2024: Year 1 for Truth, Justice, Freedom = What/How will you think, speak, live upon AmRev2/WW3 VICTORY?

Earth’s Emperor’s New Clothes tragic-comedy’s last act before AmRev2/WW3 VICTORY will end in a relative heartbeat, and likely include last “scare events” of:

  • Paper-“collapse” of the US-“led” “debt system” (Orwellian-opposite of “monetary system”), 
  • WW3
  • another OBVIOUSLY illegal scamdemic
  • “Shown” “assassinations” that could include actors playing “Zelensky” (blamed on Russia), “Biden” (blamed on MAGA DVIs), “Trump” (praised by corporate media?) before critical mass of humans demand “leader” arrests for past assassinations including JFK, MLK, and RFK (among 100s).

All Orwellian-illegal “official” narratives are collapsing in Q’s “drip, drip… flood” progression, which I conclude “White Hats” orchestrate for poetic power and justice for this literal Great Awakening of the mind-controlled general public. As we’ve abundantly covered on Need to Know News for over 3 years:

  • $: Earth’s central “bank” “monetary” systems are designed in mathematical certainty to create exponential debt, which must collapse in tragic-comedy or be “Great Reset.”
  • Lie-started Wars of Aggression: Israel on Gaza, Russia’s defense of the Donbas from Ukraine/US/NATO neo-colonial invasion, the wars formerly known as “On Terror,” and soooooo many more, going back by US War Criminals for over 200 years.
  • “Covid” “vaccines”: Public harm from being shot, data disclosures of Orwellian-unethical “science,” and public recognition of “official” lies are becoming majority views. 
  • 2020 (and beyond) election fraud: “business as usual.”
  • January 6 false flag to cover-up 2020 election fraud: just as 2020 election fraud evidence was to be introduced for public consideration.
  • Epstein/Maxwell Island pedophile/pedovore clients: perhaps “Epstein didn’t kill himself” is the most recognized meme.
  • Pay-to-play: The Biden family is typical.
  • “Public-Private” censorship: The Twitter Files disclosed much.
  • “Transgender” indoctrination, sexualization of children, biological mutilations, males destroying female athletics, etc.
  • “Open border” “invasions”.
  • Lawfare on Trump/Patriots.
  • “Woke” agendas from “Blue” states while inflation, homelessness, unaffordable housing ALL explode. 
  • Public “education”: the public are seeing more of their dictatorial “health” “orders” in a system lying our children into becoming uninspired and stupefied work animals.
  • Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) used on the Maui Massacre and NorCal “fires” (stories 7-13).

And as I have repeated for 3 years with Need to Know articles: after 46 years’ engagement in The Great Awakening, I’m at 95% certainty that White Hats are in control of AmRev 2/WW3, with the single best evidence being a 49-minute summary of Charlie Freak’s epic 7-hour presentation of verifiable facts (censored multiple times, and in 4 parts here). A strong briefing is also Good Lion Films’ 120 minute The Greatest Show on EarthNicholas Veniamin compiled a powerful 63-minute video from 57 sources of testimony, documents, and photo/video evidence to communicate the breakthroughs emerging NOW empowering us into a Star Trek-like future.

Other considerations in the coming victory after sheeple raise their heads to view Truth with their own eyes, and revolutionize Earth with their own voices:

Are you ready to win?

Strengthen your endgame with your thoughts NOW with what you imagine Life will be upon victory.

In contingency, given the fog of war allows us to see so little, I comfort myself that if there is no honest 2024 election (or something better), I will take to the fields of war as Gandhi and Dr. King to optimize my contribution to Truth, as I imagine I will no longer consent to current conditions extending past that time, and would rather conclude my Life as Socrates rather than continue living in the nicest corner of Hell witnessing evil empire annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

How big will victory be?

I’m at 95% certainty, this big will be the physical, emotional, and mental context coming in 2024 (review the links that this “mega happy ending” is aligned and rational with factual reality):

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

Joy to the Earth, the Savior reigns
Let all their songs employ
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy

He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders, wonders, of His love

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
(And Heaven and nature sing)
And Heaven and nature sing
(And Heaven and nature sing)
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let Earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
(And Heaven and nature sing)
And Heaven and nature sing
(And Heaven and nature sing)
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. 


  1. Carl...You're amazing. I believe many in the truther movement are complete frauds simply trying to make money. I do not have any proof...simply my personal feelings and spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing your insights...MG 🌻

    1. Thank you, MG. May we have the BREAKTHROUGH for truth, justice, and yes, suppressed breakthrough tech :)

  2. I truly want the goodness to rise, Carl. The frequency of attacks need to stop. Where I reside many are still suffering needlessly. This is more than just a spiritual war, Brother. The fact I'm being sprayed daily is not heartwarming. The fact many I try to show this to deny it is not encouraging. So many do not want to discuss facts. The ones I encounter just want to live their lives superficially. I emailed you my # if you're interested. I truly want great things for our world and for ALL who've suffered. I'm just not seeing/feeling it. I realize things could be worse. They could also be better. The NYS GOV shows me this. God bless us all...MG

    1. It's war, yes. Who do you see in control, MG?

      The longer I'm in this game, the more I pray. That said, I feel/see/conclude a fair Creator is in charge, and I appreciate the strategy to EXPOSE everything before a reversal. The heads of state have approval ratings in or near SINGLE DIGITS in the "former" colonial nations. People see. We're a breakthrough away from "Emperor's New Clothes" REJECTION of such "leaders." Something will break soon, or so it seems ;)

    2. I don't see anyone currently, brother. I hope this changes. America had so many chances and due to excessive infiltration, we are suffering now. Praying for miracles 🌴

  3. I sense we've been betrayed on a several levels. I pray the majority see this before it's too late... It feels and looks bleak. I hope we're able to pull this off. The kalergi I p!an is in play + Georgia guidestones. These people are sick with no remorse or love, brother. Love you...MG 💗

  4. PS: I hope you're right 🌻


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