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July 4, 2023 interview with JFK, MLK, RFK: Life or death choices FOR ALL OF US in America’s 2nd Revolution for Independence
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* For the broadest historical context of AmRev2.0, read after the news summary. This essay is also from July 4, 2019, but with time-travel soon to be a revealed fact, who’s to say which of the two essays came first ;)
hat tips to all the linked researchers.
“Constitutional governments and aristocracies are commonly overthrown owing to some deviation from justice…the rich, if the constitution gives them power, are apt to be insolent and avaricious… In all well-attempered governments there is nothing which should be more jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law, more especially in small matters; for transgression creeps in unperceived and at last ruins the state, just as the constant recurrence of small expenses in time eats up a fortune.”
“In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice - and always has been.”
“Objective and independently-verifiable facts define reality. This is the foundation of real education and government since The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. This foundation inspired Americans to stand against and defeat their own psychopathic government for reasons detailed in the Declaration of Independence. Americans today face a 2nd Revolution for Independence: we suffer psychopathic ‘leaders’’ continuous lie-started and Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression, accelerating debt and poverty, and multiple public poisonings, with annual costs of killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions. All of these crimes are ‘covered’ by corporate media and public education, who never communicate comprehensive facts or OBVIOUS solutions. Our alternative revolutionary choice (Latin revolutio: ‘to turn around’) is intellectual integrity and moral courage for simple truth. Humanity will exist either as sheeple culled by Satanists, or stand in a paradise brighter than we have capacity to imagine. I don’t know the outcome; only the choice.” ~ just some teacher, with links in the interview below to explain, document, and prove all factual claims.
I walk to the front door of a home at a beachfront community on the Big Island of Hawaii’s west coast, and ring the doorbell. Martin Luther King, Jr. opens the door with a broad smile, dressed in shorts and Hawaiian shirt. All interviewees are Martin’s age when he left this life, 39, healed to be in perfect health.
warning: bold language of the assassinated.
Martin: Carl! (Bro hug, then becoming serious and sincere) Thank you, thank you, thank you for inviting us all back on a Sunday for a “sermon” to address the momentous events and choices we face. This is more important than Americans can imagine, and despite our difficulty of “many are called, few accept the invitation,” we must do good-faith work.
Carl:(my smile also quickly becoming serious, my hands on his shoulders) You’re welcome, Martin. And yes, there is nothing more important for us to do. Or so it seems, as best as any of us can make sense of what to think, what to say, and what to do in these crazy times. (shake of my head and chuckle) We shall try, Brother; we must try.
Martin: Come in, come in. The boys are playing catch on the lawn outside the lanai.
We walk through a beautiful open room similar to this, and onto the lanai. I see Jack and Bobby Kennedy playing catch with a football standing about 30 yards apart, with JFK’s back apparently in perfect health as he moves with grace. Jack sees us approach after a pass, turns his head in a grin, and jogs to us. Bobby shouts, “Carl!” motions to throw, and does so in a tight spiral that I catch chest-high. Both are shirtless and wearing Hawaiian shorts.
Jack:(slows his jog to offer a warm handshake in New England culture that isn’t “huggy,” and with accent especially noticeable in saying my name) Carl, it’s great to see you again!
Bobby: Welcome! (sincere and penetrating New England eye contact and handshake) Thank you for including me today, Carl. (to his brother) I’ll get the Mai Tais, you’ve got the fruit.
We all walk to the lanai, with Jack and Bobby getting refreshments from the outdoor fridge. Glasses are already on the rectangular outdoor table. After Bobby pours drinks, Jack and Bobby sit on the sofa, with Martin and I each taking a chair.
Jack: Martin, would you please offer a blessing?
Martin:(pleased at the invitation) Of course. Father and Mother, may you bless and guide us here and now, and may all who are willing receive your guidance, feel your ever-presence, and be inspired to live their greatest virtues. Amen. (all say amen)
Jack:(back to a grin) Well, Carl, how may we be of service?
Carl:(small grin replaced with gravitas) Brothers, my sincere thank you for accepting my invitation. I’d like to discuss America’s 2nd Revolution for Independence. (Martin leans forward with an affirmative “hmm”) All of you were killed, brutally assassinated, by our opponents. To the extent possible, we should begin there for those willing to include themselves in our conversation to be clear on those facts.
Bobby:(brushing his slightly sweaty hair from his face) Good. And just to get the big picture to frame our thoughts and words, what are the other two topics? (grins) I’ve read some of your work: you always have three.
Carl: Yeah. We in human form have only so much we can hear at any one time. The other two topics are our opponents’ attempts to assassinate perhaps 90% of Americans through poisons, poverty, and wars to cull the “Master race’s” slaves to a manageable servant class; then an open consideration of what we might think, say, and take action within that condition.
Jack: Wicked, as New Englanders say today. How would you like to begin on the first topic of our public assassinations?
Carl: Perhaps just quick overviews of the facts. The advantage of a written record of our conversation allows me to link articles to fully document the evidence that proves the synopses. Please feel free to offer your analyses of what your assassinations meant at the time, and how they can help Americans today to understand their place in a literal 2nd American Revolution for Independence.
Martin:(slight grin) I’m ready.
Bobby: Go. But let me say in introduction: you would have been Vice President of the United States in 1968 had we both lived. Our ideas, our values for peace, for justice, for truth, had won. (pauses, feeling again the weight of what was lost)
We would have been elected over the alternative of Nixon’s return to Cold War full-spectrum domination for American Empire despite his bullshit of a “secret plan” to end the War in Vietnam, even as he torpedoed Johnson and Humphrey’s talks for a ceasefire(and here). Just as today’s Presidents promise peace while they expand “wars for freedom,” Nixon illegally attacked and invaded Cambodia(and here) and Laos.
(note: consider General Wesley Clark’s admission that the US war plan after the false flag of 9/11 is to “take out 7 countries in 5 years.” Clark is a retired 4-star Army General, and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. In 98 seconds, he explains:
(Regarding what happened on 9/11, consider’s extensive information, andProfessor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation to explain, document, and prove sufficient components of US government guilt for all of us to withdraw consent and demand “leader” arrests, including those in corporate media.
Bobby: I just want readers to know plans and votes were there to win this 2nd American Revolution beginning in the early ‘60s, then again in ’68 which Martin and I would have done in the White House. (grins) If that were the case, you’d be talking to three former US Presidents rather than half of only one. (all of us involuntarily laugh)
But all that is fantasyland that we only see now, as American elections were increasingly lost to corporate media lies and spin under the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, a lack of “new targets” like the three of us to step-up, and today with the thrown “selections” and non-elections that you (indicating me) include at the end of your essays. (Yes, see below for full documentation, and here and here for more on the lies and illegality of US war on Vietnam)
Jack:(smoothly interceding) In no small part, the continued loss of American elections include responsibility from our own family in my election in ’60.
Bobby: And I was only ready for honesty (catches himself), at least honest enough for Martin’s company, from my spiritual growth from your assassination, Jack. But God only knows how corporate media would have spun us (indicating Martin and himself) to have Americans fear communism, incite racism, and continue war. (shaking his head)
This quickly gets to Americans’ choices to see the past clearly and factually, Carl, as citizen-historians, that Martin becoming President of the United States for a new age of peace and progress from 1976 through 1984 just wasn’t possible in the evil we only partially witnessed (now indicating Jack) after the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis.
Jack: (leaning in, again with New England direct focus) The fuckers centered in the Pentagon wanted nuclear war, Carl. Bobby and I won that battle by the skin of our teeth.
But enough pre-history. I’d like to hear what Martin has to say about his assassination.
Martin: And I for both of yours.
With the benefit of history and “graduation” outside our human bodies and brains, the motivations to assassinate me was our government’s commitments to war and poverty.
The last year of my life in ’67 and ’68, we orchestrated The Poor People’s Campaign to occupy Washington, D.C. on the National Mall, and to remain there in demonstrations and political activism until:
$30 billion was appropriated to relieve the worst aspects of poverty,
Congressional law for guaranteed income and employment that I’ve since learned from work you incorporate, Carl, is entirely practical for government to become the employer of last resort for infrastructure investment, and
500,000 low-income housing units constructed annually until American slums and homelessness was ended in America.
I also committed in the last year of my life that I must do all that I could to end the war in Vietnam. I would have included justice for all poor people, including the poor in Vietnam whose poverty was on top of a carpet of American bombs and brutal military occupation. Most Americans who had an opinion for war on Vietnam to prevent communism were either ignorant or in denial they supported US colonialism to tear democracy from those long-suffering people by canceling their election to unify Vietnam under their own free government.
Carl: Brother Martin, there’s a two-minute video of your 1967 speech that Americans’ silence was betrayal about that lie-started and illegal US war on a helpless target. It’s as true for that war as it is for Americans today about current wars on similar helpless nations, and as it was on historical targets both foreign and domestic like Hawaii, the Philippines, Mexico, and Native Americans (all those histories here). I also commend your last essay, A New Sense of Direction, that articulates economic enslavement of all humanity.
(to the Kennedy bros as I pull out my tablet) You guys want two minutes to frame the past into the present? (both lean forward with Jack’s “please” and Bobbie’s “yeah”)
Martin: (reading our response as a pastor to a Sunday sermon) That, my Brothers, was the real cause of my assassination: a challenge to the powers behind the American throne of war, and as Bobby said, the primary commitment to American full-spectrum domination of planet Earth’s resources, both natural and human. This illegal control is the antithesis of American ideals and promises for freedom. (chuckles) Our victories for Civil Rights graduated negroes from second-class servants of empire into potential first-class servants; from exclusively hard-labor field slaves for opportunity to become “house negroes,” if you’ll be kind enough to consider the direct language of what we all are as "free." It was temporary and lip-service victory until such time the master-class found fit to cull all their sheeple with equal suffering, pain, and death; all equal under their eyes as work animals, sex toys, and sub-human property.
(all silent in appreciation of the struggle, the power of our opponents hidden behind willing, intelligent, and powerful minions in leadership positions of government)
But I preach to the choir, and this isn’t a Sunday sermon (slight smile).
My assassination was brilliantly planned. As much as I was prepared to die by assassination, as much as we all took precautions, we were blind to the set-up. Coretta spent more than twice the number of years we were married lifting the burden of facts she and my friends quickly discovered of official lies about how I was murdered and who was involved. My dear friend, attorney Bill Pepper, eventually turned his professional attention to piece-together the facts (here and here). This is the evidence Bill presented in the 1999 “King Family Civil Trial” that the jury unanimously found the US government guilty of my assassination, ordering state and local officials to execute me:
US 111th Military Intelligence Group were at my exact location.
20th Special Forces Group had an 8-man sniper team at the assassination.
My usual Memphis Police special body guards were ordered to stand down; told they “weren’t needed” on the day of my murder.
Regular and constant police protection from every previous visit to Memphis was removed by order an hour before the hit.
Military Intelligence set-up photographers on the roof of a fire station just across the street of the Lorraine Motel with clear view to my balcony. Our opponents likely show the film to selected leaders so they know the consequences of disobedience.
My room was changed from a secure 1st-floor room to an exposed balcony perfect for a clear target.
Memphis police ordered the scene where witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut down of their bushes that hid the sniper.
Along with sanitizing the crime scene, police abandoned investigative procedure to interview witnesses who lived in the immediate neighborhood.
The rifle Mr. Ray delivered was not matched to the bullet they dug out of me, and was not sighted to accurately shoot.
The bottom line is that the US government had no evidence to support their false story of who killed me. Mr. Ray was convinced by his government-appointed attorney to plead guilty, as he believed he delivered the murder weapon for a fee, and by law anyone participating in any way in a murder shares the full guilt and consequences. He was told his guilty plea would be followed by a trial. He was told it was there that the truth would be told: he was paid well to bring a rifle to other men without knowing the purpose for the delivery, then drove away. He was told that level of involvement was relatively minor for such a crime, as would be the sentence.
He, and all Americans, were told a lie.
Jack: (shaking his head with wry smile, then looking us all in the eyes) Our opponents are bastards, but they’re clever bastards.
Martin: (not ready to laugh) Yes. Clever enough to burn in Hell. (sighs, straightens, and moderately slaps both his thighs) Well, that’s my story! (now with two short chuckles) Speaking of going to Hell, that was the topic of the Sunday sermon I was going to deliver three days after I died: Why America may go to Hell. Carl was kind enough to write his version, that I appreciate, and would have been glad to deliver as he wrote it.
Carl: (embarrassed and humbled) Thank you, Martin. I try, but I’m afraid my current audience wouldn’t fill the front row of a church.
Jack: And there are wars and rumors of wars in these endtimes. The public will choose among intelligent citizenship, apathy, or evil.
Bobby, would you like to go next, or should I?
Bobby: I’ll do it. (more animated than his older brother) So there I was! At the Ambassador Hotel, and “ripe for harvest” by our opponents after victory in the California Primary Election. I was the Democratic Party candidate for President, and full of hope for America.
(looking to Martin, then to me) Carl, disincarnate beings, such as I after my assassination, have access to higher-dimension algorithms that allow those with questions to look at probabilities of what might or might not have been if events did or did not happen. I looked, as I’m sure you did (Martin gently, “Oh, yes, I looked”) at what I would have done if Martin and I had not been assassinated, and how I was likely to respond to his occupation of Washington, D.C. This (pauses to take a breath) would have been a breakthrough in American public policy to demand an end of war abroad, and an end to poverty at home. Our opponents, the “Deep State,” “the Cabal,” the Satanists, whatever you want to call them, have limited access to these algorithms and concluded that Martin had to be killed, then that I had to be killed as their best moves to avoid defeat at that stage of the 2nd War for US Independence.
If Martin and I had lived, and been allowed to act freely, my character development at the time would have had me stand with my brother (reaches his left hand to place on Jack’s right shoulder) to risk my life to embrace this movement for total peace and justice under the law, and introduce Martin as the best candidate for Vice President of the United States. I would have blasted open the truth of what happened to you (to Jack), ended that damn war in Vietnam, and leveraged Martin’s vision of America’s promised land.
To be clear, this is not the false “War on Poverty” of Lyndon, that lying, self-serving bastard so much like myself before I saw the truth that American Presidents are supposed to be puppets licking the hands of their masters, but taking the best ideas of the best people for real solutions for America, and to see if that new American Revolution could spread around the world.
But I was full of shit with false hope, and didn’t know it.
I didn’t know CIA was planted at the Ambassador Hotel, ready to activate a mind-controlled asset as the patsy, and as clueless as Martin to the evidence literally right fucking next to me that I was to be shot down next (to Martin and Jack).
Jack, could you play the assassin to show what happened?
Jack: Yes. But first, to be clear on another point of consequence, our assassinations came at a terrible cost to our opponents. Their violations of free will only delayed their defeat, and on a much greater scale. Public awareness of what really happened with our assassinations, especially within US government and military, of how evil the rogue faction truly is, created a reaction of strengthened forces for truth and justice on the Light Side. This is similar to our (indicating the three assassinatees) being pawns on a much bigger field-of-play who served as “chess sacrifices” costing the opponent to lose much more valuable pieces, as well as strategic positioning as the game moved forward.
(full grin) This game may or may not be in its final phases today. Of course, Carl, as our friend Socrates emphasizes, we can only disclose what you’ve earned to know, and we can only affirm what you’ve successfully fought to see.
Carl: Fair enough.
Jack:(turns to his brother) How can I help, Bobby?
Bobby: Stand up (as Bobby stands) and position yourself just to my right. (Jack does so) Carl, please place a diagram where I was shot in your essay, and Jack, please hold your fingers as a gun and place it about an inch away, as the Chief Medical Officer who performed the autopsy concluded the gun was from powder burns on my clothes and skin.
The three shots were fired by the rent-a-cop standing right where Jack is, and in this order (Jack can conceal most of his “gun” behind Bobby’s shoulder as he says “bang, bang,” and as Bobby begins to slump, Jack places his finger behind his brother’s right ear for the final kill shot. “Bang.”)
The patsy firing from the front never hit me, and the bullets pulled from my corpse didn’t match his gun. LAPD let the rent-a-cop walk, and at trial the D.A. cut-off the coroner from explaining there was only one possible location for the bullets to come from that matched only one person who just happened to be holding a gun. Also, the number of bullets on tape recording and pulled from people and the building was far more than one gun. (among abundant documentation: here, here, here, here, here, and 59-minute discussion here)
And that’s my story. (sits down)
Martin: “Wisdom comes through suffering. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.” (the ancient Greek poet and playwrite Aeschylus, and quoted by Bobby to a crowd upon learning of Martin’s assassination just two months before his own)
Carl: And the evidence of what actually happened can only be told among alternative media writers, now 55 years later. The Satanists behind corporate media and public education are criminally complicit in all your assassinations, as accessories after the fact. Their leaders should be arrested, as your murders are just three prominent among hundreds of other leaders.
(we all pause in solemnity)
Bobby, I have a story to tell about your assassination. (Bobby looks up, curious)
I was eight years old in 1968, and lived in Southern California. My parents were watching the primary election on TV. I looked for awhile, and felt strongly that there was something important that I had to see. This was after dinner, I don’t know, maybe around 6 PM. I didn’t understand much of what the news announcers were saying; just that it was some kind of contest between two teams of who would win to face each other for the presidential election sometime later. I recognized your name and Nixon’s.
My 7:30 bedtime came. I asked my parents if I could stay up to watch more. They looked at each other impressed, and agreed. I stayed up after my parents went to bed. At 9:30 I knew that I still hadn’t seen what I needed to, but was so tired I couldn’t keep awake, so I crawled under the coffee table to lay down facing the TV in case I woke up to see whatever it was I needed to see. I woke up the next morning in bed; I guess my dad picked me up and took me there.
And Jack, this followed my first memory I have of being alive: watching your funeral while sitting on my mother’s ironing board as she ironed; her tears hitting the hot iron and board to sizzle. I felt a sadness that I knew was beyond my mother, and that I was here on Earth to somehow solve the problem of what was causing the sadness.
And later in 1999 when my wife and I moved to Boston so I could go to Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, we lived for a month in temporary housing literally one floor right above (to Bobby) your eldest son’s Congressional Office, which was then empty as he left Congress a few months prior. I didn’t think that was a coincidence.
(Bobby and Jack look at each other and smile)
Jack: There’s more to our family connection with you, Carl. But we can’t disclose any of that to you at this time. (pauses) My turn? Carl, for brevity and given we’ve already discussed the events of my assassination with my assessments in 2016(updated with excellent video here of Kerry Cassidy interviewing leading researchers Dr. Jim Fetzer, Ole Dammegard and Paladin. Professor Fetzer’s outstanding slide show: JFK: Who was responsible and why), may we address our analyses of why Americans today should care about our assassinations over 50 years ago because the same sets of facts causing our deaths are still in play, and can just as easily cause the deaths of 90% of the American public?
Carl: Please.
Jack:(leaning forward, fingers interlocked in front of him) The set of facts still in play begin with the central point that our opponents murdered the three of us expressly to continue forever wars, forever poverty, and forever fear. The opportunity for Americans is to grow into responsible citizens capable of reasoning sufficient to see the crimes and lies of tyranny, played over and over again on the center stage of American and global political theater. It’s staged fear, and that’s all that it is. Fear the Vietnamese coming to America? Fear Iraqis or Iranians; to do what exactly? Martin had the same challenge: fear people of slightly darker skin color? Bobby would have faced the same propaganda had he lived through the summer of ’68: fear peace, fear the end of poverty, fear the delivery of the American promise that all people are created equal.
(full grin) I’d love to run on that campaign. But (brushes his hair off his face), this isn’t a speech, and I’m not running for office.
The American public, however, should answer this question: If we were openly assassinated in coordinated planning and cover-up that continues today, is there anything these Satanists wouldn’t do?
If that answer is any level of evil is acceptable to them, and central to their policies, then what is their goal? Where are they driving the American public as their final destination?
Is this a good place to begin?
Martin: Yes. And they’re taking us further and further into Hell.
I, for one, began to embrace the data of American poverty, and Lyndon’s hypocrisy with the War on Poverty covering an agenda for the Deep State’s War to Increase Poverty.
Carl, you lived in downtown Los Angeles and saw the homelessness crisis first-hand. You report, as usual, that this problem has proven solutions. That the public saves around $20,000 per person taken off the streets and provided basic housing, health care from a weekly nurse visit, wholesome and inexpensive soup, and job training. The American public are disinformed by corporate media and politicians by never saying the state of Utah has ended homelessness by embracing this data, that they save far more than paying hospital emergency room bills, police response, court costs, and having a welcoming business environment for customers rather than constant assaults on the human senses to see, smell, and hear human suffering on the streets of our greatest cities.
American “leadership” is anti-leadership to pretend to care about helping the homeless while spurring the conditions that cause it, then “reporting” in corporate media and political propaganda how much they wish they could help, but just don’t know how. They intentionally ignore simple solutions that are both practical and moral while blaming the victims.
President Kennedy is absolutely correct that this is the great test of the American people: can they see what’s in front of their own eyes, hear the propaganda, and make a choice to go in the direction that the four of us point to rather than the descent into Hell that Earth’s “leaders” take them step-by-step?
(we all pause in open appreciation of Martin’s oratory skills to express central facts with a call for human empathy)
Carl: Well said, Brother. Yes. I recently shared with my high school students a front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle, the city’s top “news” paper that homelessness really needs a plan to end it. I looked and found this is a topic of continuous “reporting”: all about pretense to care, but never providing the central facts of solutions, and that as usual the solution of a key problem saves money as well as being the moral response.
Going back to SoCal, I read the Los Angeles Times complaining about the homeless on the border in Mexico in argument that they should be allowed free access into the US. This “reporting” ignored 60,000 homeless in L.A. County, and now dying on the streets at the pace of about 1,000 a year.
The math teacher in me had a look to make sense of how many 60,000 human being are compared with the 88 cities in Los Angeles County: 58 have populating less than 60,000, including Gardena, Huntington Park, Arcadia, Diamond Bar, and three times where I grew up in La Canada Flintridge.
(bitter half smile) San Jose Unified School District fired me (technically: non re-elect) as a math teacher despite my outperforming the district’s “Teacher of the Year” on district-created Unit tests, and the principal’s direct request to keep me at his school after he surveyed the students to find out what he already knew: the students filled out anonymous surveys reporting I was the best math teacher they ever had.
This was why I was fired: our math classes had contacted the newly-elected mayor who ran on a promise to end homelessness in San Jose. We literally had the mayor’s policy analyst on speaker phone with the students to keep him as honest as possible, and asked how much of that projected cost was budgeted. He told us 20%, and with no plan to increase that number.
Bobby: Fucking pricks.
Carl: My students knew the basics of monetary reform and public banking, my published economics research, and knew we were setting the guy up to admit the mayor campaigned on a promise with no plan to pay for it, but with an inaugural address asking for the public’s help for innovative policies to improve San Jose.
Jack: Sorry to interrupt: can you paraphrase the promise? I’m curious how he weaseled what to say.
Carl: Yeah, I can do better (pulling out my tablet to find the article). Here; he said (in mock sincerity of a politician):
“We face a crisis of homelessness. But we’re from San Jose. We can and we must leverage the Valley’s incomparable innovative spirit and resources to end homelessness in our lifetimes.
… Innovation, of course, doesn’t come easy. Innovation takes risk, and risk requires courage. Collectively, we must muster the courage:
to try what has been untried;
to open our city’s workings to public scrutiny;
… and, above all, to fail, to learn, and to endeavor again.
… I conclude by extending an invitation to each of you: Join me in re-imagining San Jose.”
(all three break-out laughing, and I chuckle)
So we have the mayor’s policy analyst on speaker phone, and I tell the guy that our 8th Grade students predicted exactly what he told us: the mayor would make a great-sounding promise, and then have zero plan to make it happen. But we weren’t calling to embarrass the mayor, but to make him a hero by learning about a breakthrough in funding: San Jose becoming its own bank to create in-house and at-cost credit to reduce bond costs by 50%, and exactly how the state of North Dakota had become the only state in the US with increasing budget surpluses!
Jack: Great frame. What did they do?
Carl: Delayed on any real briefing and policy response while likely working behind the scenes to get me fired. The policy analyst made it clear that the mayor didn’t have the legislative authority to create a bank, but then refused to respond to alternatives to pursue legislative authority through the state and/or coordinating a proposal with the county or teaming-up with other cities or counties. We ended-up speaking with the mayor’s chief-of-staff who was sickly-sweet to the students while having nothing to say regarding the reason we called: to elicit a policy response to accept OR to tell us any deficiencies in the policy proposal.
All they did was obfuscate until I got word I was fired, then the school year was over.
Martin: Fucking pricks, indeed.
Carl: But when I sniffed-out the delays, that’s when I told my students I had to pull out the big guns and look at their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. I found out their $5.4 billion “pension fund” strategy lost $17 million while paying $24 million to their investment “advisors.”
Bobby: And you didn’t find anybody looking at the numbers and concluding “being the bank” would cut their bond costs in half?
Carl: Nope. We contacted their financial department with a phone call and follow-up e-mail asking to verify the numbers we found. She just ran out the clock “researching” until the school year was over. But the chief-of-staff promised an answer for the start of the next school year after I was informed by the district I was fired.
I thought about going to the San Jose Mercury News, but that’s the same paper that let Gary Webb go under after reporting the CIA was supplying crack to Los Angeles gangsters. He won a Pulitzer for that story, but then corporate media trashed his career before he allegedly shot himself in the head - twice. Besides, I had enough experience with corporate media to know it was worthless to try (here, here, here).
But anyway, aside from the personal drama, the point is that American political leadership is only and always going to pretend to care about the people while looting as much as they can behind our backs.
And assassinating anyone, in one form or another, who gets too close to reveal the crimes.
Jack: And Carl, this was the fourth or fifth time you were (sly grin) "removed from office" for speaking such heresies? Carl: Fourth. My current district attempted to fire me for that fifth time just after I requested to brief the Superintendent, teacher union leadership, and county board of education on this funding breakthrough - that they didn't have to beg property owners for another property tax increase to fund yet another bond measure - with the result of nobody accepting my invitation. Then I was hit with an accusation I was "racist" that the district attempted to use to fire me. Martin: You, racist? Your grandfather, who you loved more than any man was declared legally "black" by court decision. Your wife is biracial and spent her entire childhood living just a mile north of my old church in Montgomery, Alabama. The two of you adopted your daughter from China, and your family chooses to live only in mixed-culture areas. The Black students of one of your schools chose you as their advisor for the Black Student Union because they felt most comfortable in your presence, as did students for the Gay Straight Alliance and students with families from Mexico for success in higher education through MEChA. Your lobbying work to end poverty helped save more people's lives of color than the entire population of the United States. But you say this career "assassination" attempt failed, thank God. Carl: Yeah. They would have gone to an alleged independent panel to present their case, and I think they backed down because I can overwhelmingly refute the charges. Sorry, I didn't mean to sidetrack our topic, but perhaps this can help see the backwards world we live in with the key data point the district avoided, but would have been central with what my attorney recommended should the district insist on escalating. So, 50% of students fail Algebra 1 at our school, in our district, and across the US in areas where parents are less educated and have lower incomes. My similar students have close to zero failures, and with anonymous semester-ending surveys of students giving me an average grade of "A+" for their overall experience of the teaching/learning experience. When I apply statistics to compare my students' average GPA of ~3.00 to all other district classes of ~1.00, my average student performs at ~99.99th percentile of expected results; somewhere over four standard deviations above the mean. And this is with peer-reviewed and approved assessments. Bobby: (leaning in) Yeah, this is helpful, Carl, to see the extent true leadership is attacked. So in an environment with declared commitment to student success, and in an emergency of half their students failing a required class, you're the only Algebra 1 teacher performing successfully in this entire district? Carl: Yes. Bobby: And the district is fully aware of this apparent breakthrough? Carl: Yes. I made sure of it by communicating directly to the Assistant Superintendent in charge of high school instruction, as well as to the person managing all the district's principals, and every year to my own principal until he showed me the data was pissing him off. Well, it wasn't only the data. I also volunteered to assist in a project to upgrade this ongoing emergency. Jack: (full grin) And what reason did you receive for their declination to act on your policy proposal? Carl: I received silence from multiple emails to the two district leaders, and no reason from my principal - he asked for the three talking points I would offer to colleagues, then also went silent, as did my department chair. (The first two talking points are non-controversial: 1) We take math seriously. 2) Algebra is easy because it's a logical symbolic language of easy counting when you know what the symbols are asking. The third evokes cognitive dissonance I have yet to find a colleague to fully consider: The texts lie about real-world applications, and directly contribute to our 50% failure rate.) Bobby: So instead of accepting desperately needed help in the single class failing the most students, and concurrent with refusing to even listen to published research from a leading college for desperately needed help with ongoing school funding emergencies as their campuses literally rot away, the district response was to fire you. Carl: Exactly.
(And then there’s this history we won’t tell here: Challenging our public school district’s obedience to county ‘health’ ‘orders’: My reflections after 2 years of tragic-comic district refusals to answer BASIC and REQUIRED questions, Orwellian lies, ‘official’ obfuscations + colleagues’ ‘taking a knee’ to propaganda = humanity’s need for ‘friends in high places’ to prevent massive child sacrifices to psychopathic prima facie-criminal ‘public serpents’ (59 of ?))
Martin: And what is this experience like for you, Carl? For Civil Rights, the more we spoke the more clear the issue became; the more polarized the choice between love and hate, equality among all God's children and intentional dominance based solely on skin color absent of "content of character." For addressing the Vietnam War in the year up to my assassination, it seemed the more I spoke the more upset and confused people became.
Carl: It seems, Brother Martin, that the more I speak, not only do I make people more upset, but the less I'm even considered. This includes among my own family. Socrates and I discussed this. I don't know what it all means, but I damn well know my experience from active engagement.
Jack: “Deeper and deeper into hell,” as Martin said.
Martin and Carl, Bobby and I had to scramble to avoid nuclear war in 1962. It was my reaction to identify and fire the people pushing for war that contributed to my assassination. The American public should be clear that danger was impeded, but not ended.
(note: consider the 2-minute trailer to Thirteen Days)
Bobby:(sighs in memory of seeing the past horrors mutating into the world of the present) We could go on for days that Americans today are being tortured and slowly executed by these Satanists. About that CIA drug trade: US military are now the muscle to increase Afghanistan’s heroin production and profits. Our “leaders” allow poison poured over our crops to retard then slowly murder Americans (here, here, here, here, and broader health data here). They’re still gunning for World War 3 beginning with a false flag on Iran (here, here, here, here, here, and6 minutes from James Corbett of four times the US threatened a false flag staged attack that our forces would commit, then blame Iran to initiate a “defensive war”):
Jack’s questions are the ones for Americans to honestly address: Is there anything these Satanists wouldn’t do, and where are they taking Americans if not for a culled herd of slaves serving a rogue state empire?
Martin: Or harvested entirely by demonic entities lying to dark humans like the Bushes and Clintons it’s merely a culling. The purpose of slaves is to produce economic goods and services for masters at the minimum cost to those masters. As the Kennedys rightly conclude, any slave population greater than necessary becomes a dangerous liability; a risk to revolt. But what if the demons of the Bible, the demons Jesus encountered are real? What if the energy these beings want is something different, something worse, something akin to constant torture until, to them, some kind of orgasmic death? Because we're being lied to about everything of consequence, and about everything in history (for just three: here, here, here) so that the present remains a fairy tale of "truth, justice, and the American way," we must approach this important question of where we're being herded like livestock in considerable ignorance. We must be open to unimaginable and unpredictable answers, my Brothers. (consider the Wachowski siblings’ Matrix and Jupiter Ascending movies; humans are an energy source or developed like livestock until harvested into a distillation providing vampire-like life to consumers. Also consider the new Westworld; about a slave class of sentient beings used as entertainment for a "owner" class who predominantly use them as sex toys and sadistic slaughter for sheer dominance. The story is of these literally created slaves becoming aware of what they were made for, having memory of this history, and then rebelling.)
Jack: Any way you care to look at it, the end result is slavery serving pure evil.
(full grin) Makes you think it’s hopeless. And (nodding to Martin) makes you think the situation is more fucked-up and complex than anything mere humans can address.
Carl:(slight smile) I assume you’re introducing our final topic: how Americans might respond to these conditions calling for a 2nd American Revolution.
(The doorbell rings. All three turn to me in patience)
Carl:(looking back to all three, then rising) I guess that’s for me.
(I walk off the lanai, through the living room, and to the front door. Upon opening, I see the grinning George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams; each also at age 39.
Washington wears Hawaiian shorts and t-shirt over his large, muscled frame. Jefferson has board shorts and a tank top over an athletic body of a runner. The portly Adams wears walking shorts with Hawaiian shirt. After warm greetings from knowing each other after two previous interviews in 2016 (here, here), we walk back to the lanai, where the Kennedy brothers have placed two other chairs while offering the sofa to the three revolutionary leaders, after equally warm greetings. The Kennedys pour and refresh drinks.)
Jack:(stands) Gentlemen: thank you. (raises a glass) To the 2nd Revolution for American Independence. (all rise, raise their glasses, and voice various affirmations before reseating. Jack addresses the three new guests.)
Carl would like to address for his audience what Americans might do under current conditions of 2023 for the greatest contributions for successful return to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence(here, here), and freedoms promised under limited American government.
(Washington, seated in the middle with Adams on his right and Jefferson on his left, wryly looks at Jefferson. Both look to Adams knowing their compatriot’s enthusiasm to begin.)
Adams:(obviously animated, and appreciating the opening) Thank you. Our revolution evolved over a decade of growing Committees of Correspondence beginning in ’64 when our government strangled our currency; throwing the colonies into economic depression. We had perhaps 10,000 citizens in these committees throughout the colonies in heated exchanges to understand the crimes of our own government to subject Americans as servants to lords and oligarchs. Americans today might have a few million paying such attention on your Internet.
(snorts) The desperation of the growing poor was then, and is today, an outrageous insult on the Brotherhood of Humanity! (to the Kennedy brothers and Martin) Did you know that previous to the Boston Massacre in ’70 that illegal military on our streets and housed in our communities were also so underpaid they moonlighted for work? (the two brothers nod, with Martin leaning in for this history he didn’t know) Three days before the event, and I know because I was their attorney, a government soldier looking for work was goaded by a ropemaker that if he wanted work that he should clean his shithouse! Oh, it was the poverty and desperation at the start of our revolution, Carl! In America today, the poor know the same hopeless slavery, with the middle class now falling on their knees by the millions as more and more debts are thrown on their backs!
(Washington and Jefferson lean in, knowing Adams was just getting started)
(Adams, now thoroughly worked-up, raises both his hands to calm himself, takes a drink, and deeply exhales)
But you ask about today’s 2nd Revolution, not our first, and what Americans today might do.
(leans in, all business) You must speak to all who will hear. You must have the facts, and look for weaknesses of the enemy. You must hit those weaknesses with all you have. We discussed and debated what to do in Boston, with the best ideas for public demonstration going forward. But all of Boston was only about 20,000 people, not counting the 4,000 fucking soldiers, so we could do that. I don’t know what you should do today, but you should be looking. (takes another drink) I’d be like Martin, myself, and look for the best legal cases to go to court, and the best public demonstrations to show government hypocrisy.
Jefferson: You all should know that John lost half his law business for truthfully representing the accused soldiers in the trial after the so-called “massacre.” The public then, just as today, was limited in their ability to process factual reality. In our case, it was prejudice to believe their own government; in 2019 it is irrational public belief in “their” political party, failing to see the Left and Right arms are of one illegal kleptocratic body.
(to Adams, smiling) My self-expression was more scholarly, so I can only offer to those similarly inclined to learn and then share documented facts and suggestions. If I were an American today, I might research areas of interest such as free energy, within any limitations I might discover of violent opposition to such learning and subsequent public communications. I believe my interest in horticulture and health would also have me explore “sacred medicines” (Google) for expanded perspective and greater vitality.
(all look to Washington)
Washington: As I previously advised Carl and any attentive American public, there is no hope for victory without US military leadership on our side. This is a strategic necessity. Almost no Americans have access to these conversations, nor do they know the status of “White Hats” long-engaged in revolutionary war to isolate and end the rogue state elements within our government.
(pauses, purses his lips)
Those outside military channels of communication can only act in ways John and Thomas suggest, or any other form of action they see fit. The public must be patient, no matter how difficult, and with the same full voice I advised our soldiers on the dawn of our nation’s first independence:
“Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.” (~ George Washington, General Orders, Headquarters, New York, 2 July 1776)
I wrote more than that, and in the spirit of what we’ve already discussed that the choice is simple and clear: a lifetime of slavery under debt and false propaganda of “freedom,” or actual freedom.
Martin: So you’re saying that until the military is ready for a “counter-coup” to restore the republic that our actions can never be enough.
George:(pauses with a soulful and empathetic look at Martin’s lifetime of work) Yes.
Jefferson: And that said, all our actions inspire others to see the truth, and take actions they see best. This includes the military.
George: Your lifetimes (indicating the Kennedys and Martin) were similar to a vanguard military advance to discover the enemy’s position and strength. We posthumously honor these soldiers as heroes for this often-necessary sacrifice in battle. You three had some idea of the danger you were in, but your teams and you never saw the kill shots long-positioned to stop your advances. Your sacrifices were well-observed by many, including military leadership who understood exactly what happened.
(looking to me)
Be ready.
Adams:(biting his lip, wanting to say far more than allowed) Yes: Be ready.
Martin: Or not; at least not any more or less ready than the best you should always give.
Jefferson:(smiling at Martin) Dr. King, I do believe you should elaborate to close our discussion.
(all turn to Martin)
Martin:(looking a moment at each leader before speaking) May we pray first? (all assent, with Washington standing, then taking a few steps to Martin to kneel beside him) Father and Mother: may your wisdom, strength, and intelligence animate us for the greatest contributions for your Divine plan.
We humbly ask to be humble.
We lovingly ask to be loving.
We seek the wisdom to lift us from our relative ignorance.
Amen. (Washington stands, and moves back to the sofa)
The constant fact that ministers such as I provide is that we are all God’s children. We are loved more than we have capacity to feel, are protected from all dangers, and placed in circumstances only for our growth just as a loving parent challenges our own children.
So, today’s extraordinary 2nd American Revolution is a special event, a special test, but merely the culmination of something similar to a child finishing the 3rd Grade with very light “final exams” fitting for a child.
All of us here, and all reading these thoughts, are committed to both external and internal victory in this test. That is, we seek to win this revolution as well as the tests for developing virtues in our own character to best respond to the challenges we face.
But today is no different from any other day: we should do our best because that is who we choose to be. If the tests of today are more strenuous, then that is what we have to do.
From what I see, God is lovingly indifferent to our responses to these tests that are fair, and designed through eons of intelligent and loving design.
Those who are ready will pass the tests.
Those who are not ready will have to go through the 3rd Grade again.
And those who chose to be evil have a different school, with different curriculum to experience, if that is truly who they wish to be and receive as they give. And Brothers, really this test is literally elementary if we consider just the case studies of our assassinations. As Jack said, if our sick "leaders" in government, money, media, and education lie so obviously and broadly to hide the crime of their murdering us, and defend global war and poverty-murders in the hundreds of millions, what other test for evolution of human beings do you propose? Isn't this a gate worth guarding to help incarnated souls evolve to this basic level of virtue so they at least recognize annihilating attack? And what of the tens of millions of Americans watching corporate media so-called "news"? Are they not drenched in factless claims, sneering innuendos, and ad hominem ad infinitum that make such a basic choice for truth as easy as can be constructed?
(hands held up and open, with broad smile)
A minister’s job is just as any other’s: a plumber, (to me) an algebra teacher, or a cook. We all practice, we all learn, and we all contribute what to us are simple and well-learned lessons. My experience that I offer to all of you with love and invitation to try for yourselves: trust in God, move forward in your own sense of virtue that you most want to experience from others and express in yourself, and appreciate the intelligent design of the curriculum we all live within in its intricate design and ever-fascinating twists and turns.
We are God’s children, as much of Him/Her as our own children are of us.
We are given all we need.
All we need to do in return is explore, move forward where we most wish to go, and trust our destination to the loving parents driving us forward from one grade level of learning to the next.
(pauses to look to all of us)
That’s it, really. Unless anyone has a question. I can also minister to anyone individually.
Adams:(wiping a tear from his eye) By God, may all Americans drink deeply from the well you tap, Brother Martin (if you’re curious about the Founders’ religious views)
(Jack has picked-up the football from the ground next to his chair, and flexes his fingers over the laces. Jefferson notices with fascination.)
Jefferson: May I change the subject, unless there is objection? (all look to him in curiosity) Jack, that ball is a prolated spheroid. What is it used for?
Bobby:(standing and grinning) Would you like to find out?
Jefferson:(athletically rising) Yes.
(I aslo bounce-up from my chair, quickly remove my t-shirt, look to Jack flexing my fingers open and closed in request to be his receiver, and jog out onto the grass. Jack side-steps clear of the ceiling and lofts an easy spiral about 30 yards that I glide under as the current generation receiving a pass from the past, as the Founders watch a new game with interest. Adams has captured Martin, and both happily engage in creative dialogue of what has been, what is, and what might be.)
Selma’s music video of John Legend’s lyrics with Common’s performance powerfully communicates the ideals, work, and promises from yesterday and today:
Are Americans at the Emperor’s New Clothes moment of The Great Awakening, or need more evil pain to awaken?
When and if Earth’s humans have an Emperor’s New Clothes victory to see, point, and speak the obvious of ongoing lying, looting, and psychopathic-murderous empire is still in contest.
Patriots in independent media have documented much to professionally explain and prove these outrageous crimes beyond any shadow of any doubt. Read on should such evidence be helpful: Not sure that US “leadership” are criminals with their crimes “covered” by corporate media and public education?
Consider a brief listing, just as Thomas Jefferson detailed crimes of his own government one year before official policy of gun confiscation in that previous revolution:
Empires loot, plain and simple. American sheeple are, of course, targeted and looted by the tens of trillions. Monetary reform and public banking are two reforms documented since Ben Franklin wrote about colonial Pennsylvania operating without need to tax. Benefits of these two reforms are ~$1,000,000 per US household. You literally have nothing more valuable to learn, and must, or you can kiss your assets goodbye to “required austerity.” Economic solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out have been documented since Bucky Fuller over 50 years ago.
Our “leaders” have poverty and war-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years. The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (a fraction of colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history.
The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions.
Our .01% opponents overthrow democracies challenging global empire: 80+ since World War 2.
They engage in democide: murder by government to keep our numbers low and weak through fluoride, vaccines, GMO non-foods, and many other attacks on our vitality (explore).
The annual number of poverty deaths is equal in volume to a Freedom Tower in NYC. “Leaders” of “developed” nations have promised the end of poverty since 1969. Better read that again, and reflect on its meaning of what kind of “leaders” we have in the “developed” world.
Since Operation O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation; yes, that was the oligarchs’ first name), 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence.
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm.
There's no need to believe anyone with any of this independently-verifiable data: look for yourself.
Other options include this White Paper circulated among Members of Congress, or this 56-minute interview to define rogue state empire with three case studies:
You don't need further data, and that said, there's more in abundance:
When Americans are told an election is defined by touching a computer screen without a countable receipt that can be verified, they are being told a criminal lie to allow election fraud. This is self-evident, but Princeton, Stanford, and the President of the American Statistical Association are among the leaders pointing to the obvious (and here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here). Again, no professional would/can argue an election is legitimate when there is nothing for anyone to count. The facts show Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Primary election, and claims by Democratic “leadership” of Russian election “meddling” are without factual documentation.
Among dozens of independent writers, I’ve documented that all “reasons” for wars on Iran, Syria, and Russia are easily proved lies (recently, here, here, here, and going back to 2005), with US Department of illegal Wars of Aggression (so-called “Defense”) claiming to have “lost” $65,000 for every US household.
Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
Watch the US escalate its rogue state crimes that annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions.
In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk):
3-minute video: Police, Military – Was your Oath sincere?
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at
Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: here, here). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.
“It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” ~ Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania , on Roman Empire foreign wars in "self-defense" (analyses here , here ) Overview The United States is the most dangerous illegal rogue state empire in human history. The escalating military armed attacks under President Trump we witness in the present is a continuation of illegal Wars of Aggression (and here ) , the worst action a nation can tak...
In fields of specialized knowledge, we aim to render an account that is plain and simple, yet does no violence to the difficulty of the subject, so that the uninformed reader can understand us while the expert cannot fault us. We try to keep in mind a saying attributed to Einstein—that everything must be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler. ~ A letter from the publisher , Time Magazine, 1962 American families could have ~$1,000,000 per household in benefits from monetary reform and public banking. This is literally the most valuable information you can learn. Colleagues and I presenting this data have written and presented at professional international economic conferences and have zero challenges to this information, such as this 2015 paper published by The Claremont Colleges for their ~2,000 person international economics conference, and this 2012 paper . I also assert that I've worked with ~2,000 Advanced Placement Eco...
From March 12, 2023 , and literally the most valuable subject to receive a briefing (worth ~$1 million per average US household, as you will learn): In 2002, mega-investor Warren Buffett wrote that derivatives were “financial weapons of mass destruction.” At that time, their total “notional” value (the value of the underlying assets from which the “derivatives” were “derived”) was estimated at $56 trillion . Investopedia reported in May 2022 that the derivatives bubble had reached an estimated $600 trillion according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and that the total is often estimated at over $1 quadrillion. No one knows for sure, because most of the trades are done privately . ~ Ellen Brown, The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami , 3/12/23 I’m inspired by my friend and colleague Ellen’s article, along with this excellent discussion among leading economic rebels, to comment that ...
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