‘Financial’/‘monetary’/‘derivative’ house-of-cards collapse? Remember: Superior mechanics already proven by Ben Franklin with monetary reform and public banking, backed by Thomas Edison, 86% of Economics professors
In 2002, mega-investor Warren Buffett wrote that derivatives were “financial weapons of mass destruction.” At that time, their total “notional” value (the value of the underlying assets from which the “derivatives” were “derived”) was estimated at $56 trillion. Investopedia reported in May 2022 that the derivatives bubble had reached an estimated $600 trillion according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and that the total is often estimated at over $1 quadrillion. No one knows for sure, because most of the trades are done privately.
~ Ellen Brown, The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami, 3/12/23
I’m inspired by my friend and colleague Ellen’s article, along with this excellent discussion among leading economic rebels, to comment that any “paper collapse” of gambling/fraud is good, and solutions are ready to implement now.
What the derivative bubble Ellen explains and documents means relative to the Fed promising today to fully fund all Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank depositors (insured AND uninsured/insolvent), is that a run on hard assets could pop the derivative bubble currently gambling with so-called “securities” valued 10-20 times deliverable assets. If that happens, then we all see the house of cards come down as nobody can pay/play this “game of debt” based on our criminally-fraudulent so-called “monetary” system of exponential debt “growth.”
Following is my best essay to explain, document, and prove the superior mechanics of public banking and monetary reform ready to implement. Remember: no harm is done to real resources (natural and human) with public discovery (finally and decisively) of the criminally-fraudulent, Orwellian-inverted, tragic-comic pyramid scheme to pretend that forever-accelerating debt should be used as “money.”
In 2018, the Assistant Superintendent of my NorCal public school district’s Business Services, along with all Board Members, were informed of this data with my offer to brief them of these superior mechanics compared to their ongoing efforts to beg homeowners to pay higher taxes. The Assistant Superintendent agreed to meet, took months to schedule, then cancelled because of “Covid” “mandates” without interest to pursue.
One Board Member responded to my invitation to brief them by asking me to attend a public school board meeting to make a 2-minute maximum comment that would receive no response. I asked if the data I pointed to were true, wouldn’t she want the Board briefed? She refused to answer. I declined her counter-offer.
In my capacity as Chair of a Professional Learning Committee at my high school, I briefed about a dozen teachers over ~4 years, with all teachers withdrawing their names from my committee after I challenged the district’s “health” “orders.”
Therefore, Patriots, I offer the following essay with every confidence its basis in published research is absolutely factually accurate, and with none of the ~2,000 AP Macroeconomics teachers on our Discussion Board offering any response to my requests since ~2009 to find any factual claim either in error or non-comprehensive. I also cannot serve in any capacity beyond being a messenger; all efforts to affect policy have been insufficient to date, with my 46-year experience in The Great Awakening demonstrating ~2% of humans can embrace paradigm-destroying messages.
I end the essay with Ocean’s Where Feet May Fail for those Who can hear We’re in Bigger Hands, and this is a test of where We Stand in a Spiritual war (war means confusion among the etymologies).
Open letter to school boards, teachers’ unions, families: Funding crisis for all public goods & services already solved by Ben Franklin with monetary reform and public banking, backed by Thomas Edison, 86% of Economics professors
In fields of specialized knowledge, we aim to render an account that is plain and simple, yet does no violence to the difficulty of the subject, so that the uninformed reader can understand us while the expert cannot fault us. We try to keep in mind a saying attributed to Einstein—that everything must be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler. ~ A letter from the publisher, Time Magazine, 1962
Colleagues and I presenting this data have written and presented at professional international economic conferences and have zero challenges to this information, such as this 2015 paper published by The Claremont Colleges for their ~2,000 person international economics conference, and this 2012 paper.
I also assert that I've worked with ~2,000 Advanced Placement Economics teachers through their discussion board since 2009, and no colleague has ever challenged the factual accuracy of what I am about to explain and document.
These two reforms are easy to learn:
- Monetary reform simply means being able to create money as a positive number to directly pay for public goods and services. What we have only creates "money" as its Orwellian-opposite, debt, which explains how and why total debt increases exponentially. Creating money as a positive number has triple and game-changing benefits: upgraded infrastructure, employment, and falling prices to the extent infrastructure investment returns more economic output than cost (this usually happens).
- Public banking is creating in-house and at-cost credit instead of selling debt securities to the public. In-house and at-cost credit reduces total nominal debt costs by ~50% compared with paying Wall Street "debt experts" and interest. The one state with a public bank is North Dakota: also the one and only state with increasing budget surpluses from their paying half of what all other 49 states pay for debt.
Two sections: videos and academic documentation of data
Crystal-clear videos to explain, document, and prove ~$1,000,000 per average US household in benefits from monetary reform, public banking
My 2017 57-minute detailed interview and data presentation with Dr. Jim Fetzer:
Data, discussion of ~$1,000,000 benefits per average US household with monetary reform, public banking:
- We pay the national debt in proportion to removing private banks’ ability to create what we use for money as debt in order to prevent inflation. We retire national debt forever.
- We fully fund infrastructure that returns more economic output than investment cost for triple upgrades: the best infrastructure we can imagine, up to full-employment, and lower overall costs.
- We stop the ongoing Robber Barons who McKinsey’s Chief Economist documents having ~$30 TRILLION in tax havens, and the Fed finding the US top seven banks creating shell companies to hide $10 trillion. This amount is about 30 times needed to end all global poverty, which has killed more people since 1995 than all wars and violence in all human history. Robber Barons are within our own Department of
OffenseDefense, who admit they "lost" $21 trillion of taxpayer money (~$200,000 per average US household).
- a state-owned bank could abundantly fund all state programs and eliminate all taxes with just a 5% mortgage and credit card.
- a state-owned bank could create in-house and at-cost credit to fund infrastructure. This cuts nominal costs in half because, as you know, selling debt securities typically doubles the cost. For example, where I live we’re still dismantling the old Bay Bridge in NoCal from the upgrade that cost $6 billion, but the debt-service costs will add another $6 billion when it’s all paid.
- CAFRs (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) stash “rainy day” funds no longer required with a credit line from a public bank. In addition, the so-called “retirement funds” currently deliver net returns of just a few percent on good years, and negative returns on bad years (here, here). California’s ~14,000 various government entities’ CAFRs have a sampled-data total estimate of $8 trillion in surplus taxpayer assets ($650,000 non-disclosed assets per household, among California’s ~12.5 million households).
- California’s CAFR data of ~$650,000 of assets per household is evidence of huge cash assets of similar magnitude in every state.
- Paying the US national debt of ~$18 trillion saves ~$180,000 per household.
- Ending state taxes in California to pay a budget of ~$170 billion saves each household ~$15,000, with similar savings in every state.
- ~$30,000 per household savings annually: the American public would no longer pay over $400 billion every year for national debt interest payments (because almost 30% of the debt is intra-governmental transfers, this is a savings of ~$300 billion/year). If lending is run at a non-profit rate or at nominal interest returned to the American public (for infrastructure, schools, fire and police protection, etc.) rather than profiting the banks, the savings to the US public is conservatively $2 trillion (1). If the US Federal government increased the money supply by 3% a year to keep up with population increase and economic growth, we could spend an additional $500 billion yearly into public programs, or refund it as a public dividend (2). This savings would allow us to simplify or eliminate the income tax (3). The estimated savings of eliminating the income tax with all its complexity, loopholes, and evasion is $250 billion/year (4). The total benefits for monetary reform are conservatively over three trillion dollars every year to the American public. Three trillion is $3,000,000,000,000. This saves the ~100 million US households an average of $30,000 every year. Another way to calculate the savings is to figure those amounts per $50,000 annual household income (for example, if your household earns $100,000/year, you save ~$60,000 every year with these reforms). This savings represents a 60% raise for every US household’s income.
- Related, if the ~$30 trillion hidden in tax havens by the .01% have $10-$15 trillion from Americans, and we count the Federal Reserve report that the US top seven banks have over $10 trillion stored, then the average US household could clawback ~$200,000 to ~$250,000. And again: Robber Barons within our own Department of
OffenseDefense admit they "lost" $21 trillion of taxpayer money (~$200,000 per average US household).
- Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Thomas Jefferson,
- President Andrew Jackson, famous inventor Peter Cooper,
- New York City Mayor John Hylan, two House of Representatives Banking Committee Chairs,
- Benjamin Franklin, William Jennings Bryan,
- Charles Lindbergh Sr., 86% of Great Depression economists,
- We’ve already documented how the global so-called “elite” 1% are now wealthier than the 99% while ~30,000 children die daily from preventable poverty in gruesomely-slow agony. Over 500,000 Americans are homeless; living on the streets or shelters.
- Just 62 people on Earth own more than the bottom 50%.
- The US .1% own more than the bottom 90%.
- The top 20 Americans (.000006%) own more than the bottom 50%.
- Our current system of creating what we use for money as debt has the so-called “developed” and “former” colonial nations $50 trillion in debt, and lying for public austerity rather than admit the option of monetary and banking reforms.
- decaying infrastructure getting uglier from “deferred maintenance,”
- real unemployment near 25% with most families demanding both parents work longer and longer hours,
- real inflation well above official reports,
- US poverty of 20% among children, 40% for living at least a year in poverty,
- 72% of California students in schools with over half the children classified as “socio-economically disadvantaged,”
- the annual interest payment of ~$450 billion for the US national debt is over four times the amount needed to invest for ending all forms of global poverty (~$100 billion/year for ~10 years).
- a rigged-casino economy designed for “peak inequality,”
- “too big to fail” banks demand public subsidies (so-called “bailouts”) while gambling with over $200 TRILLION in derivatives,
- these “too big to fail/jail” banks deriving most of their income from subsidies and apparent market manipulations,
- Daily and never-ending Orwellian criminal-complicit lies of corporate media.
- US college Class of 2015 students average $35,000 in debt, with the total for 2015 graduates nearly $70 billion: more than ten times the amount from just 20 years ago. The average time to pay this debt is now 15 years (think paying until age 40).
- half of US 25-year-olds live with their parents, more than twice the number from 15 years ago.
- Over two million US college students are “Sugar babies”: selling sex as part-time employment. The UK has the same condition (here, here).
- 31% of US adjunct professors live in poverty.
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu
Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.
What's wrong with banking and finance ?
ReplyDeleteThere are 3 essential points everyone should realize:
(1) The Federal Reserve and by extension the USD are Ponzi Schemes. They do not represent real money.
This is because the USD is a debt based currency that requires ever more debt to sustain itself until interest payments on the debt
gobble up all spending.
(2) Fractional Reserve Lending is the basis of all banking in the modern age. This is legalized counterfeiting and no different than a criminal operation. All banks are in fact criminal enterprises because they lend out money they do not possess.
This is the criminal nature of our banking industry today to say nothing about the usury of charging 20% interest rates on credit card debt.
(3) The world's central banks (Federal Reserve) are private institutions owned by private individuals which gives these criminals access
to infinite sums of currency (Rothschilds are Trillionaires).
Trillionaires do exist in our world today. And they own most of the world's economy.
These Trillionaires are very careful to keep this knowledge out of the public domain and so we see the Forbes 400, Fortune list of billionaires
always excludes mention of these people who control the issuance of currency.
Why would you want to be worth $100 Billion in USD when you can issue and digitally print to yourself trillions of dollars through your
criminal ownership of the Federal Reserve with no supervision nor oversight ?
Remember the Federal Reserve has NEVER been audited in it's nearly 110 year history (demonic birth 1913).
The world is run by Trillionaire International Bankers who have thousands of news-reading slaves (Bloomberg, CNBC et al) and
fake financial theorists aka economists, and yellow journalists lying to all of us with propaganda that we live in a free market economy based
on capitalism and meritocracy. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We live in a organized crime syndicate run by multi - generational criminally insane psychopathic
banking families (Kuhns, Loebs, Warburg, Rothschilds et al) who have infinite wealth and
it is by this wealth that they have corrupted
every media outlet, every corporation and every industry with their demonic political agenda.
Everything is rigged, everything is lies, everything is fake, everything is scripted.
Sharp, Anon (Robert?)! Yes, this is literally the most valuable topic to see ;)
DeleteYes, hi Carl.
DeleteTwo more points:
(1) The derivative position of the largest banks is in the area of
Goldman Sacs $55 Trillion
JPMorganChase $50 Trillion
CitiGroup $46 Trillion
BoA $ 22 Trillion
And yet nobody is talking about this.
(2) The vast majority of bank runs and deposit withdrawals are coming from the top three banks:
JPMorganChase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo AND not the regional smaller sized banks.
The largest banks are NOT seeing inflows. We are being lied to by everyone.
Take a look at the Fed's H.8 weekly reports.
Here is the real data that others will not show you.
Deposit Withdrawals from April 2022 to April 2023:
JPMorganChase... - $184 Billion
BoA...…………...…..- $162 Billion
Wells Fargo..............…- $119 Billion
Deposit Withdrawals at remaining 4000 other Banks: $5528T-$5318T=$210B
See data series here:
The bank runs at JP, BoA and Wells Fargo accounts for approx. 72% of the total
decline in deposits at the 25 largest banks as shown by the H.8 Fed report.
JPMorganChase is going through a bank run !
Jamie Dimon, Bloomberg , CNBC and even the FDIC are lying to you!
P.S. I always enjoy your presentations on Need to Know.
You are by far the most informative and enjoyable speaker.
Thank you.
Be well.
I see "go-time" for breakthrough this week or next, Brother, as we've seen part of the "house of cards" already fall. Thank you for your integrity, Bro; new vistas are on the immediate horizon ;)
DeleteReally? You write like one of them.
DeleteExcellent documentation!
DeleteIf the spraying doesn't stop soon, it will eventually kill me and many who live around me. The AF has been manipulating the weather since the 60's or earlier. It disgusts me the US Military has been poisoning and killing many of us. They are murderous and must be destroyed.
DeleteThe way I see it, these nutters want to MURDER many. I urge NO ONE to fight or kill innocents for these disgusting, foul murderers who deliberately start wars under false circumstances. They are liars and must not be trusted. EVER!
DeleteYes, the nutters do want to murder innocents. They are crazy, insane and must be eliminated. Godspeed to all.
DeleteWhether it's silver, gold or cookies all designated money is only effective if it's fair for everyone using it. Power, greed is always the problem. If worldly peeps cannot learn to share, any monetary SYSTEM is doomed to fail. Every day...Every way...MG 🕊
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteYep, this world was designed to be sick and dirty. Criminals run amok and Alexa is a spy. This is no way to live. Thanks Carl.
DeleteI see: Let's fuck with the common, disabled and dumb peeps. I don't care about color or CULTURE. "Let's just fucking kill them all!" That's how these crazy, murderous THINGS think. They are not humans. They're killers. They are disgusting and need to be destroyed
ReplyDeletewant no one wannto hurt and enslave anything. Can
We are all struggling... Godspeed
DeleteYes, many are struggling. Most are not murders.
DeleteGood work Carl.
ReplyDeleteHuh! What a journey!
ReplyDeleteIf the idiots that be take away our money, the majority will revolt and kill one another. Sick, deranged people run this realm. They must be stopped because they are murderers and deranged beings. We cannot trust them! Think about it... Do you want to live freely or die? Best wishes to all. We are being taking over by AI...Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteNot AI...Sick, greedy people. Good thread and best to all.
DeleteDonald Trump and his children are liars and will bring horror to our land. They cannot be trusted.
ReplyDeleteThey already have. I don't understand why people don't see it. Most of our presidents have been actors or dirty militants.
DeleteSorry to report... You ha have been lied to on every level
DeleteStay calm...the matrix is rebooting... The images will change. You are loved. FYI: Think Your Own Thoughts... Fuck the Matrix 🔊
DeleteWas America ever GREAT? Not in my life. One BS lie after another. Politicians are actors. Trump claims he's not a politician AND he is a liar like the rest. Will America EVER be great? Doubt it. The folks running this show are sick, twisted perverts. Will the people stand up to the oppressors? I hope so.We must.
ReplyDeleteRegan used the same tagline. He was a sellout too.
DeleteThese fuckers are deranged gays. What bull I have read. Suck IT!
ReplyDeleteCarl, you must prove you're not one these rakes. You cannot play both sides. God speed.
ReplyDeleteThe proof is in this essay. The burden of proof is on YOU that you're not the "rake" ;)
DeleteAll I will express is that nothing has changed. It seems we are all locked into a massive lie. I do hope and pray we will be relieved of this disgusting hardship soon.
ReplyDeleteZOG must be destroyed if the entire world is to survive, Carl. This is a worldly dilemma. Best wishes, Audrey
DeleteI enjoyed your talk with Chris W and the older man. Time will tell how us lowly human slaves of all colors will thrive.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Warren B is a filthy rich traitor. If our money system crashes, there will be unbridled insanity worldwide. They can easily replace the $ and life will go on peacefully. But will they? We are dealing with the fake chosenites, who are clearly insane, delusional and deadly. I hope more are paying attention at this juncture in the game. I suggest everyone gird your loins and prepare. We may have to storm the "castle."
ReplyDeleteThe man running this blog is liar and a skilled one. Beware.
ReplyDeleteThe anonymous man commenting is a liar, but not a skilled one for he offers no explanation, citation, nor evidence of any kind. Beware ;)
DeleteWhatever happens, I hope it benefits the peoples of the world.Sharing and kindness has been overlooked for too long. Those running this clown show must be stopped. They are the problem. They must :-!
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whatever may or may not happen, we the humans are being played or bamboozled. I'm so tired of their sick BS. You cannot trust most people anymore. May God (or Jesus) help us. We need help. Thanks
ReplyDeleteWow...This is a loaded post! No matter what happens, May all mankind be blessed and the evil entities die. No one needs them... No one wants them...Goodbye! Love you Carl and all reading this post... MG 🌴
ReplyDeleteBe warned, if trump or the controllers crash the money instead of replacing it with something substantial, the peoples will turn ugly and it will not be "nice" in any way whatsoever. There will be war.