American Revolution 2.0 2020: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS: Stand for truth, or kiss your assets goodbye to ongoing Bankster looting of tens of trillions (3 of 9)

 “The American democracy was not given to us on a platter. It is not ours for all time, irrespective of our efforts. Either people organize and they find political leadership to take this on, or we are going to be in big trouble, okay?… That’s absolutely the heart of the problem. I would also say and tell you, and emphasize, these people will not come out and debate with us. The heads of these companies or their representatives, they will not come out. They’re afraid. They don’t have the substance. They don’t have the arguments. We have the evidence. They have the lobbyists. And that’s all they have.”  

  ~ MIT’s Simon Johnson (and former Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund) on “too big to fail” banks led by gambling oligarchs who captured US government as in “banana republics” (his words). He concludes fraud is the heart of Wall Street. Johnson explained his best-selling book, 13 Bankers: The Wall Street takeover and the next financial meltdown, with over 30 Emmy Award-winning journalist Bill Moyers.

Historians look to the future as much as the past. I research and document important slivers of history as best one can discern in the present to a relatively few Patriot colleagues, and with eyes for future generations placing the past in the context they will have: building Heaven on Earth as best All can imagine. 

Our series (*links added at end of each of the 9 points*):

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (2 of 9 here)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (here, here). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries herehere, and here with further documentaries. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)
  10. October 2023 epilogue: After 3 years, “Socrates” visits for my battle histories and view of AmRev2/WW3: humanity’s choice between freedom within objective reality among Galactic Divine Family, OR bondage under psychopathic puppetician public-serpent parasitic pedavores who ongoingly poison, torture, and mind-control humans to “own nothing and be happy” for “public health” in “the climate.” (epilogue)


3 of 9: Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions.


Socrates: And then there’s the money. 

Carl: Yeah: “money.” That’s the deal living in this upside-down world, Soc: in this case what we call “money” is created as debt by privately-owned banks. So we don’t have a “money supply;” we have a debt supply. 

Socrates: Teacher, you first say Earth’s leaders lie to tell you their forever wars create peace. Now you say they lie to tell you that your debt owed back to the “leadership class” is the public’s so-called “money” when it’s really debt?

Carl: You really nail the “straight man” role, Soc. 

Socrates: (shrugs with a slight grin) Thank you. It’s an under-appreciated art. Carl, why is the total debt growing exponentially?

Carl: Because the interest added into the model requires new debt added to the total “debt-supply” to “grow” the economy. The process to get to the result is similar to “making sausage” in all its details, and I only know some of them, and we know the result: an exponential growth curve of aggregate debt. 

The system will implode when the interest becomes more expensive than the public will bear.

Socrates: And the costs to the public on that journey to becoming bankrupted-disrupted are important enough for us to repeat here and now?

Carl: Yup: as best I can count and colleagues confirm, the cost of this debt-based monetary system to the average American household is about a million dollars lost compared to having just the two upgrades of public banking and monetary reform.

Socrates: (whistles) $1,000,000 for every American household with monetary reform and public banking. People should pay attention.

Carl: Yeah, well, up to them. If they want to look and learn, it’s right here.

The money is more complicated than the lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, well, except for the military having a Space Force and a lot of ET contacts … so Soc, does this mean the details of how “money” is debt is similar in value to the details of the literal rock-solid evidence of ancient advanced civilizations on Earth?

Socrates: (purses his lips in thought) Hmm. Good question. Let’s look. Why do you say the details of our so-called “monetary system” are valuable?

Carl: There’s the million dollars of value per US family of monetary reform and public banking. It can claw-back tens of trillions looted by oligarchs. And all credit becomes in-house and at-cost rather than doubling infrastructure cost by selling debt securities through Wall Street.

Conversely, the richest 50 Americans own more than the bottom 165,000,000; or we could also say that the richest 50 in this rigged casino own more than the bottom 50%. 

Socrates: We’ve talked about some of this, yes, and more valuable than Americans can possibly comprehend. They are all millionaires unaware of their good fortune.

Carl: Literally, yes. Creating Heaven on Earth can get a great start that way.

Socrates: And why are advanced ancient civilizations with ET contacts of value to people, Carl?

Carl: That’s exactly the question, Soc. So given answers about ETs enlighten human beings about central questions of who and what they really are, are we in agreement the value of that enlightenment with all its implications of disclosed ET technology are worth at least $1,000,000 per average US household?

Socrates: Good argument, teacher. So both areas are highly valuable. I don’t imagine you’d include a topic that wasn’t of breakthrough quality to bring to Americans’ attention.

Carl: I try. But the $1,000,000 is just the money, Soc. There are other costs.

The parasitic Evil at the core of Earth’s management coordinates governments, the debt system, and media to lie to us all about the illegal wars for constant weapons testing and keeping us under fearful control. They all lie about the presence of these economic reforms that almost instantly solves all the money and debt problems people have. 

So imagine the fear this imposes, Soc. 

War, death, destruction, debt, poverty, homelessness, sickness, pain.

Socrates: Yes: Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Carl: Because Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Socrates: (Dad joke serious) Carl, would you professionally conclude this debt-trap is the fraud of asset-holes?

Carl: (eyebrows raised in acknowledgment) Yes. And solutions must be stood for, or we can all kiss our assets goodbye.

Socrates: (nodding) Seriously back to joyfully, Carl: do you imagine many of your colleagues can effectively imagine the joy of what they’re building as they’re doing the work?

Carl: (slight laugh) Sometimes we do. We pray for the Grace to feel the future we walk towards, as best I can explain it. But even if we don’t feel it, we know what we’re building. We know it.

And yeah, we all need a little more practice to feel it. 

God knows we’ve earned it.

Socrates: Any thing else of value to Americans to be “right on the money” about being right on the money?

Carl: Oh, yeah, there’re more details, but whatever. We’ve already made the point: unimaginable riches, unimaginable love. Or whatever the opposite of fear really is. Hey Soc, did the Greeks view the opposite of fear as love?

Socrates: A type of love, yes. A next lesson of love for humanity and planet Earth at this time and place for sure.

Carl: Time for me to be the straight man: Gee, Socrates, what type of love do you mean, and contrasted with what other types of love worthy of consideration?

Socrates: Oh, we Greeks made a contribution worth seeing with distinguishing different types of love. The takeaway is to love everyone, every being, every thing, and the God that is All and connects All. 

But what I was thinking as the next level of love’s application is what we already began discussing: Divine Wisdom with a hint of Divine Power to accept the Evil on Earth as what must be to restore balance. 

As we’ve discussed, the Evil on Earth is a “Divine Accident” of experimental error. It’s the necessary wisdom of accepting effects after causes, learning whatever one can, and moving forward with greater experience.

Carl: Like (motioning to May and Alcibiades now sleeping cuddled together) introducing those two on Earth when each was hungry?

Socrates: (beaming with love at the two hunters laying down together) Yes, exactly. Although those two would look for easier prey. But if one were injured, oh yeah, it would be dog eat bird, or bird eat dog. 

This kind of life that’s solitary, impoverished, brutish, nasty and short is not the intended design for humans, but an unanticipated creation of an “impish” Goddess, as our Higher-Dimensional Angels respectfully report. We who have experienced human life on Earth walk among the human-sheeple grandchildren of the Goddess’ creation of this AI: a higher Dimensional Being who must be wisely and lovingly restrained from further damage to all the Beings on Earth, and the planetary body itself.

Carl: The Artificial Intelligence operating through some of the evil ETs.

Socrates: Yes. But before we launch into that area in detail, I’d like to emphasize the reward of unimaginable love humanity will experience and express upon victory in American Revolution 2.0 2020.

Carl: You’re right. The love unleashed is soooo important to inspire Patriots today with what we’re fighting for, and a central purpose for what we build together tomorrow.

Socrates: When the economic strangulation upon humanity is released, and the technology appropriate to their level of evolution unleashed, humans can and will begin creating “Heaven on Earth” to the best of their abilities. 

The contrast of such a planet with Evil Earth will become a primary area of study when Earth joins the Galactic Federation.

Carl: Star Trek-like ambassadors creating pathways to learn and share from each other. 

Socrates: Exactly.

Carl: But only once we’ve won this revolution. The best visions I have to inspire humanity now and in the immediate future are what I learned from Bucky Fuller, 18 years worth of synergy with global experts and solutions for all the problems connected with ending poverty, and The Venus Project

We already have the technology for a world that works for everyone, with no one left out. The technological upgrades are ready to implement once the revolution is won against the Evil who “lockdown” humanity as obedient and fearful sheeple.

I “will” a screen to open from the “table,” and a tablet appears for this 2-D 4-minute introduction to The Venus Project:


Socrates: (after watching with immersed interest) Yes. Humanity is ready! The feeling of such a life is similar to what you feel here in this Dimension, Carl. It’s very peaceful here, very loving, and the opposite of what the Evil tell humans with peace on Earth: creativity is unleashed with inspirational synergy to create Life so beautiful, so enriching and inspiring, that we Angels truly have more adventures to experience and express than we can ever get to. 

The experience of living here is what humans are familiar with in cooperative competition: everyone doing their best to contribute to “the team” along with individual excellence. Everyone helps each other to bring forward their “best game” of being a Divine Child.

Carl: I also like the Thrive Movement. (4 minute trailer of their second documentary after ~100 million views of their first)


Socrates: Yes. Very nice. Evolution from debt-based Orwellian-money owed to Evil is truly unimaginable in experience and expression of virtue. If ordinary Earth humans only knew, they would rise in demand. 

Carl: (looking at the tablet with interest) And while I’m here, Economic Hitman John Perkins artistically portrayed explaining what we have in 2 minutes:

Socrates: I also like this one you found. 

Our environment dissolves and reforms so that Socrates and I are sitting in the front row of a large auditorium watching this 1-minute exchange among three former US Secretaries of the Treasury along with another’s Chief of Staff and then Facebook’s CEO:

The scene dissolves gently and reforms to our peaceful hillside ocean villa.

Carl: “Income inequality.” Typical parasites without empathy. You’re so right that these Beings must be isolated and removed unless God wants Earth’s humans as their abused livestock forever.

Socrates: Fascinating parasites, yes. I mean with Hank Paulson: who laughs like that over soul-crushing poverty? They really are gleeful about their domination.

Carl: And no wonder they yuck it up. They won. Any real leader who started standing up to them was identified and assassinated. They thought they won the planet. 

Socrates: And assassinations of virtuous leaders is an excellent next point in your argument why Americans must join American Revolution 2.0 2020.

Socrates smiles in invitation to continue our conversation.

Carl: Oh for sure. But let’s talk first about lying media and public education that has to co-exist with political and economic domination. 

Without the capacity to lie the sheeple into believing Evil is good, war is peace, debt is money, lies are truth, etc., parasites cannot remain hidden, fat, and maniacally laughing at us.

Socrates: (back to the straight man in concerned citizen voice) But Carl, surely as a National Board Certified Teacher credentialed in two subjects and with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, you’re not going to tell us next that public education texts are also the crude and psychopathic lies of corporate media to “cover” illegal wars and life-crushing debt?

Carl: (mirroring his serious) Why Citizen Socrates, if such a claim were true, that would mean the entire foundation of what Earth humans had learned would be based on intentional lies meant to preserve, protect, and defend the Satanic States of America’s global domination over all Earth’s inhabitants. 

Socrates: (leaning further in) It would mean ordinary humans would be so deaf and dumb to Truth that they would vote to execute you and me rather than insult their own “education.” 

Carl: (nodding in conspiratory agreement, inching further in) True. All Patriots are at risk of their very lives under such Evil control of information. 

Socrates: (now in a whisper) Then we’d better talk about this.

May and Alcibiades have both noticed our theatrics. Al rises and gently raises a foot, which Socrates responds to with both hands lowered so Al can step on, take a ride to Socrates’ lap, and then relax. May puts her front paws on my chair in reciprocal request for a lap, that I provide.

Carl: (to May and Al) Then friends, we’d better tell the story of how everything humans are told by officials and reported in media and texts are outrageous lies, written by psychopaths bent on crippling and murdering literally billions of people until human beings are crushed to a minimal and obedient slave class. 


Coming next: (4 of 9 here): Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission.


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.

I’m somehow blocked to comment on this blog. 


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