Working conclusion after 41 years of civic activism: ~95% of humans really are ‘sheeple’ without sufficient capacity for freedom from lying, looting rogue state empire. That said, Divine intervention of some kind MUST exist with a loving God :)

“Bro, you’re a hero and I love you. But you’re never going to end poverty, fix education, or reform economics. You have no idea how powerful cognitive dissonance is: people will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to deflect facts colliding with important beliefs. But there seems no better life than trying. (smiles) And hey, I have been wrong before!”           ~ a Ph.D psychologist
I’d like to share my working conclusions from working with tens of thousands of people in education and civic activism for 41 years, and address four questions:
  • ‘Sheeple’? How did people become so weak, stupid, and servile to evil?
  • Does this mean ‘We the People’ will lose Earth and all inhabitants to evil???
  • What do you mean ‘God allows/wants evil’?! Why would a loving God create and love evil???
  • ‘We the aware’ are here to offer choice to ‘We the People’: no more, and no less.
What I conclude after 41 years of civic activism:
  • ~95% of human beings won’t think for themselves in the most important areas of citizenship such as lie-started and illegal forever wars, poverty imposed by empire that “leaders” promised to end since 1969, our debt-based so-called “monetary system,” and ~100 others including easy-to-prove rogue state assassinations of JFK and MLK
  • The awake are insufficient in numbers to do anything more (at this time) than offer choice. To repeat: the choice to look is rejected ~95% of the time. Those of us leading the way forward have insufficient numbers to significantly alter ongoing rogue state empire, or so it seems.
  • God/All/One is all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, so we should surrender to co-create in the virtues we care most for as humble guests on Earth. Most people who claim to be spiritual/religious/philosophical stand that God/One only/always constructs reality of awesome justice beyond human ability to recognize given our limited sensory equipment, intellect, and time to explore. That is, if God wants victory on Earth then there is a plan evolving. If God wants Earth as an ongoing “school” of choice, then this place is perfect just as it is. If God wants to “explore” what evil does when unleashed, this place is also perfect. Humans are stunningly arrogant to assume God’s plans, so we should simply embrace what Life/God is and is not in acceptance that what we see is allowed by God for some purpose. This is an especially important point because we certainly discover the more we know, the more we discover we don’t know.
Let’s look in greater detail at these points:

‘Sheeple’: accurate label, and with great potential if God/we choose to end evil’s dominion

sheeple: compression of two words, sheep and people, to form one word meaning a mass of ignorant, unoriginal humans that herd together and follow mindlessly. People unable to think. Followers. Lemmings.
  • After more than four decades of the most serious work to address and solve Earth’s most important problems annually killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions, if I had to quantify the percentage of human beings open to hear these conditions of ongoing rogue state empire, I’d say about 5%. That is, I can predict 19 of 20 people will respond in cognitive dissonance, and attack me as a messenger.
  • 95% sheeple includes professionals working in those fields, family, and friends. For example, Advanced Placement teachers in economics and government have almost zero capacity to think beyond what they read in corporate media texts to “educate” them with paper-thin bullshit propaganda for ongoing US rogue state empire. More stories working with “educators” here.
  • This said, 95% of humans are sheeple without informed consent. My experience working with teenagers at school is perhaps 2/3rds eagerly embrace objective facts about our most important real-world conditions when given relative free opportunity to consider. What this means to me is an unpredictable future of potential breakthroughs if the propaganda is broken somehow.
‘We the People’ are never ‘lost’, but might lose this contest with evil depending on the type of game God’s playing
  • If we assume a loving, all-powerful, all-intelligent God/One/All, then humans can never lose anything, be lost, or exist in any other condition than absolute love backed by unimaginable intelligence, and protected with total power. You might want to pause to reflect on the implications of what most Americans stand for regarding a Creator. Even if you don’t share this abstract stand of the context for all existence, the following points are just as relevant, if you care to consider :)
  • Whether through Divine design or not, the above links demonstrate impressive and persistent evil dominating Earth through a .01% class most accurately described as rogue state empire. They have ruled as brazenly as claiming to be “divine right kings” owning everything, to today’s hidden empire pretending empathy while looting the world. Evil on Earth is an awesomely formidable opponent to virtue.
  • History demonstrates evil has been, and still is, in control of Earth as the links and below detailed data prove. As a humble human, I have no idea if We the People are meant to win this game, as I have no access to God’s design for Earth whether as an open contest, an ongoing experiment in evil, or an ongoing school to teach young souls about evil. Take a moment to reflect that you, too, have no access to that data and therefore humans have no idea what Earth’s purpose is.
God/All/One loves evil and grants it a home on Earth: the ultimate paradox!
  • Because evil exists on Earth, and all comes from what God allows, we can conclude that evil is somehow wanted by God. That is, evil serves a purpose for God’s love, power, and intelligence. This is an apparent paradox.
  • If we look from the conclusion that evil serves God’s plan somehow, what can we see? 
    • We know genuine competition brings out the best in humans, whether through competing ideas/inventions in the market place, athletics, and even competing virtues among people we choose as friends.
    • We enjoy great stories in movies and books that include formidable evil that the protagonist doesn’t like, doesn’t want, wouldn’t choose, but must call forth all virtue (imagined and unimaginable) to meet. Upon reflection, isn’t Earth a great story of evil’s domination, at least up to this point, especially for those reading with deeper insight to the extent of evil’s capture of our institutions?
    • If all is God, then isn’t evil being played by God’s red team? That is, those actors being evil can never be anything but part of God’s team, God’s children, and allowed by God to do everything they do. Imagine the boldness of divine beings choosing to play this red team: wouldn’t this only and always be at God’s request? What a paradox :)
Choice = zero pressure and full consideration. Is that the role of ‘We the messengers’?
  • After 41 years of concentrated work, quantifying results, and analysis, I conclude those of us pointing to the most important data of Earth’s capture by evil are here only in sufficient numbers to provide choice to We the People, and without numbers to stop evil’s domination, at least at mid-2018 in God’s game I don’t have access to design purpose.
  • We the Woke (relatively) are therefore messengers. The word angel is Greek for messenger of God. After 41 years’ work, I’m comfortable with this label: we truly point to facts most important to address if humans are to live with each other in love, and cannot factually assert love when these facts are unaddressed and include annual poverty and war-murders in the millions, dire harm to billions, and evil’s looting of trillions. 
  • God has placed only enough of us pointing to facts for We the People to choose their proper places without pressure. We are in sufficient numbers where we are seen, heard, and considered. Choice seems to be an essential first step in movement, and humans seem to be presented with choice between virtue and evil on a planet with escalating plot approaching climax.
Frustrated about being a relatively "lonely angel" attacked for providing choice of virtue? Join the club, Brother:

“But now, after having once and for all put to the test the judgments of men, I here again approach these same questions regarding God and the human mind, and at the same time treat the beginnings of the whole of first philosophy, but in such a way that I have no expectation of approval from the vulgar and no wide audience of readers. Rather, I am an author to none who read these things but those who seriously meditate with me, who have the ability and the desire to withdraw their mind from the senses and at the same time from all prejudices. Such people I know all too well to be few and far between. As to those who do not take care to comprehend the order and series of my reasons but eagerly dispute over single conclusions by themselves, as is the custom for many-those, I say, will derive little benefit from a reading of this treatise; and although perhaps they might find an occasion for quibbling in many spots, still it is not an easy matter for them to raise an objection that is either compelling or worthy of response.”  ~ Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641, “Preface to the Reader.” Descartes is considered the founder of modern philosophy, the founder of analytical geometry (which led to calculus), and a founder of the Scientific Revolution. Descartes was well-known in his age, and highly controversial. His work was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church in 1633, and his books put on the Index of Prohibited Books in 1663. The University of Utrecht condemned his work in 1643, where he had previously taught.
US illegal: .01% rogue state empire is the most accurate label

“I know the American People are much attached to their Government;–I know they would suffer much for its sake;–I know they would endure evils long and patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come.” 
~ Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address, 1838 (apparently after consideration of ongoing "official evil", and seven years before the US treaty-violating then lie-started War of Aggression to steal half of Mexico).

“It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” 
~ Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania (analyses herehere)

The United States is the most dangerous illegal rogue state empire in human history. Among the damning facts:
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm.

As a National Board Certified Teacher in History, Government, and Economics, I factually assert that rogue state empire is the most accurate description of the US. 

But don’t believe me (or anyone); look for yourself in professionally thoroughly documented writing, this peer-reviewed and published paper, this White Paper circulated among Members of Congress, or this 56-minute interview to define rogue state empire with three case studies:

The only option for competent citizens: demand .01% arrests

You don't need further data than the above, and that said, there's more in abundance:

Categories of crime include:

  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).
  2. Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
  3. Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
US military, law enforcement, and all with Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, face an endgame choice:
In just 90 seconds, former US Marine Ken O’Keefe powerfully states how you may choose to voice “very obvious solutions”: arrest the criminal leaders (video starts at 20:51, then finishes this episode of Cross Talk):
3-minute videoPolice, Military – Was your Oath sincere?
And just because I feel my own contribution is becoming more connected to artistic rather than purely academic self-expression, here is that body of work:
“Interview” series:
Satire series:
I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.

Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at

Note: My work from 2012 to October, 2017 is on Washington’s Blog. Work back to 2009 is blocked by (and from other whistleblowers), so some links to those essays are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive (blocked author pages: herehere).


  1. What if someone released the open source version of a "Star Trek Replicator" that could be built from junkyard scrap and used computer parts? Well, that's not gonna happen but there are plenty of extant 'intermediate technologies' that are already being used in third world countries to empower subsistence level villages. An autonomous and self-sustaining village that needs no support from the outside implies an autonomous local government that can provide 99% percent of the legal needs of its people. Furthermore, why should such a village need to pay federal or even state taxes? Once upon a time the federal government gave land to people for just squatting on said land... today we need benefactors.

    Demanding arrests of the .01% would have more traction if people have an alternative to the rat-race. Let's stop playing their game. Let play our own game. Let's take our ball and go HOME.


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