3 stages of ‘Great Awakening’/‘Public’s Education': 1) EVERYTHING was a lie. 2) Learn Truth together. 3) Pilot projects for Heaven on Earth (real education)

 “I didn’t know sh1t about fu<k.”  ~ honest Americans in 2021

Note: If you’d like to get up to speed with who I am and why I write, read this context.

The Great Awakening and the public’s education has three stages:

  1. EVERYTHING of importance we learned from “officials,” corporate media, and public education was a lie. 
  2. Learning Truth is life-changing, necessary, and interesting! 
  3. Pilot projects to create Heaven on Earth (real education) is a new and central work.

Let’s consider each stage:

EVERYTHING was a lie

We scholars (professional and amateur) have successfully completed our mission to explain, document, and prove game-changing facts in ~100 areas of massive .01% crimes that annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions (~$100 trillion total). The only rational response of Americans is to demand .01% arrests as the lawful remedy to stop OBVIOUS crimes in progress. Concurrently, this knowledge includes solutions for breakthroughs in quality of life that include greater health, wealth and productivity, and replacing fear/anger with love and creativity. 

Americans, and all Earth’s inhabitants, have been under constant attack by this wanna-be Empire class and their minions. We the People must choose between truth to arrest these .01% psychopaths, or be crushed under their propaganda and slow-kill tortures forever.

Among the most important lies that Americans were dictated are documented in a 2020 9-part essay series with “Socrates” to leverage his experience of having endured a 27-year civil war, then being executed by public vote for voicing obvious question of their government’s enslavement and looting in the name of “democracy and freedom.” 

This series of essays with Socrates: 

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (here)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (here, here). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries here, and here. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)

Learning Truth

Learning the truth is harder than proving lies because we start from a position of being massively disinformed. We can catch lies from internal contradictions and evidence that refutes “official stories,” but getting to what really happened is more challenging because the truth is literally “covered” by corporate media, government (including law enforcement and the courts), then in public education textbooks.


The real truths are therefore unknown, and even unimaginable to ordinary humans. For example, as a professional historian I’m absolutely confident in the documentation that Earth had prehistoric civilizations with technology more advanced than today, proven by megalithic architecture working with stone of greater weight, faster cutting, and more precision.

The most likely important backstory is that Earth humans were genetically manipulated to serve invading evil aliens as their slaves. Those evil aliens are the elongated skulls of Peru and Egypt, whose bloodlines moved to the Vatican. From there, these hyper-intelligent aliens controlled humanity through politics, money, media, education, and religion. 

Want to argue about this? Fine. Read and watch, then let’s talk about factual claims. 

Pilot projects for Heaven on Earth

The next level we can imagine upon victory in American Revolution 2.0 2020 is implementation of suppressed technology. “Work” and “school,” as they exist now, will soon become ancient histories of controlled environments for slavery. 

Perhaps the most important Revelation (Greek apocalypse) will be that Earth is a living Being Who is ready to upgrade to a higher state through Ascension. I can point to tantalizing history and testimonies that Ascension is the most important topic for our evolutionary growth. 

I recommend Thrive I & II (and here), and The Venus Project (and here) to better imagine what Earth can become with victory of Good over Evil. Their documentary trailers:


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: herehere). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


  1. Why I subscribe: www.youtube.com/user/kornkobiowa
    These fabricated attacks by IOWA STATE BAR associates, a proxy for the FBI & USDOJ, other nefarious agents, created a distraction from bigger fraud. Read USA vs Veterans and the First Amendment, David Lindorff, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE mag., April 2005.
    The VA colluded with SSA to cheat me of ssdi.
    The VA awarded me retro-active compensation as a 100% Service-Connected Disabled American veteran but kept seven years, falling one year short of ssdi eligibility. Coincidence ?
    Please Share.

  2. This whole “Q” thing sounds a tad kooky, and I have yet to find any definitive proof this “Q” actually exists. The other pieces of information, I can believe. Let’s not allow ourselves to be misdirected by speculation and kookiness, okay?

    1. Q provided powerful evidence of Deep State crimes that millions read. That exists.

      You're welcome to whatever opinion you have about predictions of what that evidence means and where it goes.

      How much of Q have you personally read, and what is your response to that information?

  3. This ridiculous unproven theory of alien assistance reveals you to have been co-opted. It is a delusion!

    1. You totally fail to address any of the evidence provided, which I never have labeled as "alien assistance." Either address the evidence provided, or you are the distraction and delusion.

      I've spent ~100 hours as a professional historian considering the history, and provide the evidence for public consideration. If you choose to attack factual claims without addressing them, you're wasting our time other than to identify your "comment" as propaganda.


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