are legal, then refuses to explain/cite how, then refuses further communication. 100 teachers briefed; zero support! (11 of ?)

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”   ~ George Orwell, 1984,  Book 1, Chapter 7 Perhaps the most helpful format for communication:  Summary  of events from September 2020 to the most recent article,  Specific updates  as they occur, and  Preview  of coming events. History:  ( articles  1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  5 ,  6 ,  7 ,  8 ,  9 ,  10 ,  11 ,  12 ,  13 ,  14 ,  15 ,  16 ,  17 ,  18 ,  19 ,  20 ,  21 ,  22 ,  23 ,  24 ,  25 ,  26 ,  27 ,  28 ,  29 ,  30 ,  31 ,  32 ,  33 ,  34 ,  35 ,  36 ,  37 ,  38 ,  39 ,  40 ,  41 ,  42 ,  43 ,  44 ,  45 ,  46 ,  47 ,  48 ,  49 ,  50 ,  51 ,  52 ,  53 ,  54 , ...