61-minute video: definitive proofs of ancient technology bigger, faster, better than ‘modern.’ From ‘Atlantis,’ alien, or both?
Ancient alien history: yes, you should look given ‘official histories’ about everything important are EASILY proven lies, AND there’s an evidentiary bridge proving superior lost technology in literal rock-solid evidence
“There are three scales of intelligence, one which understands by itself, a second which understands what is shown it by others, and a third which understands neither by itself nor on the showing of others.” ~ Niccolò Machiavelli. The Prince, Chapter XXII, page 172 (London: Oxford University Press, 1913) Translated by Ninian Hill Thomson
In appreciation of all researchers as a humble scholar learning and sharing. I strongly advise neutral Internet search engines; not Google (I use duckduckgo).
I promise this investment of time helpful to comprehensively answer fundamental questions of who humans are, what our history really is, when this history began, where we’ve come from, and other contextual facts to assist with the subjective question of why.
This essay has five parts, with links in each section to document factual claims:
- Recent so-called “history” (his story) taught in public schools and corporate media is .01% propaganda to support ongoing .01% illegal and lying rogue state empire using humans as work animals, with intent to cull the sheeple herd to minimal numbers. This is easy to prove. Therefore, importantly and obviously, you shouldn’t be surprised that all actual history is unimaginable.
- There is abundant evidence of ancient technology superior to “modern” capacities. There are compelling scientific proofs that previous human civilizations experienced extinction-level asteroid or comet collisions starting and ending the Younger Dryas ~12,000 years ago.
- There is abundant historical evidence of “official” theories being overturned by new evidence, with many of Earth’s brightest and educated minds confident about facts to explore what “officials” smear as “wacky conspiracy theories” in the present.
- Historical summary of testimony and objective evidence for Ancient Alien presence on Earth.
- Video presentations to explain Ancient Aliens leading to possible disclosure to humanity.
1. Recent history versus .01%'s "his stories"
Explore the links for explanation, documentation, and proof beyond reasonable doubt for all factual claims:
Ancient alien history: yes, you should look given ‘official histories’ about everything important are EASILY proven lies, AND there’s an evidentiary bridge proving superior lost technology in literal rock-solid evidence
“There are three scales of intelligence, one which understands by itself, a second which understands what is shown it by others, and a third which understands neither by itself nor on the showing of others.” ~ Niccolò Machiavelli. The Prince, Chapter XXII, page 172 (London: Oxford University Press, 1913) Translated by Ninian Hill Thomson
In appreciation of all researchers as a humble scholar learning and sharing. I strongly advise neutral Internet search engines; not Google (I use duckduckgo).
I promise this investment of time helpful to comprehensively answer fundamental questions of who humans are, what our history really is, when this history began, where we’ve come from, and other contextual facts to assist with the subjective question of why.
This essay has five parts, with links in each section to document factual claims:
- Recent so-called “history” (his story) taught in public schools and corporate media is .01% propaganda to support ongoing .01% illegal and lying rogue state empire using humans as work animals, with intent to cull the sheeple herd to minimal numbers. This is easy to prove. Therefore, importantly and obviously, you shouldn’t be surprised that all actual history is unimaginable.
- There is abundant evidence of ancient technology superior to “modern” capacities. There are compelling scientific proofs that previous human civilizations experienced extinction-level asteroid or comet collisions starting and ending the Younger Dryas ~12,000 years ago.
- There is abundant historical evidence of “official” theories being overturned by new evidence, with many of Earth’s brightest and educated minds confident about facts to explore what “officials” smear as “wacky conspiracy theories” in the present.
- Historical summary of testimony and objective evidence for Ancient Alien presence on Earth.
- Video presentations to explain Ancient Aliens leading to possible disclosure to humanity.
1. Recent history versus .01%'s "his stories"
- Public education’s “official” curriculum abundantly lies in omission and commission in all subjects to obscure history into Disneyfied fantasy that “good” American “leader
- Public education’s “official” curriculum abundantly lies in omission and commission in all subjects to obscure history into Disneyfied fantasy that “good” American “leadership” is “winning” an ongoing struggle to bring “freedom” to the world from “evil-doers.”
- Actual US history is expanding Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire. This is easily demonstrated by adding a few objective data points, and pointing out a few obvious lies of commission. “Official” history isn’t innocent error, but intentional propaganda to hide American empire (link includes video discussions with Professor Jim Fetzer to fully explain and document this game-changing evidence).
- Corporate media is propaganda to “teach” adults.
- Empires loot, plain and simple. American sheeple are, of course, targeted and looted by the tens of trillions. Monetary reform and public banking are two reforms documented since Ben Franklin wrote about colonial Pennsylvania operating without need to tax. Benefits of these two reforms are ~$1,000,000 per US household. You literally have nothing more valuable to learn, and must, or you can kiss your assets goodbye to “required austerity.” Economic solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out have been documented since Bucky Fuller over 50 years ago.
- In summary, the US is not limited government under a constitution, but systematically removing rights once asserted as God-given and secured by government to defend Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. US military and government employees are Oath-bound to recognize illegal and lying empire, refuse to obey illegal orders (there are no lawful orders for illegal Wars of Aggression), and arrest those who issue them.
- It gets worse:
- our “leaders” have poverty and war-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years, harmed billions, and looted tens of trillions.
- The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (a fraction of colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history.
- The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions.
- When challenged, they assassinate threats such as President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and hundreds more.
- Our .01% opponents overthrow democracies challenging global empire: 80+ since World War 2.
- They engage in democide: murder by government to keep our numbers low and weak through fluoride, vaccines, GMO non-foods, and many other attacks on our vitality (explore).
- A dark, deep topic on its own: they are pedophiles.
- Earth suffers from ongoing rogue state empires for .01% parasitic and psychopathic domination, with the US as the current leading neocolonial power.
- These lying leaders want poverty to force humans into serving the empire rather than suffer the fate of those not serving for slave-level wages.
- Humanity is in an Emperor's New Clothes moment (more analogies here): so many messengers are pointing and clearly voicing these facts anyone can see who cares to look, and for now the psychopathic parade of evil continues.
It should also be obvious that people competent to live with freedom must demand .01% arrests for ongoing crimes annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.
- Anti-gravity or superior lifting and transport machinery,
- superior tools for faster and more precise megalithic construction,
- symmetrical precision impossible for hand-guided work and not yet attempted at the scale in these examples with modern computer-guidance.
To understand how massive modern-day machinery needs to be in order to lift 1,000 tons, watch this for two minutes starting at 7:02:
2. Superior tools: Brien Foerster’s 7 minutes of ancient cutting tools superior to today, including drills with cutting speed literally 500 times faster than modern equipment:
Phenomenal Travel's 7 minutes on ancient drill holes to split granite in India, only possible today with high-speed diamond-tipped drills or similar technology:
UnchartedX’s excellent 47-minute Evidence for ancient high technology - part 1: machining:
UnchartedX’s 47-minute Evidence for ancient high technology - part 3: Quarrying and moving ancient monuments!:
UnchartedX’s 35-minute The MOST precisely made granite object of Ancient Egypt - and why it's NOT geopolymer!
We are taught in public school to encourage creative thinking, and honor courageous breakthroughs pioneered by people like Galileo, Gandhi, and Dr. King. That said, "official voices" also smear such voices when challenging US Empire in our world of the present, such as the CIA inventing the term "conspiracy theory" to avoid direct factual challenges to their propaganda. This specific repeated term was to silence refutations of the "official" JFK assassination claims, which you should explore to prove fully our .01% leader-liars will openly kill challengers (including Dr. King, as proven by their family civil trial verdict that US agents assassinated Martin). This doublethink is typical to apply ethics to areas not challenging .01% power, and apply propaganda when challenged.
This said, the average American cannot imagine just how creative and out-of-the-box our brightest minds actually think. For examples, did you know this about the co-founders of calculus, Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes?
- Newton believed alchemy is possible: what we can simply describe today as God’s math to add and subtract atomic particles to instantly transform one element into another. His literal million words of documentation demonstrate this as the single topic he concluded most compelling, melding science with spirituality, and keeping secret to avoid execution as a heretic (consider Bruno, along with Galileo, etc.).
- Descartes’ conclusions of mathematics also connected to God, with his attention founding modern philosophy. Take to heart his words how rare it is to encounter open minds, and “official” response to condemn then ban his books:
This relatively brief article is just a taste of much, much more.
I find zero internal or external inconsistencies that humans were captured long ago by an invading alien species, then cultivated as a slave race. This is obviously an extraordinary claim that I support with extraordinary evidence as a National Board Certified History teacher also credentialed in Mathematics, with published research, and with personal history helping shape and present ~300 policy briefs to Members of Congress on ending poverty.
This means the following summary and video explanation is likely worth your attention, but not presented with the level of certainty from having my hands on all source material.
First: 20 minute game-changing video of professional forensic analysis with X-Ray and CTscan of mummified alien-human hybrid remains to confirm these being exist, and have interacted with humans for literal thousands of years:
Second: Universe Inside You's outstanding 16-minute brief of Sumerian history records (~2400 BC) that Anunnaki came from ships in the sky, genetically created humans as a slave race, created bloodline rulers easier to control, with perhaps their hidden hand still controlling bloodline rulers today:
Third: Gregg Braden with 27 minutes from Gaia: The Untold Story of A Progenitor Race… The Seeds of Re -Civilization:
- US Secret Space Program has discovered solar system artifacts of what they call The Ancient Builder Race that go back 1.8 billion years (no, I don’t know how these are allegedly dated).
- ~500,000 years ago, a planet in our solar system was destroyed in an interstellar war, the remains of which is our Asteroid Belt, and with evidence from the blasted southern hemisphere of Mars.
- Xenon isotope mass on Mars is evidence of ancient nuclear war (published and peer-reviewed scientific paper).
- The few survivors escaped to Earth within the Moon; a hollowed and ancient space ship (evidence refuting “official” claims of what our moon is here).
- The Earth already had advanced underground civilizations, and on-surface genetic experiments (including human) by advanced ET groups.
- The survivors, named Pre-Adamites, manipulated ancient human DNA to create a slave race. This became a global civilization, with megalithic evidence still on Earth discussed in section 2 above. They established a base on what is now Antartica.
- Pre-Adamites have elongated skulls, with abundant examples found in skeletons and art.
- Pre-Adamites are the “gods” of the Old Testament, and mythology that include Greek and Roman Gods. Note that these religious stories are of an advanced “super power” race who were/are particularly vicious and would fight/war on each other. Haven’t you wondered how and why these beings were so evil? Could they literally be inhuman, without humanity, and heartless compared with ordinary human ontology and physiology?
- Pre-Adamites redeveloped cosmic weapons of mass destruction, and were attacked again by cosmic enemies. This is the evidence of ancient nuclear wars on Earth (here, here). They were also devastated by Younger Dryas planetary extinction events described in section 2.
- Surviving Pre-Adamites went underground and became a hidden “priest class” in Egypt. When the Roman Empire captured Egypt, a deal was made for these advanced but evil beings to move their archives and selves to a current stronghold at the Vatican. So-called religious headwear allows these beings to camouflage among non-elongated-skull humans.
- The Vatican library holds abundant evidence from Pre-Adamite culture.
- Pre-Adamites use bloodlines to control empires; and have essentially repeated their historical evil that led to planetary destruction. This is the world we see in the present I discussed in section 1.
- Different evil aliens cut a deal with the Nazis to trade technology for global domination. This breakaway Nazi faction strategically sacrificed Germany to infiltrate and takeover the US via Operation Paperclip, coordinated disinformation, and used threats and attacks to control various “leaderships” in key areas of government, finance, media, education, medicine, and more. This seems to match the US of the present: a neo-fascist empire viewing We the People as human resources to cull and control.
- The current status includes hundreds of ET groups working with humans in various ways, with a major solar event completing this major ~25,000-year episode of evolution. This is a kind of "harvest" whereby human souls either "graduate" if they've proved themselves more honest and virtuous than not, or return to similar Earthly conditions to again be tested if they value truth and virtue for everyone rather than selfish material gain as hidden and lying parasites.
- A combination of Divine/ET interventions with human networks scrambling to reveal and end Earth’s evil empire(s) have ascended to be on the verge of victory. This has led to ~60,000 sealed federal indictments.
I also recommend David Icke's work. I've read three books, attended a full-day presentation, and have invested perhaps 50 hours with his videos over ~10 years. From among his last full-day presentations, here's an excellent and comprehensive view of his 30+ years' work:
Want more?
I've personally inspected and fully recommend all of the following:
Professor Jim Fetzer's 54 minutes documenting evidence of faked "moon mission" photos, and other Emperor's New Clothes obvious "official" lies regarding US moon travel. Another excellent video presentation here with Scott Henderson for ~90 minutes with literally ~50 game-changing proofs.
Documentary evidence of giants here, here, here; videos here, here, here, here.
Crop circles are not man-made, as proved by over a dozen game-changing facts.
Wanttoknow.info's documentation of UFOs, including excellent documentaries.
Best-selling author Jim Marrs' Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, and Our Occulted History.
Phenomenal Travel Videos' 5-minute video of ancient Indian carvings and history of shape-shifting reptilian aliens. Reptilian-type beings are recorded in India for at least 2,500 years.
Dr. Robert Schoch of Boston University explaining in 15 minutes that the Sphinx in Egypt is tens of thousands of years old.
Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project, and especially his near-four-hour brief: UFOs and the Deep National Security State.
Forbidden Archeology by Cremo and Thompson.
DNA tests of fossilized body parts of giants confirmed as human: 36-inch left palm translating to ~50 foot living being (~40 minutes of 43-minute video).
Powerful evidence for reincarnation here; video here, which helps to have a much broader interpretation of Life and what is possible over greater periods of time.
I've watched over 100 Project Camelot interviews over the last dozen years; some are far beyond what I am factually confident to prove, and some close enough for me to conclude the information is highly plausible. All have been of interest.
I've watched perhaps a dozen excellent documentaries from Gaia.
Edge of Wonder's sharp 7 minutes of a 6-inch apparently alien mummy scientifically verified as an authentic previously living being.
Above Majestic, a 2018 documentary on secret space programs and related intelligence, as well as an endgame of .01% arrests. David Wilcock's article to explain, and 2-minute trailer:
A bonus 5-minute analogy that perhaps humans will find unimaginable cooperation and friendship when we earn a place above being fooled by relatively juvenile and transparent trickery. Pingu goes fishing:
Fetzer is a 💩🤡 fraud
ReplyDeleteGoldstein leaves a turd, calls it a “comment”, then calls someone else the fraud.
DeleteGoldstein and such clowns’ time to disinform, distract, and dodge our most important topics to discern objective fact from literal thousands of years of lies are over.
Choose carefully, Goldstein: you will have the future you empower with thoughts, words, and actions. What you reveal is your future in Clowntopia who shit on professional scholars: you might want to reconsider, but that’s up to you.
How childish and stupid!
DeleteLove you guys. Keep o keeping on. The world may be fucked on many levels AND there are still
ReplyDeletemany moral, loving peoples. If the fucker warlords, devil, pricktards want a fight, they may be on their own. What insidious Aholes. Praying the the Creator rips them apart. So tired of the BS.