Ready for another game-changer? Tartaria was a global civilization with free energy, healing centers, classic architecture that our Evil .01% ‘reset’ ~200 years ago then claimed as their own (mud floods, World’s Fairs, star forts, and more)

As a professional historian with published research, I’m one of hundreds in independent media who explain, document, and prove the United States is an ongoing criminal rogue state empire. The abundant lies of omission and commission to propagandize empire start in corporate media, then are placed in school text books. The annual costs of the .01% psychopath class include millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted.

If you believe anything claimed by proven Orwellian-liars acting as “official” empire “leaders,” you are a sheeple.

Sheeple ignore the objective and independently verifiable data of the first paragraph to believe the US-led wars are for peace, exponential debt means prosperity, we had a fair election in 2020, our leaders care about children, and forcing people to wear masks and never get close to other humans while forbidding “non-essentials” to work is for our safety.

Reflection upon the above documented data that expose the US as the leading criminal gangster of a global empire lying about everything important should have people conclude that the stories the liars push about human history must also be coverups of imperial Crimes Against Humanity. In fact, the only reasonable response of citizens is to demand .01% arrests from any rational analysis of history up to ongoing current events.

This article is to brief you on history I’ve been exploring for the last year, and builds upon my professional documentation that Earth had previous advanced civilizations proven by megalithic architecture of stone heavier than can be used in construction today, worked with greater precision than possible today, and cut stone 50 times faster than our best current tools (consider also my Red Pill 101 documentation). 

I’ll share some resources I’ve found helpful to introduce you to a more recent advanced global civilization researchers are generally calling Tartaria, literally “wiped off the maps” about 200 years ago, featuring:

  • “Official” claims of US cities built in impossibly-short time frames in the 1800s. Consider the 1878 panorama photo of San Francisco showing advanced architecture for perhaps 100,000 people when just 30 years’ earlier his-story claims ~1,000 population. Also consider the wondrous beauty of the San Francisco 1915 World’s Fair. Perhaps this 14-minute video is the first to consider.
  • ~100 “World Fairs” of “temporary” glorious architecture built in the impossible claimed time of 2 years when modern professionals estimate at least a decade if ever, then destroyed to remove evidence of Tartarian inspirational beauty (chronological list at end of book here).
  • Mudfloods perhaps connected to Tartarian geothermal energy being destroyed and causing liquified mud to escape to the surface from steam pressure, and/or natural disasters such as the 1811-‘12 New Madrid earthquakes.
  • Star forts using fractal designs as energy amplifiers.
  • “Churches” as energy centers for healing.
  • Hundreds of thousands of orphaned children in the early 1800s.
  • Tartarian history is connected to human giants (a literally huge history).
  • Want to go to the moon? Try this: the moon is a mirror image of Earth’s realms (and here).

My analysis: Earth’s psychopathic .01% bloodlines hell-bent to dominate humanity as their slave species somehow used technology to force Tartaria into surrender, then erased their history while claiming some of the architecture as their own. Our wanna-be masters must suppress free energy and health because their control over humanity requires our fear and desperate reliance on their “leadership” or else We the People would end their empire. 


  • One World Tartarians: The greatest civilization ever to be erased from history with abundant photos by James W. Lee, and three articles (here, here, here).
  • I’ll only offer this introduction to the first: the “official” timeline and documents of the world’s fair held in Omaha, Nebraska from June 1 to November 1 in 1898 is that the entire grounds you’ll see in this video was not even selected as a location until late 1897, and typical of these “world’s fair” stories, the entire 180 acre site was excavated, plumbed for electricity and water fountains, poured, built, landscaped, and adorned with enormous statues in less than a year. The central 2,000 foot-long water way for boat traffic was encircled by 21 classical-style buildings you’ll see momentarily, and crossed by an ornate double-arched central bridge. Please consult with construction experts for their confirmation that such a project is 100% impossible with today’s technologies, and made even more ridiculous with 1898 tech at a city alleged to be “founded” only 40 years previous. The “official” story is that these multi-storied and ornate classic buildings were made of “temporary” materials, that despite their ability to safely hold the loads of human traffic, were “meant” to be destroyed at the ends of all these “fairs.” The destruction is the removal of physical evidence of previously “reset” human civilizations, seems the more likely explanation. Busy Baci’s 36-minute Omaha 1898, Nebraska World’s Fair - Trans-Mississippi Exposition (Main buildings) Part I: 
  • Some of the game-changing video evidence below (another excellent introduction first, then in no particular order).


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. 


  1. Tartaria.

    I'm still going through the vast amount of material that you have directed me towards (I found Jon Levi to be shallow and narcissistic and so have avoided him).

    Chicago Columbia Exposition 1893- Was it built, or was it an ancient city repaired?

    The World Fair of Columbia video you posted really got me to thinking about the complexity of the architectural design and construction of the vast array of buildings covering almost 700 acres on the Chicago 1893 World Fair site known as the Chicago Columbia Exposition.

    One word: Incredible.

    The notion that these buildings were completed in two short years (1891 to 1893) is not credible and in fact total nonsense. In addition, the background of Burnham and Root , the two draftmen (not architects) involved in the project, and the marriage of one to financial backer and possible Khazarian Mafia man John Sherman and the anomalous number of deaths in this social circle draw even greater suspicion on the whole idea that these people created and built the entire site from scatch. No way. Instead and more believable is that these people are involved in a cover-up of buildings that existed before they took control of the site.

    The buildings themselves are beautiful to look at and I imagine walking through and amongst them would be up-lifting to the spirit.
    Very ornate which is to say you see detail at every scale of the design. At the inches scale you see something interesting, at the yard scale you see something interesting and so on. This level of attention to detail tells me that some unique unknown kind of construction technique was involved. The amount of manual labor seems unbelievable particularly in light of the alleged two year timespan.
    The complex curves in the building structures, domes, walls implies a great deal of craftmanship skill and experience.
    Where the heck did the designers learn to build like this?
    I have no idea. But wherever it was, it was not from around here.

    It is alleged that the buildings were torn down or destroyed by fire because of their temporary, and unstable nature. Looking at the size and shape of this buildings I see nothing temporary in their construction. They are as solid as granite.
    The buildings were purposely destroyed.
    Photographs of the site cost $2 which in todays dollars would be approx. $60. That is quite a deterrent to document the beauty of this location.

    1. ...part 2...

      After watching several more of these types of Lost Civilization 'Tartaria' videos ( I also watched several from the Youtube channel Autodidactic) I began to formulate some speculative lines of reasoning for the ornate-ness and high level of detail in the buildings themselves.
      Such a design could never be financially profitable when measured using traditional means (rental income , tenants, leaseholds, etc). It just would not be profitable to create such buildings all over the world and then use them as they are being used now.
      I felt something was/is missing.

      I remembered the old engineering principle of 'Form Follows Function'.
      What if the ornate design of these buildings was not just beautiful to behold, but what if is was NECESSARY?
      Absolutely necessary in fact.
      Imagine why such a design would be necessary?
      I came up with one reason.
      What if these buildings were built in such a fashion because the design itself allowed them to harness the free atmospheric electromagentic energy in the air and the ground thereby making them independent generators of electricity?

      Wouldn't that be an incredible thought?
      In other words, they are designed with complex curves, spindles, pointed spear-like posts, domes with curbs and so forth because the engineers knew that this type of geometrical structure could tap into the ambient free electromagnetic energy of the earth ?
      No connections to any centralized electrical grid system would be required. Each building would be independently powered. Perhaps the large open air volume just below the roofs of such buildings was filled with a plasma like light energy that provided illumination to all the visitors down below. Now that would be a sight to see.

      I think that is exactly why the buildings have the design they do. And because mother nature's design is parsimonious , robust and simultaneously beautiful, the final appearance is very attractive and appealing to the human eye.

      Pretty awesome if you ask me.

      As an aside, I began to look into alternative human history with Anatoly Fomenko's work on the Antiquity and the fabricated 'Dark Ages' several years ago.
      From that I am now convinced that documented human history is less than five hundred years old (the Egyptian Pyramids are entirely fabricated and less than 300 years old). Before that, it is entirely possible that the earth was populated by a very advanced civilization, a world where we have lost almost all records of.

      In closing I should say that I left this area of study about four years ago and now your post has motivated me to begin again.

      I'll look into it some more and let you know...


    2. Thank you for your excellent analysis, Robert.

      Yup: impossible construction story of "two years" and with all appearances for building geometry designed for energy.

      If/when we win, we'll have an entire history to learn and build from. Something wiped this civilization out, and our current psychopath leaders are connected to the coverup at least.

  2. How to suppress a surge and avoid free energy...

  3. Wishing we will morph into something more LOVING, kinder and STRONGER 🍀


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