Essential Education for Truth, Technology, and Love
2020 Socrates unleashed: Earth Beings either face and defeat the Satanic death cult to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, OR freeze/retreat to remain in Hell to gift Earth to Evil (interview 12 of 12)
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It’s the middle of the day on April 1, 2020, three weeks into NorCal’s “shelter in place.” My wife and 18-year-old daughter have taken a break to re-supply at Costco. May, our 7-year-old wire-hair fox terrier, walks to the front door in curiosity just before a knock. I rise from our family office to answer. May begins “talking” excitedly. I pick her up and open the door.
Socrates: (wearing sweats, removes his hoodie, smooths his longish hair back around his prominent bald spot, and raises one eyebrow quizzically. May is squirming to say hello, which immediately captures Socrates’ attention) May! Well hey there, good girl! Good girl, good girl!
(he moves his face closer for May to lovingly sniff and lick. Socrates chortles, pulls back, and grins broadly)
Carl! May we have a conversation as we complete this Hero’s Journey?
Carl: Of course, Brother. (smiles) Please come in.
(I close the door, put May down, and she will stay attentive to Socrates for the rest of his visit)
Socrates:(looking to our family office, and my little corner where I work) Ah, your humble broadcast station!
Carl: Yup. Welcome Brother! (hearty bro hug) Want to sit here in the office, or living room? (indicating just the other side of the front door, with sofa, TV, and piano)
Socrates: Please let me sit in your wife’s chair as we talk. She’s been very strong in this life, and had to be married to you, Brother! Little did she know what she accepted when you told her your Life was committed to “a world that works for everyone with no-one left out,” and she said “yes!”
This has been quite the ride for her!
Carl: Yeah. How’s she doing from your perspective?
Socrates: Well enough. Everyone is digging deep for perseverance, which she has ample supply. She will soon feel much better, if Earth’s humans finish strong to win this war over the Dark Children. The Light, literal and figurative, is shining so brightly that they no longer hide in the Dark.
Carl: Ok. That’s worthy of a conversation. Would you like a carbonated water, Socrates, and some California oranges from our tree?
Socrates: Yes, please. And your daughter (he rises to deliberatively touch the back of her office chair) is here among a cohort of more gentle, loving, and artistic beings to smooth the path forward you warriors cleared.
She will also be fine, and will see with clear eyes the work your wife and you have done for this planet’s progress.
Carl: Thank you for that. I'm feeling better already. I did the best I could imagine as a husband and father, given the war. It took all I had.
I’ll be right back, Brother.
(Socrates sits at my wife’s work station in our “U” shaped office, looking with interest at her three computer screens. I return with our water, a bowl of four oranges, two smaller bowls for the peels, and some paper towels.)
Carl: So. Brother. Talk to me.
Socrates: Earth’s humans will now face their opponent directly. We talked previously that “something big” was going down. You now are in the middle of that storm. What comes next is choice for humanity to either face and defeat this evil within individuals’ thoughts, words, and actions, OR to surrender to fear and remain captured by that evil.
This is the big deal, and the culmination of what your team came to Earth to do.
Carl: What?! You’re telling me the whole truth now? No more holding back?
Socrates: I’m unchained, Brother. You’ve earned it at this stage of completion. The work phase to expose Evil is complete for your team, the officer class who’ve led this charge, at least in our scholarly campaign of this war. At this point of impending victory, the emphasis now is for humanity’s full opportunity to choose Love and Light, or Evil and Dark, or to be confused and upset.
(Socrates pauses in focused seriousness)
Carl: And the ones so damaged they will not or cannot choose a side will have to repeat this type of incarnation again for another age of 25,000 years?
Socrates: Yes. Although not in Earth’s extreme climate, unless individuals want such a steep learning curve of dominating evil.
Carl: Ok. What about this would you like to present for my busy colleagues’ consideration?
Socrates:(suddenly breaks character for the fullest laughter I’ve ever witnessed from him. I can’t remain serious, and partly join. Socrates holds his hands up in apology)
That’s it! That’s all: this choice is huge, Brother! But we must talk about it so it’s importance sinks in, the facts resonate, the… (Socrates searches for analogies) meal is fully tasted, the sights on the horizon are seen for what they are, and the big, big BIG deal this choice is!
Brother! (he leans towards me) This is your mission here on Earth: to lead by example to engage Evil, win, then complete your assistance to Earth humans by having them make the best choice they can for their future living conditions!
That’s why you came here! This is winning time! You get to finish the mission with humanity’s clear opportunity to choose a Side, then walk off the field to thunderous applause and modest fame.
Carl: Ok, I apologize. Yes, that is fully enough for us to make clear. 25,000 years of consequence is a big deal. (rallies) Let’s do this, Brother! (full smile) At this stage of impending victory, the choices that follow are indeed what is next for my colleagues to consider.
Please begin.
Socrates:(eyebrows raised as he reaches for an orange) Oh, no, no, no! You first! I’m still here as a teacher for you. What do you see, Carl? We must start with what you see! I will tell you everything I see, but this works best if we build upon what you’re certain of; what you’ve seen clearly with your own eyes, touched with your own hands.
This is all about to break to the public with open official communications.
Our new role as messengers is to assist Earth humans to process these facts, and to the degree they are able to choose a side.
Deceptively simple, and vitally important to the humans who have been captured as slaves for their entire history, and have no idea how to relate to freedom. 98% didn’t know they were slaves.
We will discover the territory by entering this territory, just as we entered to discover and expose Evil during the war phase.
How’s that, Soc?
Socrates: If that’s what you see, it’s perfect!
Carl: What do you see?
Socrates: We who are a dimension above you have also won our war. The Evil that created human beings as their slave race are decapitated. Their power is destroyed. The ending for all of us comes at the flip of a switch: Dark to Light.
Carl:(blinks) What do you mean, “Dark to Light”?
Socrates: At your level, official and truthful information, then the removal of the frequency generators causing the distortion and pain you live in, and have normalized. This happens in a “blink of an eye” to free the planet from the environment that made such slavery possible. This is the closing of the eye of Evil.
This changes everything on Earth, Carl. The Good will experience the bliss of Creation: their standing as Children of the One in power, love, and glory. The Bad can still walk back their choices, as they experience the reality of their separation from their True Creator and delusions about the Law of Karma: all they do with their Evil is carve upon a pot on a wheel which is their own creation from their own two hands, driven by their hearts and minds’ choices. Whatever marks they make here and now will reappear when the wheel turns. If they don’t like the marks they made, look critically, then clean them up to create anew!
It’s never too late to improve one’s creative hand, and always the right time to repair and upgrade the marks one has made on Life. It’s just that simple.
There is an ethical way to experience one’s Self in the material world relatively separate from others’ love, artistic beauty, and devotion to the One, Carl. One merely must be responsible for Karma: as one gives, one receives. Where one walks, one arrives. So, for those who want to experience more deeply the avenues of power, creative intelligence in the material world, and its science: go for it! Literally half our Souls choose this path and are the leaders to contribute those gifts! They don’t have to be evil, is the central lesson here and now. They can co-create rather than be delusional to see others as separate, and more importantly be blind to the Laws of Karma!
The lovers, artists, and shamans all shower the material experts with their gifts! This is the win-win we all know is possible, the norm of creation, and only absent on Earth from a Divine “experiment” that spilled extra-dimensional power onto lower dimensions with subsequent burning and harm. As we’ve discussed, Brother, these higher-dimension Gods and Goddesses are just us, and granted more power based upon our demonstrated trust to wield it without harm.
Carl: But mistakes are made.
Socrates: Yes! Mistakes, stumbles, falls. But those are seen for what they are and responded to.
But back to our point of what your colleagues should consider next, after celebration of planetary victory over Evil, which should be a long and enjoyable party!
The time of choice for Earth’s humans is about a decade until solar minimum. Then we have the galactic “blink of an eye,” which is the opening of the Divine Eye: Ascension. This is the next season for God’s Children to graduate to our dimension, both Light and Dark although separated at this level, and to respect the growth and free will of those unwilling and/or unable to choose: failure to confront and respond to the Evil they witnessed.
I do not have access to data for how this plays out, Carl, as this is Everyone’s Divine Creation, unique in time. We co-create this Beauty, Brother!
(purses his lips, and nods)
That’s about it. That’s what I see and have to offer. (broad smile) Now let’s consider what this all means.
Carl: This is funny. I spent a lifetime fighting a war we’re about to win, and you literally show up at my door to offer the next assignment.
“Officer class” as you say.
Socrates: That’s you. You’re not done with the mission, Warrior-Scholar.
Carl: Understood and agreed. Ok, let’s look.
Humanity will go through shock when the truth is revealed.
This is delicate.
The truth shall set them free, but will terribly upset many. We who have engaged are sprinkled around the planet as both energetic and teaching leaders to guide people forward.
We’ll do our job.
Other leaders don’t know this part of the mission yet, but will naturally discover it from their love for the upset people having difficulty processing the truth.
Socrates: Exactly. What I do know is that in limited settings, this is relatively easy work compared to fighting the war you’ve won, Carl. The biggest difference is shifting from “combat mode” to “healing mode.”
You’re now away from the fires of Hell, and receiving the heart-felt appreciation of your younger Brothers and Sisters.
(May has been sitting in her bed as close to Socrates as she can place herself under my wife’s desk. She gets up to stand between us, and to look directly at me. Socrates reads her, then looks back to me.)
In this phase of the mission, you will receive the love, honor, and appreciation of the victims of Hell, Carl. May is asking you to consider her as a representative of her entire species to thank you for your Service in this war to free her kind, and all Earth’s creatures. She is showing me visions of Hell her species endured. Torture. Laboratory manipulations to shift her kind to serve Evil as Dogs of War. Isolation from her Brothers and Sisters.
It’s been Hell for the Animal Kingdom, Brother.
She again appreciates all your family has done for her personally, and hopes you have appreciated her love and loyalty to you. (swallows and slightly tears) She would die to protect you. And she knows that you know this.
(extending a hand to cup the top of May’s head)
This is the love your colleagues and you will receive now that you’ve won.
Carl:(I’ve listened intently. I look to May) Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry for this Hell I haven’t been able to shield you from, and the scarcities of war we’ve all endured. Please forgive me for what I wasn’t able to do for you, or wouldn’t from my own failures.
Socrates:(with May gazing at me) May’s channeling her higher Self, Who responds that you know her species have also actively engaged in the war, refusing to turn to Evil. There is deep history of the Evil ones attempting to create hybrid creatures of war that the animal kingdom refused.
She stands in pride.
She asserts the wolves topped the humans at that contest!
She’s right, you know. But they had completely different tools to use with their pack. At the higher and defining dimension, their wolf pack surrounded, outnumbered, out-evolved, and challenged their version of this Evil to either fight or be content to remain in their prison. Those who chose surrender were welcome to cross the line and explore reconciliation with love and the One. Those who chose to brew in their hatred were welcome to stay there as long as they wanted, but those who crossed the line with that hate were literally torn to shreds in form and essence to return to the One disincarnate.
Wolves. Gotta love ‘em!
Carl: So May’s connection to her higher Self gives her peace with the Evil so viciously attacking all animals?
Socrates: It’s like this: the part of the animal spirit harmed in this Earthly dimension is literally tossing Evil a “bone” to prove their evil intent, then the animals use their connections to higher dimensions to call-in their older and more powerful siblings, and even howl-in their parents, who, Brother, are not to be fucked with.
It’s a chosen sacrifice animals willingly pay in order to defend this planet and all inhabitants, including humans, to keep this planet as their own.
And they’re right: this war was won on higher dimensions from the original “imbalance” of the much-higher Divine experiment that caused this Evil.
Carl: So animals leverage their “helpless torture” to shine brighter Light on the problem? Jesus, Soc, this is making my head spin. The pain they endure unwillingly is a proportionately powerful howl for help?
Socrates: Yes. Wouldn’t you come running if May howled for you? It’s that simple, Brother. Prayers of all kind reverberate to our Guardians.
Their species chose access to their higher dimensions, and you and I are cut-off from that particular resource. By the way, it’s very wise of you to be especially good to your cats. Talk about “not to be fucked with!”
But we humans developed other creative outlets just as impressive, as all humans will soon discover. The Evil blinded humans, so they keenly developed their other senses to extraordinary sensitivities!
Really, Carl, if you knew how fair Life really is then you wouldn’t reject what God presents before us all. You are God’s precious child, as are all your readers. You channel all that power. You are a witness for the Divine One, to experience and express Divine creativity however you choose. Of course, because all is fair, one receives what one gives. Choose wisely.
It’s all about the balance a real farmer discovers to work with what nature provides in harmony. Use forces of Nature; don’t oppose them.
And of course, you might make a choice as the animals make to be an alarm to all the higher dimensions for assistance to authoritatively correct imbalances and crimes. That is, you may have volunteered to be blinded and tortured to both evolve in this environment given extreme limitations, and to “encourage” your Siblings and Adults to make Earth a priority on their “to do” lists!
Carl: So May and her animal Brothers and Sisters are ok with all the torture they receive from the evil, and even humans at the behest of the Evil?
Socrates: Oh, Hell no! Are you kidding? Are you ok with receiving this evil?
Carl: Uh, no.
Socrates: And neither am I. We all sacrifice at this part of Life’s journey, Brother. The Evil is part of what makes you alive. This is what cooperative competition looks like. A Goddess up high made a creation that became destructive to lower dimensions. Oops. So we clean it up. That’s all this is, Brother.
And to be clear: it’s not that bad of an imbalance that was created. I know you don’t see this because of your relative age. It’s not a big deal from our perspective. Believe me, there are much worse things that are happening, have happened, and might happen!
But back to Earth: animals don’t like Hell anymore than we, and made choices to equip their species as best they could imagine, as did you Angels.
Higher-dimensional types like me see it as just “this part of the Hero’s journey” over and over. Yeah, this part sucks from the point of view that we must learn our new Divinely-appointed Enemy, the new Challenger, then engage, and defeat God’s Foe for us.
It’s work. But it’s Divine work tasked by God for us, Brother.
That said, I feel you all for the stretch in growth Hell is. We’re all going through this growth together at this part of the story. It’s a lot of learning then a lot of work. Many failures, but losing to Evil is never an option, so we all go for it!
Carl: What? Every level of existence up and down the entire fractal strand is all pulsed in rhythm of this wave? It’s just the relative downpoint in a wave pattern?
Socrates: Yes. And while that’s true, it’s also true that Truth of experiencing Life as a neutral Divine Wave exists beyond our frequency patterns of energy at this dimension. I mean we can appreciate it’s true we’re all just part of a wave pattern, that experience is of a vibratory frequency too fine relative to dominant lower frequencies. That means you can slightly feel that Divine Truth, know it, explain it, but the day-to-day living in one’s experience is a total stretch. Only a few Saints have the dedication to reach that high with such devotion. There are souls who really try and can live in Divine zero-point Peace and Creative Power at this dimension, but that’s 1 in a million. The rest of us hold up higher dimensional living as an ideal to strive for, knowing we’ll constantly fail. Carl: Socrates, is the Oneness with the Wave the source of this power? That is, it’s just more physics to tap into the “power of the universe” by moving with the Wave? And in that movement borrowing it’s power by becoming a channel in Divine joining: a gift of the Wave by the applicant asking to Serve?
Socrates: Yes. An expression you’ve experienced is playing tennis: you go for perfection to achieve the highest quality of game, knowing you’ll fail, knowing you’ll scramble as you challenge yourself over and over for perfection. But when you fail, you’re right-back in the game playing to win.
The gift is “The Zone” when everything goes right, and everything’s easy. Or at least one is suddenly in excellence with ease beyond what one thought possible. It’s playing a level up. It’s being a channel for something higher-up than our ordinary experience. “The Zone” are gifts in all areas of Creativity, where one sees All further and clearer than imaginable!
So really, the idea of living above your station, your dimension, is just a philosophical point. War will drive one deep into one’s own heart to gain vision to see why Hell exists: a philosophical and spiritual quest. Being in Hell is powerful motivation to push for greater altitude to see Life from a dimension up, but only explainable to those who’ve already arrived.
So the talk is basically worthless other than to explain to yourself what the fuck you’ve been through in war.
So, whoo-hoo and congratulations, Brother. Welcome to the Philosophers’ Club of what is said that is understandable only to those in the club.
Carl: Crap. I knew it. I’m already at the next level. I’m already living that this part of Life is a type of test to this question: How much do you care about Life’s virtues? Will you live all that you can live for it? Will you die all that you can die for it? How far down this road will you go, Brother?
But that said, none of it matters, it’s all just a choice. Want to earn more virtue in your experience and expression? Fine. Go for it. Want to have less heat of battle? Ok, what you invest for virtue, you’re paid accordingly.
Socrates: That’s it. But not quite. There are vortices of energy that will suck you down into deeper Hell unless you individually move from them. And vortices to carry one higher. I know you know that.
Want corollaries?
Carl: Sure. But wait. You and I are leaders for virtue only because we want virtue relatively more than others? And we want it more both from choices and greater experience; that is, we’re older souls who keenly appreciate the consequences of our choices?
Socrates: Exactly.
Carl: And our leadership is rewarded with opportunities for greater service in more difficult areas of work. We have a relative tough gig because we have the game to play at this level, like the differences between elementary school athletics versus middle, high school, college, semi-pro, and professional.
That’s all it is, and all it means. The best of us Serve Life at that level, but it’s just like Roger Federer shrugging his shoulders and saying, “But it’s only tennis. That’s just my work, and not very important in the Big Picture of Life.”
Socrates: Yes. Ironic, paradoxical, and true.
Carl: And your great wisdom, courage, and persistence has earned you, Socrates, this: you were executed over 2400 years ago, if we can trust our history’s timeline which is a total lie, and all your work earned you was 2400 years of “civic activism” to help Earth’s development at your dimension?
I’ve had 43 years of hard-core civic activism, war to reveal and end slaughtering hundreds of millions of children in slow-motion torture in this lifetime, horrific soul-screaming evil, and I feel those battles deep, my Brother. But you’ve endured over 2400 years of this shit?
Socrates:(winces) Well, yes, but you adjust your philosophy to upgrade the shitiness part. And the Angels here are wonderful beyond description to work and play with! It’s like a job, Carl. This is my work. I love my work. I don’t do too much of it anymore, as you have been forced to learn from over-work.
And like you, I was highly motivated to win this planet through experiencing war in Hell, and then especially after my execution. Talk about motivation to team-up with my Big Brothers and Sisters to come back and take this planet! Yeah, I’m still here until victory, Brother. Execute my ass, Evil. Go ahead and see what follows, Baby. All areas of Service are in this war, Brother. All are in Divine Service. All who so choose, Serve.
You and I serve from love side-by-side with Our Brothers and Sisters, and receive what We work for. And that said, yeah, up a dimension, most of us mellow-out and take a more measured long-term pace to this work. It’s paradoxical we also become more ferocious, but we turn Divine Powers on and off as needed.
That’s the real meaning of the Noble Middle Path, or whatever it’s called here. Don’t burn yourself out. Do what you love, all of it, as balanced in proportion as you see best. Sure, have bursts of speed and power just as you do in tennis, but one trains and plays an entire match or war, or whatever.
So find the balance you see as best through trial and error in real competition.
Carl: Wow. So simple, so powerful.
Socrates: Ready for the corollaries?
Carl: Hit me.
Socrates: Your pace that you move towards virtue, that work you dedicate for a brighter future however you see it, that determines your immediate families. But this is only because you resonate together by choice and environment. And this dance is but water molecules momentarily together in a wave pattern that extends beyond comprehension fractally-above and below apparently forever. Or at least beyond what we can measure or sense in all good-faith looking.
We’re micro-particles buffeted on an ocean we cannot comprehend. Will the waves get more violent? Or calm?
We don’t know. We’re all lost together, Brother. (smiles)
Carl:(my jaw has literally dropped) So, Soc: Does this truth even help us? I mean, outside the Law of Karma. Are we back to the Wisdom of our Highest Living Masters who practice being in the now with all attention for virtue because this part of that unimaginable journey is all we have? All we ever have is right here and now? Is this the truth that God is in all of us, and all of us are God/the One as we bump into each other momentarily in whatever force guides waves to move the way they do? But we have the Law of Karma to move our little water molecule in the direction we want to go, but could be blasted wherever the currents take us.
But this is just philosophy, Socrates. It’s all true, but whatever. It’s all just talk to guide us in directions we’ll get the most benefit and peace. You’re right about that.
What do you see in this most helpful to readers?
Socrates: That in the most trying of times, Carl, because God is in Charge that means whatever the program is written in His Book will be the story we experience.
Yeah, sure, maybe the program includes our little co-creative input, or maybe that’s just a story we’re told so we try. Who knows? That, by the way, argues Evil might win in our little story: an Evil creator manipulating us to do His bidding by acting out His stories that very well could have an evil ending. None on dimensions above us can refute that!
So, we saints and shamans are not worried at all, because we know the outcome. The outcome is God’s will. This is the peace of God. We share the peace of God through good works, as we praise the gifts we have through service to all God’s children. This isn’t weak: build whatever you imagine as Divine Creators in training! But beware we all might exist in a horror story of a God we cannot stop from writing what He or She wills in a story of unstoppable power at our humble level!
One’s individual power is both more and less than you imagine, Brother. Your readers should consider this power, and the degree each chooses to experience the heat of combat to earn growth and spiritual gifts.
It is a test of virtue. The more you care, the more you work. The more you work in virtue, the greater you refine your frequency as a Divine Creator. The greater you refine your frequency as a Divine Creator, the more divinity you attract to you. Ascension is a breakthrough event to put the Good literally into a higher dimension that is more beautiful and powerful in every way imaginable: Heaven.
At the practical level here on Earth now, Carl, those of you who have invested your time wisely to understand what has actually happened on Earth will get “paid” in leveraged contributions when you become relative experts with understanding real history. You’ll also get paid in further good Karma because your work allows you to be of greater contribution.
So yeah. Do what you want. You’ll earn what you work for.
Carl: And education really means what it says from its Greek roots: to lead out from. This “education” we speak of leads those willing out of relative darkness into the light, BUT you’re still the wisest among us BECAUSE you have the necessary caveat that everything we know still might be bullshit.
I mean we can work super-hard for Truth, and can see a lot in this 3-D world over time. We can test that data. And that said, all we really know is the wave patterns we can see in an unimaginably broad and deep ocean of mystery!
You want an analogy, Brother?
Socrates: Always. Go.
Carl: What if our virtue, our sweet virtue, is our growing as a type of grape. Sweet. Nutritious. Beautiful. Then we’re selected for our virtue by a God or Goddess.
And what are we selected for, Brother?
Socrates: To be eaten of course. And we have no idea if we’re feeding a “good” or “bad” Higher Power. That’s it. Philosophy 101 material. Oh, and also Our program-writing God or Goddess are Time Lords, so if something happens they don't like for any reason, they can erase it and restart at any point of the program. So as real as all this happening is for you and I, Brother, our Creator can change everything in a blink of an eye!
Carl: So we can be confident our Creator likes the program up to this point because we exist, and the stories that unfold are by design.
Socrates: Unless we’re just an Alpha or Beta test. Even this (indicating all around us) could be trashed and rewritten. Up to the Gods. That’s data only accessible a dimension above mine, so I have no idea.
And one point 0f Life is to always be prepared for changes in the Gods’ stories!
There’s always a surprise, isn’t there, Brother. (pointed smile)
(The sound of the garage door opening startles me. My wife and daughter have returned home. I look shocked to Soc, as I assumed our conversation would be complete by the time they came home. Soc grins.)
It’s ok. This is part of what your colleagues and you need to experience.
(Socrates starts to literally shine. Golden light. Like a real Angel. I stand up. May stands. The hallway door to the garage opens, with my wife and daughter entering to now bright golden light. My wife puts down her grocery bag to shield her eyes. My daughter, with mouth and eyes WIDE open still holds onto the handmade cloth grocery bag of jumping monkeys that my wife made. Note: because I write before Victory, I withhold their real names to communicate I honor their security, even though I have few apparent tools in this planetary War to provide it. Wife = RiverSong, Daughter = SallySpar)
Socrates:(powerful voice) Behold! I am the Angel, Socrates!
(I quickly move to take the grocery bag out of my daughter’s hands, and set it down. Socrates dims to normal brightness.)
RiverSong and SallySpar, the time has come for you to be welcomed out of darkness. A planetary miracle is about to emerge. The slave conditions you see and feel are about to be ended, then Truth revealed to all. God’s love and (smiles to my daughter)grace has brought you truth.
The time of suffering, (gets on one knee; May places her head on Socrates extended hands) of all species, is over.
The time of love and peaceful cooperation opens: a Golden Age.
(looks lovingly on May, who gives a hearty, “Rrrr-rrr-rrrrr!” Socrates stands.)
Carl has been among our teachers to prepare the public for this time.
You have been rescued.
(Sally bursts into tears of joy and hugs River, who has tears streaming down her face, knees trembling. I look at my family, then back to Soc with the question in my eyes, “Where are you going with this?” We remain, as seconds feel like minutes. May finally looks around, then barks once with tail wagging happily.)
Carl, I thought you’d say something punny. May beat you to the bark.
Carl: I would have but I didn’t want to steal your thunder. That was quite a show, Soc. But before I ask the obvious question of what you did: (to River) Honey, this is my friend, Socrates. Sally: yes, this is an Angel, and that same guy in history from Greece.
Uh… (to family, embarrassed)… I haven’t been completely honest with you both. I’m an Angel, too. I’m sorry. I’m a spy and couldn’t tell you.
River: Can you do that light thing, too?!
Carl: No. That was cool, though, right? Soc, how did you do that?
Socrates: The “light” is friction. Friction is the “heat of battle” from mixing it up with Evil when you’re good. Angels evolve from “storming the gates of Heaven to enter,” risking your life as human for the chance to evolve.
Carl, you’d better explain your “Angel thing” to your wife and daughter. I’m here to help, although I think we had them with the light show.
Carl:(clears throat) River, Sally, an Angel at this level merely means messenger. I’m fully human, like you two, but come from the next dimension up. I’m like a 4th Grade student to your 3rd Grade. Except in this inverted world of Evil, the younger students are programmed to attack the older ones, and therefore remain relatively ignorant so the Evil can keep you as slaves.
This means I access data and experiences that you can’t. Most central to your experience, is that you see me very “active” with a “hobby” that you conclude is “unhealthy obsession” with “conspiracy theories” because you don’t see either the playing field or game I engage in. It seems a pointless waste of precious time to you.
Does that match your experience?
River: And this (indicates Socrates) means you were doing what you said: learning and revealing the most important facts because there really is a global system of evil?
Carl: Yeah. I’m sorry I couldn’t explain it to you. I tried. It’s too far for you to reach up a dimension. I didn’t know I couldn’t communicate, so it was rough. I’m sorry for that.
River:(regaining composure, to Socrates) Explain yourself, mister.
Socrates:(broad grin) Yes, yes, of course! May I suggest first to put the groceries in the kitchen to be put away before they warm? You might be quite curious and want a lengthy explanation from this mister. (indicates the kitchen down the hall) Besides, I’d love to see a 2020 kitchen more closely.
Sally: Can you perform miracles, Socrates?
Socrates: Some. But we’re not allowed to interfere here other than with loving advice. Usually. Sometimes we’re asked to perform miracles. (turning playful) I’ll let you know if I get asked as I visit. It doesn’t happen often, and it’s not us doing the miracles: we’re just willing servants to allow miracles to work through us. It’s kind of like “being in the zone” in sports.
One can like the zone, prefer the zone, request the zone, but one can’t control it!
(He gently moves forward to pick up a bag of groceries, walks to the kitchen, and places it upon the granite island. He pulls items out with curiosity while continuing talking.)
But your mother will be interested in the technical side. RiverSong, a so-called “miracle” is just our dimension’s interface with science and technology. Just as your computers are magic to May, that really, really frustrates her because she can’t for the life of her understand why you all spend so much time sitting in front of them, which to her means doing absolutely nothing of interest.
Similarly, your husband is doing important work just as you do on your computer. But May and you see it the same: a waste of time. May can also sense your “agitation,” River, when work becomes stressful, and wonders further why you sit there when it agitates your sense of peace. You also wonder why Carl spends so much time learning and writing when it seems to agitate him and not produce any benefit.
In fact, almost all spouses respond just as the people of Athens responded to my teaching. Sally, do you remember learning about the historical Socrates among ancient Greece philosophers?
Sally: Yes. I remember the people voted to kill you because you wanted to be a philosopher.
Socrates:(taken aback)Wanted. Yes, yes, I wanted to be a philosopher, and that is exactly what our opponents must crush! A want for… Sally, can you define what a philosopher is?
Sally: … To discover truth about people?
Socrates: Very good! And what do we do with, or relate to, the Truths we discover?
Sally: Live them.
Carl:(grin, with pride to River) That’s our daughter.
River:(to me) So you’re saying the stuff you wrote was real. You’re saying you’re right and everyone else was wrong: your family, our friends, all those professional educators who fired you four times and almost five are all wrong. All those schools that blocked your Ph.D work and Law Schools were controlled by the enemy.
You were right, and all of us were wrong.
Carl: Yes. And Socrates was also right with his colleagues and students. As was Jesus in the story we have, as was Dr. King and Gandhi sitting in prison despite their flaws our opponents emphasize in bullshit distraction. As were so many others, Honey; some of whom paid with their lives.
You’re starting to hear, starting to see. You’ll hear and see all you choose in time, so don’t worry. It’s not polar with right and wrong; it’s more like you believed the programming of the Empire’s corporate media and public education. You bought a lie. I can’t build a bridge from where I look and see the lies to where you live below the paradigm-shift, before you’ve hit critical mass, before your head explodes to see it’s not some lies of the selfish within a basically honest system, but all lies by the Satanic for the most sophisticated and deep Evil possible with the beings they have to torture. You must choose the Red Pillfirst, and start looking with new eyes.
River: So you’re an angel fighting Satan? I don’t understand. (to Socrates) Can you explain this?
Socrates: Um, no. I can’t explain any better than Carl. But because I’m an Angel in my Angel body, I can transcend time to give you a preview of what you see in the future. (to me) Did you know that’s what a cosmic download is to see the future?
Carl: No! But wow, that makes sense. You see the future through a future “you”!
Socrates:(nods, then to River) May I hold your hand to allow you to see for yourself?
River:(holds her hand forward in acceptance, closes her eyes) Oh! (to Socrates) I saw an entire 8-hour briefing of the world! The real world! And Carl is an officer on the Team to save us all! Oh my God! It’s all true! You are a Scholar-Warrior! (to me, throwing herself in my arms in overwhelming appreciation)
Socrates: (to Sally with a grin) Want to see?
Sally:(nods and extends her hand, and dramatically gasps. She turns to me) You’re a hero, Dad. (slight smile and walks forward to make a family hug) You always said you were. I thought you were joking.
Socrates:(to me) See how much time an extra dimension saves? I mean, like 5 minutes of attention from me, that’s pretty fun by the way, I facilitate a result that was impossible at your dimension even with 23 years of marriage to a leading computer engineer, science-lover, and hard-working, caring wife!
River:(in tears of both joy and regret) But why couldn’t I see it? Especially me with my, what I thought, great bullshit detector??
Carl: I’m sorry, honey. I thought I could show it to you. I failed. I tried; you know I did.
Socrates:(to River) Another way to understand extra-dimensional work is that it occurs outside your frequency range. That means you’re seeing everything you’re seeing, but there’s more occurring than you’re able to see. You know this theoretically, yes? A lot of energy exchange occurs in complex systems?
River:(surprised, then to me) That’s way better than you ever explained it, Honey. Why didn’t you say it to me that way?
Carl:(I take on a frequently-used family persona with voice and intonation of a typecast over-puffed expert) You see, RiverSong, the reason I didn’t tell you I’m an effective, vitally-important, and truly heroic husband and Dad working outside your frequency range is that I didn’t think such a statement could be heard. In fact, (pulling up my pants at the waist with even more puffery) while the truth is that I’ve been more heroic than you could have imagined if you wrote down the most heroic husband and dad story you previously could have imagined, well, dear family, l thought it unwise to speak of it.
(returning to my usual character)
At that time. Before Socrates showed you what you’ll soon see for yourself. In this time, that is. I should stop talking now.
Sally:(rolling her eyes) Yeah, Dad. You would have been in so much trouble if you told Mom something like, “Honey, the reason you call my work ‘crazy conspiracy theories’ is because I’m smarter than you. So smarter I’m at a whole higher level. In fact, I’m an Angel and you’re not.”
Yeah, that would have worked.
River:(blown away)I couldn’t see it! You were right there in front of me saving the world just like you said! I mean really helping prepare for this day.. this coming day! Oh, Honey! Thank you!
Sally:(hugging tighter) You’re a super-hero, Dad. What would you call your super-power?
(I look to Socrates)
Socrates: Sally, your father is a Jedi Knight.
(pause, as they believe it)
Welcome to my first Dad-joke with you, graceful little Sister. I’m kidding.
Your father is what we call Scholar-Warrior. This type of Angel is born totally 3-D: in this case, born human without memory of Divine Origin, raised like everyone else, but with a calling to become a leader in something. That something is revealed from the energies of the past, one’s Karma, and with good-faith attention the Angel discovers a leadership role. The leadership means extra-dimensional power to work upon the lower dimension. That’s what powers real leaders: vision of higher dimensions in one form or another. It’s the call of virtue that drives us forward.
That’s what leaders are: a calling from the future that attracts you.
Now, Sally, please answer the obvious question about what happened with your dad’s leadership if what leadership means is to attract people to a vision of a much brighter future. People should have paid attention if this is true, yes?
Sally: That’s what you’re saying: we couldn’t see everything my dad was helping to build because he was like a level up in a video game. He’s there, but at a higher level we don’t see.
Carl:(to RiverSong with pride) That’s our daughter.
Wife: But Socrates, aren’t we all creating futures as best we imagine? Aren’t we all helping as best we can? (tearing for how much she loves Life along with fear she’s made some big mistake)
Socrates:(turning-up the Glow) Oh, my beloved Sisters.
(Socrates extends his hands to River and Sally. We all hold hands for about a minute. Socrates generates the energy of the One, the total Connection to All/One, with River and Sally responding with sobs of release, joy, and love for their Mother/Father. We all hug.)
River: I was so stupid, I didn’t know I was stupid. The Empire was right in front of my eyes, but it’s just like the Bible says my eyes couldn’t see. I knew something was wrong, but I trusted that system to be basically honest, especially about science.
SallySpar, your father saw what I couldn’t see. And as I always say, when I’m wrong, I’m the first to admit it.
Honey, you were right. I was wrong. I apologize. I love you.
Carl:(smile of feeling victory for the very first time) Hey, it’s what we Heroes do.
You’re welcome, Honey. I kept fighting for this day. I knew you were doing your best. It’s been Hell here. And that’s not a figure of speech.
You did much better than most. You let me work. Well, you called me crazy a lot, but you let me work. You dodged at least one kill-shot from the Empire to make you so sick. Believe it or not, you’ve earned good Karma for being a kind of samurai protector of me. Yeah, you had an attitude sometimes, but you really are strong!
It was kind of like I’m Inspector Clouseau trying to solve a case. But the problem is that I’m really stupid, the special stupid of trying to become an expert when most of the time you’re making mistakes because you’re doing so many things for the first time! It was a looooong steep learning curve, Honey.
You were kind of like Cato to my Inspector Clouseau (3-minute video here). I’d come home and never know when you’d attack. But don’t worry, it wouldn’t have happened without my permission at least at a higher level. I never would have chosen to fight mis-information at home, but despite the tragic-comedy of that situation, the extra fighting was an opportunity for me to learn and defend against some of it. I became a better warrior because of you.
You were right to call me stupid. Absolutely correct. You know this is true.
But it was stupid to call me stupid because you were stupid about what nobody could be stupid about if they wanted to live, didn’t know you were stupid, and the world needed my kind of stupid just like they needed Socrates’ kind of stupid.
(to Socrates) Welcome to my Dad-joke home arena, Brother.
River: I voted for Hillary Clinton. I sent her money. I had eyes but I could not see.
Sally: Isn’t that in the Bible?
(We all look to Socrates. He shrugs his shoulders)
Socrates: Yeah, something like that. Same thing.
(looking at all of us with playful love)
Well! This has been fun, hasn’t it?
Does anyone have any questions? If not, I can tell you what I see next for you all that might be helpful.
River: Go.
Socrates: Thank you. Due to the good Karma from supporting Carl’s work, even though sometimes you thought it didn’t, he just used that energy to improve his game with what he found most important to say, you have received this preview of the arrests of the Satanists.
What’s next is to facilitate the choice of humanity to either return to their hearts, their love-Connection to All/One, OR to remain separate and selfish. There is a future for those who cannot or will not choose also.
There is no work in this other than to shine the answer you select! Be who you are as brightly as you wish, because there is no control system left!
Ah, freedom!
Sally: You must have been a great teacher, Socrates.
Socrates:(laughs) Thank you, Sally. I tried. Your dad tried. You’re a lucky girl that he didn’t get executed like I did for real teaching.
River: Socrates, so the basic path forward is three choices: love, separation, or rinse/repeat?
Socrates: Yes! I can see why Carl speaks so highly of your engineering skills!
Sally:(tearing, to Socrates) Am I on the Good path, Socrates?
Socrates: Oh, little Angel. You are the sweetest of all types of souls. Of course your choice is clearly on the side of Love for All.
You bravely volunteered to incarnate on Earth while the war was hot, but with full support for Victory. You volunteered to drop deep behind enemy lines, Little Warrior, being born among the poorest of the poor in China, and with overall conditions that would have killed you before reaching the age you are now! Your role was not to fight, like your mother has for women’s equal respect in the work place and basic science to answer real questions, and your father for basic civics lessons to the public, but your role is resonating who you most want to be! This more gentle, loving, artistic and peaceful soul will calm and sooth your Brothers and Sisters to look within and make their best choices.
You are a peaceful kind of warrior, Sister, are you not?
Sally:(tearing, but in pride and joy) I am! But what kind?
Socrates: Carl?
Carl: Sweetie, what have your mom and I been telling you the whole time about what kind of future is for you?
Sally: I have to choose. I mean, you’ll help. Especially Mom.
So I’ll find out what kind of Angel I am by doing what I love most? Just becoming more and more of myself?
Carl: Yeah. And you’re never alone. Choose your friends wisely, just as your mother tells you. It’s super-important.
River: And I’m on the Good side, right? I don’t even have to ask, do I?
Carl: Of course not, Honey. You’re set. Just try not to attack any more of the messengers.
River: You’ve always been my hero, Honey. I just never knew it would be a weird Dr. Who-like goober-hero.
Sally: Ok, Dad. My new nickname for you is Dr. Who-goober!
Carl: Who knew?
River: Ok, ok. Socrates, you’re wise. Were you this wise in Athens?
Socrates: Oh, no. I was just a wise-ass. Just like your husband.
I told Carl that you did much better with him than my wife with me. He always said he knew you were doing the best you could see.
Do you now see what you couldn’t see when you didn’t see the seeing of which is a sight you didn’t see and worth an entire lifetime to see?
(pauses to verify he was indeed speaking faster than we could hear that one)
Carl: Good one. You’re up 2 to 1.
(Socrates fist-pumps)
Socrates: Sally, is that how you do that fist thingie?
Sally: A little awkward. But close.
Socrates: She’s very honest! You know, Sally is quite the philosopher in her own way to see the world.
Hey Sally, want to know what kind of philosopher you’ll be? Where you’d really shine, and the kind of Angel you’ll become if you work at it?
Sally: Yeah!
Socrates: Carl, you want to tell her or should I?
(Sally instantly reacts to being had, with cheeks flushed)
Sally: Shit. You Angels are like my Dad. How annoying. Well, what?
Carl: Uh, Honey, the rule is that a higher dimensional being can’t give you any more information beyond what you’ve earned. There’s a resonate frequency range of energy we all transmit. Others can’t tweak us, only offer choices.
So if Socrates told you something, and you went there based on that information, you’d lose all the investments you made along the path of choosing. You’ll invest a lot to discover where you most want to go. Your mom and I hope you’re investing wisely, but only you can make that call in the end. We suggest a lot, but hey, it’s your call.
You make the path by the walking, Daughter. Where do you most want to go is the question? And now where? And now?
It’s worse that Angels are like your dad, Sweetie. It’s that you’ll develop the same type of humor. See, when you seriously address the absurd nowness of our lives, the questions seem to get less and less helpful: Where are we? What’s going on? What should I do and who should I be? Just who the fuck am I??? And who’s asking?!
So you ask what type of Angel are you. Do you see clearly that is your call to make? With whatever help you want, of course, that Mom and I lovingly offer for your consideration.
RiverSong: But some shit is real and you’d better listen, Girl.
Carl: What she said.
Socrates: Well! I think my work here is done! (Socrates had been handling all the food, seeming to feel/sense its contents) River, yes, very good call to always choose organic. The other foods are still very poisonous. They’ll all be cleaned-up, but don’t buy that shit.
River: Thank you. I won’t.
Socrates: Carl and I both offered choices for brighter futures. My time only offered martyrdom to stand for that choice. Carl arrived after our older Brothers and Sisters, and our Parents, Aunts and Uncles, had to arrive and send those evil Brothers and Sisters off this planet and into Their own domain when they refused to play fair.
Now this remaining lifetime is to be proud of the Life you build!
River and Sally, your game of Animal Crossing that you enjoy is kind of like what your life is now. Build what you want with the resources available. Network with others to discover your options, and then have fun in the building! The most important building is always of the heart.
Carl, in front of your immediate family, I thank you for excellent exercise of your intellectual integrity and moral courage! You played a leading role among Warrior-Scholars, and your Hero’s Journey is complete.
Welcome home, Hero!
Sally:(gently) Is this like the Wizard of Oz ending? The Wizard tells everyone they always had what they needed, and just needed to go for it?
Socrates: Oooh! Good one, Sally! I’d like to dramatically use that line, but before I do, any further questions or comments?
River: Yes. So to be clear: the central failure I had was to hear Carl and his messengers as having angry opinions rather than actual facts, and despite my commitment to facts as an engineer and person, the frequencies of his message was too high for ordinary people like Sally and me to hear?
Socrates: Yes. Well-stated, RiverSong. That was exactly the problem, along with the Evil ones generating frequencies that evoked thoughts and emotions of fear and ridicule if you began resonating with Truth.
Sally:(suddenly) That’s why I didn’t like Star Wars!
(we all turn to her)
Earth was wiped-out by Evil! All the heroes, the Jedi on Earth, really were killed, and Evil won. Resonating with Truth shows how untrue the world is, and then Evil targets you, too.
Socrates, ordinary humans were more afraid of the Dark Side than loving to help others! And we were all mind-controlled to be extra afraid. Right?
But everyone has to look to help the innocent and the animals. If you don’t look because you’re afraid, then Evil wins and everybody becomes a slave. If you look, then Love makes you want to help.
Is that the lesson, Socrates?
Socrates:(gentle smile) Yes, fellow philosopher. We all have the Dark Side within us. We all have the power to choose who we are. In fact, that’s all we have power over. Remember the scene in Star Wars when the Jedi must face themselves as the possibility for resonating with Evil? Sally: Yes. Socrates: What is that lesson you see? Sally: Don’t be a slave to fear. Socrates: (places his right hand on Sally's left shoulder) Angels master themselves, Sally, and that is all. We tell the truth of what we stand for. And we don’t stand for fear; we stand for virtue. Fear is either a lie or a stand for Evil. Either way, the person you stand to become will confront lies and Evil if it harms the innocent, yes? Even when you feel the fear of what Evil will do if allowed, and especially with that knowledge of how bad life becomes unless you expose the lies and actions of Evil, true?
Sally: That’s the real lesson of responsibility all teenagers have to learn.
Socrates: Exactly, our Angel in training. As best we can imagine what Heaven can be, that’s our power to create it. Being in Hell shows one a lot of what is possible when Evil is given an entire planet to rule.
Sally: God allows planets to become Evil, Socrates. That’s scary.
Socrates: As your mother says, some shit is real and you’d better listen. And that said, death is nothing more than “dying” in a video game with absolutely nothing happening to the real you. But that’s a whole other story, and part of real education coming soon to Earth! At this stage of your evolution on Earth, Sally, you fully control your thoughts, words, and actions. If you don’t look at your relative Evil in those domains, including the Good and Evil of others, then you can’t move forward.
We all choose where to place our attention.
You have to look, then choose, then move. Being in Hell on Earth gave everyone a lot to look at, a lot of choices, much to consider of what to draw with one’s artistic hand bringing forth one’s life. This has been crazy-Evil on Earth, Sally. You were very brave to agree to be born here and now to help.
Your mission has just begun to shine your virtues.
River: (hugging her daughter close) We’re here to help you, Sweetie. But you’re in control of your life. Make good choices. But maybe not the choices your dad makes.
Socrates, will my husband still seem crazy?
Socrates: (looking at me) Not any more or less than I’m crazy.
But it’ll be much easier now that we’ve all won. They’ll be less “bonus points” in the game because the level you enter is easier than the crazy level of Evil your dad played at, but he incarnated here to help the planet’s own Goddess, a higher-dimensional planetary Angel, to win this game, clean-up this Animal Crossing jewell of an island, and especially rescue its victims. That includes the animals you love, like May who you already know is totally deserving of love, the plants, and even the minerals.
All are Angels playing at different levels. All are parts of God, Brothers and Sisters all, parts of You.
(Sally and River are fully paying attention. Socrates smiles gently.)
You’ll see what I mean as you progress in the game. Just like in Animal Crossing. Sally, remember how Dorothy went home in the Wizard of Oz?
(she nods yes)
Ready? (full grin) There’s no place like home. (clicks his heels, lights up to a pleasant gold, and vanishes)
Carl: That should count as a Dad joke. He won 3-2, I think, but I was kind of distracted and not looking for openings.
River: You ever call me a sheeple and you’re dead, Honey.
Carl:(nodding) I know, Honey. Oh, I know. If I ever mention sheeple, it’s all the other ones, and never you.
River: And no reference to yourself as an Angel.
Carl: Of course not, Honey. You’ll always be my angel.
Daughter:(rolling her eyes, and coming in for a family hug) Why don’t we all be Angels.
Husband & Wife:(sweetly)That’s our Daughter. **
MercyMe’s inspirational and perfect 5-minute music video Almost Home:
56 seconds from SpiderMan how our family might react upon Discovery:
3 minutes from Star Trek Picard of what our Victory looked like when Earth seemed alone with so few of us fighting overwhelming and advanced enemy forces (except for the pizza reference):
And 4 minutes to introduce you to the kind of tech we already have:
Showing how frequency affects reality in this 19-minute video:
And 3 hours of David Wilcock’s public briefing on April 1, just before Victory:
"Interview" Premises:
Q is a White House insider; proved by accurate predictions and posting-timing exact with Trump Tweets. Although all evidence I see aligns with Q being true White Hats ready to reveal damning evidence for .01% arrests, I also see all evidence as plausibly deniable. That is, if Q is a PsyOp to ID then target Patriots, sheeple will see, hear, and say only what they're dictated to see, hear, and say. Read on, and prove me wrong.
Empires loot, plain and simple. American sheeple are, of course, targeted and looted by the tens of trillions. Monetary reform and public banking are two reforms documented since Ben Franklin wrote about colonial Pennsylvania operating without need to tax. Benefits of these two reforms are ~$1,000,000 per US household. You literally have nothing more valuable to learn, and must, or you can kiss your assets goodbye to “required austerity.” Economic solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out have been documented since Bucky Fuller over 50 years ago.
Our “leaders” have poverty and war-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years. The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (a fraction of colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history.
The annual number of poverty deaths is equal in volume to a Freedom Tower in NYC. “Leaders” of “developed” nations have promised the end of poverty since 1969. Better read that again, and reflect on its meaning of what kind of “leaders” we have in the “developed” world.
The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions.
Our .01% opponents overthrow democracies challenging global empire: 80+ since World War 2.
Since Operation O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation; yes, that was the oligarchs’ first name), 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence.
Of 50 oppressive world governments, the US approves weapons sales to 41, and military training or support to 48 (all but Cuba and North Korea). Digging here should reveal many crimes.
The academic description of the US government is therefore not a constitutional republic, but instead an ongoing illegal rogue state empire (11-part documentary series).
Our opponents’ control over corporate media and public education has produced an Emperor’s New Clothes tragic-comedy that We the Sheeple do not yet see, but just might in exactly an Emperor's New Clothes breakthrough moment.
They engage in democide: murder by government to keep our numbers low and weak through fluoride, vaccines, GMO non-foods, and many other attacks on our vitality (explore).
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm.
You shouldn’t need any more data to make the case for .01% arrests as the lawful tool to stop apparent crimes in progress, but there’s more, far more than my meager documentation.
There's no need to believe anyone with any of this independently-verifiable data: look for yourself.
Perhaps most importantly: planet Earth has been home to ancient civilizations with technology superior to “modern” humans. Again, no belief is required to verify objective data that in this case is literally rock-solid. The reason this might be the most important data point is that the same .01% elite from Socrates’ time is still managing a planetary empire today. And perhaps even more important than the history of ancient advanced civilizations, is the present of advanced ET civilizations engaged in a planetary ascension event.
December 13, 2023 note: Attentive readers will note the inconsistency of my introducing “Socrates” to family in 2020, when I repeat an introduction in the epilogue of my 9-part AmRev2/WW3 series. In 2020, I assumed the body of facts were sufficient for an honest 2020 election with ~3:1 vote for Trump, then I assumed the body of facts would be revealed on January 6, 2021. And then I concluded, well…, that I didn’t know shit about fuck.
With surrender to Divine timing, I imagine AmRev2/WW3 will be my single best teaching series to students in the future, and having a family introduction at the end of that series is helpful to demonstrate tension between humans and Messengers before victory. I feel/see victory of an Emperor’s New Clothes kind this month.
In 2002, mega-investor Warren Buffett wrote that derivatives were “financial weapons of mass destruction.” At that time, their total “notional” value (the value of the underlying assets from which the “derivatives” were “derived”) was estimated at $56 trillion . Investopedia reported in May 2022 that the derivatives bubble had reached an estimated $600 trillion according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and that the total is often estimated at over $1 quadrillion. No one knows for sure, because most of the trades are done privately . ~ Ellen Brown, The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami , 3/12/23 I’m inspired by my friend and colleague Ellen’s article, along with this excellent discussion among leading economic rebels, to comment that any “paper collapse” of gambling/fraud is good , and solutions are ready to implement now . What the derivative bubble Ellen explains and documents means relative to t...
“It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” ~ Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania , on Roman Empire foreign wars in "self-defense" (analyses here , here ) Overview The United States is the most dangerous illegal rogue state empire in human history. The escalating military armed attacks under President Trump we witness in the present is a continuation of illegal Wars of Aggression (and here ) , the worst action a nation can tak...
In my ongoing challenge (final episode here ) to my NorCal public school district to force them to either explain how their “health” “orders” are within legal limits (the district refuses; only dictating “just follow orders”), OR to downgrade “orders” to “advice,” I sent the following email to ~100 teaching colleagues on September 4. The title’s promise is that I will explain, document, and prove an evil totalitarian global “scamdemic.” As a professional scholar, I chose each word for precision and concision. I challenge you, the reader, to invent a more accurate title after you’ve carefully read for any factual errors, both in commission and omission. And should you find the factual claims are substantiated, then please have a chat with yourself about withdrawing your consent from associated “Covid” “leaders.” This ~4,700 word essay is my best “shot” to “red-pill” colleagues with a documented paper that explains and proves the Covid-19 policies are both prima facie- illeg...
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