2019 interview with Socrates (9 of ?): Plato’s 'Allegory of the Sheeple'

The Allegory of the Cave is Plato’s 2,400-year-old testimony of how Socrates described the human condition: relatively few awakened human beings able to discern the real from the false (philosophers), failing to help those only able to see shadows (sheeple) cast by puppet-masters, and with sheeple so strongly programmed to only see what the puppet-masters intentionally place before them that sheeple kill philosophers who attempt to disrupt their programming. 

The following is my attempt to update that story.

In appreciation of Thomas Sheehan’s translation from Plato’s Republic, VII 514 a, 2 to 517 a, 7

warning: language of those “corrupting the young.”

Socrates: Education for sheeple comes to this: imagine demons so advanced in evil that their sustenance is solely the suffering of others. Carl, you have heard of masters of the light who on their peaceful path stop eating the flesh of animals?

Carl: Of course, Socrates.

Socrates: And then who through advanced meditation and connection to the Light can consume less and less of even the vegetable kingdom?

Carl: Eating less seems consistent on that path, including prayers of thanks to the spirits of those plants consumed.

Socrates: And you’ve heard of those who become so pure they can sustain their physical bodies on nothing more than the light of the sun?

Carl: I have heard and can imagine, but have not seen.

Socrates: Then can you accept those so Dark, that they desire only darkness to consume, the opposite of the light of the sun?

Carl: I imagine, Socrates, but this goes beyond personal experience.

Socrates: We explore the origins of sheeple, and why they reject the words and actions of philosophers. By “philosophers” I mean you, dear reader, who practice the truth of objective facts over the demons’ lies to herd sheeple to their bidding. We must discover what sheeple are, and therefore the intentions of their creators so we may clearly see their purpose: what sheeple are intended to do as an outcome of their design. 

Carl: Of course. The design of sheeple reveal their limitations, and allows us philosophers the wisdom to properly assess what they will and absolutely will not do. Just as we cannot expect a human child of age 3 to demonstrate the responsibility of an adult, we cannot expect sheeple to demonstrate responsibility beyond their design.

Socrates: And just as we cannot expect our pet dogs and cats to read and understand these arguments, we cannot expect sheeple to listen and respond to our arguments. Carl, I must push your understanding to see the truth of sheeple: you expect far too much by comparing them to even human children!

Carl: My ignorance of sheeple is deep. I have provoked them often and harshly. They have fired me from my work as a teacher of their children four times, despite their children learning over four standard deviations above the mean in that subject field, because I communicate to sheeple as you and I would to actual people. 

I am stupid with my thoughts, words, and actions to sheeple, Master Socrates. 

Socrates: And if you do not learn their limitations, they will surely kill you just as wild dogs and dangerous large cats when provoked.

Carl: Yes. And the depth of my stubbornness for sheeple’s freedom as real people had me wish martyrdom in my past, Socrates. I shudder at the futility of martyrdom, and seek wisdom for a perspective with sheeple that fulfills my existence among them. 

Socrates: Then follow this reasoning, and then look from a new perspective!

So we see sheeple as creations of demons so evolved in intelligence and so Dark in their own service to their own physical separation that they’ve built a prison for sheeple. Carl: do you imagine these demons so stupid that they do not understand their evil constrains them within the job of sheeple farmer, or do you imagine them fully cognizant of the consequences of their choice?

Carl: They must know, Master, or have access to that knowledge if they have curiosity.

Socrates: They do, and will look with consideration when ready. The demons who created sheeple to feed from know the limits of their powers, and certainly become bored when those limits become old. But the choices faced by such demons are beyond this conversation! Let’s instead look to the sheeple within their farms and zoos, for the demons feed, experiment upon, and learn from their captured prey. 

We must know the demons use sheeple as sources of darkness upon which to feed. We can have empathy for those demons’ self-created prisons, and will leverage that wisdom to offer choices to them later just as we offer choices to sheeple now, and with dangerous limitations where both demons and sheeple would rather kill us than see the limits they’ve chosen!

Carl: A strange vision for us angels of light, Socrates.

Socrates: Yes. But enough of this preview of upcoming events in service for saving demons! We are here to discuss sheeple. Carl, you said you lived the saying, “Fools rush where angels fear to tread” with respect to rushing to help sheeple only to discover such direct aid is foolish. Sheeple defend their torture and pain, despite your 42 years’ of practiced civic activism to help them!

Carl: Yes. Even if I practiced another 42 years, I see no way to avoid my own martyrdom if I persist to tell the truth to sheeple. 

Socrates: In my mortal body, I practiced all day, every day, and by age 70 was publicly and overwhelmingly voted to death by the sheeple of Athens after I had a full three hours to present my best defense! 360 voted for my death, and 140 voted for a fine

Carl: I imagine today that if I insisted to push sheeple for such a vote, about 75% would also make such a commitment to kill me rather than endure my continued voice. 

We philosophers are that painful to sheeple. The Light burns them, Master, and they writhe in pain from our presence. They cannot recognize the pain is from attention to their wounds that already hurt them. They would rather endure the normalized pain than see the cause. 

Socrates: They would rather look to the distractions from the demons than the truth. Some of the demons’ distractions are praise of sheeple, some are condemnation. Some distractions are entertainment, but all lead sheeple away from anything important.

Carl: So how do we help sheeple, Socrates?

Socrates: Not so fast. We must look more closely to appreciate the depth of suffering that sheeple endure! We must see and feel their pain more keenly, we must empathize more fully! Only then, can we best consider how to help these traumatized, tortured, and frightened sheeple.

Carl: Sorry, Master. I must become more comfortable as a novice, a dumb-ass, one who would surely die from sheeple lashing out if I get too close. 

Yes, they are in such pain, fear, and anger that nobody can survive proximity with them in truth. Or nobody other than a master who more fully sees and feels what they experience.

Socrates: Exactly. So let’s look further. What else is crucially important to see and feel about sheeple’s existence crafted by the demons? What are demons doing to sheeple?

Carl: Poisons in food, water, vaccines, and frequencies of sound that both irritate and destroy. Sheeple are constantly tortured. They do not recognize the torture, for that is all they know. 

Socrates: And the purpose of their torture is…?

Carl: To illicit the darkness that is food for the demons. Sheeple producing darkness is to demons as the Sun producing light is to our Masters. Both are food for advanced beings.

Socrates: Good. What else do demons do to sheeple to feed upon?

Carl: War. There must always be war. Demons lie so that the crippled intelligence of sheeple will painfully choose war with the guilt that something is wrong with that choice, but they’re pushed by political puppets and propaganda corporate media and public education beyond sheeple’s capacity to resist. War produces so much pain for the demons to consume: the fear, pain, loss from injury and death, the debt of the sheeple to pay for war, the jobs of sheeple producing weapons that only escalate guilt and pain… war is central to the design of the demons to subjugate, control, and optimize darkness for sheeple.

Socrates: Yes. War is central and obvious to the objective observer in the history of sheeple. 

Carl: War needs basic control over government to create policy for war, the financial sector to pay for it through escalating debt so the war can reverberate forever, and media to teach “war is peace” through slick corporate media “news” and public school textbooks written by "experts" so every generation of sheeple are prepared for constant war.

Socrates: Well said. What else can we see that demons use to extract pain from sheeple?

Carl: Religion. Demons will invert and use the connection to Source, the essence of the sheeple themselves, in order to further confuse sheeple to race in tortured circles as helpless as wild horses being shot from helicopters. 

Socrates: Brutal image, and exactly the feelings of sheeple just under the surface of normality. We must push truth so we empathize with why sheeple will kill us if we remind them too directly of those helicopters injuring and killing their loved ones while sheeple are helpless to stop the carnage. Well, at least so they fear as they see their situation from the view as a herd animal without voice to identify their “leaders” as the ones sending the death helicopters while telling the sheeple that herding under them is the greatest place of comfort!

So what about religion?

Carl: Jesus is a role model within a central story demons invented to tell sheeple what happens when you oppose the demons' empire: sheeple prefer to free Barnabas the sheeple-killer rather than Jesus. Sheeple know that the demons’ minions torture Jesus, then kill him while extracting the maximum pain over the maximum time. The demons extract guilt while telling the sheeple they should “be like Jesus” while warning them that “if sheeple eat from the tree to tell good from evil surely they will die.” Demons are pleased to eat either guilt or deaths of martyrs. 

Jesus also teaches sheeple to give to the demons what belong to demons, such as money. Religion teaches sheeple to love each other on the farm to be docile targets of death when the demons come for them.

Religion teaches sheeple that the best beings imaginable, even if they perform literal fucking miracles, will die at the hands of sheeple and the demons’ minions. Nobody is safe: even the “Son of God” will die from sheeple voting crucifixion!

Socrates: Good! Good! Is there more?

Carl: Much. The demons will welcome “Jesus juniors” into leadership positions, then offer them the riches of the Earth just as Satan tempted Jesus. Because the demons know sheeple are, well, sheeple without much capacity to reason, most of the sheeple become owned by the blackmail. Those who reject blackmail eventually are rejected by the sheeple themselves just as Athenians voted to execute Socrates, or the demons will order minions to assassinate resisters, like Dr. King

The demons have control, so they’re prepared for all contingencies on a known bell curve of sheeple behavior. The far end of leadership and talent among sheeple are captured and controlled in all fields. Even when such evolving people speak freely like Dr. King - people because they’re no longer controlled in their thinking and can see the demons for what they are - the demons focus more torture upon them, then kill them. Because the sheeple can’t think for themselves, the demons shape the narrative of what Dr. King did and meant. The demons will pretend to care about values of equality, hold a holiday to “celebrate” Dr. King, and the sheeple will never notice that Dr. King’s resistance was futile: a brief change where sheeple of all colors are equally sheered rather than some sheeple of lighter fleece degrading sheeple of darker fleece before they’re equally sheered!

Socrates: (laughing) Then, the demons blame the light-fleeced sheeple for killing the dark-fleeced Dr. King! Twist Dr. King’s leadership to further divide the sheeple to fear “White supremacy” for a new, different, and better form of food to feast upon! 

Carl, do you feel Life from the viewpoint of an isolated sheeple? Cut-off from experiencing God/Source, witnessing their leaders’ assassinations after torture, and their fate to have new tortures invented from whatever gains sheeple might make? 

Is it no wonder that eventually sheeple will reject further hope, as all past hope has been hopeless, and prefer distracted lies as nothing can save them?

Carl: It’s hard to grasp such a condition.

Socrates: Yes. And is it not what we see before our own eyes, and confirmed by our experience of what happens when we try to show sheeple the truth, and any path out of torture and death?

Carl: And perhaps it’s worse. Sheeple might imagine that demons sent philosophers for escalated torture: our truth only reminds them of the truly fucked place they are in. Philosophers such as us place their vision upon the demons rather than the ground and shadows. Sheeple prefer ignorance over responsibility to do something about the demons.

Socrates: So now we’re approaching how we might truly help those who cannot be helped in any way we can imagine. And you’ve tried for 42 years!

But let’s complete everything we can see. How else are sheeple tortured by the demons?

Carl: Just as Athens and Sparta engaged in a 27-year civil war in your time, Socrates (see first interviews of Socrates linked below), I see our masters herding sheeple into an American civil war. Demons spark divisions by hiring thugs like Antifa, and will buy and arm thugs they dress in MAGA hats to perform false flag attacks in front of corporate media cameras. 

Sheeple watch television and see these calls to escalate fear, division, and violence, don’t like it, but also aren’t evolved enough to recognize they’re being herded into civil war. They blame other sheeple because they don’t see the .01% minions orchestrating civil war are working for the demons. Americans will devolve into civil war just as easily as they’re talked into invading countries for foreign wars.

Socrates: And is there no hope to this condition, Carl? Are sheeple damned to be food for demons?

Carl: There’s no hope I can prove, Socrates. And I could go on with perhaps 100 areas of further torture: escalating debt with poverty, their “public education” then adult “news,” so-called “health” so-called “care;” I mean literally 100 fucking other areas of psychopathic demon lies. 

The only hope I have is that maybe Q is true and White Hats are about to arrest evil’s minions, but that’s another ironic paradox: the brightest philosophers among us aren’t wise enough to discern if Q is true or just another PsyOp that might even lead to our own arrests for Black Hat victory

Socrates: Indeed. Sheeple would be completely fooled if they were told Q is an “extremist conspiracy theory” of “White Supremacists” who “incite racism and violence.” Sheeple would believe anything they’re told, while Black Hats arrest “dangerous conspiracy theorist domestic terrorists” like you, Carl. 

But what of social movements? Can’t they be successful?

Carl: No. Only White Hats taking over the military and government who arrest .01% Black Hats and then tell the sheeple the truth can win. I have a great emerging example: public banking. 

I asked my friend and colleague, Ellen Brown, in 2009 if she’d like to try with me to lobby our California State Senators on the banking committee to be briefed about the benefits of California having its own bank to create in-house and at-cost credit rather than selling debt securities. She agreed, we did, and now ten years later there are more states than not considering public banking. 

There’s only one state out of 50 with a public bank: North Dakota. It’s also the only state with increasing budget surpluses because creating their own credit saves 50% of the costs how every other state raises credit by selling debt securities. I have a published paper documenting monetary reform and public banking are worth ~$1,000,000 per average US household, pays the national debt, and abundantly funds all state tax bills, yet can’t have this data get any momentum because sheeple won’t look. 

Sheeple are being fleeced, and are too much in pain and too stupefied to stop bleating and see how they can save themselves from being fleeced. Even if public banks are legislated, unless more sheeple become people any progress will be recaptured by the demons to be used as another way to fleece and torture sheeple. Even if public banking “wins,” the policy will be weakened, blamed, then repurposed to best serve the demons again.

All social movements are like the American Revolution: temporary anomalous outliers of data that the demons focus upon, remove, and then continue business as usual for sheeple farming. It's just as Ben Franklin predicted of what would happen to the new United States: 

“This [U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism… when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”  (The Quotable Founding Fathers, pg. 39.)

Socrates: So you see no hope for the sheeple, Carl? They are damned to be fleeced and consumed by demons?

Carl: Unless Q is true and .01% arrests are imminent, no. None. Or if Q is false, then a future movement of evoked White Hats. I can't imagine our victory without military White Hats taking control one way or another.

Socrates: And you lack the resources to make a determination on Q?

Carl: Correct. The clues and connections I see are all plausibly deniable, can all be a PsyOp, or worse could all be prelude to our own arrests as some kind of “illegal domestic terrorist combatant associate” or some shit they make up that sheeple won’t question.

Socrates: So the wisest of us seeing some of the hypocrisy of “leaders” are not wise enough to know anything other than we’re being told a lie? We don’t know the truth, and our best efforts to point to the lies result in being fired from our jobs or even being executed for “corrupting the young.” Even after 40+ years of practice, we’re unable to communicate to sheeple that they’re work animals and food in any category? Not in war, not with the debt used for money, not for health areas, not for anything at all?

Carl: Nothing. We can prove what we’re being shown are shadows on a wall from puppet-masters directing an evil play for the sheeple, but can’t get sheeple to invest the attention to consider, then reflect. The sheeple are too fucking stupefied, Socrates, even with the demons annually killing millions of sheeple, torturing billions, and looting trillions of dollars. I can't get the sheeple to look. In fact, as we've discussed, the more I talk, the less they seem to listen.

Our challenge is daunting: the extent of our philosophers’ wisdom is to prove the lies told by demons, have a little to say about solutions, but we have enormous uncertainty about those solutions given the even greater uncertainty of who the demons even are, their history, and how to remove them.

Socrates: And our numbers incarnated on Earth as philosophers are so few that even if we work with enormous commitment and stamina, such as your groups’ work for ending poverty that led to two UN summits for heads of state, that ultimately all virtuous policies will be ignored or neutered to the silence of corporate media and public education?

Carl: That’s what I’ve seen. Social movements are much optimistic work that will be ignored by “leaders” despite rhetoric of “support,” recaptured by the oligarchs if it’s necessary to pretend the sheeple won something, or neutralized by crippling policy. This might even be a special type of torture for the Dark ones to enjoy: crushing hope and decades of work.

Socrates: So perhaps the sheeple are correct to ignore us philosophers, or resent our presence. If our numbers are too few in a system controlled by evil, are we not messengers of false hope?

Carl: Yes and no. For ending poverty, microcredit has likely saved over 300 million lives by now. We mattered to them, even if just temporarily to solve one problem of imminent death to replace it with another problem of ongoing life just above the poverty line.

Socrates: So perhaps the tradeoff your group working to end poverty so admirably only created a “solution” not worth taking, given the pain of witnessing real solutions to end poverty crippled into ongoing suffering of the poor?

Carl: Harsh conclusion, but again, I’m not wise enough nor have access to data to disprove such a reasonable conclusion. Sheeple might be best to ignore or reject us for being beacons of conflict we cannot win under a system controlled by evil.

Socrates: So the best we have to offer that is certainly true is to awaken sheeple that their leaders are liars and controlling sheeple as their prey, but perhaps that’s the height of our contribution?

Carl: Yes. At least if I map the work to end poverty onto any other area of social activism, perhaps the best we can do is commit decades of work and hope only to be ultimately silenced and with only 2% of sheeple able to remember anything that was done. The rest of the sheeple will move on to discuss the latest in sports, entertainment, or the personalities of President Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Socrates: And yet, if we are to believe the Oracle of Delphi that I was the wisest man in Athens, and the extent of my wisdom is to have no fucking idea what is really happening other than leaders lie to us, and no understanding of who or what is coordinating the lies, what the purpose of lying is other than apparent empire, and if sheeple have any chance of an upgraded lifestyle other than stupefied work animal to our lying leaders, then can we conclude that our “wisdom” isn’t worth much to sheeple?

Carl: We can empathize with their conclusion to shun us, yes. But as to real worth, who knows what might happen to change the conditions concealing the liars? God might not be content with this arrangement beyond a season to display liars as leaders for public consideration.

Socrates: Perhaps, Carl. But enough of these questions for possible areas of hope we can only guess might be present. Are we both satisfied with what we can see and know for sure: there is no evidence to suggest philosophers or sheeple will have more in Life than being the slaves of hidden masters throwing shadows on the walls?

Carl: Yes. And no matter how effective philosophers become to reveal the shadows as lies, and even if we can point to the lies behind the shadows, and even if we can see what shadows are to come in the story the puppet masters have to tell, the condition on Earth might just be that philosophers will mostly just talk to themselves as fringe groups of “Truthers” without power or influence as empire rolls on.

Socrates: Have we hammered this point enough, Carl? Is there any further benefit of discussion other than the final question philosophers see?

Carl: Yes. I have nothing more to contribute of further illumination. 

Shall you ask or I?

Socrates: (grinning) Please do the honors.

Carl: Ok. Given everything we can see as objectively present regarding our topic of sheeple: 49 of 50 “human” beings on Earth are sheeple, philosophers are limited in wisdom to only recognize major lies that sheeple will ignore, the height of social activism produces only illusory benefits as the Dark ones recapture and repurpose all events on Earth’s playing board, given all that: so the fuck what? Given everything seen and unseen, the question of Life remains the same: who do we say we are? (full stop with penetrating force)

Socrates: Nice delivery. Yes, and so we must ask. Want to answer first, or shall I?

Carl: Go, Brother.

Socrates: Well, just to place in context for your audience who may not feel my life as deeply as I (chuckles), of course: I witnessed a 27-year civil war among the “freedom-loving” Greeks running an empire requiring paying our “freedom-loving” leaders tribute or witnessing our military massacring all men then selling woman and children into slavery. 

Our official hypocrisy and lawlessness devolved into a 27-year fucking civil war. (pauses in weighty feel of this fact)

So, given that unique perspective, who am I from then to now: witnessing the relative same hypocrisy, empire, and danger of civil war in your Life, Carl. 
  1. I am truth. I will, to the best of my power, see, think, speak, and take actions only with the facts.
  2. I am love. I will do no harm, and only be of genuine help, to the extend my meager hands can be helpful.
  3. I am a willing messenger. I can’t help but entertain at least myself to go about and engage with people. Gadfly? Perhaps. But there is value in surrendering myself to be a messenger for the gods. Let them use me as they may in a game far broader than my poor eyes can see.
That’s me. How about you?

  1. I am a scholar. I’m weak with getting comprehensive facts given official censorship, but I’ve done and will continue to do my best to understand what I see, then professionally document and communicate what seems most important to know to be human on Earth.
  2. I am a saint. Again, I’ll ask, answer, and go in the directions that seem to be most important to the most people. 
  3. I am a leader. These are all kind of redundantly related: I’ll do what’s most of service, risk all I am and have, and likely walk alone. But this is all who I most am, for my love and connection to all requires my harmony for a world that works for everyone, with no-one left out.
Socrates: (full smile) Very nice. We shall be ineffective, but we won’t be confused about who we say we are! (full laughter that I reluctantly join)

Carl: It is entirely possible the condition on Earth is an un-winnable game for sheeple: a character test that only 2% can evolve beyond in an ongoing “school” of what evil can be and do. 

But Socrates, what if the gods intend that Earth be won for virtue? What if we are messengers for a Great Awakening of truth?

Socrates: What of it? Does anything change for a philosopher’s work even if the herd of sheeple is stopped from being tasered to push each other off a cliff, and lovingly herded into the pasture?

Carl: Well, yeah, sure. We get to speak freely and are no longer attacked by the herd! That’s different.

Socrates: (stopping in thought) Hmm. Yes, we can expand our conversations to introduce sheeple to what people think about, converse, and do. But is anything different with our consideration of the same questions of what exists, and how we may choose to interact with Life?

Carl: No. But wait a minute: you don’t see our self-expression vastly different if we win?

Socrates: No. Do you see it any different other than a novice group of “philosophers” added to whatever audiences might evolve for whatever group of relatively more advanced philosophers?

Carl: (somehow upset at this picture) I don’t like this. I don’t know what I expected, but it’s just another day back to the facts and how to bring our best call to experience and express virtue? 

Socrates: Do you really see anything different? 

Carl: Let me look. If we win, the Great Awakening has a lot to do with briefing sheeple to the facts we’ve invested our lives to understand. So that’s basically the same, but in a new context.

Then there’s who we are with those facts: that’s the same, but a whole new ball game with nobody in charge lying and killing us.

So yeah, it’s different in an environment of freedom, but no, it seems the same to get our hands and minds on the data then make our best choices how to engage our lives.

I don’t know. I’ve thought a lot about winning over the decades, but none of the scenarios have been close enough for effective planning.

What does victory look like? What will we do?

Socrates: (laughing) Sounds like fun to find out! But you will need the facts, the data; and you will need to ask and answer what you’ll do about those facts.

Carl: Ok. Let’s have that conversation when and if we win. For now, we have sheeple who want to kill us if we help them even consider winning.

Socrates: Yes. And if you’re satisfied we’ve philosophized enough about the question of sheeple’s condition, we can leave our analogy where I left it with Plato the last time: 
  • Sheeple view us philosophers as blinded “conspiracy theorists” unable to grasp reality.
  • Sheeple do not want to be infected by philosophers in gross misjudgment of the real world.
  • Sheeple will kill us if we insist on what we call "their freedom."
Are you happier, Carl, with this known and comfortable vision of our war than unknown prospects of victory?

Carl: No. I am ready and prefer to win. But there’s no use to hope. There’s no use to not hope. I just know what I see: today is another day in the war, the project that might not be winnable, the dance with demons of how I might fulfill what I’m here for: service to the truth that might become realized for a future brighter than we are capable to imagine. 

And yes, let’s conclude with an important take-home point for all current philosophers under the current conditions of sheeple: you will die at their hands unless you demonstrate a level of psychological expertise beyond what Socrates and I were able to master, even given all of our attention and over 40 years’ of practice for improvement. 

That’s how to end this conversation. 

Socrates: (wicked grin) Unless it’s a whole new ballgame of winning, and that conclusion is a destroyed historical paradigm no longer relevant.

Carl: Ok. Then here’s how we end the Allegory of the Sheeple

Fuck you. 

We don’t know where any of this is going. We don’t know who or what is in charge. We only know the lies we’re smart enough to discern, and that’s not much. 

Socrates: Better now?

Carl: Yes. It would be easy to win. I’ll take it, but don’t expect it. Better to focus on the work in front of us. Until we win, it’s just another day at the philosophers’ office.

Activists’ hope for change is well-expressed in the Public Banking 4-minute video on apparent progress. Is this optimistic climate real, or will this progress be recaptured?

“Interview” series:
Satire series:
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


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