66-minute video: Need to Know news for lucid analysis and commentary on current events (March 25, 2021)

 Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer, David Scorpio, and I discuss current events here on BitChute (censored on YouTube). 

For ~25 years I’ve learned from Professor Fetzer’s academic work; he offers 24 free video presentations from the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference.

Context: American Revolution 2.2 2020: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS

I’m a professional historian with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress on ending poverty that led to two UN Summits for heads of state, have written ~1,000 articles since 2009 with ~50 million page views that include published research, and was recognized by two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best high school teachers among ~20,000 teachers in Central L.A. 

I also wrote a 2005 ~40-page White Paper circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for those lie-started Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression (200+ footnotes using our own government’s most authoritative official documents as slam-dunk proof of lies known to be lies as they were told, and the opposite of lawful military attack).

As a historian with 36 years’ teaching experience to the world’s most challenging audience (captured teenagers), I know that ordinary Americans don’t see the present clearly because We the People are CONSTANTLY lied to about the past and present by .01% political “leaders,” corporate media, and public “education” “texts.”  That is, Americans believe “official” sources because game-changing historical context is CONSTANTLY obfuscated by INTENTIONAL AND OBVIOUS LIES of omission and commission. These are not careless and/or non-consequential errors, but massive, game-changing, and inexcusable lies I document and prove beyond reasonable doubt. 

As an academic professional, I factually assert an Emperor’s New Clothes condition; an Orwellian reality that anyone who cares to lift their heads and look will see abundantly for themselves: the United States of America has been an ongoing illegal, looting, lying rogue state empire.

Because Americans are crippled by “official” disinformation, Patriot leaders must rise, stand, and teach objective, comprehensive, and independently-verifiable data that explain, document, and prove our .01% “leaders” are engaged in ongoing OBVIOUS CRIMES centered in war and money, with annual costs of killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

Many of us are Oath-bound to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. All in the US military are trained to recognize and reject illegal orders, with officers trained to arrest anyone issuing obvious illegal orders. All of you learned in your high school US Government class that any so-called “law” in violation of the Constitution is void and without power.

My teaching experience has proven to me that ordinary teen-age humans want the truth, and almost all (~80%) will embrace it thankfully when effectively offered in objective reality. Importantly, family, friends, and colleagues will almost universally (~98%) reject the truth, no matter how effectively offered, and will not see the bullshit excuses they offer in profound cognitive dissonance. I therefore offer this article series only in confidence of the accuracy of its documented facts, and with no confidence how to successfully use these facts in ordinary life among family, friends, and colleagues. The rejecters never ever ever ever engage in factual and reasoned consideration, but resort to ad hominem, denial, and unexamined belief in “leaders.”

We Patriots communicate because Planet Earth and the United States are at war. 

The war is Patriots versus Psychopaths, Truth versus Lies, Virtue versus Evil. I use these labels as the most accurate I have as a professional academic, and provide abundant and game-changing evidence among hundreds in alternative media. After engaging with the data in this article series, I challenge you to accurately frame this war in any other way.

Please read the above sentence one more time. 

Challenge accepted??? 

This American Revolution 2.0 is now in endgame: We the People are being forced to choose a side that will determine the victor for the planet. The outcome will either be an awakened and free people enjoying unimaginable hidden technology and a world that works for everyone with no-one left out OR masked slavery of “non-essentials” to be shot (“vaccinated”), chipped, and eventually culled to serviceable numbers for psychopaths to control and parasitize as sheeple-slaves.

This 9-part article series will engage “Socrates” in interviews for his experience of enduring a 27-year civil war caused by his society’s rhetoric of freedom contrasted with his government’s hypocritical gangster empire. Even after been proved correct of his government’s OBVIOUS hypocrisy, Socrates could still not be heard, was tried for “corrupting the young” and “dishonoring the Gods,” and overwhelmingly voted by the public for execution rather than endure his voice.

Historians look to the future as much as the past. I research and document important slivers of history as best one can discern in the present to a relatively few Patriot colleagues, and with eyes for future generations placing the past in the context they will have: building Heaven on Earth as best All can imagine. 

Our series (*links added at end of each of the 9 points*): 

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (*new article here*)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (herehere). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries here, and here. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: herehere). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


  1. Hi Carl,
    Robert here.
    I watched your show with great interest.
    You made an absolutely incredible observation regarding the container-ship that has currently blocked up the Suez Canal by running into the embankment.
    For the benefit of all readers and those who are not familiar with the Suez Canal incident I will provide some background here.

    A few days ago, a large container-ship ran into the embankment of the riverway that leads to the Suez Canal. This has resulted in a large traffic jam behind it comprised of bulk, goods and oil-tanker ships that cannot proceed through the canal.

    Something very strange happened before the ship hit the shore.
    It had traced out a pattern of a penis, testicles and large buttocks that can be viewed using the GPS navigation system that tracks all ships through the Suez Canal and along major shipping routes.

    You can see the route that looks very similar to the gentialia I mentioned above:

    Any reasonble person would ask: How and Why the heck did the ship make that picture with its navigation route ?
    Given the horrid level of journalism these days, you can be sure that the only real investigation and answers we're going to get follow this same line of excuses here:


    "The gigantic ship — which measures in at more than four football fields long and over 440 million pounds — became lodged in the Suez Canal when high winds and a dust storm turned it sideways on Tuesday. "

    What a load of crap. Are we to believe that this immense ship was thrown off course by wind and sand ? This is total nonsense and obviously the truth is being hidden from us, much like with everything else.

    Enter one Carl Herman.
    He made an astounding observation although somewhat dark and disturbing.
    Carl together with Jim Fetzer mentioned the following details regarding this incident:
    Jim Fetzer:
    The call-sign for this vessel is: H3RC.
    There are two names painted on the ship: EVER GIVEN and EVERGREEN.
    Note that EVERGREEN is the codename that the Secret Service gave to Hillary Clinton when Bill Clinton was president. The call-sign of H3RC seems to be an obvious reference to Hillary Rodham Clinton, the same person.

    Here is where it gets even more bizarre.
    Carl pointed out that the ship was being maneurved by several tugboats.
    He said the names of the tugboats were: BARAKA 1, MOSAED 2, MOSAED 3.
    Clearly the name BARAKA 1 reminds one of former President Barak Obama and the MOSAED seems to be the Israeli intelligence agency MOSSAD.

    You can verify the names here: vesselfinder.com/news/20464-UPDATE-1-Suez-Canal-Blocked-by-Huge-container-ship-The-first-attempt-to-refloat-the-vessel-unsuccessful

    Both of these (Barak and MOSSAD) are said to be heavily involved in child-sex-trafficking and pedophilia.
    Isn't that an amazing co-incidence?

    It gets better.

  2. ...part 2 continued...


    Carl pointed out that what might seem to be an innocent maritime collision might in fact be something much more significant.
    He has hypothesized that we might be watching the "Good guys" (the White Hats, US Military) attempting to catch the Obamas and Clintons together with the MOSSAD while they were transporting child-sex-trafficking victims within containers that were placed on this very ship withe codename EVERGREEN.
    Thus the White Hats might have purposely caused this ship to run aground in the hopes that some containers might be off-loaded either by the Black Hats and then subsequently discovered OR
    those containers holding children might be discovered during this accident.


    If this theory sounds implausible, you should think again.
    I did a little bit of research on the claims that containers stowed away on such ships might be used for Satanic trafficking and guess what I found ?
    It is indeed true.
    Go take a look at this story:

    Very disturbing isn't it?
    The article specifically mentions two things:
    (1) Containers were used to house the victims , lined with sound-proof tiles and 24/7 video surveillance camera systems.
    (2) This incident happened in the Netherlands (Dutch).

    Can you guess what is the destination of the containership EVERGIVEN/EVERGREEN with call-sign H3RC ?
    Yup. You guessed it.
    The Netherlands.

    To conclude, we find a containership that has run aground blocking up one of the most heavily travelled shipping routes in the world. In addition, the ship and associated events with this vessel have a bizarre relationship to Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and the MOSSAD.
    Overlaid on top of that, we have the very real possibility that containers are being used and have been used to kidnap and house children for sex-trafficking purposes all over the world.

    Perhaps famed lawyer Lin Wood and our host Carl Herman are correct when Lin Wood said the following:

    "I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.
    This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of 10 of world’s most well-known & “elite” intelligence agencies.The 10 intelligence agencies who have members employing this blackmail scheme include CCP, CIA, Mossad, FBI, MI6."

    1. http://whale.to/c/secrets_of_the_cia77.html

      Consider this from a targeted CIA whistleblower.....hmmm....I think there's a big problem with Nat Sec being abused.

  3. ...part 3...

    One final note.
    There is a television series show that has one very odd connection to this incident.
    That show is DEXTER.
    DEXTER is a TV series about a serial killer who kills other serial killers because they have violated his own moral code.
    What is interesting is that DEXTER as a very young child was found by a policeman in a shipping container covered with the blood of his murdered mother. DEXTER was left in this containership for several days and when police finally opened up the conatiner , DEXTER had already been transformed into the serial killer he would then grow up to be.

    Some very dark stuff that definitely needs some sunlight.
    Thank you Carl for doing just that.
    I pray that you are right and the White Hats are conducting "clean-up" operations at the Suez Canal.
    If not, then we are really in big trouble.


  4. Interesting addition to this Suez Canal story:
    Evergreen Corporation was the front for Clinton/ Walmart human trafficking. Their Evergreen ship has been blocking international trade through being stuck in the Suez Canal for the past several days. The tugboats trying to get the Evergreen ship free were named Barakat and Mosaed

    The blockade was causing a crisis in international trade. Hundreds of ships were waiting for the blockade to end. There was also a US “Military Exercise” in the Suez Canal area and it was said that the US and Russia were causing the blockade.

    There was a good reason for that. They have to take the Evergreen containers off the ship in order to get it out of the canal. Those containers were believed to contain human trafficking victims, mainly children. They may be opening the containers on live TV.

    Evergreen Court was the name of the New York senior home that burned down that was in the Cuomo lawsuit for spreading CV-19.

    US Military exercise was taking place at the time of this alleged accident.
    That is interesting.
    Also the connection with Governor Andrew Cuomo is not so surprising. Cuomo is as corrupt as the night is dark.


    1. Some one is gonna make money off of this. Price of gasolene just went through the roof. And all other items being shipped will face a shortage, resulting in a price spike. It's nothing personal, it's just business.

      Disaster Capitalism.

      California did this long ago in 2004 after Enron secured the right to trade in energy units.....so....some power plants conveniently shut down for routine maintenence. "It's nothing personal, it's just disaster capitalism, conspiracy, and proof that DOJ-FBI is subverted and controlled by coconspirators who also ruined this country?. Deep State: Hilary, Mossad, Evergreen (aviation, front for CIA, drug trafficking). "Evergreen" is a CIA front company name.

      They are playing with us......saying, "you can't do anything about it" because we infiltrated the oversight for these crimes. And....they'll wring more profits from this scam.

    2. Thank you Robert and Jim.
      I hope this is "the Show's" last act; we shall see. The whole world is watching (again).

      Yes, I remember 2004 prices spiking in Spring when energy use is at a low. If I remember correctly, Californians were "compensated" with 1/10th of the overcharge :)

      Thank you both for your stands of truth and justice.

    3. and now the DAILY MAIL is reporting the following:

      "Around 10 vessels stuck in and around the Suez Canal contain animals, according to reports as desperate rescue efforts are underway."

      Animals ???
      I think you mean children !
      Will the truth come out ?
      I hope so.


  5. ...part 5...

    It appears that the "unblocking" process is going to take weeks.
    Egyptian President Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship
    Efforts to dislodge the ship have so far failed, with dredgers shifting more than 27,000 cubic metres of sand to a depth of 18 metres, in a desperate attempt to set the vessel free.

    Now al-Sissi has been left with no choice but to order preparations to unload the ship’s cargo in an attempt to help refloat the boat, according to a statement from the Suez Canal Authority (SCA)

    John Denholm, president of the UK Chamber of Shipping, has warned it could take a number of weeks to eventually remove the vessel, at great cost to the global economy.

    ‘If we go through the lightering process, I suspect we’re talking weeks,’ he told the BBC, noting that removing the cargo will require a crane that can stretch more than 200 feet high.

    There is a good engineering explanation of what is going on with the EVER-GIVEN here:
    Short and simple to understand
    MV Ever Given - why can't it be pulled out? Suez canal blocked

  6. The ship is free.
    Oh wait, no it isn't.
    Hmm, odd.



  7. The ship now appears to be free.


    What is interesting is that there DOES seem to be missing or removed containers near the ship's stern (back end), right in the middle near the back you can see this clearly in one of the photographs.

    So what do we make of all of this now?
    Where are the White Hats?
    Did they already find and free and secure the hypothesized child-sex-trafficking victims?
    I would like to think yes.
    But I don't know.

    I'll update this story when new "news" appears but for now, we wait.
    We wait knowing that the election was stolen from us and knowing that COVID-19 is a hoax and that the world appears to be in the grip of a monstrous Khazarian Mafia that most be exterminated with extreme force.



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