ASCENSION: What if Earth’s shit-storm of ‘leader’s’ psychopathic lies & death versus humanity’s breakthrough potential is God’s best plan for traumatized sheeple to FINALLY recognize Good from Evil, then freely choose a side? Does this address and explain humanity’s most important questions???

“But maybe we have passed beyond the time when the thoughtful 2 per cent – you know, I gather from my questionnaire that only 2 per cent of the people think,” and Mr. Edison smiled broadly.  ~ New York Times interviewing Thomas Edison and Henry Ford on their Summer vacation media tour to educate Americans on the breakthrough of monetary reform (today worth ~$1,000,000 to the average American household)

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”  ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Elective Affinities (1809), Bk. II, Ch. 5

“There are three scales of intelligence, one which understands by itself, a second which understands what is shown it by others, and a third which understands neither by itself nor on the showing of others.”  ~ Niccolò MachiavelliThe Prince, Chapter XXII, page 172 (London: Oxford University Press, 1913) Translated by Ninian Hill Thomson

For 42 years I’ve engaged in academic, professional, and personal consideration of humanity’s most important questions and topics. This essay has four sections to address some of those, then recent and helpful videos:
  1. Earth humans live under ongoing Orwellian-lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire. This is Emperor’s New Clothes obvious, and easy for professional historians such as me to explain, document, and prove. This history is uncontested as far as I know, and taught in any comprehensive history class. That said, what public textbooks present are easily-proved lies of omission and commission to glorify and obfuscate American rogue state empire.
  2. Earth humans behave as sheeple: programmed slaves to obey the empire who are extremely uncomfortable to challenge authority. They defend their slave status with cognitive dissonance. I present mulitple case studies, and invite your consideration of what you see in your own experiences of attempting to communicate that sheeple are enslaved.
  3. The origin of sheeple is in ancient history coexistent with advanced technology with literal rock solid evidence: stonework with far heavier materials, cut more precisely, and faster than we are capable today.
  4. Conclusion: Earth’s sheeple’s origins include the destruction of a planet in our solar system (I provide abundant evidence), with its refugees fleeing to this planet. Sheeple are their GMO: a genetically-designed work animal to serve as the most capable slave-race possible. Ancient Earth cataclysms destroyed previous advanced civilizations, but the same ancient refugees still manage bloodline minions (our “leaders” such as the Bush and Clinton families) to continue using sheeple as slaves. God is obviously fine with what exists because it’s allowed, and perhaps uses Her children’s free will creations as fair challenges to “graduate” or “ascend” from a cosmic school’s grade level. The basic test is described in Genesis: can people, the creation of so-called “gods” to serve in their gardens, discern good from evil, or only capable of obeying authority? 
As always, my work is only possible in synergy with all the work associated in the links, and extending back centuries and millennia to similar leaders contributing to our work in the present.

1. The Great Empire continues until a Great Awakening reveals it

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.”  – President Harry Truman, Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, pg. 26.

I wrote an 11-part series to document the US as an ongoing illegal rogue state empire engaged in forever wars for maximum control over natural and human resources. These Wars of Aggression continue in our world of the present, all started on easily-proved lies, and so obviously illegal that all involved are Oath-bound to refuse all associated orders because there are no lawful orders for unlawful wars. American illegal Wars of Aggression have war-murdered over 30 million since WW2; more than the Nazis.

The historical data of US rogue state empire is both taught in comprehensive history classes, and so accepted that it is not even challenged for accuracy as far as I know.  That said, this history of American illegal empire is unknown to most Americans due to corporate media and public education textbook lies of omission and commission. 

I will debate anyone interested who challenges this data. 

The challenge, however, is we face “official” silence as illustrated in this one example: just six US corporations control ~90% of what Americans get for newsMIT’s Simon Johnson (and former Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund) describes our big banks being led by gambling oligarchs who have captured government as in “banana republics” (his words). He concludes fraud is the heart of Wall Street. His best-selling book, 13 Bankers: The Wall Street takeover and the next financial meltdown, was discussed with over 30 Emmy Award-winning journalist Bill Moyers to explain the US banking system, loss of trillions of American taxpayer dollars to oligarchs’ manipulation as a matter of definitive fact, the looting of America being protected by partners with political muscle, and rational consideration of the facts proving massive financial crimes:

SIMON JOHNSON: The American democracy was not given to us on a platter. It is not ours for all time, irrespective of our efforts. Either people organize and they find political leadership to take this on, or we are going to be in big trouble, okay?… That’s absolutely the heart of the problem. I would also say and tell you, and emphasize, these people will not come out and debate with us. The heads of these companies or their representatives, they will not come out. They’re afraid. They don’t have the substance. They don’t have the arguments. We have the evidence. They have the lobbyists. And that’s all they have.

BILL MOYERS: They’ve got the power, the muscle, the money.

SIMON JOHNSON: They have money.

BILL MOYERS: You just have the arguments. You just have the facts. On your side.

SIMON JOHNSON: Absolutely. That’s exactly what it comes down to. 

If you’re interested in having the history of US illegal rogue state empire clearly and professionally explained and documented, along with the lies you’re told by “officials” to cover those massive crimes that annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions (and here, here), please explore the links. 

Central to seeing the US rogue state is to see their public assassinations that include President Kennedy, Dr. Martin King, and Bobby Kennedy (among hundreds). That evidence is overwhelming, uncontested because the facts are all on one side, yet unknown to most Americans because all they receive is official denial with scorn, hiding evidence for "national security," or lies. I document the evidence in an “interview” with those three to emphasize that the rogue state elements guilty of those assassinations are still in control today.

In commitment to demonstrate my factual claims while minimizing readers’ time, here is the outline of my 11-part series of US rogue state empire “top hits” that I encourage you to explore so that you’re confident the United States of the present is not the limited government under the US Constitution that you’re promised, but most accurately described as a lying, looting, and illegal rogue state empire.

Eleven sections:
  1. Introduction to define ‘rogue state’ as perfect match with US illegal Wars of Aggression, Crimes Against Humanity, dictatorial government
  2. The US violated ~600 treaties with Native Americans to steal Native American land. A treaty is signed by a US President, approved by 2/3 vote of the US Senate, and under Article VI of the US Constitution becomes US “supreme Law.” These ongoing “in your face” violations of “supreme Law” became the precedent to typical hypocritical and unlawful US policies of the present.
  3. US President Polk lied to Congress (with their approval) to initiate War of Aggression on Mexico. The result was the US illegally stealing 40% of Mexico in 1848. Congress opposed Abraham Lincoln’s crystal-clear explanation as a member of Congress that the Adams-Onís Treaty placed the so-called “border dispute” 400 miles within land forever promised to Mexico and forever promised as outside any US claim.
  4. The US violated our treaty with Hawaii and stole their country in 1898.
  5. The US reneged on promises of freedom after the Spanish American War to impose colonialism on the Philippines, and install US-friendly dictators in Cuba. US military slaughtered resisters, calling them yesterday’s version of “terrorists.”
  6. The US entered WW1 upon no national security threat to the US, and imprisoned the 3rd party presidential candidate for challenging “official reasons” for war.
  7. The CIA had several covert wars; perhaps most important in today’s context of war on Iran: “Operation Ajax” that overthrew Iran’s democracy and installed a US-friendly and brutal dictator.  When that dictator was overthrown and Iran refused another, the US aided Iraq to unlawfully invade and attack Iran from 1980-1988; killing up to a million Iranians. If the US lied and acted twice to unlawfully overthrew Iran’s democracy within many of our own lifetimes, shouldn’t we assume first another lie-started unlawful war today?
  8. The Vietnam War followed US permission to cancel the election to unify the country. The US stopped democracy to keep a friendly government, and perhaps to have ongoing live weapons testing and development. War escalated with the Gulf of Tonkin incident,  deliberate provocation to manipulate a false-flag event for “defensive” war.
  9. Perhaps most disturbing is the King Family civil suit that found the US government guilty in the assassination of Dr. King (and here). Corporate media, including our text publishers, omit this history. The King family’s conclusion is that Martin was assassinated to prevent his “Occupy DC” plan beginning for the summer of 1968 to end his version of today’s wars.
  10. We now know from Congressional reports that all “reasons” for war with Iraq were known to be false as they were told.
  11. The two “reasons” for war with Iran are as false as the “reasons” for war with Iraq: Iran never threatened Israel, and Iran’s nuclear energy and medicine programs are IAEA-verified as completely safe and lawful.
2. 98% sheeple and only 2% people?

“We cannot fix the exact point at which our empire shall stop; we have reached a position in which we must not be content with retaining but must scheme to extend it, for, if we cease to rule others, we are in danger of being ruled.”  ~ Alcibiades in 415 BC according to Thucydides, arguing for Athenian empire similar to current US “leadership” rhetoric today for more OBVIOUSLY LIE-STARTED AND ILLEGAL wars on Syria, Iran, Venezuela, etc., etc., etc. Socrates was blamed for “teaching” Alcibiades, among evidence for his “crime” of “corrupting the young.” The public rejected their first-hand experiences of Socrates’ opposition to Athenian illegal empire, and instead blamed him for it, then voted for his execution.

The quote at the start of this essay from Thomas Edison states that he found only 1 in 50 human beings able to actually think; that is, able to discern objective facts from lies that they’re told and then believe. 

After 42 years of civic activism beginning with work to shape US domestic and foreign policies to end poverty, I agree with Mr. Edison’s conclusion: my findings are 49 of 50 people unable and/or unwilling to think seems about right. 

My experience is also consistent with Plato's Allegory of the Cave, with only 1 of 50 people seeing and speaking to the light of truth, with 49 of 50 in defense that the shadows they are shown by puppet-masters are full objective reality. Indeed, most sheeple act as the prisoners in the cave to attack those questioning the shadows, and to silence those who can expose the shadows as false projections to herd sheeple in directions chosen by the puppet masters.

Let’s consider just three brief case studies to demonstrate sheeple’s lack of thought, lack of empathy, and programming to obey authority: ending poverty and the general public, the workplace, and family.

Ending poverty: Just three crucial data points for how important this topic is:
  • Our “leaders” have poverty-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years, harmed billions, and looted tens of trillions
  • The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (ironically less than 1% of profits from colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history
  • The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions. 
Beginning in 1979, I’ve had literally tens of thousands of conversations with human beings to communicate the importance of ending poverty, along with the relative technological ease to do so. My findings are consistent that only ~2% of human beings can think about this, with ~98% either rejecting thought or having no capacity to reflect and/or take independent action. 

Over 18 years’ work with both US political party “leaderships” I conclude both parties promote psychopaths willing to go on Sunday political talkshows to promote wars and authoritarian policies. Both parties’ “leaderships” only and always lied to us regarding ending poverty; reneging on all public and private promises. Moreover, my personal experience is that they enjoyed lying to us, treated us as annoying sub-human things in their way that they could and should bullshit to get out of their way, with this behavior extending up to two UN summits for heads of state.

This duping delight was most recently demonstrated by Congressperson and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s response to an alleged mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. See for yourself in the first minute of this 10-minute video with multiple examples:

I contributed to demonstrate the Sandy Hook alleged mass shooting cannot be true based upon the birth ages of the alleged victims’ mothers. Included in this apparent deception for gun confiscation so our .01% “leaders” won’t be confronted by an awakened and armed American public, is an alleged Sandy Hook father’s apparent duping delight. Robbie Parker, a “father” whose “daughter” was brutally murdered the day before, approached a press conference smiling, laughing, then as best I can tell with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer also speaking, saying, “I feel terrible to support this, but should we start? Ok.” Mr. Parker then seems to “get into character,” or whatever you’d call what the video shows. Take as much time as you need to feel the implications of what you see, hear, and read of emotions and body language as this ~30-second video helpfully loops to allow time to process what this might mean:


The workplace: As a professional educator of high school students, my colleagues are all college-graduated professionals who should be highly interested in their subject fields. The facts of US rogue state empire, assassinations of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Dr. King, and benefits of monetary reform and public banking that would abundantly fund public education should be highly compelling to professionals teaching Social Science, Mathematics, our administrators, and district officials. 

Not only is this not the case, but I’ve been so actively avoided and despised that I’ve been fired four times with an attempted fifth. This, despite my status as a colleague so ridiculously successful that I should be leveraged to upgrade education benefits for our students. I believe I have all relevant details in this “interview” with Socrates, and don’t feel it helpful to repeat here except one in one area:
  • My current teaching work is high school first-year algebra. 
  • The school, district, and US for similar areas with lower-educated and income-earning parents have a 50% failure rate for Algebra 1.
  • My students average a failure rate of less than 5% with peer-reviewed and approved tests, and an average GPA of ~3.00. This means my average student is learning at a measured rate above four standard deviations of school and district expected results; about at the 99.99th percentile.
  • Anonymous student surveys at the end of semesters have students’ average grade of my teaching as “A+”.
  • Despite all other district teachers averaging 50% failure of their students, I cannot get any colleague, department chair, principal, or district official to accept initiating a project to improve the teaching and learning of Algebra 1. 
  • At least two math colleagues have complained to the principal (not to me) that I degrade my profession by criticizing the textbook word problems. The district attempted to fire me last year, and I believe would have if they could do so without the above data going before a neutral panel.
I wrote a 12-part series of how public education curricula is bullshit: lies of omission and commission to hide ongoing US psychopathic and illegal empire. My experience now starting my 36th year as a public school teacher is that the condition of sheeple mixed into this controlled system of lies to form children into work animals is the Orwellian opposite of education. 

Education should free children to explore and discover their unique, beautiful, and powerful creative self-expression to synergistically contribute to evolution in unimaginable and unpredictable ways. What we have instead is a brutal institution that crushes OBVIOUS and game-changing topics, like those I represent, that constrain education into curricula to train slaves to produce the most work possible for masters. This includes the psychopathy of intentionally failing students, such as in Algebra 1, so the children blame themselves and must join the military to avoid working in the lowest slave caste of menial labor.

Such Orwellian-inversion is only possible with about 49 of every 50 education professionals responding as sheeple rather than people. The control system of "education" would collapse in tragic-comedy; an Emperor's New Clothes moment, if sheeple would look at reality rather than be captured in belief of what they're dictated. My experience is that people like me are responded to relatively the same as sheeple responded to Socrates: gossip and lie behind his back, attempt to use the legal system to remove him, and when given a vote to strongly prefer his execution rather than ongoing presence to point and speak to obvious facts.

Btw: I've come to peace in this condition that my job is only to provide choice. I no longer provoke the sheeple, but simply ask what's of interest in their lives and respond with what might genuinely be helpful. I stop topics of controversy when the sheeple become agitated. That said, the captured teenagers in my classrooms are very open to hear the truth of why their experience of so-called education is so frustrating and unfulfilling. The truth will set us all free, if we're willing to consider it, then apply basic educational training to discern objective factual claims from unsupported or refuted claims. Just as in the allegory Emperor's New Clothes: Earth will be a different place in a relative moment if the sheeple herd are motivated to raise their heads and trust their own eyes.

I do not know what sheeple will choose, what forces are in play, and although I feel I'm here on a powerful team for virtue's victory, I work without certainty outside of knowing the importance of offering choice to sheeple for basic truth that is absolutely consistent with applying skills and knowledge we teach all our children to command. 

Family: I love my family, and that said, have had to do a lot of work to accept their relative indifference to the most important topics and questions challenging humanity. 

I don’t think I need to say much here, as you, dear reader, likely have similar experiences. 

I do say more with “Socrates” if that is helpful.

3. Ancient technology: stronger, faster, and more precise than today

"I am under the impression that in nine out of ten cases I deal with windbags who do not fully realize what they take upon themselves, but who intoxicate themselves with romantic sensations.  From a human point of view this is not very interesting to me, nor does it move me profoundly.  However, it is immensely moving when a mature man - no matter whether young or old in years - is aware of a responsibility with heart and soul.  He then acts by following the ethic of responsibility and somewhere he reaches the point where he says:  'Here I stand; I can do no other.'  That is something genuinely human and moving.  And every one of us who is not spiritually dead must realize the possibility of finding himself at some time in that position."  - Max Weber, Politics as a Vocation, 1921.

With more helpful videos following the next point, I won’t do more than refer you to my previous work that is my best professionalism to explain and document the data that I conclude as an historian are irrefutable objective data of ancient prehistory human civilizations with technology more advanced than in the public domain today.

4. Conclusion: Offering choice between wake the flock up, or remain in Hell

"At first blush, a man is not capable of reporting truth; he must be drenched and saturated with it first." 

My conclusion as to the meaning of the above three factual claims is a big jump for most people, so let’s review for a moment:
  • Americans and Earthians live under Orwellian-lying, looting, and psychopathic-murdering rogue state empires that are globally connected because no other nation, academics, nor media expose this Emperor’s New Clothes obvious condition.
  • About 98% of Earthians do not or cannot think effectively about these facts of empire based upon my personal experience, and from conversations with colleagues. You can come to your own conclusions about the degree human beings are better classified as sheeple rather than people. This point is central to my conclusion that human beings were designed as a slave race.
  • Earthians live on a planet where ancient cataclysms wiped-out previous advanced civilizations. These previous civilizations seem to have origins outside Earth, with central evidence including an asteroid belt that used to be a planet and an ancient nuclear war on Mars.
My conclusions as to the meanings of the above facts:
  • Our solar system had a deeply evil condition that resulted in a planetary destruction. This is a huge deal, damaging all life in this solar system and with game-changing implications from resultant karma/effects.
  • The evil survivors came to Earth without learning upgrade, and used their advanced knowledge to dominate a slave race of people. Human beings are genetically manipulated to be the most intelligent slave race imaginable to them. I “discuss” with “Satan”  in consideration of facts and interpretation.
  • Earth “leaders” are the evil refugees’ bloodline minions to directly manage their slave race of humans. Their bloodlines are similar to their “masters” in that they lack empathy/love. This should be consistent with anyone’s careful consideration of what kind of being would continue psychopathic rogue state empire, especially when our option is for a beautiful planet that works beautifully for everyone.
  • The evil refugees working behind human’s “leaders” and most powerful families face challenges of periodic cataclysms they seem to lack technology to avoid. It may also be that their technology advances, then they’re at war with resultant destruction. 
  • An assumption of a virtuous God means that what we experience is allowed by a virtuous God. This means poverty, war, lying, looting, slavery, are all somehow important lessons for us to experience and grow from. I conclude that what we witness on Earth is God’s best plan to allow sheeple opportunity to discern Good from Evil, and that perhaps a million relative angels/messengers have incarnated in the US to help polarize the choice between Good and Evil. You, dear reader, are a likely fellow messenger/Angel.
  • Because God is now satisfied with the data collected in Earth’s unique experience within our solar system, the planet is about to ascend/graduate above and beyond the limitations of our worldly experiences and expressions. Those sheeple able to raise their vibratory frequency as demonstrated through their thoughts, words, and actions will also ascend/graduate. Those unable and/or unwilling will have their souls transferred to another opportunity to discern Good from Evil. Ascension is a basic cosmic test that all those evolving past the powers of human must discern Good from Evil, then demonstrate a choice for Good through loving connection to all that God has created. Again, the below new videos as well as all in the links I’ve shared have been helpful for me.
I don’t expect anyone to agree with or believe any of these conclusions. I consider them similar to the observations of famous psychologist Carl Rogers, with which I conclude:

"So in the next three or four minutes, I will try to digest some of the meanings which have come to me from my classroom experiences and the experience I have had in individual and group therapy.  They are in no way intended as conclusions for someone else, or a guide to what others should do or be...

(a)  My experience has been that I cannot teach another person how to teach.  To attempt it is for me, in the long run, futile.

(b)  It seems to me that anything that can be taught to another is relatively inconsequential, and has little or no significant influence on behavior.  That sounds so ridiculous I can't help but question it at the same time that I present it.

(c)  I realize increasingly that I am only interested in learnings which significantly influence behavior.  Quite possibly this is simply a personal idiosyncrasy.

(d)  I have come to feel that the only learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered, self-appropriated learning.  

(e)  Such self-discovered learning, truth that has personally been appropriated and assimilated in experience, cannot be directly communicated to another. As soon as an individual tries to communicate such experience directly, often with a quite natural enthusiasm, it becomes teaching, and its results are inconsequential.  It was some relief recently to discover that Soren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, had found this too, in his own experience, and stated it very clearly a century ago.  It made it seem less absurd.

(f)  As a consequence of the above, I realize that I have lost interest in being a teacher.

(g)  When I try to teach, as I do sometimes, I am appalled by the results, which seem a little more than inconsequential, because sometimes the teaching appears to succeed.  When this happens, I find that the results are damaging.  It seems to cause the individual to distrust his own experience and to stifle significant learning.  Hence, I have come to feel that the outcomes of teaching are either unimportant or hurtful.

(h)  When I look back at the results of my past teaching, the real results seem the same - either damage was done or nothing significant occurred.  This is frankly troubling.  

(i)  I find it very rewarding to learn, in groups, in relationships with one person as in therapy, or by myself.  

(k)  I find that one of the best, but most difficult ways for me to learn, is to drop my own defensiveness, at least temporarily, and to try to understand the way in which his experience seems and feels to the other person.

(l)  I find that another way of learning for me is to state my own uncertainties, to try to clarify my puzzlements, and thus get closer to the meaning that my experience actually seems to have.  

(m)  This whole train of experiencing, and the meaning that I have thus far discovered in it, seem to have launched me on a process which is both fascinating and at times a little frightening.  It seems to mean letting my experience carry me on, in a direction which appears to be forward, toward goals that I can but dimly define, as I try to understand at least the current meaning of that experience.  The sensation is that of floating with a complex stream of experience, with the fascinating possibility of trying to comprehend its ever-changing complexity.  

It is when I realize the implications that I shudder a bit at the distance I have come from the common-sense world that everyone knows is right."  
~ Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person, Boston:  Houghton Mifflin Co., 1961, Chapter 13, pages 275-278

Helpful recent videos (at least helpful for my learning)

Our rogue state wanna-be masters dictate what they want sheeple to believe through corporate media. You may have noticed corporate media reporting that UFOs are real, and crediting new military radar allowing our government to honestly report to the public, and replace false “conspiracy theories.” I discuss this new development (with helpful videos) as ongoing propaganda to counter what might be an inevitable victory of truth from God allowing more angelic messengers to incarnate on Earth than the evil cosmic refugees and their minions can control. Again, anyone reading this as the war for truth continues in August 2019 is a likely messenger/Angel who volunteered to incarnate under relative amnesia of origin in order to model basic truth to sheeple for their fair consideration. Again, I provide my best detail in “discussion with Satan.”

Here are recent videos helpful to my learning:

Best-selling author Graham Hancock’s 52 minutes on rock-solid evidence of ancient floods destroying ancient and advanced Earth civilizations:  

Corey Goode’s 90-minute videos in two parts (1, 2) on claimed insider knowledge of the cosmic plan for Earth:


Best-selling author David Wilcock’s 2-hour presentation on ET involvement on Earth with the point of Ascension:

Edge of Wonder’s 45-minute interview with a UFO witness with multiple photos and videos of ongoing encounters: 


Graham Hancock’s reading of the ancient Thoth’s prophecy that the evil we witness on Earth is necessary to polarize choice, and make clear that those choosing Good over Evil must reconnect back to God in order to experience and express that we’re all Brothers and Sisters, all connected:

I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at

Note: My work from 2012 to October, 2017 is on Washington’s Blog. Work back to 2009 is blocked by (and from other whistleblowers), so some links to those essays are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive (blocked author pages: here, here).


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