Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics Discussion Board Moderator asks ‘Any issues or good ideas we should discuss?’ and I engage for another battle in this 14-year war

My ongoing observation is that ~2% of human beings can engage in meaningful factual discussions that challenge the US ongoing lying, looting, Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire of gangster banksters, psychopathic parasitic public-serpent War Criminal puppeticians, and corporate media/public education to “cover” their crimes. This includes academic professionals on this AP Discussion Board, and my home school.

After the last battle on August 1 when our college professor moderator argued for corporate media reporting on “climate change”, he posted:

The New School Year

9/6/23 1:28 PM

How is the new school year going? Have you encountered any issues or good ideas we should discuss in the Teacher Community? My students seem less fazed by the recent pandemic than in the last few years. Hopefully we're catching up on both skills and mental health! 


My response:

Yes, I have 3 recommended issues/ideas our AP Macroeconomic teachers should discuss, thank you for asking, David :)

  1. 1% of humans own more assets than the bottom 99% combined in a system of exponential debt with “too big to fail banks” gambling with ~1 quadrillion dollars in derivatives (data here with bullet points below).
  2. Data that owning a house will be unaffordable to most of our students, unless a breakthrough happens (I’m at 95% certainty this is the case) well captured in ~1 minute comparing economic data from 1970 to today.
  3. Our observations of public recognition of the above, perhaps best expressed in the #1 country song “Rich men north of Richmond” (59 million views in 4 weeks), and rapper Dax’s Remix (5.5 million subscribers, 1.9 million views in 5 days)

Details from this public essay:


AP Teacher Community <>

Fri, Sep 8, 3:58 AM (1 day ago)

to carl_herman

Dear Carl,

Please refrain from posts with off-topic or copyrighted material. The post with the song poster has been removed from the thread about how the new term is going in the AP classroom. 

Thank you!



AP Teacher Community 


My response:

Carl Herman 

9:22 AM (11 hours ago) (Sept.9)

to d.anderson

Dear David,

1. Please explain how my Macroeconomic response is “off-topic” when you promoted “climate change” on August 1 and asked us on September 6: 

Have you encountered any issues or good ideas we should discuss in the Teacher Community?

2. Please cite how my sharing a graphic is a violation of copyright given that Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 specifically protects material distributed without profit for research and educational purposes. For more information, Cornell Law School explains fully:  If you cannot cite the restriction, I will repost my comment and graphic.

3. Do you find any errors in omission or commission in my recommendation of “good ideas or issues we should discuss in the Teacher Community”? Is exponential debt sustainable, or must be “reset” somehow? If so, shouldn’t we consider a “Top 10” list of our brightest Americans’ ideas (published by The Claremont Colleges)?

4. Do you conclude the Macroeconomic facts of 1% owning more assets than the bottom 99% important enough for discussion among teachers to our brightest high school economics students, as well as the cost of ~30,000 humans dying from preventable poverty daily, and public recognition through popular “economics” hit songs?

Please respond by Monday 9/11 (a topic required for APUS and APGov for THAT provable “official” lie), or I will have to ask on our discussion board.

My take for your consideration: Brother, after two UN Summits for heads of state (Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty) I am absolutely professionally confident of my documentation. Professors at The Claremont Colleges publish my research because they, too, have found our “leaders” are liars. Gandhi and Dr. King’s ideas and methods apply to us, and you should consider where to place your consent.

We can chat about this if easier. 

Thank you for your personal and professional interest in the creation and management of money, goods, and services.




Upon no response:

Carl Herman 6:06 PM (6 minutes ago)  (Sept.10)

to d.anderson
I will ask these questions of you via the Discussion Board if you do not respond by tomorrow morning, David. We both know we would want our AP students to do the same.


AP Teacher Community   Mon, Sep 11, 5:09 AM

to carl_herman
Dear Carl,

Sorry for the confusion. My mention of issues and ideas was meant to be in the Teacher Community context of how to teach AP Economics in the high school classroom. Discussing how climate change shifts the production possibilities frontier and affects long-run equilibrium would be an example. 

Community guidelines for the Teacher Community are here: They include policies that prohibit the use of photos of people without their permission. 

I'd appreciate your help in keeping the discussions focused on AP content and pedagogy. 



My plan is to wait until a breakthrough event, then respond. But then I felt I should send one more:


Carl Herman

to d.anderson

Sat, Sep 23, 8:14 AM 

David: you will change your position because NOTHING can stop what's coming when exponential aggregate and national debt implodes. 

What will solve exponential growth in national debt interest costs other than monetary/banking reform, or WEF's "Great Reset", and how is ignoring this responsible as teachers to our brightest students?


(colleague M) posted the following on 11/06/2023 09:02 EST

RE: The New School Year

Not sure that was what David was referring to overall...

But also (*opinion*) I feel like your links are a little biased.
You're ignoring some concepts that while wealth inequality has developed, overall everyoneis better off now than they were in the early 1900s/1950s/1970s, etc. I mean if you look at things like disease, health, infant mortality they have all dramatically gotten better from the 1970s until now. More people are wealthier than ever before, and I believe you are looking at fairly skewed data. 


note: concurrently, another colleague responded to a different post about projects in AP Macro:

(colleague R) posted the following on 11/06/2023 10:21 EST

RE: Does anyone assign a project?

@Carl how long do you give kids for those assignments?  They look pretty detailed...


Carl B Herman posted the following on 11/02/2023 15:05 EDT

RE: Does anyone assign a project?

Thanks, John! 

After 38 years' teaching, I retired, and this is the project I used:

One day, all education professionals will consider why real-world projects are more popular among students than textbook "learning" on paper at desks and AP exams. I assert "public education" was captured in the same way corporate media is captured to "cover" an empire. Please reject denial, and LOOK with your own eyes to refute a $33 trillion national debt in exponential growth while banksters gamble in the quadrillionstragic-comic inflation obfuscated by changing defintions, and intentional poverty just since the Clintons were in the White House that has killed more people than all wars in all human history

Projects such as John's are attractive for real-world competence. Declining student enthusiasm for learning is because students feel the lies and disconnection from inspiring real-world upgrades, even though teachers and students are mostly unaware exactly how and why (but after 38 years, I document much). We've all wondered at the lack of progress: did you know that 1% now own more assets than the 99%? Can you imagine the 1% buying corporate media and public education texts to hide that parasitism?

Carl Herman

National Board Certified Teacher

National Board Certified Teacher Coach


Carl B Herman posted the following on 11/07/2023 11:11 EST

RE: Does anyone assign a project?

I started at the beginnings of the school year with the entire 6-part project. The last part for student research and presentations is ~6 weeks.

Yes, they are detailed because the gap between objective reality and the obfuscated lies of omission and commission to call a debt supply a "money" supply in a system of Orwellian-illegal rogue state empire looting resources (natural and human) requires details. 

Btw: I challenge anyone reflexifly down-voting my responses to find any factual errors in my links. After my experiences working with global experts leading to briefing Members of Congress ~300 times leading to 2 UN Summits for heads of state, I'm absolutely professionally confident with what I document, and note that since 2009 that no colleague has been able to refute a single factual claim on this discussion board.

Not one time, colleagues :)

Teachers of our brightest students: we witness an Emperor's New Clothes-obvious plutocracy that I factually assert is independently-verifiable for anyone caring to look with their own eyes of 1% owning more assests than the 99%, quadrillion dollar gambling in a rigged casino called a "free market," with threat of WEF "leadership" for our students to raise their children in 15-minute cities, eating bugs, owning nothing, and dictated to "be happy" while being "mandated" to prima facie-illegal "experimental" injections at "leadership" will, that again, are Orwellian-illegal "health" "orders."

(colleague R): do you perceive any of the emergencies I point to? If so, how do you respond as a teacher briefing students on the most important FACTS (objective, comprehensive, independtly verifiable) in the creation and management of money, goods, and services?

Carl Herman

National Board Certified Teacher

National Board Certified Teacher Coach


Carl B Herman posted the following on 11/07/2023 11:55 EST

RE: The New School Year

(colleague M): You’re welcome to your opinion, of course. Do you recognize any prima facie“official” lies and crimes requiring “leader” arrests because of quantifiable damages no reasonable person should consent? 

To inform your response, here are my top 3 macroeconomic current events ALL OUR STUDENTS should be briefed to consider given their central importance in quantifiable costs in money and lives. Please let me know HOW any part is in error or “skewed”:

  • Exponential national and aggregate debt is mathematically certain by creating what we use for money as a negative number (debt) being added/multiplied forever, and this INTENTIONAL macroeconomic design will collapse when the debt burden becomes tragic-comic. Anyone: please explain how collapse from exponential growth of debt is avoidable or “skewed.”
  • The highest economic cost in the US is ongoing prima facie-illegal lie-started, Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression that has war-murdered 30+ million humanssince WW2, and war-murdered ~300 million (300,000,000) in total. It would seem a rational human response must include withdrawal of consent, and at least personal voice to arrest US “leaders” committing prima facie crimes (an arrest is the appropriate lawful tool to stop apparent crime). I wrote a 2005 ~40-page White Paper circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for those lie-started Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression. Please justify our economic silence to these prima facie facts, and/or explain how these facts are “skewed.”
  • ~1 million children die from preventable poverty every month. Since Bill and Hillary Clinton occupied the White House in 1993, ~400 million human beings have died from preventable poverty. So-called “developed” and “former” colonial nations have promised to end global poverty since 1969; an accomplishment with technically easy solutions for sustainable human economic needs. These nations’ “leaders” have reneged on all promises to end poverty, public and private, despite an investment of just 0.7% of GNI for ten years that is overwhelmingly supported by those nations’ citizens. 400 million dead humans are more than from all wars, murders, and any kind of violence in all recorded history (my assignment for students on this data from 2 UN summits for heads of state). How is this data “skewed”? Why do you think our texts omit this data when we’re promised the most powerful factual information for our brightest young adults for responsible citizen participation?

Carl Herman

National Board Certified Teacher

National Board Certified Teacher Coach


(colleague R) posted the following on 11/08/2023 09:47 EST

RE: Does anyone assign a project?

(colleague R): do you perceive any of the emergencies I point to? If so, how do you respond as a teacher briefing students on the most important FACTS(objective, comprehensive, independtly verifiable) in the creation and management of money, goods, and services?

Therein lies the problem.  A lot of what you point out should be discussed and debated in class.  I don't think anyone argues with that concept.  Teaching kids to analyze objective data and draw their own conclusions is among the most important things we can do as educators.  We don't shape their opinions.  We give them skills and access to think critically, form their own opinions, and decide for themselves what kinds of citizens they want to become.  The data you present is accurate, but the conclusions you draw are your opinion.  Others may not feel the same way.  That's fine.  Honestly, that's encouraged.  I hate the idea that if someone disagrees with another person, they must be a naive lemming.  Intelligent people can look at the same data and come to different conclusions, or maybe highlight different data points (as was done in the Micro thread).  

But, as a high school teacher, we're evaluated on very specific criteria.  Specifically, how my kids do on the AP Exam haha.  It's unfortunate, but that's the system we're in.  So that's why I asked about the time alotted for your projects.  We have very specific curriculum to cover, so it's hard to bring projects into play until after the AP Exam, which basically means I can only give a project if kids can finish within a month so I have reasonable time to grade everything.

If I taught different courses (maybe some kind of elective), it would be a different story of course.


(colleague M) posted the following on 11/09/2023 08:43 EST

RE: The New School Year

 I mean, I think your response kind of proves my point.

One of your earlier links, to justify your response I guess, was to a TikTok?
Some of these links here are to your own writings? This just validates the bias in my opinion.

In the first link you have a part where you state "I also assert that I've worked with ~2,000 Advanced Placement Economics teachers through their discussion board since 2009, and no colleague has ever challenged the factual accuracy of what I am about to explain and document."

So, you've interacted with 2,000 teachers in this message board over the last decade? There aren't even 2,000 posts in this community. Sure it is possible you've interacted with every post multiple times, but I find that unlikely. Your additional argument that no one has challenged your content in here doesn't just automatically make you right either. This is bias.
In these links you make tons of claims, some with support from various YouTube opinions, but many with little with real evidence. You make several bias claims and your support is broad arguments like "many economists agree" or "this senator agreed" but that doesn't make it correct or factual. I am not delving into whether your arguments are right or wrong or the correct policy debates around it but you are presenting very strong biases in the content you are putting out here. 

The initial argument was you think students should know "x content" and I was simply stating that you are presenting extreme bias in the content you are stating students need to know. As Teachers, I think we should present both sides of information and allow students to develop their own beliefs. You are presenting biased information as fact, which I think is wrong. Give students both sides of information and let them develop their own conclusions. 


Carl B Herman posted the following on 11/09/2023 11:23 EST

RE: Does anyone assign a project?

(colleague R), I wish you only the best in our challenge of DENSE material pressed into a timeline limited for student engagement of current events and independent research (intentional so our brightest high school students are left with more theory than real-world study how theory translates into reality).

I appreciate your clear explanation that a FUNDAMENTAL job in education is to discern comprehensive, objective, and independently-verifiable FACTS from spin/opinion (often with INTENTIONAL lies of omission and commission). Of course, we train and encourage students' unique, powerful, and beautiful self-expressions to be their own upgraded creations over the next ~70 years of their adult citizenships.

That said, I come from the strange land of 2 UN Summits for heads of state and ~300 briefings of Members of Congress over 18 years to end poverty (while I taught public school for a total of 38 years), and report ZERO ARGUMENTS AGAINST ENDING POVERTY among academics, NGOs, and governments. None. Zip. Nada. Yet, these "leaders" renege on all promises, public and private, while a million children die in horrific slow-motion agony every month from preventable poverty.

With all respect, colleagues, a million dead children every month is a MACROECONOMIC EMERGENCY, unless anyone cares to argue otherwise. Since the Clintons were in the White House, that's a total of ~400 million dead: more than all wars and violence in all recorded human history

I acknowledge my colleagues did not witness with us the smirking and condescending responses of both parties' "leaderships" that ending poverty with 0.7% of GNI would "appear we give too much away to the poor" in denial of all polling data Americans would give 10% away to save children's lives, then Democratic "leaderships" from the Clintons on that they "didn't have time" for microcredit when we solved that problem of ending poverty while making a profit (microcredit has saved ~500 million lives, and was the topic of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize).

$34 trillion in exponential national debt growth is BEYOND AN EMERGENCY, as nobody on this discussion board since 2009 can explain how now a trillion/year in debt cost to US taxpayers can end other than tragic-comic collapse or restructure (monetary reform/public banking OR eat bugs, own nothing, and "be happy" according to WEF's "plan" to take even more despite the 1% owning more assets than the 99% combined: another emergency).

The US 200+ military armed attacks on other nations since WW2 in Orwellian-illegality that war-murdered 30+ million (and counting) in our biggest tax cost while many of our schools decay from deferred maintenance while we beg parents to raise property tax + donate to district educational funds = another emergency.

The same political "leaderships" with these Crimes Against Humanity, War Criminal, and psychopathically parasitic policies control the political education departments that approve our textbooks, and direct what topics should be in public school curricula in provable lies of omission and commission so our children do not see an empire annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions. As teachers, I request professional consideration that students "graduate" as stupefied work animals accepting dictates from "leaders" in government, "money" (actually debt), and information dictating Orwellian narratives, rather than recognize prima facie-criminal lying sacks of spin propagandizing forever wars, forever debt, forever fear, and now to illegally "order"/"mandate"/"require" forced "medical experiments" to mask, shoot, and distance our children in direct violation of Title 21 rights to be free from coercion to be a medical patient of the state. 

Most of you, dear colleagues, suspect "We the People" are lied to about important topics. I respectfully request your professional attention to the question of how much we're lied to, and to consider Gandhi and Dr. King's response to withdraw consent (and demand "leader" arrests) to stop prima facie crimes in progress, and to address the normalized macroeconomic emergencies poverty-murdering ~30,000 children daily, now escalated to threaten nuclear WW3.

I have found in my experience communicating data such as this over 46 years now, that I am among "messengers" that even experts such as readers here cannot yet hear, but will remember when the Emperor's New Clothes/"Black Swan event" breakthrough happens. 

We as macroeconomic relative experts share what we find most important to students and colleagues for their consideration how to best empower teaching and learning; I appreciate your professional consideration of (colleague R's) appropriate topic that AP Macro teachers just might find data outside the test important enough to construct projects around to share with students.



Carl B Herman posted the following on 11/10/2023 11:37 EST

RE: The New School Year

(colleague M): I agree that the quality of our responses speak for themselves ;)

  • You decline to answer if you recognize any "official" lies/crimes requiring "leader" arrests. I'll try again: see any?
  • You descend to ad hominem and straw-man stories to deny any data and refuse discussion of factual claims.
  • There are ~2,000 AP Econ teachers globally, so my work on this discussion board since 2009 means ~2,000 AP teachers have access to these factual claims, and none have refuted any factual claim. You join dozens refusing discussion, (colleague M), all with interesting "reasons" for avoidance.

(colleague M) states: 

As Teachers, I think we should present both sides of information and allow students to develop their own beliefs. You are presenting biased information as fact, which I think is wrong. Give students both sides of information and let them develop their own conclusions.

What is the "other side" of exponential debt growth, with annual gross interest cost to American taxpayers on the US national debt now over $1 TRILLION? Does anybody see this ending other than tragic-comic collapse, or the WEF's "Great Reset"?

What is the "other side" of ongoing US wars started with lies known to be false as they are told for Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression, with total US taxpayer costs of another trillion plus annually? Claremont Colleges professors asked me to present a paper on this topic to ~2,000 people at an international economics conference, and published my paper in front of Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges. Two world wars with a treaty after each war makes war illegal: those of us working in this area have found NOBODY able to refute that ongoing US military attacks are Orwellian-illegal, including colleagues who are international law lawyers with published research and books. The bias is with both parties' "leaderships" and corporate media to lie in omission to never ever ever ever ever cite war law that all our families sacrificed through two world wars to win. The economic costs to US taxpayers, and the targets, is likely in the multiple trillions every year.

What is the "other side" of ending poverty to save a million children's lives monthly while simultaneously decreasing birth rates, and according to CIA is the best way to end terrorism? In two UN Summits for heads of state, NOBODY from anywhere had counter-arguments. The only complaint to the idea was from The New York Times, whose "coverage" was powerful evidence for my students to see where bias really exists

Colleagues: We are responsible to empower our brightest students to build a brighter future. I appreciate (colleague M) at least having the interest to respond, and wish you all the best in that challenge.

Carl Herman

National Board Certified Teacher

National Board Certified Teacher Coach


I began this war in 2009 when the US national debt was just a third of what it is today documenting: 

  • the mechanics of our “modern” central banks are mathematically certain to cause exponential debt because they are adding negative numbers forever,
  • monetary reform and public banking have been argued and proven effective by leading Americans since Ben Franklin wrote that colonial Pennsylvania needed ZERO TAXES when the government is the bank (my published research via The Claremont Colleges),
  • when the debt burden becomes too tragic-comic, we can all kiss our assets goodbye.

The AP Macro and College Board “leaderships” witnessed that none of the ~2,000 AP teachers could factually refute any data I offered, or demonstrate any lies of omission, yet threatened to terminate my account if I didn’t stop addressing “current events” not on the AP exam. 

Please take a moment to consider and reflect: our brightest and most academically motivated young men and women’s teachers are forbidden to discuss any data or events not approved by the College Board. 

I discovered the College Board is serious about censorship after my account was terminated without warning in 2012 from the AP US Government Discussion Board for asking colleagues how the ongoing US wars formerly known as “On Terror” were legal given two US treaties after both world wars made war illegal outside a narrow definition of “self-defense.” I was informed that discussing the legality of war is “non-academic,” of “personal nature,” and “unsuitable” for consideration of teachers in a college-level course on government, and given no opportunity to discuss or appeal my termination.

When the AP Macroeconomics Discussion Board Moderator (an economics college professor) promised my termination for raising questions and data not on their exam perhaps 5 years ago, I retreated to only commenting on current events posted by other teachers. With this policy to only discuss abstract test material, the discussions among teachers shriveled. 

I'll update with any significant posts/actions.


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. 


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