2019 interview with Socrates: ‘Relax, humans. Virtue will win when its season comes. Neither underestimate nor overestimate your co-creative power.’ (10 of ?)

Continuing our ongoing “interviews” (see below for 1-9), at Socrates’ request I agree to enter a Star Trek-like holodeck, dressed in ancient Greek toga and wearing sturdy sandals. The door opens to Ancient Greece, with Socrates grinning just on the other side. I step through the door and am immersed in that environment.

Warning: We speak the language of those “corrupting the young” and “offending the gods.”

Socrates: (full laugh, gesturing around at the Agora on a warm Spring morning) Do you like it? It’s taken from my own Life Record, and I can visit anytime! 

Carl: (looking, then walking to Socrates for a hearty Bro hug) I love it. What do you mean taken from your Life Record? Oh, thanks so much for inviting me to talk. Feel free to interject. Otherwise, I’ll have a lot of questions (looking around in interest).

Socrates: (chuckling) I’m in no hurry, as usual. A Life Record is something we all generate: a perfect recording of what happened at and around our incarnations. This is another reason why it’s so important to live the best life of virtue one can imagine. 

If one chooses “life’s an open book,” as you do, then you’d better be proud of how you live, because people will see who you really are. (raises his eyebrows in appreciation of this point)

Carl: (after a nod of acknowledgment) So this place is Athens of your time, and you can interact with anyone here just as you did then?

Socrates: Yes! (laughs again) It’s a great teacher, Carl! All the times you thought life could have gone another way, well, you get to try it all out here to your heart’s content! 

Carl: Whoa! Who made this place? How do you get access?

Socrates: It’s a standard feature of living a dimension above human. It’s made for us by Beings of Light at least one dimension above us. 

Carl: Wow! What did you want to learn, and how did that go?

Socrates: (full laugh again) Carl, that is exactly what I invited you to talk about!

This place (indicating all around) is a 3-D projection of all energies existent at that time and place. Each “person” is as they were, and interact with me based on the energetic interactions we had, and most importantly: all of us are constrained by the predominant energies impacting life on Earth at that time. So this is indeed an accurate representation of my life in Ancient Greece.

What I wanted to learn, if I may dive into our topic…? (pauses; I eagerly nod approval, and Socrates and I begin to walk slowly along the busy shops) What I wanted to learn was if there was any way I could have turned Athens back to truth and virtue. I had a few ideas, and can insert myself at any time of my life, so I tried.

Carl: Huh. Yeah, this is relatable. Was there any significant correctable mistakes you made, or was your work for truth an impossible task given the crushing environment of empire?

Socrates: It was impossible. And that’s what I wanted to share with you. 

The reason I couldn’t do any more than be a martyr for truth is because the energetic construct around Athens and most of Earth was given to evil by this solar system’s management. This is self-evident from constant wars and empires extending to your day. It is the system, the matrix, the empire that you perfectly describe as annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions (and here); although those magnitudes were far less in my time. But basically, the systems of my time and yours are identical: a parasitic and relatively-advanced evil species control sheeple with no way for the sheeple to escape slaughter. 

These sheeple (again indicating around us) aren’t really people as most of us imagine: They are enslaved work animals incapable of thinking outside of what is dictated to their herd. 

This behavior is from genetic programming to be as smart a slave race as possible for “the gods.” These relatively advanced species of predators also control their livestock through energetic frequency transmissions we have become used to, but cause an experience of separation. That is, sheeple feel a disconnection from each other and Life that produces their silent obedience, as the mood given to sheeple is they are so small while the organized oligarchy is so big and powerful. 

The predators upgraded the genetics of a “chosen sheeple” to better serve them, use these “leaders” as puppets, and live in the shadows. 

The main point is that sheeple are designed to never discover their status as work animals. 

That’s been the history up to your moment of the present. (smiles broadly as withholding the punchline)

Carl: Ok, thank you. This resonates with your mission in Athens of a Great Awakening, the American Founders’ mission for revolution to Enlightenment ideals, and my mission for a 2nd American Revolution as all being impossible to accomplish outside momentary and vulnerable small steps. 

I have found as you: the American public are too stupefied to help. Those of us aware of the Empire are too few in numbers to shatter their illusions and programming. The only hope we have for victory is if our work exists on an exponential curve of progress that I can and do hope for, but evidence of which I do not see in any convincing proof. 

If Q is true, and it might be rather than just another PsyOp, then we might be on the verge of a breakthrough. But after 42 years of civic activism I’m so jaded that I can rationally imagine that Q could be a tool to arrest leaders like me rather than finally helping these sheeple escape slavery.

But Soc, the educated class of Athens who attended plays of virtue, hubris, and hard-won truths, who endured your questions about the hypocrisy of Athens “loving freedom” while running an empire demanding “protection money” tribute or death, and suffering the consequences of a 27-year civil war over that hypocrisy: is that “educated” group having voice in Athens’ democracy the same kind of sheeple as Americans today? 

Today we’re herded by corporate media and public education to believe and obey, so has anything evolved or other strategies engaged to end Earth’s ongoing psychopathic empires?

Socrates: Again, my ongoing apologies for only being able to say what you’ve won the right to hear from your own fight for truth: we’ve already discussed the people of Athens voting for my execution when given direct choice between the truth and virtue I was able to represent. That vote was 360 to 140, or a whopping 72% for killing my ass rather than hearing my voice.

What do you see, Carl, with the percentage who would choose to remove your voice rather than endure it?

Carl: I don’t see any improvement, as we’ve extensively talked about. For example, at work as a high school math teacher, I’ve offered to help improve the condition of each and every other Algebra 1 class in our district failing 50% of the students compared to 1% failing in my classes. Even with such an outwardly benign challenge to the system, I can’t get anyone to accept. Not teachers, not the department chair, not the principal, not the Assistant Superintendent in charge of high school instruction, not the “principal of the district’s principals,” and not the district management involved in trying to fire me last year for being “racist.” 

Socrates: (grinning) Oh, you sheeple-hating racist, you! Yes, as you’ve said before, despite you as a teacher producing learning for your average student at the 99.99th percentile for expected learning on peer-reviewed and approved algebra tests in that school district, and your students giving you an average grade of “A+” as a teacher, and openly thankful with what they say to your colleagues about you from finally understanding a required class to graduate and get a high-class work permit, what egregious thing did you do to be hauled in front of the authorities?

Carl: I explicitly said, “We’re all Brothers and Sisters” but after I committed the crime of using the word nigga in direct answer to a student’s question: “Mr. Herman, are you my nigga?” I said, “Of course I’m your nigga. We’re all niggas. We’re all Brothers and Sisters.” 

Socrates: And in letter and intent to a phrase, my nigga, that is used maybe a hundred times a day by students at your school of all color meaning someone who cares for them…? (I nod) You used their language, which in all other regards teachers are trained to use a variety of methods to reach students, which includes the basic respect to not insult their language but to share it to some degree. So you said, “Of course I’m trustworthy, I “have your back” because whatever we call one type of human that means we all share that name. We’re all connected as family.” 

Well then! We see a remarkable contrast: one end of this spectrum is the value of truth you channel that translates into breakthrough teaching and learning in an algebra class with the highest student regard that you’re an “A+” teacher versus the other end of the spectrum of our sheeple farmers to take a single word they could manipulate to go to trial! This was a test to discover if that weapon was strong enough to herd other sheeple to vote for the worst punishment possible, your career execution! 

It’s also a public demonstration of choices offered for public and professional consideration:
  • You offer teaching and learning of first-year algebra with a 1% failure rate and “A+” student satisfaction, along with real-world applications for mathematics that directly contributed to two UN summits for heads of state that have saved ~300 million human lives. You also have published from a leading research university economic history and data that saves the average American family $1,000,000 along with abundantly funding public education and all infrastructure.
  • They” or our psychopathic-evil system offers a 50% failure rate in that required class to graduate (with failures pushed into military dis-service for lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression) with student satisfaction so low they won't even measure it, along with tragic-comic lies about how math is applied to reality while ignoring all real-world problems and omitting any real-world math. When we quantify that data, your average student learns at the 99.99th percentile of their system! Their “reason” to remove you is “corrupting the young” with your “terrorizing language;” that it's you with the “hostile learning environment” and not them!
Brother, but you won that contest! Do you really conclude zero progress between your time and mine, Carl?

Carl: None, Brother. 

I wasn’t executed because the authorities couldn’t talk about my politics, only my work in teaching and learning in mathematics. This would be as difficult as Athenians voting to execute you for your masonry work.

Socrates: That’s a fair comparison. And to have a complete consideration to our first question of whether any evolution among sheeple has occurred between this time in Athens and your time, you were previously fired from four other school districts with similar academic excellence and student satisfaction?

Carl: Yup. (pauses) Ok, while I question whether ever talking about my personal history with sheeple can ever be heard, since you ask, it might be good for my own soul to attempt a summary. 

After 36 years of teaching, I should reflect on what I’ve learned. 

Socrates: (stops walking to place his right hand on my left shoulder) Yes, Carl, you really should reflect. 

It’s time. 

You really are approaching retirement; faster than you recognize. Please allow me to help you see what you’ve been through, what you’ve contributed, and the broader landscape that is the challenge for all people incarnated on Earth to help awaken sheeple.

Carl: Ok; thank you. 

As we’ve discussed (Socrates nods uphill for us to walk to the Acropolis through its propylaea entrance with the statue of Athena Promachos visible, and we continue our stroll), I was fired four times for “not being a good fit.” In public education, this is called “non-reelection” which allows school districts to dismiss teachers within the first two years of teaching without cause. 

This repeated verdict was despite my: 
  • degrees from Berkeley and Harvard.
  • Credentialed in two subjects: math and social science.
  • National Board Certification: the highest national standard for excellence in teaching.
  • Being a National Board Certification Coach for teachers in all subject fields to assist them to meet those highest standards.
  • Being recognized by not one but two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best teachers in the inner-city, a population of about 20,000 teachers.
  • Background of applying social science as a lobbyist over 18 years for ending poverty that led to two UN summits for heads of state and helping construct and deliver over 300 policy briefs to Members of Congress, various experts, and even heads of state.
  • Published research in economics, history, and government by The Claremont Colleges.
  • And as I’ve said, anonymous semester-ending surveys typically show my average student rates my teaching as “A+.” No other teacher I know gives such surveys, as almost all would be terrified to know what their students really think and feel of the bullshit called “teaching.” When students were given votes at the schools I taught, more years than not they voted me as the school’s best teacher, but that may have been mostly from being young, athletic, and handsome when schools had that type of voting.
Socrates: (after I paused having run out of things to say) Ah, but I hear a few missing pieces, Carl. We should emphasize that your lobbying work for ending poverty helped save ~300 million human lives. That’s likely twice the entire global population from my time and about the entire population of your country in your time. I know you were just one of many lobbying leaders, but your role was significant. Wouldn’t this contribution to apply scholarship to citizenship, along with producing student learning at the 99.99th percentile of expected results cause any honest education authority to build a fucking statue for your contributions? Not as big as that one (indicating the Athena Promachos as we begin climbing the stairs to the Acropolis), but wouldn’t any objective reflection conclude you produced fucking miracles and breakthroughs both in education and its application to real-world improvements?

Carl: Seems so.

Socrates: And instead you report that colleagues shun you, intentionally avoid any conversation of importance to teaching or citizenship, and authorities actively engage to remove you from this work you’ve done better than an ordinary sheeple could imagine if they were given opportunity to write a script of the best teacher they could imagine?

Carl: (purses lips) You’re answering my question exceedingly well…

Socrates: (chortles) I try. I’ve had a lot of practice here. Oh, by the way, have you noticed on our walk the looks on people’s faces when they see me? 

Carl: (frowns) Yeah. They seem to reflexively look away. The sheeple feared speaking with you?

Socrates: (slight laugh) They’re afraid of everything, just as herd animals, is more accurate. But let’s appreciate this historic venue before we continue the summary of your education career, Carl. Here is the Acropolis! It was also called the Cecropia in my day, after King Cecrops I. Did you know that, and what it means?

Carl: No. Please tell me.

Socrates: Cecrops was a reptilian hybrid. His royal heritage came from the original beings on this planet, whose relatives still fight for Earth as their kingdom. These super-powered gods directly worshipped here in Athens weren’t feared in any afterlife, but here and now because they live among us. 

The difference between your time in 2019 and mine here in 400 BC is that our cultural memory still resonated with those gods even though in my time they had already retreated from direct human contact. 

But we knew they were watching, and co-creating our fate behind the scenes and beyond our perception.

(We walk through the propylaea after a significant stair climb that Socrates managed with ease.)

Carl: And hence your conclusion that no changes in your personal self-expression could produce the necessary power to alter Athens’ environment co-created by powerful “gods” behind the scenes?

Socrates: Precisely. (we walk to the Athena Promachos, impressively ~30 feet tall beautiful bronze statue. Socrates gazes, and indicates with an arm) The work of Phidias, an excellent artist ten years my senior, who was arrested and died in prison from political backlash against Pericles and our civil war with the Spartan-led coalition. His name is the source of naming the golden ratio as Phi. He created this, the Athena Parthenos inside the Parthenon, and his last work was a statue of Zeus in Olympia - called one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.” 

I wasn’t the only political martyr of Athens. Phidias was a teacher for me to learn that political power kills to warn away others who may challenge the Empire.

Carl: Why is that, Socrates? Why do sheeple reject genuine leadership? You would think the people would appreciate Phidias and you for your applied wisdom to create works of beauty; you specifically for beautifying human virtues.

Socrates: Ah, yes, the point of what I wanted to talk with you about is here. Sheeple are programmed to obey whatever authority tells them. This reflex has been trained to be much stronger than sheeple’s divine right of free will. So if either the gods themselves or their mouth pieces direct sheeple to remove “trouble-makers,” the sheeple do so without much thought. 

(We’ve stopped between Athena Promachos and the Parthenon)

Carl: And your visits back to this program (indicting around us to Athens ~400 BC) demonstrated what exactly was possible to upgrade this condition, and what was not possible?

Socrates: Excellent question, Carl. I discovered I could interrupt the programming if I used the right wording and focus of attention. The sheeple are programmed with language that blocks and redirects areas of thinking, but can be worked around if I focused on virtue and questions rather than assertions of objective facts.

The critical limitation is that even if I was successful for an individual or group to see, for example, that Athens was a hypocritical empire championing freedom while enslaving others, that whatever progress was accomplished would be engulfed by the conditions of the environment. All it took was another sheeple to ridicule “crazy Socrates” to cause sheeple to revert back to their programming to obey and defend the Empire.

It’s as if I’m playing music that can be heard under the right circumstances, but when these sheeple-listeners talk to others, the others just fart loudly and say “That’s what Socrates sounds like! It’s nonsense, insulting to the gods, and corrupting the young!”

I like that analogy. (smiles gently, and looks at his sandals for a moment)

Carl, what is your experience of conversations you have that seem to be successful to open eyes to aspects of American Empire?

Carl: Same. There’s absolutely no retention or curiosity, but the opposite to avoid my “public farting” of “crazy conspiracy theories.” 

I mean with school-age children who haven’t been so programmed, the facts seem to make a bigger impact. Teenagers hate school classrooms for almost all academics because they recognize most of it is bullshit. Most of it isn’t helpful to real skills and knowledge, but wastes time to briefly memorize disconnected trivia.

But with adults, as we’ve discussed, the more I speak produces more hostility. This is glaring with family and education colleagues, both of whom should respond with curiosity and appreciation because I prove what I assert. I mean, really, this is a huge deal: I work with life-and-death topics literally to save millions of lives, prevent harm to billions of people, and reclaim trillions of our dollars looted to empire, and that won’t motivate sheeple to care???

(brief laugh) What a lesson to learn, Soc! These are sheeple and not people

(I put my hand on Soc’s shoulder) I conclude I’m here among a team only strong enough to offer choice to these beings. We’re too few to break the programming, and too many for sheeple to avoid hearing and feeling our messages that they’ve been massively lied to. Although we've hit our targets with all we've got, sheeple are too damaged to respond. They hear enough to know they have nothing to counter our accusations, but cognitive dissonance keeps them as slaves. 

They know we’re right, but they will not stand with us. 

Socrates: (listening intently, and offers a hand toward the Parthenon for us to continue walking) I joked to Phideas as a younger man to describe what you’re talking about.

Carl: What did you say?

Socrates: I told  him as a fellow a stone mason, we can create great beauty but are limited by the quality of our materials. I can try to shape human character, but it’s like sculpting a pile of shit. It won’t stay together, and still stinks. (pauses in grimace) Ok, you don’t find that funny. 

You do hit more of the truth, Carl, and our mutual point remains: extreme leadership becomes unrecognizable to sheeple. Even if we connect the dots so sheeple see a bigger picture, almost all lose sight and strength if anyone challenges their new learnings. 

A price of leadership is to stand alone, Carl. Or relatively alone with respect to sheeple.

(we walk up the stairs to the Parthenon, into the temple, and confront that statue of Athena: reproduction here)

Ah, the goddess of Athens! Made with the looting of empire: 40 talents of gold, or about 2,500 pounds! 

Carl: What’s up with the snakes? Two around her waist as a belt and the big one at her feet.

Socrates: They are from one family, Carl. The reptilians are the original beings, and their armies defeated the giants in yet another reflection of the civil wars haunting this planet and solar system. Serpent worship is the oldest form of religion on Earth, and the original programming of sheeple. 

Nike, in Athena’s right hand, is our size. Athena and the gods were powerful in no small part because they, too, were giants.

Earth belongs to the gods, Carl! A hard, but true lesson. Sheeple won’t challenge their own creators. (Socrates pauses, as I’ve learned to understand, that he won’t go further into details without my showing some understanding from his hints)

Carl: Are these gods also genetic programs of the reptilians, Socrates?

Socrates: (eyebrows raised) Yes. Spoils of war. The reptilians rule through genetic bloodlines they create. The “human” rulers we see are hybrids with more of a reptilian disposition of cold material self-interest on a human face.

Carl: So until higher-dimension gods see fit to intervene on Earth, there’s nothing anyone incarnating as human can do to affect that condition.

Socrates: Obviously. I mean, we can try, as all our actions have co-creative power and are essentially prayers or appeals to higher gods. But no, until those gods mobilize, we’re all fucked down here. The demons are in charge in this wild experiment of what evil does when given a planet to do with as they will.

Carl: (wicked grin) You were executed truthfully, then, as you were truly blasphemous to the gods of evil. 

Socrates: (slight grin) Yes. 

Blasphemy comes from the Greek to cause injury through speech. We are programmed to bow before gods, to not even look upon them, and certainly to never insult their “wisdom” and “divine right” to rule. Athena is the embodiment of wisdom, which means showing the way for humans to go into combat upon command without question, and trusting the gods’ leadership under fear of our death to mutiny.

Look at this terrible image before us: Athena and Cecrops will fuck you up if you get out of line! 

The message to us “little people” is to serve what they say for their victory, their way of war, their material accumulation without end. 

Carl: Socrates, Brother, are Earth’s scales now tipped by intervention of gods of virtue and more actual people like you and me? Is the time of the demons in charge of Earth over?

Socrates: (sigh) Nice try. You’ll have to keep fighting to discover that truth, Brother. 

I will tell you this: coming back to “Athens” and experimenting with what I could say to whom showed me that whatever relative mistakes and missed opportunities I was responsible for are trivial. I mean, mistakes are central to living and should be made as rapidly as comfortable for the individual to learn. We can only move forward with our best understanding, and then discover what works and what doesn’t. So, even if I employed upgraded wisdom to avoid all mistakes I can identify, no individual is powerful enough to win in combat against these “gods” up to at least to your time, Carl.

Carl: What else did you learn that you can tell me, Soc?

Socrates: (genuine laugh) That I was freaking out about Athens’ empire, its evil, but forgot who was really in charge! (laughs) I mean, the fucking Oracle of Delphi told me that I was the wisest in Athens because I was comfortable being ignorant, but then, get this, I was only uncomfortable with Athenian empire because I thought I knew something important that it should be better than that! 

I was upset over (self-mocking voice of stupidity)evil empire bad” because I abandoned my ignorance about greater gods allowing this evil to exist. Carl, if the greater gods are working for Divine purpose above any human’s ability to see, then what the fuck do we have to worry about? I mean, we have to be responsible, but what arrogance to doubt the greater Gods!

Carl: (slight grin) Yeah. That’s a paradox: being serious about Life while surrendering all is God’s will and completely managed. 

Socrates: Oh, I also learned that our phase of self-expression, being relatively alone in our leadership speaking the obvious Emperor’s New Clothes truths as you say, is all necessary and good practice.

Carl: What do you mean?

Socrates: One is never alone. But one never learns this until the fear of being all alone is experienced and extinguished.

Carl: Yeah. I’m in the extinguishing phase of that lesson. I’m more on the other side of experiencing connection to All rather than being relatively alone.

I know I get enough fucking practice being alone to learn something.

Socrates: Isn’t that the truth. 

(pulls his bag to the front of his torso) 

I went to the market before you arrived and got us some food. (warmly pats my shoulder, and we begin walking away from Athena) We’ll sit in the sunshine below the maidens of the southern porch of the Erechtheion.

(We walk away from the Parthenon, and sit on stone steps just beneath the “Porch of the Maidens.” Socrates opens his cloth bag, and places between us a circular loaf of bread, a jar of olive oil, a jar of olives, and a fabric pouch of 6 figs. Socrates breaks off a large piece of bread, pours olive oil on it, and indicates for me to join him, which I do.)

Socrates: So, Carl, I am curious: you say that you produce student learning in mathematics at the 99.99th percentile of expected learning? Please tell me more.

Carl: (holding up a finger as I chew the hearty bread in delicious olive oil) The first thing you should know is that the American Empire captured public education to propagandize the public, so real mathematics isn’t the curriculum. 

Real anything isn’t in the curricula.

For math, the Empire doesn’t want anyone counting anything important, so they concoct so-called “real-world problems” that are ridiculous lying scenarios that trivialize math. They’re all lies; the math-hole authors never interview anyone in the real world doing work in the areas they represent as “real” but make up bullshit to discourage and distract students. 

All the math work students do are at desks and never ever ever ever translated into anything real they make or do. This is the very definition of a puzzle rather than real-world. The texts are not math but “anti-math” as they lie that counting trivia nobody even cares about let alone actually do is what math is used for.

Socrates: Yes. I looked at the “real-world” examples you document. And all the application examples are just as ridiculous?

Carl: Yes. 

So, a first point is to tell the truth to students, colleagues, and whoever else will listen. This simple truth shatters the illusion, Soc. Students are then relieved that they’re not crazy to conclude the math they receive is bullshit. Of course it is. The empire wants students to be dumb-Xs, and that's all.

Socrates: (nodding) A dumb-x. Yeah, that's what the empire wants of our children. Smart enough to serve the empire without discovering their status as slaves.

Carl: I also tell the story of the US stealing half of Mexico after a US President violated a clear treaty in order to establish their history book lies. Most of my students have family from Mexico, so this example resonates. I share the article series that this is just one story of many, that alters the entire perception of the past and therefore reframes the present as ongoing lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression for empire.

The massive crimes of looting resources, natural and human, are “covered” by corporate media to lie to adults, and public education to lie to children.

Socrates: Your students must appreciate this news, as they wouldn’t reward you with an “A+” average rating if they didn’t. What is the math you teach then?

Carl: Basic algebra and geometry to students at a low-performing school. I tell my students that math is a symbolic language only requiring them to count. Once they know the symbols, they can go from having nothing and guessing to getting the right answer every time. I tell them this required class to graduate is essential to their getting a high-class work permit from trade school or college, and that the average income over 40 years’ work is a million dollars more if they take that path rather than quitting. I don’t allow them any path in my classroom other than working until they're accurately done with their work. Doing this work won’t make them smart, only done with bullshit work.

They’ll do damn near anything for the reward to chat with their friends or play with their phones for a few minutes. And most of them are getting mature enough to hear they have a real problem to earn a living.

We know that less than 1% of adults use the algebraic language for work. At our high school of ~1,700 students, this means fewer than the number of your and my fingers combined will need algebra, while this single class is the number one reason students fail to complete high school and college. Algebra should be an elective, and linked to its applications in science and engineering using those direct algebraic formulas rather than the bullshit we have discouraging more students than helping; causing more math-phobia than empowering to quantify and understand reality.

I don’t know. I tell my students I love them, and that any responsible adult expressing care for them would be a force for them to look at these facts of the class that failed them and led by “expert” adults, and to look directly at their own futures. 

I dad-joke with them when I walk around checking work – students work in teams so they can always ask friends when they need help. I give a practice test before the real one; it looks just like the real test only with different numbers. That seems to remove fear. They can also use their notes, so they never have to be afraid of forgetting something. Oh, and if they fail a test they have to redo all the problems as many times as they need to get all the problems right. They only earn a “D+” for that, but they can’t talk with their friends or be on their phones until they do it. That seems motivational. 

Once the class mood shifts to being stupid to be stupid about math, then they genuinely help each other learn.

(I shrug my shoulders) I guess that’s it. But it’s hard for me to be objective about what I do.

Socrates: Do you do anything the authorities can complain about with teaching math?

Carl: Ironically, it’s the only thing I haven’t received complaints about: my homework policy. The homework is for students to do whatever practice they need to be able to do all the problem types we cover in class. And they have to earn at least a “C” otherwise I assign additional work for them to earn that grade. And they have no free time in class until that work is done.

 Socrates: And why would anyone have a problem with that policy?

Carl: Because every other teacher assigns sets of practice problems damn-near every day. Of course this doesn’t work, at least for each and every other Algebra 1 class in this district. 

But they could complain like, “What’s up with Herman never giving any homework? That’s not teaching.”

Socrates: Why do you think your homework policy seems to work?

Carl: My students discover algebra is easy, first of all. It’s just counting when you know what the symbols mean. And nobody wants to be left out doing make-up work when we finish our classwork. 

Oh, this might be important: I tell students once we’re done with a reasonable amount of work that the rest of the class they can relax. I tell them that they have to prove to me that they understand the math by each and every student successfully completing practice problems that I walk around and look at. The ones who can't do or explain the sample problems get more until they get it right and can explain the solution process. So because they can earn up to maybe 20 minutes of free time, they seem motivated to pay attention and get the work done as quickly as possible while getting it right.

I also use “the magic of the sticks”: popsicle sticks with every student’s name on one for me to randomly call on students to participate when we’re learning how to do a problem. I do think the sticks are magic. They choose the most perfect students to help the class learn.

Socrates: (nodding) We could talk a lot about how those sticks become magic, but that’s for another time. Carl, do you teach any “real math” as you see it?

Carl: Oh, yeah! 

I’ve written about that (here): math is the language of reality, with science as the study of reality. Math is also a scoreboard of performance for us to upgrade what we care most about. Phideas used the Golden proportion (pointing to length and width of Parthenon) derived from what we call the Fibonacci Sequence, which is one of the mathematical codes used by “greater gods” to construct what we see in physical reality. Phi is redundant in physical forms of plants, animals, humans, and in the smallest atomic proportions to galactic spirals. 

Fractals are another math formula of self-similar shapes that describe the geographies of mountains and coastlines, the patterns of our kidneys and lungs, and now incorporated into CGI for ever more realistic animation in movies. Soc, check out this three-minute video from Pixar’s Moana of hyperrealistic water, smoke, fire, hair, sand, foliage, and more. Maybe it also foreshadows miracles to come for this tortured world:

There’s soooo much I’m curious about for Earth’s energy grid with its underlying geometry pointed to by Plato with his Platonic solids. Our opponents know this, and incorporate this math knowledge into their power structures.

But again, I know enough to know I don’t know much. But for damn sure I know enough to easily demonstrate what we’re told is “real” isn’t: it’s bullshit

(for examples, here in 19 minutes of video of the Earth’s energy grid:

And here for architecture professor Scott Onstott’s excellent Secrets in Plain Sight - start watching the introduction; you’ll be hooked:

Socrates: (slight smile) Do you also conclude, Carl, that it’s impossible to teach the truth of what mathematics is and represents under current total conditions on Earth, or would it be possible to reverse this condition if you “just did a better job”?

Carl: Totally impossible to fix. I can’t get anyone to even talk with me about upgrading the status of each and every other algebra class in the district failing half their students while my failure rate of students attending at least half the time is about 1%. The principal told me that other math teachers, with an “s” meaning more than one, complained to him that I tell students math isn’t important.

Socrates: Interesting. You tell the truth that OBVIOUS fake applications of math are lies, students gleefully tell their previous math teachers this insight, then the teachers ignore you to twist the story that you tell students “math isn’t important.”

Carl: And the principal takes the story at face value with zero curiosity how these students are achieving breakthrough learning. His response to me: "Just stop saying math isn't important." And this is from a former Social Science teacher who knows my background contributing mathematics to save human lives from poverty, and invest my hobby time for economics research to fully fund public education.

The students would be happy to tell him how and why they're learning so much better in my classes. He will never ask, though. And I’ve offered many invitations to help upgrade our school and district failing half our Algebra 1 students.

Socrates: And I imagine you’ve tried several approaches to improve this condition? You’ve talked with all the people you imagine could help, and all rejected you?

Carl: Yes.

Socrates: Do you have any further question about the forces on Earth preventing any real improvement for sheeple when you can’t even help them teach their bullshit math better?

I mean, look, Brother: An entire school of almost 2,000 students is failing half of all those children taking an Algebra 1 class. Imagine the mood this creates among those children about their own intelligence, the world around them, and their own futures. Now understand who you’re working with as colleagues with college degrees responsible for the success of those children when none will lift a finger at your repeated offerings to help, but whose "leaders" look for excuses to fire you. 

Are these “responsible adults” you work with either people or sheeple to offer only silence to this ongoing and normalized emergency?

You seem to have your answer.

Carl: Even if I had another lifetime, I wouldn’t even try again. It’s pointless, and obviously frustrating when one has an expectation for improvement. 

My own sister-in-law is a principal and she wouldn’t offer me a job after one of the times I got fired. She asked me why I insisted on causing so much trouble. We had a long conversation one Christmas. I explained my case thoroughly to this Ed.D degree-holder that I teach the most important facts that are objective and independently-verifiable while producing the best academic results in the department along with breakthrough student satisfaction. 

This all this goes over everyone’s head. 

They won’t even look at the documentation.

The cognitive dissonance is un-penetrable.

Socrates: (pause with sparkling eyes, big grin, then broad laugh) And that’s really our condition here on Earth, Brother! 

We can heroically try, and die as heroes or martyrs or dumb-asses, however you want to call it! But Earth isn’t even close to being ready for the simple truths we present! 

I know I’m not that smart or studied, but I’m not so stupid to miss a fucking empire in front of me! Literally (gesticulating around the beautiful public buildings)! All of this paid for by the Athenian Empire: tribute paid to invading, looting, hypocrites!

Carl: Yeah. Sheeple are not even close to being free. 

I know I don’t know that much either about anything. Not about math, not about what’s really going on in governments or money or history. Not about the deep history of ETs and cataclysms that might be the most important fucking history of all. 

But I do know enough to explain, document, and prove illegal rogue state empire. And I can prove lying corporate media and public education texts

Lies: not innocent errors, but intentional game-changing lies of commission and omission that create a false narrative justifying killing millions of people and looting trillions of dollars.

But I really shouldn’t worry about that level of intellectual integrity and moral courage when I can’t even sell breakthrough teaching and learning in algebra! 

(shaking my head and a sigh) Man, that conclusion took 42 years of civic activism to fully prepare. 

Sheeple aren’t even close to challenging authority in any empire-changing way, Soc. I mean, it’s 2400 years from this time to mine, and I can’t get sheeple to look up from failing math students let alone at their own slaughterhouse. Earth’s .01% “leaders” herd sheeple for psychopathic material profits and sadistic “pleasures” because sheeple are such soft targets, and nothing I try has been able to affect that condition. 

The only ways I see for sheeple to evolve beyond livestock is if we’re on an exponential growth curve too soon in its development to show any sign of breakthrough, or if there’s some kind of extra-planetary intervention and/or if Q is true and White Hats are about to emerge publicly.

Socrates: (nodding in understanding, pausing to see if I had anything more to add) And if I may add to your equation, so to speak, you shouldn't be a math teacher at all because your real expertise is teaching about government, economics, and history because your lobby group and you worked with both American political parties closely for 18 years all the way up to two UN summits for heads of state about ending poverty. You have published research by a leading research college (The Claremont Colleges) on the most important government topics measured by money and impact on quality of life.

Carl: Oh, yeah. I had over 200 rejected job applications to high schools to teach combinations of US Government, Economics, US and World History. I got to interviews maybe 20 times. I dress professionally, am personable, and only get radical to the extent of discussing my real-world applications for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. But I would see the interview committee members' eyes glaze over rather than get interested.  

We networked with global experts in topics of nutritious food, clean water, efficient housing, health care, public safety, public hygiene, access to credit, and more for the benefit of saving a million children dying every month from preventable poverty in the most gruesome slow-motion deaths imaginable. And this is through official channels up to the largest meeting of heads of state in world history at the time: having agreement from the world's presidents, prime ministers, and royalty for the greatest human rescue mission in world history, and all for less than 1% of rich nations' income with a total investment cost of about $1 trillion spread over ten years according to the best expert analyses we could find. One trillion dollars is less than the US spends on total military costs per year. 

I wish you could see the faces of professional teachers of government, history and economics, along with school principals allegedly committed to helping children. They glaze over, Soc. They space-out, and have zero communicated interest, follow-up, or something reasonable like, "Carl, that's great! Could you lead a student club on this topic? That's exactly the inspiring actions we preach that all our students should grow into!"

(sigh, and then slight smile) Thank you for your answer, Socrates: sheeple can't hear much at all of what limited truths we can offer.

(consider this 3 minute video demonstrating US war costs are over half our tax dollars)

Socrates: (raises an eyebrow) That appears to be an obvious observation from our experiences in offering simple truths, yes.

Unless you have more to discuss on this point, (as we finish the bread and oil and olives, Socrates presents me with three beautiful fresh figs) may I tell you my conclusions of what I’ve learned here in Athens, augmented by return visits to satisfy myself that the overall conditions made it impossible for me to do anything more than I did?

Carl: Please. I’d only finish that sheeple just can’t tell good from evil. 

They might look and learn to discern if they were free, but don’t have the power to free themselves.

Socrates: And we tried, Brother. We tried.

So, I wanted to share three points. First: relax.  

All of our best work as fellow philosophers is insufficient to end ongoing empires without an unimaginable and unpredictable breakthrough. 

All evidence of what we’ve done to date has been insufficient to produce that breakthrough, so we should relax because clearly we need to consider our position with new eyes. We should relax, look around, and reconsider our relationship with what drives us as philosophers in love with the wisdom of truth! 

What truths do we see now that we hadn’t before? 

How do we encourage visions from our highest sense of virtues? 

Can we be at peace in the process of our practices for a free Earth? That is, can we learn to love that our presence on this tortured planet is sacred for whatever the virtuous gods are doing for its freedom? 

See, Carl, this is a big, big deal because when we surrender to the power of the gods - I mean literally as beings above our powers who control whatever energies produced sheeple and predators - then we become our gods’ agents to channel the highest virtues we can imagine. We become messengers or angels for higher gods of power, love, creative intelligence, harmony and the arts, engineering and science, faith, and efficiency. We reject the temptations of selfish material domination through the empire’s lies, looting, and murdering. We are literally opening channels to the virtues we most admire and share. And who wouldn’t love the process of opening a channel to the gods we most love, even if the war is long and tough?

(smiles) So, relax. At least a little.

Carl: (shaking my head) I mean it’s gotta’ be true, right? All the Masters and those furthest on the journey aren’t stressed like me. They relax in the moment. They move with the Tao, or the Force, or whatever you want to call it. 

It’s a paradox: relax in the state of openness and awareness.

Maybe the sheeple material we have to work with isn’t a pile of shit, but certainly anyone wise wouldn’t expect what we expect of them!

Socrates: Yes! Yes! And that also means to “sleep on it” with intention that one’s gods or highest virtues come to you in help for how to address challenging problems. That’s the most relaxed of all, and often my best “work” in philosophy! (laughs fully)

Ok, ok. Point number 2 of what I learned here: a season of virtue will come to Earth only when it’s time. 

We’ll know its time because it will be as obvious as the coming of Spring. 

There’s nothing we can do to speed the season, or even a breakthrough. 

That doesn’t mean we can’t prepare for the coming of Spring, especially preparing ourselves. The more work one does in one’s own garden, the better off you’ll be when Spring finally comes!

Carl: Ok, yes. If we’re not where we want to be yet, it’s because we’re simply not there yet and have farther to go. But Soc, is it a journey or a season? Or both?

I’m seeing our victory like something to push forward, but we leaders don’t have the power and can’t get sheeple to move. But either way, yes, we need help and must be patient for those other resources, be it White Hats, ET intervention, “the coming of Spring” energies or whatever. Clearly, yes, the time has not yet come.

Hey, would you have done anything differently in Athens with these insights, Soc?

Socrates: I would have been more direct with my “students” that our position as philosophers is exactly as we describe rather than having hope for a brighter tomorrow in our lifetimes. I tried that communication here in the simulation, and my students embraced it as self-evident from their overwhelming experiences with family and friends rejecting conversations for basic truths.

I went back to the origins of our civil war to see if I could do anything better at that time. Not that I was capable of recognizing the extreme Athenian hypocrisy at that time, but I wanted to see if a wiser version of me could have prevented it.

Carl: Wow! What happened?

Socrates: I was assassinated by orders of oligarchs wanting war. Or would have been if I acted that way at that time.

But I was here for the reason of my teaching. I had to learn, and teach what I saw as I was able to see it. 

To answer your question: I would have done the same, but allowing sheeple greater freedom to be who they are without expectations among human beings to actually think and be responsible for the real world.

Carl: That’s strong stuff, Socrates. I could try that out: don’t expect anything other than herd behavior from sheeple, and of course they’ll reject everything I say offering their independence from their “masters.” 

(scrunches my face) Hmm. I’d have to play with them about this fact. I’d have to offer choice, as I feel that’s a big part of my mission incarnated here. But I for sure can surrender any expectation of what others do with that choice, despite the ongoing costs of slavery being annual millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted. 

The stakes are high, but it’s not my place to play others’ cards. Their lives are their business, not mine.

Socrates: Yes. That’s an insight to practice! 

My third point: surrendering expectations in no way diminishes our co-creative power.

We are all part of the God beyond the gods, and gather data that inform and influence all of creation. The impact on us as individuals is enormous; we literally build our futures from our thoughts, words, and actions. 

That said, we’re just a drop in the ocean. Or better, we’re like one molecule of water vapor vibrating slightly more than the frozen cloud we’re in during winter. Vibrate all you want! But you’ll have to wait for Spring for the season to be warmer.

(Soc smiles in conclusion)

Well, Carl (pats his thighs), that’s what I wanted to share with you. And to allow you to share and talk about what you’ve learned in your career to date trying to teach sheeple. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?

Carl: I appreciate the invitation to talk, Soc, and the insights. If big changes are to come to Earth, what’s next for you?

Socrates: (penetrating look) If Earth’s got big changes coming, I’m with Her. 

I’m definitely not for ongoing Hell on Earth.

Carl: (I nod, and look around one more time at 4th Century BC Athenians) I have to assume the sheeple are the real victims, Soc. 

Yeah, we served in a war to save them and took our shots, but man, to exist as they do in constant fear and denial…. it’s like they’re so cursed that at least it’s a blessing to attract some help from people like us.

Socrates: They made it to the top of your list, Brother.

Carl: (standing) Or perhaps it’s the soul of the planet we’re here for, Who’s had to endure such a long drama between good and evil. 

(Socrates stands, pats some dirt off and adjusts his toga)

But whatever, with all respect to the greater gods’ will. 

You’re right, Soc. We need to balance the meager help we’re capable of with patience for a change of Season. And whenever, with all respect to forces we’re unable to understand. 

Thank you, Socrates.

(I smile, and give Socrates a Bro hug) So how do I get out of here?

S0crates: Like this. 


“Interview” series:
Satire series:


  1. Thanks Carl for all your good work and great evidence you have brought to our public square. Despite the fact that the forces of evil have fooled us for millennia. it is very important we wake up NOW. The next stage will probably involve a world wide political pandemic (probably Ebola or Bird Flu) intended to eliminate billions of us and virtually all of us (Deep State spying) AWAKE.

    I have HOPE, for one of many reasons, many of us have gone from believing the "Conspiracy Theory" explanations of our masters to viewing their recent "Coincidence Theory" explanations as pure BS.

    For example Jeff Epstein OBVIOUSLY did not kill himself no matter how many "coincidences" they throw at us. IN FACT the more "coincidences" the more probable this MURDER/FAKE MURDER becomes.


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