If vegetable gardens don’t complain about being OUR food, who are humans to complain about being food to OUR ‘masters'? The trial of the vegetables suing humans for slavery, trafficking, and murder! The trial of humans suing ETs and .01% master-minions for slavery, trafficking, and murder!

I factually assert that human beings are better understood as vegetables intentionally cultivated by ET overlords managing a .01% human “leadership/bloodline minion class” than explanations with abundant “Big Lies” from “official” history texts.

This essay will: 
  • Briefly review and link the objective and independently-verifiable data to support the Emperor's New Clothes OBVIOUS conclusion that American people live under Big Lie-propaganda of ongoing, illegal, looting, murdering rogue state empire. These easily-demonstrated, abundant, central, and intentional lies for war, bankster-looting, and stupefying people into sheeple OBVIOUSLY mean "official" explanations along with corporate media "news" and textbooks are unreliable and in criminal conspiracy to "cover" massive crimes annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions. These ongoing horrific crimes require citizen demand for .01% arrests as the lawful and OBVIOUS recourse to stop the most destructive rogue state empire in all planetary recorded history.
  • Provide two analogies to consider human “misery” as inconsequential to planetary management as the complaints of harvested vegetables for consumption: the trial of the garden vegetables, and the trial of Earth humans/sheeple.
Although I promise as a professional scholar to explain, document, and prove these game-changing factual claims, and have absolute confidence in the accuracy of this analogy to enjoy debating anyone challenging the analogy and/or underlying facts, I also conclude such information will be consistent with the findings of Rene Descartes:

“But now, after having once and for all put to the test the judgments of men, I here again approach these same questions regarding God and the human mind, and at the same time treat the beginnings of the whole of first philosophy, but in such a way that I have no expectation of approval from the vulgar and no wide audience of readers. Rather, I am an author to none who read these things but those who seriously meditate with me, who have the ability and the desire to withdraw their mind from the senses and at the same time from all prejudices. Such people I know all too well to be few and far between. As to those who do not take care to comprehend the order and series of my reasons but eagerly dispute over single conclusions by themselves, as is the custom for many-those, I say, will derive little benefit from a reading of this treatise; and although perhaps they might find an occasion for quibbling in many spots, still it is not an easy matter for them to raise an objection that is either compelling or worthy of response.”
~ Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641, “Preface to the Reader.” Descartes is a founder of modern philosophy, analytical geometry (which led to calculus), and the Scientific Revolution. His work was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church in 1633, with his publications put on their Index of Prohibited Books in 1663. The University of Utrecht condemned his work in 1643, where he had previously taught.

So, for the few interested readers and mostly myself to clarify and communicate the human condition (if I can trust the data I receive, the last ten years of writing range between 100,000 to 5,000,000 pageviews/year with current data suggesting close to a million pageviews/year), let us explore if humans are better understood as ET vegetables/experiments than “evolving civilizations” described by “experts” in “his-stories” textbooks.

Humans are experiments to brutally torture then devour, NOT “gradually evolving civilizations”

Here are just two areas facts we must include in our answer of what human beings are, or suffer such profound errors that we are damned as a species not knowing who we are, where we come from, or where we’re going:
  • Humans are lied to by .01% “leaders” in government, money, and media (so-called “news” and public “education”):
    • Official claims that the US is limited government in a constitutional republic is thoroughly demonstrated as unlimited lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire with annual costs including killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.
    • Official claims the US is the greatest economy in world history for prosperity and freedom is thoroughly demonstrated as Orwellian inversion because “money” is debt on an exponential growth curve damned for mathematically-certain self-destruction as debt costs become tragic-comic. Two basic and OBVIOUS reforms literally worth ~$1,000,000 per US household are public banking to clawback trillions in usurious bankster looting for in-house and at-cost credit, and monetary reform to create debt-free money to directly invest in infrastructure that gifts upgraded technology, up to full employment, and lower prices as investments produce more than input costs.
    • The central facts of criminal US looting empire is “covered” by the news: both to adults through corporate media and children through public education. Both forms of propaganda are easily proven as intentional lies of omission and commission rather than innocent error or relative incompetence. Both are therefore designed disinformation that make their claims about human history and present as unreliable testimony from proven liars.
    • There is literal rock-solid evidence of ancient technology of lost Earth civilizations that is more powerful, more accurate, and faster than current technology. These facts are also Emperor’s New Clothes obvious for anyone with intellectual integrity and moral courage to look. These facts are substantiated in human religions, mythology, and geological evidence of great floods and either high-heat weaponry or cataclysmic solar flares.
Regarding ancient technology and/or ET involvement, I welcome contributory comments of the most important facts to discern human origins and purpose.

Let us consider some obvious conclusions from the above data:
  • Earth’s “leaderships” are brutally psychopathic to annually war and poverty-murder millions, harm billions (trillions if we include other species), and loot trillions all with pretense to care when intentionally engaging in lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression to savagely consume natural and human resources. 
  • Earth’s “leaderships” assassinate opposition such as President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), and Dr. Martin King, Jr. Please review those facts in this “interview” with those three key opponents to forever wars. 
  • Earth’s “leaderships” hide behind Big Lies from corporate media and public education in order to support either ongoing neocolonial empire and/or something else that is hidden and perhaps connected to Earth’s history that includes ancient high-technology and/or ET involvement.
  • Earth’s humans are considered as some type of slave class because “leaderships” consider us unworthy for truth or love. Humans are being used as work animals to maximize leaders’ profits through resource control (natural and human resources), and perhaps something darker being revealed through pedophilia, torture, and sadism of war, poverty, and ongoing fear. We therefore must distinguish a .01% “human” class of slave-masters from the 99.99% of almost universally ignorant sheeple or slave class.
The above facts and conclusions also mean that Earth’s “leaders” are anti-human: they work as a separate and secret society that intentionally torture then consume human resources.

Please read the above sentence again, and reflect on its foundation and meaning.

Now ask and answer if you find any other possible conclusion from the facts that human beings are held by Earth secret societies as animal or vegetable-like beings to control and use for their exclusive consumption.

If we include facts of ancient Earth technology more advanced than present, then we must ask and answer who those people were, where they are today, and the connection they have to present psychopathic .01% Earth secret societies. Actually, a more powerful position once we’ve concluded our “leaders” are criminal liars is to demand .01% arrests for damages including killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions. THEN we can get to the facts of whether the .01% bloodlines from “nobility” are minions of ancient Earth management or recent “divine right” psychopaths.

To help spur your and my thinking about the meaning of among the most important facts to answer what a human being is, I’ll explore two fictional scenarios: vegetables suing humans for slavery, torture, and murder; then humans suing .01% minions and their ET “masters” for slavery, torture, and murder. These analogies view sheeple as a form of food, but there may be another motive for ET experiments with humans: clones as avatars of consciousness in order for beings to have immortality similar to the movies Avatar, The 6th Day, and HBO's Westworld.

If you find these analogies helpful, you may also benefit from my “interview” with Satan.

The “Trial of the Vegetables” for slavery, torture, murder!

Imagine technology allowing plant sentience to be translated into emotions and primitive thoughts (I won’t document, but such technology already exists to measure plants’ recognition of pain and human intention to harm plants). Imagine a courtroom managed by humans allowing vegetables to communicate through emotion and basic “thoughts,” with audiences of humans and vegetables to consider testimony and facts. These are the closing arguments of prosecution and defense, both with human attorneys.

The prosecution argues before a human jury.

Prosecution: Ladies and gentlemen: we’ve all experienced the testimonies from vegetable representatives of carrots, cherry tomatoes, and yellow onions of what they sense at human hands. These are but three of billions experiencing similar pain and suffering in our food industry.

Each are slaves: genetic experiments planted without choice, harvested as babies to adults, marketed and trafficked, then murdered either directly or indirectly by limited genetic lifespan.

Our carrot communicated sentience of being ripped from the ground, then the fate of its fellow cultivars being vivisectioned then consumed in various ways like doused in salad dressing or burned in oil until sense of Life was extinguished.

Our cherry tomato expressed the horrifying experience of being popped in human mouths just as you or I would experience being popped in a giant's mouth.

Our onion expressed helpless agony of being sliced open, diced, then fried in oil.

Jury members: no beings, no matter how low in consciousness, deserve such brutal torture and death. 

Will you, the jury, give peas a chance? Will you at least educate humans of current guilt to deny any dignity to this kingdom of God’s creation, and strongly assert human need to raise vegetables in love, pray in connection to all in gratitude to vegetables to exist for human and animal sustenance? Will the jury stand for the selfish intelligence that such love helps the frequency of what becomes our own human bodies? Will you stand for such basic truth to recognize what is currently evil and at least take minimal reasonable action for the good?

The vegetables have spoken as best they can. They have rudimentary feelings and thoughts, too. Please listen to God’s creations. You have dominion over them. Please choose wisely. Thank you.

Defense: Members of the jury: all species of plants have evolved for their own survival, including physiological responses to damages. These responses might evoke human conclusions for prayers of gratitude for those inclined, but never for prosecution to use vegetables for what they were cultivated for.

Of course each are “slaves,” but slaves of a kingdom it is our right and need to control: genetic experiments planted of course without their “choice,” harvested as babies to adults depending on our tastes, marketed and trafficked for our optimal utility, then “murdered” as it is a vegetable’s purpose to exist as our food.

The carrot is a cultivar of human creation, as are the cherry tomato and yellow onion. All are genetically enhanced for human consumption, with human indifference to original and minimally-useful versions that exist in the wild.

We appreciate the expanse of science for insight of how vegetables process data, and we all witnessed the fascinating cross-examination where I asked vegetables a few basic questions demonstrating their primitive sentience. Jury members: almost all humans are satisfied with what we currently have as gardens and farms for vegetables that interact as ethically as practical for safe and efficient harvests.

All three of the vegetable testimonies didn’t know when I asked “Who made you?” “When was your cultivar created?” “What do you exist for?” despite the answers we see and know: humans made vegetables at a particular time after experimentation in order to provide desired taste and nutrition as our food.

Your verdict is obvious: humans are not guilty of raising food, but are free to see them however they wish within God’s plan of human experiments and dominion over that kingdom. Thank you.

The “Trial of the Sheeple” for slavery, torture, murder!

Closing ET arguments to an ET jury:

Prosecution: Ladies and gentlemen: we’ve all experienced the testimonies from sheeple representatives of African farmer, Italian autoworker, and American teacher of what they sense at ET hands. These are but three of billions experiencing similar pain and suffering in our food industry.

Each are slaves: genetic experiments planted without choice, harvested as babies to adults, marketed and trafficked, then murdered either directly or indirectly by limited genetic lifespan.

Our African farmer communicated sentience of being undernourished, tired, and in pain. He experienced fear and suffering witnessing the fate of its fellow cultivars dying from poverty, and the hopelessness of endless labor consumed by hidden "masters" in various ways he saw such as manual labor to farm cashews or process cacao beans. This is all the African knew of Life until he was worked to an early death.

Our Italian autoworker expressed the horrifying experience of being downsized then uprooted from its home in bankers’ debt, terrified of the real prospect of being an unwanted and useless ward to loveless "masters."

Our American teacher expressed helpless agony of watching children kidnapped into forced propaganda, cut apart from connection to other sheeple they’re at war with as “enemies” according to textbooks, then poisoned with fluoride, vaccinations, and chemtrails. This teacher's relative awareness was crushed by the programming of other sheeple to only obey authority. 

Jury members: no beings, no matter how low in consciousness, deserve such brutal torture and death. 

Will you, the jury, give peace a chance? Will you at least educate ETs and their .01% human minions of current guilt to deny any dignity to this kingdom of God’s creation, and strongly assert ET need to raise sheeple in love, pray in connection to all in gratitude to sheeple to exist for ET and .01% human sustenance? Will you stand in selfish intelligence that such love helps the frequency of what becomes ET consciousness, karma, and even physical bodies? Will you stand for such basic truth to recognize what is currently evil and take at least minimal reasonable action for the good?

The sheeple have spoken as best they can. They have rudimentary feelings and thoughts, too. Please listen to God’s creations. You have dominion over them. Please choose wisely. Thank you.

Defense: Members of the jury: all species of sheeple have evolved for their own survival, including physiological responses to damages. These responses might evoke ET conclusions for prayers of gratitude for those inclined, but never for prosecution to use sheeple for what they were cultivated for.

Of course each are “slaves,” but slaves of a kingdom it is our right and need to control: genetic experiments planted of course without their “choice,” harvested as babies to adults depending on our tastes, marketed and trafficked for our optimal utility, then “murdered” as it is a sheeple’s purpose to exist as our food and experiments.

The African farmer is a cultivar of human creation, as are the Italian autoworker and American teacher. All are genetically enhanced for ET consumption, with ET indifference to original and minimally-useful versions that exist in the wild.

We appreciate the expanse of science for insight of how sheeple process data, and we all witnessed the fascinating cross-examination where I asked sheeple a few basic questions demonstrating their primitive sentience. Jury members: almost all ETs are satisfied with what we currently have of planetary gardens and farms for sheeple that interact as ethically as practical for safe and efficient harvests.

All three of the sheeple testimonies didn’t know when I asked “Who made you?” “When was your cultivar created?” “What do you exist for?” despite the answers we see and know: ETs made sheeple at a particular time after experimentation in order to provide desired slave-work and nutrition as our food.

Your verdict is obvious: ETs are not guilty of raising work animals and food, but are free to see them however they wish within God’s plan of ET experiments and dominion over that kingdom. Thank you.

Want the truth? Demand .01% arrests for OBVIOUS crimes or you’ll never ever ever ever have more than continuing lies from demons

No matter what the origins are for humans, we can prove the stories we receive are criminal lies hiding some form of neocolonial empire. If you want the truth, the first and obvious step is to lawfully arrest the liars killing millions in OBVIOUS crimes centered in war and money while using humans as work animals.

“It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” 
~ Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania (analyses herehere)

The United States is the most dangerous illegal rogue state empire in human history. Among the damning facts:
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm.

As a National Board Certified Teacher in History, Government, and Economics, I factually assert that rogue state empire is the most accurate description of the US. But don’t believe me (or anyone); look for yourself in professionally thoroughly documented writing, this peer-reviewed and published paper, this White Paper circulated among Members of Congress, or this 56-minute interview to define rogue state empire with three case studies:

You don't need further data than the above, and that said, there's more in abundance:
Categories of crime include:
  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).
  2. Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
  3. Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
US military, law enforcement, and all with Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, face an endgame choice:
In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk):

3-minute videoPolice, Military – Was your Oath sincere?
“Interview” series:
Satire series:
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


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