2020 interview with Socrates: Earth poised for epic ‘slave revolt’ victory over .01% evil with arrests of US War Criminal looters of trillions??? (11 of ?)


  • Q is a White House insider; proved by accurate predictions and posting-timing exact with Trump Tweets. Although all evidence I see aligns with Q being true White Hats ready to reveal damning evidence for .01% arrests, I also see all evidence as plausibly deniable. That is, if Q is a PsyOp to ID then target Patriots, sheeple will see, hear, and say only what they're dictated to see, hear, and say. Read on, and prove me wrong.
  • Empires loot, plain and simple. American sheeple are, of course, targeted and looted by the tens of trillions. Monetary reform and public banking are two reforms documented since Ben Franklin wrote about colonial Pennsylvania operating without need to tax. Benefits of these two reforms are ~$1,000,000 per US household. You literally have nothing more valuable to learn, and must, or you can kiss your assets goodbye to “required austerity.” Economic solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out have been documented since Bucky Fuller over 50 years ago.
  • The US is not limited government under a constitution, but systematically removing rights once asserted as God-given and secured by government to defend Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. US military and government employees are Oath-bound to recognize illegal and lying empire, refuse to obey illegal orders (there are no lawful orders for illegal Wars of Aggression), and arrest those who issue them.
  • Our “leaders” have poverty and war-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years. The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (a fraction of colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history
  • The annual number of poverty deaths is equal in volume to a Freedom Tower in NYC. “Leaders” of “developed” nations have promised the end of poverty since 1969. Better read that again, and reflect on its meaning of what kind of “leaders” we have in the “developed” world.
  • The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions. 
  • Our .01% opponents overthrow democracies challenging global empire: 80+ since World War 2
  • People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three  times more dangerous than any other country.
  • Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them.
  • These US armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). 
  • Since Operation O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation; yes, that was the oligarchs’ first name), 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence. 
  • Of 50 oppressive world governments, the US approves weapons sales to 41, and military training or support to 48 (all but Cuba and North Korea). Digging here should reveal many crimes.
  • All rhetoric for war on Iran are easily-proved lies.
  • The academic description of the US government is therefore not a constitutional republic, but instead an ongoing illegal rogue state empire (11-part documentary series).
  • Our opponents’ control over corporate media and public education has produced an Emperor’s New Clothes tragic-comedy that We the Sheeple do not yet see, but just might in exactly an Emperor's New Clothes breakthrough moment.
  • They engage in democide: murder by government to keep our numbers low and weak through fluoride, vaccines, GMO non-foods, and many other attacks on our vitality (explore).
  • A dark, deep topic on its own: they are pedophiles (and here).
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm. 

You shouldn’t need any more data to make the case for .01% arrests as the lawful tool to stop apparent crimes in progress, but there’s more, far more than my meager documentation.

There's no need to believe anyone with any of this independently-verifiable data: look for yourself.

Perhaps most importantly: planet Earth has been home to ancient civilizations with technology superior to “modern” humans. Again, no belief is required to verify objective data that in this case is literally rock-solid. The reason this might be the most important data point is that the same .01% elite from Socrates’ time is still managing a planetary empire today.

And perhaps even more important than the history of ancient advanced civilizations, is the present of advanced ET civilizations engaged in a planetary ascension event

Now, onto our “interview” that presents this data with my analysis in a story:


I’m picking up my dog’s poop on a walk around the block after a workday. May, our 6-year-old Wire Hair Fox Terrier, is already walking ahead on our 30’ leash. About ten feet behind me, I hear a familiar voice. 

Warning: We speak the language of those executed for “corrupting the young” and “offending the gods.”

Socrates: Still cleaning shit up, I see.

Carl: (pause, and without looking back) This shit’s small. The real shit is…

(I’m interrupted by May racing toward Socrates, giving a cry of love and excitement she only gives to family and a few best “dog friends.”) 

Socrates: (wearing grey sweats with hoodie up, gets down on his hands and knees on a neighbor’s lawn as May runs up into his arms, flop-wriggles on her back, and then continues dogs’ unique and heart-warming love) 

Aren’t you a good girl! (lovingly petting May, and putting his face down lower for May to sniff and give a few licks) You’re a good girl! You’re a good girl!

(looking up to me, now on one knee, in genuine joy of being in May’s loving energy) 

That’s how free beings greet each other! 

(laughs as he accepts my hand to help stand. He will need to stop our walk together several times when May demands Soc’s affection.)

Carl: Nice surprise, Soc. (Bro hug) You’re here for a purpose, of course. What happened to patient activism for reason’s season, Bro? Trust in “God’s Evil that serves Good?” 

Socrates: Nothing. Those principles are timeless. I just thought a conversation might help some of your activist Brothers and Sisters see unfolding events in perhaps clearer light. 

The end time madness we all sense requires as much light as possible to experience and express our highest virtues. 

May I join you two on your walk, Carl?

Carl: Of course, Brother. How may I help with what you’ve come to say?

Socrates: (chuckles) Just be yourself, as always. I can tell you what you already know: something big is about to happen.

Carl: Big? What?

Socrates: I can’t tell you what you haven’t already fought your way to discover. But perhaps our conversation of what you see happening can make clear some important objective facts. And perhaps those facts reveal important conclusions.

Carl: (after a pause to make sure Socrates finished) Yeah! The polarization between the pedo-vore Satanists and apparent White Hats has gotta blow, Soc! I know you watch the Earth Show from a higher altitude with much better perspective, but man, if things have to get more intense before something big breaks, I can’t imagine!

Socrates: (listening but having trouble turning his head toward me from the hoodie blocking his vision. He attempts adjustments.) Yes, yes. But who will win, Carl?

Carl: That’s the question, isn’t it. Who. And I don’t know. (grin) And you wanna’ know why I don’t know, Soc?

Socrates: (smiling back) Yes. Why don’t you know if good or evil will win this Cosmic War that seems at the final battle?

Carl: Because what the fuck do any of us really know about what’s beyond our limits? Yeah, sure, it looks like White Hats are poised to win, but what if Project White Hats was all just another PsyOp? I can’t disprove that, and see all facts at this point support both conclusions. Can you invalidate either conclusion?

Socrates: Carl, please forgive my restriction to not discuss what you can’t see for yourself. 

While I can’t discuss my perspective on Earth events beyond your observations, I am now permitted to tell you my angel brothers and sisters also have long-engaged in spiritual warfare against a dark enemy of total evil. We, too, seem to see our slave revolt will be successful at our local level. We both seem well-positioned to win. 

But here’s the kicker: We hope our “victory” is not the folly of a crook easily apprehended by a hidden and more powerful Dark Force. That said, the history is favorable: despite civilizations of virtuous beings powerful beyond your capability to imagine being totally wiped-out, we’re told this is not a unique occurrence, but a predictable “season of dissent” from several dimensions above us. The fallout of a goddess’ “unauthorized experiment” seems to now be contained, and we’re on the brink to bring this condition back to a smoother evolutionary path.

Carl: Wow! I’ve never applied fractal reality to this topic. So you angels are facing the same shit-storms we are against a dominating evil force?

Socrates: (purses lips and nods) At several levels of the dimensional fractal strands we can read ascending and descending from wherever the fuck we are. We’re all busy with unprecedented work to both contain and protect this unique life form.

Carl: Why didn’t you tell me this before?! I’m like a Spy Kid discovering my Mom and Dad are spies battling cosmic evil!

Socrates: You didn’t ask, and hadn’t discovered this for yourself. 

Carl: Wait. So you went from being executed in ancient Greece for opposing evil to working to end cosmic evil? That’s been your truth-gig since then???

Socrates: Basically, yes. I needed some healing, but after my briefing on the larger history driving events in Greece then, and the US and world now, I chose to stay and help the beings on Earth earn their freedom.

Carl: Noble of you, Socrates. Thank you.

Socrates: (chuckles) Oh, you’re welcome, brother. We have a lot of people like me on similar volunteer contracts.

Soc pauses with a penetrating look at me and slight smile.

Carl: Ok, that’s what I conclude I’m doing here, too. So I see a “good news” and “bad news” kind of thing: it’s good to know the truth and explains we haven’t been neglected, and bad that, well, it’s been fucked up for a lot more than just this planet. 

But you have pockets of relative tranquility like this fine neighborhood, yes?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Socrates: Oh, yes. Whole planetary systems and stellar neighborhoods seem protected. But are they? We feel as safe as you do in this beautiful neighborhood (indicating the common outside landscaping on a still partially-sunny NorCal Winter afternoon in the mid-50s among houses like ours of ~1700 square feet with backyards the size of two minivans, and with million dollar pricetags)

We know our neighbors are good people, but our own form of revolution includes gangster “police” and military who seem to be won over to the Light Side, but what if all our info was propaganda? 

None of us are safe until this evil is removed.

Carl: Exactly. None in this neighborhood are safe. My neighbors and I live in an illusion of security of an inflated housing price bubble, surrounded by literal fires of DEW-delivered death fueled by chemtrail spraying, and within a system of billions of desperately struggling people without hope for a better future.

Socrates: (stopping to pet May after she ran back to Socrates for attention) I, like you, ask the question to my colleagues: “What if we were played the whole time?”

I ask because all we have are promises from beings in dimensions above ours claiming they love us, and their identities are coalitions of other freed slaves. I mean literally that’s all we have while what we see in the broadest scope is ongoing vicious war.

Part of my role in my angelic domain is to continue asking obvious questions, like “You don’t think you’re fucking able to be played that bad?”

Carl: So. The human irony is looking for help from angelic beings facing the same situation we are. 

That’s a cosmic joke, Soc. 

But it’s not making me laugh.

Socrates: (intently, as we resume our walk) Let’s assume we can discern the truth of supporting testimony of impending victory for our side. Even so, how much do our “Freed slave allies” really know of the broader slave empire? Or better: what would a freed planet, system, or star neighborhood know of their cosmic slavers’ broader response capabilities to crush what they’d see as a slave revolt? 

We’ll all find out, of course.

And you on Earth, our children, are just as helpless as we are to know the real score.

We’re all as vulnerable as your dog to being shot by the police.

Carl: Really? That’s your message to us? That the most powerful beings known to you might all be fucking killed by cosmic evil because we’re all soft targets?

Socrates: (now using both hands to adjust his hoodie so he can turn his head with both eyes uncovered) Part of it.

Carl: What’s the other part? 

Socrates: We know for sure the “cosmic seasons” include periods of divisive war among the angelics. We think we’re all entering an energetic field of truth and freedom that ends the war by polarizing good from evil. Most of us choose relative heaven, and the point of this particular time and energetic interplay is to allow choice. 

But that pattern might exist within a broader context that whatever we win will be as brief as my ancient Greece being a champion of freedom before becoming an evil empire, and your United States devolving into the worst rogue state empire in “modern” Earth history. 

That is, it might still need to get darker before the dawn.

(Pause as I take that in. We both burst out laughing)

Carl: If that’s the case, all we can do is tip our caps to evil and acknowledge being beat by a stronger opponent. The longer I live, the more I see Earth’s story as a play written by Gods that present only the choice for us to either harmonize with, or to oppose in pointless infantile tantrums. I’m done whining. I’ll do what I can to expose and end the empire, but the Gods’ winds won’t allow my words to be heard by my sheeple brothers and sisters.

But whatever. We talked about this. Creation is a big place so we recognize the limits of what we can imagine. Harmony with what is seems the wiser path. That is, the harmony of the paradox of being a peacefully-patient activist. I’ll do my part. But that doesn’t seem like much. 


Socrates: Bother, please say what you see about possible victory on Earth. I’d like to know.

Carl: Ok. So first and connected to your message: the big picture is that any victory is relative.

This must be true because all we experience of creation is just a play from Source: a false reality to experience not being Source for awhile that conceals its Source-identity from Itself behind one false reality after another, all the way down to wherever we are in this fractal pattern. So it’s all false. It’s all evil; that is a lure of material preference. It’s all a lie. All the way until you’re home again and One again to experience identity as much as You like. 

And yeah, none of us know if “victory” isn’t just a temporary pulse of energy in the broader energetic systems we know nothing about. 

We’re all lost together, Brother.

That said, pretending one isn’t God with intentional limitations need not be the Hell this planet is.

Socrates: (pulling his hoodie aside to see me with both eyes) Yes. It seems to be a fractal God playing out a space-opera. It’s a good story from our perspective, too. Full of drama, relatable heroes, and powerfully clever evil! And barring an unimaginable plot-twist where evil has truly out-performed us, all evidence we perceive seem to show we’re onto a big victory. 

Carl: What victory?

Socrates: Exactly! That’s what I’m here to talk about with you!

What Great Awakening do you see coming that might reveal and end the rogue state American Empire?

Carl: So many potential big events could explode. Since we last talked in “ancient Athens,” we’ve had global drama for WW3 with Iran, an impeachment show trial now in the Senate, an unconstitutional gun-grab in Virginia under “Black face Governor Northam” that could have been a cancelled false flag attack for civil war, Democratic presidential candidates and corporate media in propaganda “debates” blatantly pimping for war, demonizing universal healthcare that saves ~$600 billion every year, and lying for sexist-smearingNative American President Liz Warren” now that hair-sniffing, child-groping, “sit on my lap and pull my leg hairs, little girl” pro-war liar Joe Biden imploded to apparent unelectability.

And I could go on.

Any of these could… 

(May barks happily and starts running ahead toward a doggie-friend, Sky, a little white dog of about 12 pounds, and his two-legged human sister walking towards us [dogs’ and neighbors’ names changed]. 

Excuse me, Soc. 

(I jog ahead with May. Soc picks up his pace. I catch up and release May from her leash to better play with Sky. Sky is extremely happy to see me, and demands attention that I happily give. He joyfully greets Soc, and runs happily playing among the three of us.)

Hey. (in greeting to Sky’s human; a high school Senior like my daughter, who is youthfully optimistic. I know the names of almost all the dozen or so dogs who are friends with May, but only one of the humans)

Human: Hey. 

Socrates: (to Sky’s human) I’m Socrates; a friend of Carl’s family. Are you a classmate of Carl’s daughter?

Human: Yes, but we don’t have any classes together.

Carl: She (Sky’s human) has…four Advanced Placement classes?

Human: Yes.

Carl: And our daughter has none. (to Soc and human) I taught AP US Government and Macroeconomics, and don’t recommend them because of so much weak and lying theory with literally zero curriculum to reality-check to see how that theory plays out in the real world.

Socrates: (to human with high curiosity) Are AP US Government and AP Macroeconomics among the classes you’re taking?

Human: Yes.

Socrates: Do you agree with Carl that those classes promote theory without sufficient real-world proof?

Human: (conflicted as she seems basically honest but unaware of living under the US rogue state empire) Well, there is a lot of theory, especially in economics. And our teacher admitted those theories are “limited” models. Some of it makes us laugh, like comparative advantage questions pretending countries produce just a few products and there’s no advantage to support local businesses or get fresh food. They just care about whatever’s cheaper.

Socrates: And the US national debt of $23 trillion? Surely that’s taught honestly?

Human: It’s not on the test, so we don’t study it.

Socrates: And you see these “limited model” topics such as comparative advantage as more important to learn than the national debt, or is this a kind of mistake or lie?

Human: (now uncomfortable, gives a defensive laugh) I’m just trying to get good grades to get into college. I don’t think I’ll take any more economics courses, so it probably doesn’t matter.

Socrates: (recognizing her discomfort) Being from Greece, I’m very curious about your education. May I ask just one more question about how your AP US Government class teaches the US wars around the world?

Human: (scrunches her face) I don’t remember anything about that in class. It definitely wasn’t one of the test topics. (her body language communicates she wants to escape)

Carl: (to Sky and May) Are you two done playing? Ok? (Sky continues his walk) Bye, Sky. (to human with polite smile) Thanks. See you next time!

(Socrates and I continue our walk)

That’s another big reason we didn’t have our daughter take AP classes. Nothing real, hours of bullshit to memorize every night like comparative advantage, and it makes you want to escape economics for the rest of your life. 

“I don’t think I’ll need any more economics courses so what the fuck forever about tens of trillions of dollars we’re being looted and lied to about!”

(note: 1-page summary of public banking and monetary reform worth ~$1,000,000 per average US household)

Public education is propaganda to train unthinking work animals.

Jesus, Soc, this young adult is I’m sure as kind and responsible as an ordinary teenager can get, and she has no idea how loveless it is to ignore ongoing Wars of Aggression war-murdering millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

Socrates: Yes. Sorry for making your neighbor uncomfortable about that fact. And she’s one of the very best students with four of those “super” classes who’ll get accepted into the finest universities?

Carl: Yup. The brightest get the most propaganda. But don’t worry about a little truth. There’s nothing you can say real to 98% of humans that won’t make them squirm. 

You know that, Bro.

Socrates: (gentle smile) Yes. But it never hurts to be polite about the discomfort we cause. And I appreciate the opportunity to discover what happens in your time when I reveal gaps between what seems essentially important from what people “study” or “know.” It doesn’t seem any different from my time. 

It’s almost always a “one-truthpunch knockout.”

But anyway, you were introducing areas of potential breakthroughs that could reveal and end the American empire.

Carl: Could, yes. But I think that a lot. I wrote satire that 100 years ago the truly educated would come to the same conclusion. Yet the empire rolls on. 

If we’re going to win, there has to be White Hats driving the agenda. Q is a White House insider. If Q is true, then the IG FISA report documenting 51 fucking Deep State lies to spy on Trump leads to FISA declassification. That shows who knew about the lies. This could be the foundation for the .01% arrests of the “War Criminal-looter-liar” class.

Or it could be 9/11 criminal Rudy Giuliani exposing Joe Biden’s pay-to-play. He promised this is happening fucking next week, Soc.

But again, whatever. 

Q could be just another PsyOp to laugh at us. I mean if sheeple can’t or won’t see exponential national debt must crash, or the ongoing lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, then their not going to “believe” “crazy conspiracy theories” from any “domestic terrorist pedophile Q-Anon” group.

Take a few moments and appreciate this, Soc:

What if Q is telling the truth, as the empire kinda-sorta always do. They bait us, hook us, put us all on kill lists, then set off the domestic nukes. Maybe they blow-up the Washington Monument, I don’t know.

They blame Q, stage a big takedown that they film, and reveal Q as a “pedophile terrorist cult.” That allows our opponents to “prove” everyone who followed Q is a potential terrorist or pedophile that authorities must detain for questioning. People like me all get arrested and never come back.

The empire have culled the sheep by removing a predictable and manageable few percent that the rest of the flock won’t question when “officials” tell them what happened. 

Maybe this is the empire’s way to keep their slave race as intelligent as possible in order to squeeze the most work out of them. 

Prove me wrong, Soc. 

(big smile)

Talk me down, Brother.

Socrates: No. I can’t. You’re exactly right. It’s entirely possible and believable all we really are is a “foreign body” in an organism of evil that is now identified for termination by its immune system. 

And yes, if we are to be defeated in this “game” then it will truly have come from the better player. 

And that said, it’s also entirely possible and believable that all the evidence we’ve found the most reliable at our angelic level are accurately pointing at imminent victory.

Carl: Hmm.

Socrates: Yes. Hmm. Seems like an exciting and important time to be alive.

Carl: So if you were a betting man, Soc, what do you see as the odds for victory? 

Socrates: Oh, we’re all in! We’re in a dominating position to strike, and getting constant defectors coming onto our side. It’s 100% for us. The ones who remind us that the unimaginable is always possible are appreciated, and we’re all on active duty until we win. 

How about you?

Carl: 90% to win. I hold out the 10% because I can’t disprove a PsyOp Q, especially with the ongoing illegal wars, poverty, debt, no arrests, “Epstein killing himself,” Trump’s imperial rhetoric on Israel, Iran, vaccines, and more. Basically there’s nothing at all of public evidence to expose and end the Deep State. Just more “hope for change” actions that could all be to ID Patriots, and that’s all plausibly deniable to sheeple. 

Until we have major arrests and Truth we’ve got nothing. 

That said, I do understand an operation to apply pressure to the evil .01%’s minions to defect. This could take the form of exactly what we’re seeing: a drawn-out process revealing possible slam-dunk prosecutions to lure as many Dark players to our side in exchange for limited immunity. I mean the Dark Side is basically selfish, so they’ll bail when they’re sure they’ve lost. They’ll always cut the best deal for themselves.

So overall, I like the evidence I’m seeing. It seems like everything fits into place. 

And besides, it seems to me our opponents should have defeated us long ago. They have all the cards. They're not stupid, and they don't fuck around. I have to conclude there's some cosmic intervention on our behalf, or enough White Hats like us on the inside to stop them.

But we’ll see.

(We turn a corner of the block. May sees her best friend, Happy, a large male Yellow Labrador, and gives a howl. I jog forward with Soc to again release May. Happy’s Dad, Sandeep, is on duty.)

Carl: Sandeep, this is my friend, Socrates, visiting from Greece.

Sandeep: (extending his hand) Nice to meet you. Socrates? That can’t be a common name?

Socrates: No. Not any more. 

Carl: That would take one ballsy mom to pin that name on a boy! (in humor to Socrates) Imagine the expectations! And then the irony that if wisdom developed to discover one’s parents were in a deadly empire of lies with Mom and Dad believing in all kinds of bullshit!

Imagine the sharp questions that kid would ask his parents!

Socrates: (nodding) Yes. Brutally true. And proving such wisdom by also knowing nothing of the truth except what’s shown is false. 

That would be awkward.

Sandeep: (smiling politely, to Socrates) Sounds like a lot of pressure having your name. Any of that true?

Socrates: I’m fortunate enough to live among people of good humor and truthful humbleness of how little we know, so no. (to both of us) Maybe that’s all evolution affords us: to continue struggling among better people!

(We all chuckle. May and Happy are running and playing together on the lawns of the two houses in front of us.)

Socrates: Sandeep, I’m curious: what do you think of American politics having grown-up in a foreign land like me?

Sandeep: Carl and I have discussed this. America is an empire. Americans are the nicest neighbors (nodding to me) but the most ignorant and naive with their own government. 

In India, one would be looked at like an idiot in belief of “MAGA” or Obama’s “hope for change.” It’s all propaganda. The British Empire looted us, then made sure to infect us with their puppets to continue being parasites. 

Carl and I have also discussed your namesake that there is little of truth we can know except to know we’re being lied to.

Socrates: (full laugh) I think that’s a good start!

Carl: But what about leadership, Brothers? What should one do in such circumstances for an Emperor’s New Clothes public discovery of this evil?

Sandeep: What can be done? President Trump is a billionaire gameshow host. It seems he’s Tweeted enough to reveal Congress as a reality TV show, a circus you can’t take seriously. My God, how can Americans even watch this soap-opera on the “news”? 

Carl: Socrates, Sandeep and I are in agreement that global leaderships are only Left and Right arms of one oligarchic body fighting each other over who will gain the most loot, but cooperating to keep the people as their slaves. 

Anything you’d like to add to our understanding?

Socrates: I’d like to first ask Sandeep about what he sees can be done about this condition of ongoing hypocritical American empire.

Sandeep: Gandhi’s revolution against empire showed us we must never lie about the evil around us. All of us can live that level of responsibility. If God presents me with some genuine leadership, I’m ready to help, but until then all we can do is talk with our neighbors. 

I work all day with a drive of two to three hours, so I don’t have time for anything. I work and manage our family, including that big guy (referencing Happy) who never gets enough attention with everyone gone from the house everyday.

Carl: We have discussed that Americans must rise above being gullible suckers. Until sheeple can think, speak, and act upon the facts of ongoing empire it must go on. 

Sandeep: All we can do is go where there’s the brightest future. That’s why we’re here from India. That’s all you can do.

Socrates, Carl and his family lease their home from my friend, Chandra, who was working for Apple and driving the commute I have. After five years of that torture, he had a heart attack. He moved his family to Austin, Texas, so he would have just a ten minute drive to work. 

We are debt and work slaves. All we can do is maneuver within those limitations. 

Carl: And try not to be too personally evil to our own slaves (indicating the two dogs, now done playing, and lying down by each other panting on the lawn).

Sandeep: I have to take him in now. Our daughter has a class I must take her to. (extends his hand) Nice to meet you, Socrates. I hope you enjoy your visit. (bright smile) See you again, Carl. Bye, May! 

Come on, Happy! I’ll give you a treat! Treat!

(Happy walks toward the front door, ready to go in. He turns to take a look at me. I tell him goodbye and that he’s a good boy.)

Socrates: Good luck with that commute, Sandeep. I know you must be looking for alternatives.

Sandeep: Yes, yes. Carl can tell you. It’s only for a year. Or so we hope. Chandra said the same thing! (brief laugh)

Carl: (after having re-leashed May) And this is another fractal thing, Soc. Are we humans just as guilty as slavers to our “pets”? Will higher beings really help us if we accept slavery of lower beings to us, animals, that we allow to be tortured into food, and imprison as companions we don’t responsibly love?

Are humans as neglectful to our pets as we see higher beings neglectful to our condition of slavery? Are the higher beings, like us, busy with their own fucking problems that the good ones try to help as they can, but are locked in combat for their own survival?

Socrates: Good questions. All of which I will not answer for you except for the maxim, “As below, so above.”

(We’ve walked around the last corner and back to our family’s cookie-cutter landscaped house. May jogs to the front door.)

Carl: Hey, May. (she quickly pivots to face me) Want another walk? 

(May hops off the entry walkway onto the lawn and starts another lap; although her idea of a “walk” is more like a “sniff-fari.” Did you know dogs’ sense of smell is tested up to 10,000 times better than human? And they can use basic human vocabulary as demonstrated in this video with a speech pathologist’s trained dog to “talk” with touch-activated floor buttons.)

Socrates: Carl, what is your summary of why you see victory for the forces of light in this global Great Awakening? Why do you see this different from a PsyOp?

Carl: I’ve thought a lot about this, prayed, meditated, whatever. It’s just projection, really, of what I myself would do. I feel I’m here on Earth to do exactly what you stated: clean this shit up.

The external evidence seems to include exponential growth of public embrace of the facts of ongoing lies, looting, and empire. 

But I’m like any other human: unreliable to interpret this data. I’ve been seeing an Emperor’s New Clothes condition since W. Bush showed the world a US President is just a script-reader for looting and war-murder. And a lot of times he couldn’t even do that. 

The only thing I’m sure of is the humans have had a fair chance to choose if love and responsibility are important enough to them to adjust their own thoughts, words, and actions to align with a world that works for everyone, OR to remain an obedient slave. Or to join evil, of course, which some do. 

I do feel a growing connection to all of Life, and it seems Life is telling me to just keep moving forward as the truth gently unfolds.

What can you tell me of what you see, Soc?

Socrates: (long sigh) As you may know, Carl, higher dimension beings have a broader embrace of what you call time. This means that just as a human child can get impatient with a car ride and can have all kinds of experiences of discomfort, there is nothing wrong. In addition, humans also understand that accidents happen which cause temporary emergencies that are scary and painful. 

The fractal pattern that includes Earth is both: an accident producing an emergency that is being attended to expertly and quickly as we can supply necessary resources. It also produces the victims of the accident to experience time as painful, such as a victim having a physical accident whereby one’s attention is absorbed by the pain.

For example, and this is just random among dozens we could invent, has May ever accidentally bit you on your nuts?

Carl: (snort) No. But I’ve had plenty of similar experiences. So you’re saying what we’re all experiencing here is relatively short pain from an accident that’s causing all local resources to scramble?

Socrates: Without authorization to go into detail: yes. The existence of the evil you experience in this solar system is the product of an unintentional accident; a kind of youthful angelic rebellion to do what she “wanted” against responsible adult advice.

But really, Carl, that weak and limited explanation won’t be at all helpful. What’s in front of everyone is the evil, our discoveries in history getting closer to the source of the evil, and our observations from experiments that our response capabilities are apparently too limited to effectively challenge the evil. 

In short, we’re in need of expert adult help to attend to our emergency. 

What we both observe are arrival teams with all the appearances of genuine expert help, but what we don’t know is if they are White Hats to deliver what they promise, or Black Hats doing what evil always does: wage war by deception. 

The problems are not yet solved, but we both deduce that pieces are being put into place with growing public awareness. It seems that if we’re receiving “expert help” that we ourselves must sufficiently support in our own best-invented participation. 

Therefore, it might be that such an “accident” at higher dimensions is an anticipated event; a natural occurrence that then triggers other events usual to the human and Earth condition: a unique species of evil evolves from a robust evolutionary environment for humans to experience, and then have choice to evolve beyond, join, or just continue experiencing as a denizen of evil.

This window of choice is for a limited time, then closed with the “accident” attended to, with humans moving forward either to graduated positions of accepted responsibility, choice to experience more evil, or inability to discern good from evil and thereby given more opportunity until such a choice is made.

Oh, Carl, did you already embrace the fractal reality that a plethora of intelligent species also means a “lessor infinity” of evil species?

Carl: Oh, shit. No, I hadn’t! Wow, so do you have some kind of free-range zoo for these evil spirits who are born, infiltrate a lower dimension to cause havoc, then are captured? 

Socrates: Exactly. They have relative freedom. The only ones “resonated” back to Source are the ones who continue break-out attempts, or choose Source over the limits imposed on them. We have interchange zones so we can learn from each other. Some rehabilitate, but that’s all I can disclose at this time, Carl.

And that’s it. 

That’s what I see we’re all dealing with. 

Carl: (pensive) So maybe the best all of us can do is have compassion for the challenges faced by beings above and below us in evolution, and try to be helpful?

Socrates: The dimension above human has an advantage that we can be honest with each other about the facts, various interpretations of the data, and policy proposals. Our analysis of our own position is that yes, all hands are on deck to deal with an emergency affecting all beings in this fractal strand of existence.

Yes, we should be as helpful as we can imagine, and with context that we’re all affected and under attack.

(pauses, then a “harumph”) I don’t think further detail will harm at this point. Carl, as far as we can tell, a Goddess’ unsanctioned experiment created an artificial intelligence that’s busted into lower dimensions like if May found herself in a hen house.

(pause for me to appreciate what May would actually do in a hen house, given she was bred to kill)

This is an unprecedented emergency for the hens, who are defenseless against such a powerful predator. Some will be killed horrifically. Help has arrived and is fully engaged. That said, one can only push analogies so far, and our real-world response includes a planetary ascension to neutralize the AI while allowing the humans opportunity to ascend, join evil, or to be relocated for healing and a normalized process of evolution without May’s understandable but misplaced self-expression.

I mean, we love May but know how she would likely respond. Our intervention would intend to not harm May, but to certainly restrain her in a safer environment. We would also have a medical and spiritual emergency among the hens that will take appreciable time to heal.

Carl: Soc, just how big is this “hen house” the AI has broken into?

Socrates: That I’m not authorized to say. I can tell you what you know: our elders tell us this evil upon us is a “mistake” or “error in judgment” or “rash creative act” that produced the AI. The Gods and Goddesses at that level are responsible, They have addressed the issue at Their level, and are lending all assistance. 

Again, embracing that time is on much broader scale to those Gods, the solution is already accomplished, and playing out in time. And for the moment, May is still rampaging. 

Maybe I should have gone with the analogy of Godzilla set loose… 

Carl: So literally for us to lose, all our temporal and spiritual access would have had to be hijacked by a higher-dimensional Dark being or through some kind of unprecedented covert operation? 

Socrates: Yes. A loss would be literally outside of all known history. And we have lots of examples of higher-dimensional creations wreaking havoc on lower dimensions that had to be contained. Our highest access to Source says this is just a garden-variety creation of rebellion by higher dimensional beings. Those Darker life forms shall be nurtured and learned from, but certainly responded to if there’s harm to other beings. 

Maybe it really is like May accidentally biting us in the nuts, but only because we had no idea the pent-up energy she has trying to exist in our slave system of “pets.” If we punish May, it extends our slavery. If we learn from May, we would discover the unanticipated distance between our idea of ethical “ownership” versus what our pets would seek with a free life. 

Carl: So we experience the pain of our co-creation with May, which might be fierce, recognize she had no intent to harm, and that our relative ignorance created a hazardous condition that would eventually cause damage. 

Socrates: And we get some help with our bitten nuts; trauma that isn’t going away quickly.

Carl: And some training about how to co-exist better with this particular kind of being.

Socrates: So, to change topic with your permission to the last I wanted to address with you: how are you doing during this apparent endgame?

Carl: Wait. A loss would be kind of like Saruman in Lord of the Rings fooling everyone after he turned evil to cover for Sauron taking over the world, right? 

Or better: a teenage God asked for a pet dragon, was advised by adults of the level of responsibility wasn’t consistent with the teen’s maturity and commitment, the teen got a secret pet dragon, got bit in the nuts, and the dragon escaped to attack a village. Is that about right?

Socrates: Yes. Both are good analogies. 

In order for us to lose, this would seem to require a very powerful Light being turning to the Dark Side that has never happened in history. I do see our situation as safely containing an escaped and frustrated dragon causing severe damage.

So (pausing to smile and look at me with his hoodie again covering an eye) how are you, Brother?

Carl: (sigh) The same. The paradox becomes more extreme of feeling more and more that everything is well, as everything externally is in more and more danger.

My job of teaching algebra to high school students who never passed it is pretty much how I see life:
  • I can protect and help all willing. With a school and district average of ~50% failing, I have just one failed student for the first semester. As we’ve discussed, my average student learns at ~99.99th percentile of expected district results.
  • I reveal the lies. I'm the only math teacher I know of who tells students the truth that the claimed “real-world problems” are bullshit lies that are anti-math distractions from quantifying anything important in our world. 
  • I move forward step-by-step. I demonstrate to students that algebra is just counting when we know what the symbols mean, and all those problems are easy when we carefully proceed one step at a time.
  • I'm a “rebel in the right way.” Although my colleagues and family fear me when I even think of anything important, that's the price to pay for truth. Students understand this condition when they talk to their previous math teachers about the bullshit word problems, and witness for themselves my colleagues' irrational and angry reactions.
So yeah, I continue living in Algebra Hell pointing to the obvious while attending to the less fortunate with humor, leadership, and compassion. 

We just had a “suicide prevention” professional development at school, Soc. We were briefed that about 20% of teens are so discouraged that they seriously consider suicide. When we were all asked to contribute what we saw, I spoke up that ~7,000 military veterans kill themselves every year associated with the forever illegal and lie-started US wars, law enforcement suicides are spiking, and our students and families suffer under increasing poverty and debt. We all see this, but we all do nothing to truthfully address those broader conditions and required solutions.

Some teachers started to shout me down, Soc. They want to pretend they do something, and maybe they think they do. The facilitator jumped in to affirm those suicide numbers are up, and thanked me to point to causes.

Socrates: These teachers who defended the status quo level of public response to conditions resulting in I’m sure an under-reported percent of teens so upset by the world that they want to end their lives, these are the very same teachers who all, every single one, declined to respond to your emailed invitations to stand with you to request the superintendent of your district refuse military recruitment of children at your schools because the US engages in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression? 

You mean those teachers who fail to even recognize the end of the worst crime a nation can commit, and the most costly in lives and money, the “woke ones” who rejected thanking and standing with you?

Carl: The same. All the teachers also declined to respond to my invitation to learn how much money we could save with public banking and monetary reform. I framed it that if our current bond measure was under a public bank, our community would save enough money to pay for a 12% teacher raise sustained over the next 30 years. 

But it wasn’t just the teachers who didn’t find this important enough to respond. The superintendent, teachers’ union president and VP, all school board members, my school principal, oh and the assistant superintendent in charge of finance also all ignored the 1-page brief that I supplemented with specific example how one of the reforms would provide that 12% pay raise. Actually, the superintendent answered, but just to say he’d ask the finance guy to look. But that’s the same guy ignoring the info. And it’s been a month since I pitched that, so I’ll have to follow up. Again. (see the emails below if you’re curious of how programmed our education leaders are. I hope they wake up now.)

So, what am I to do to help?

I continue being a scholar to learn everything I can, but have no-one to talk to regularly. My family life is mostly responsibility; we love each other but this is with whatever’s left when I can’t talk about what’s most important to me that will literally kill us all if we don’t address.

I write to share what I see. The only fun thing I have in my life is being a senior tennis athlete. I enjoy cannabis for a spiritual connection, broader perspective, and it’s the best anti-inflammatory I’ve found to recover in sports. I’d like to experience ayahuasca at Rythmia, but I’ll only be able to pitch that to family if we win.

I’m ready to win, but experienced enough to stay focused until the game is over. Maybe we’re close, but I’ve deluded myself to think that before.

Socrates: (listening intently with his head down) So you… (he again has attempted to turn his head to look at me while talking, and again is thwarted by his hoodie covering an eye and his nose. He pulls the hoodie off his head, revealing balding and wild “hoodie hair.” Socrates has no idea how ridiculous he looks while being the most serious in our discussion. I, of course, must wait at least a little while to tell him. I interpret this as a sign from the Gods to remain of good humor.) 

You relate to apparent impending victory as just another service day until it happens?

Carl: Uh, yeah. Sorry, I got distracted for a moment. Something behind you. 

Anyway, I don’t believe in anything until it happens. I’m as hopeful as the next sucker, and yeah, again, we must need this ordeal one way or another, otherwise it wouldn’t be happening. 

I see it as either a real-world emergency rescue, a training simulation to prepare for emergencies, or just spiritual exercise to get us up off our fat angelic asses just blissing out all day. Maybe we’d all be spoiled and weak if this “spiritual workout” wasn’t a routine part of our lives. 

Socrates: I’m under the same conclusion that one way or another, we volunteered for this. 

On the bright side, it shows we are some baaaad asses to volunteer for this war.

(Socrates moves his head from side-to-side as he says "baaaad" so that his hoodie hair sways kind of like Bozo the clown.)

Carl: Or dummmb asses to take on more than we should. I don’t blame the god who got us dragon-bit in the balls because I’m at least that stupid. 

Socrates: Maybe we signed up for this type of work because the pay is good.

(Pause, then both of us burst-out in full laughter)

Carl: Maybe that’s what we told ourselves: (in mock stupidity) “Hey, Socrates, let’s go to Earth! The pay is really good, and how bad could it be for a dragon to bite your balls?”

(We laugh so hard that May turns around to look at us. She walks back to Socrates, curious about his exposed head.)

Socrates: (in baby-talk to May) We all found out being bit can be really bad, huh, May. (down on his knees again to fully love and play with May) We all got bit, and we’ll think this is really funny later, but not right now because it’s happening to us and it’s super painful and real! Yes that’s what happened, May-May! You’re a good girl, and that’s what happened to us! We’ll all be ok, but right now we all need some love and help, yes we do. Yes we do, good girl! 

(May again is in “all love excited” doggie mode that gradually calms. We’ve made another lap around the block and again close to my house. I join Soc to kneel on a neighbor’s lawn.)

Carl: How about you, Soc? How are you holding out with whatever it is you do that you can’t tell me?

Socrates: It’s work, Brother. But we all see the value of doing our best because this AI is lethal. 

We’re kind of like you, only in openly-operating teams with greater clarity of what we’re up against, and with known allies in dimensions above the AI. Existing in a higher dimension means they are invulnerable to attack and with total power over the AI. 

And we’re unlike you in that our connection to Source and all experience and expression of virtue is unimaginably greater than available incarnated as a human. 

We’re all ready to celebrate the victory after all this time and investment, and we’re all very excited about the new freedoms victory will bring.

Are you ready to win, Carl?

Carl: So ready. 

I think I’m ready most for not being personally attacked when I’m openly truthful, and seeing what I’d do with freedom in this incarnation or the next. 

But we have a war to win first.

What’s next for you, Soc?

Socrates: Sorry, Brother. That’s unauthorized information, incarnated soldier-scholar. But I can tell you I’m looking forward to that adventure as much as you like the idea of retiring to Hawaii!

Carl: (nod and smile) That’s great, Soc. I’m happy for you. 

But until then (I roll to the side, up, and offer Soc a hand to stand), we both have work to do.

I hope the next time we talk is in celebration of victory, Brother. 

Socrates: Yes, yes! 

Carl: Anything else, Bro?

Socrates: Just this. (Bro hug) Thank you for your service.

Carl: Likewise, Brother.

Socrates: Back to the war, then.

Carl: Yeah. One day more.

4 of my current favorite revolutionary/spiritual songs:

Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People): Aloha ke akua

Nattali Rize: One People

Stick Figure: Angels above me

My emails attempting to initiate education and action for fully funding public education and all infrastructure. This is just one of perhaps 50 such projects over 43 years of my civic activism:

December 17, 2019:

Dear HEA and HUSD colleagues,
We have the technical solutions to fully fund public education (and all infrastructure).

Please consider the following published research (Claremont Colleges) along with California passing AB 857 into law allowing public banking (after 10 years of our lobbying).

I've made this offer before over the last 3 years, and emphasize you are welcome to accept at any time: I can easily brief any audience to the power of these reforms within 10 minutes (my background includes ~300 policy briefs to Members of Congress regarding poverty-ending legislation).

Feel free to respond with any questions, challenges, or just your acceptance to be briefed :)


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Herman, Carl <>
Date: Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 10:32 AM
Subject: HHS Solutions: HUSD would save ~$380 million from Measure H with public banking

An example to demonstrate the power of these two solutions is if we compare Measure H versus how much it would cost with in-house and at-cost credit from a public bank.

Measure H is funded with ~$381 million of debt securities sold through vendors to investors. The public cost of this funding method typically doubles the nominal cost over the life of a 30-year bond. A public bank issues credit directly, and can either charge interest at-cost or return profit to the public. Therefore, Measure H funded at-cost would save our homeowners ~$380 million over 30 years. 

What does a savings of $380 million mean?
  • The ~150,000 population of our city has ~25,000 homeowners (an estimate based on Wikipedia demographic data) contributing Measure H funding through increased property tax. The average homeowner would save ~$16,000 through public banking rather than paying Wall Street bond brokers and for-profit interest.
  • The saved ~$380 million over 30 years would add ~$12 million/year to HUSD's budget. Teachers' salaries cost ~$100 million/year, so this savings equals ~12% raise.
  • The ~$3 million HUSD "reserve" isn't needed with a public bank able to extend at-cost credit. The state of California has ~14,000 government entities with "reserve" or "rainy day" funds that could all be returned to the public. Data sampling of these ~14,000 reserve funds show an astonishing $8 trillion total. This estimate seems it must be high because that translates into ~$650,000 overtaxation among California's ~12.5 million households. That said, the data should be independently counted, then this embarrassment of riches returned to the public.
There is only one state with a public bank: North Dakota. This is also the only state with increasing budget surplusses instead of escalating debt.

Why haven't we heard of public banking if it's so great?

Because you're being massively lied to regarding war and money (among key areas). Public banking transfers literal trillions in "too big to fail" bank profits back to the public. The Big Banks, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex (Ike's first draft was "Military-Congressional-Industrial Complex") coordinate with corporate media to represent their interests rather than those of We the People (also part of my published paper).

It literally took our lobby group 10 years to get California to pass AB 857 to allow public banks. We had to force politicians to answer pointed questions to reveal they have no argument against the superior mechanics of public banking.

I will share this email with HEA and HUSD Superintendent. 

Want to know more or have questions? Contact me and/or visit our Wednesday PLC in M-17 :)

Solutions for HHS and Beyond!

On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 3:56 PM Herman, Carl <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,
This is a 1-page summary of Claremont Colleges’ published research of a paper I wrote for a 2015 international conference on Monetary Reform and Public Banking. These two reforms would abundantly fund all infrastructure, including public education. They are historically tested and championed by many of our brightest historical minds that include Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, and 86% of economics professors when directly asked (topic of a 2012 paper). I’ve shared this research on the AP Economics Teachers’ Discussion Board since 2009, with no colleague finding any errors. After 10 years of our lobbying, the state of California just passed AB 857 authorizing public banks.

These two reforms are easy to learn: 
  • Monetary reform simply means being able to create money as a positive number to directly pay for public goods and services. What we have only creates "money" as its Orwellian-opposite, debt, which explains how and why total debt increases exponentially. Creating money as a positive number has triple and game-changing benefits: upgraded infrastructure, employment, and falling prices to the extent infrastructure investment returns more economic output than cost (this usually happens).
  • Public banking is creating in-house and at-cost credit instead of selling debt securities to the public. In-house and at-cost credit reduces total nominal debt by ~50% compared with paying Wall Street "debt experts" and interest. The one state with a public bank is North Dakota: also the one and only state with increasing budget surpluses from their paying half of what all other 49 states pay for debt.
The top 3 game-changing benefits of monetary reform:
  1. We pay the national debt in proportion to removing private banks’ ability to create credit (what we use for money as debt). This balance prevents inflation. We retire national debt forever.
  2. We fully fund infrastructure that returns more economic output than investment cost for triple upgrades: the best infrastructure we can imagine, up to full-employment, and lower overall costs.
  3. We stop the ongoing Robber Barons who McKinsey’s Chief Economist documents having ~$30 TRILLION in tax havens, and the Fed finding the US top seven banks creating shell companies to hide $10 trillion. This amount is about 30 times needed to end all global poverty, which has killed more people since 1995 than all wars and violence in all human history. Robber Barons are within our own Department of Offense Defense, who admit they "lost" $21 trillion of taxpayer money (~$200,000 per average US household).
Top 3 game-changing benefits of public banking:
  1. A state-owned bank could abundantly fund all state programs and eliminate all taxes with just a 5% mortgage and credit card.
  2. A state-owned bank could create in-house and at-cost credit to fund infrastructure. This cuts nominal costs in half because, as you know, selling debt securities typically doubles the cost. For example, the new Bay Bridge upgrade cost $6 billion, but the debt-service costs will add another $6 billion when it’s all paid.
  3. CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) stash “rainy day” funds no longer required with a credit line from a public bank. In addition, the so-called “retirement funds” currently deliver net returns of just a few percent on good years, and negative returns on bad years (here, here). California’s ~14,000 various government entities’ CAFRs have a sampled-data total estimate of $8 trillion in surplus taxpayer assets ($650,000 non-disclosed assets per household, among California’s ~12.5 million households).
I have open invitations to brief HEA, HUSD, CTA, and our County Office of Education. The system we have forces HEA/HUSD to negotiate over ever-decreasing slices of pie as aggregate debt continues accelerating exponentially until inevitable crash when further debt cannot be absorbed. 

Questions? Feel free to ask.

Carl Herman
Mathematics Department
National Board Certified Teacher
National Board Certified Teacher Coach

May everything add up for you

Social Justice: save millions of lives, help billions of people, redirect trillions of dollars to help build a future brighter than we can imagine

December 29, 2019:

Hi Matt and Allan,
Thank you for the reply, and may 2020 be the best year yet for us all :)

Here's the history, including with Allan:
  • In March of 2018 I shared this research with HEA and HUSD leadership. 
  • HEA, HUSD Board, and you declined to be briefed, with HEA and you recommending I contact CTA and the County Board of Education, respectfully.
  • CTA, despite having a publicly-declared goal to fully fund education told me that they don't have anyone to field my request. They ignored my follow-up emails that having a direct answer to a stated CTA goal must have a responsible party. This was exactly what I received from CTA when I last contacted them with this research ~2009, as well as NEA.
  • The County Board of Education's contact person stopped responding after a promise to look at the research.
  • Allan responded with interest, and asked to wait until summer to be briefed. Alan stopped responding when I requested to schedule.
  • I talked with (name omitted) at our all-HUSD meeting at the start of this school year, who expressed interest, declined to be briefed, and recommended I show up to a Board meeting to speak without invitation. I declined from experience that if my invitation isn't of sufficient interest to accept, I won't be heard at all.
  • Our HHS PLC Solutions for HHS and Beyond! sent emails and made phone calls to the Political Science and Economics Departments at UC Berkeley and CSUEB for reality checks to help you accept briefings. After perhaps a total of 20 communications on our part, we gave up after receiving zero interest from anyone to even look, and without any reply to indicate anyone had ever heard of these proposals. UC Berkeley's Economics Department finally referred us to Public Relations, whose chief Officer emailed that our request for input was without "public interest" but "personal research" that the university wouldn't invest time to help us with. This was similar to what I received in 2009 when I contacted each and every UC and CSU political science and economics professor with this research to fully fund public education that includes their institutions (I received one positive response who shared in frustration his similar problem that nobody is willing to look).
  • Our HHS PLC Solutions for HHS and Beyond! sent emails to our staff of this research and received a few replies to stop bothering them, and zero responses of interest. 
All: a premise of public education is to train for breakthrough thinking. 

These two reforms are breakthroughs. 

Will you simply say yes to accept a pathway to fully fund public education and all infrastructure, or continue a history of tragic-comic denial and rejection of promised answers for a future brighter than we can imagine; a true breakthrough?

These two reforms have the backing of Ben Franklin to Thomas Edison. They are published by The Claremont Colleges' Graduate Schools' consortium after a 2015 international economics conference for ~2,000 people. After ten years of lobbying in California and the most fierce opposition from the Big Banks and Wall Street we have one reform passed into law that opens the door for HUSD and all public entities to save 50% of bond costs.

I have helped prepare and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Congress over 18 years, and am exceptionally competent to help you understand these breakthroughs.

If this doesn't communicate, I can't help you, and you'll have to leave these hundreds of millions of dollars for HUSD unclaimed  :)

If anyone would like to be briefed, I'm here. I have a lot of ideas of how you might proceed, but really am only interested to empower what you might want to do with these breakthroughs. If you bring these ideas to anyone who denies them, please allow me to engage in order to correct any misunderstandings of the data. None of us researching and publishing have ever found anyone able to refute our factual claims, and the Big Banks/Wall Street did their best to California's Assembly and Senate Members (all they had was to promote fear of the unknown and trust in their "leadership" and "expertise" under the current model responsible for the funding emergency).

I don't mean to pester anyone with all this money available to us, and hope you have empathy and a sense of humor for this problem I have to watch HUSD/HEA suffer when we already have solutions, and those solutions are ignored to date.

With all respect,

January 26, 2020:

Hi Allan (and HUSD leaders),
A month ago Matt asked you to review public banking and monetary reform for possible HUSD funding benefits. What potential did you find?

If these ideas are new to you, I can brief you personally within 20 minutes. My background includes briefing Members of Congress ~300 times on public policy to end poverty that helped create two UN summits for head of state, and make known the topic honored by the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize (Dr. Muhammad Yunus with microcredit). I promise everything I present is fully documented, comprehensively accurate, and that all questions/concerns will be fully addressed. 

Again, if public banking were used to fund Measure H, HUSD and our community would have saved ~$380 million over the 30 years of these debt securities.

There are multiple experts I can connect you with who will also verify the data that public banking and monetary reform are literally the most valuable reforms you have ever encountered. They are also powerfully opposed by the Big Banks who will have literal trillions of dollars transferred from their profits to return to the public.

Thank you for your attention to this vitally important and challenging information,


“Interview” series:
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