Continuity of Government under Insurrection Act active with DEFCON 2 and Trump/military in charge? Corrupt USA Inc. dissolved? Powerless Biden/Congress/Media targeted for removal? Gene Decode videos +

(Note from Sept. 14, 2022: The most powerful evidence I’ve found to support the conclusion that White Hats using Trump are in charge is Charlie Freak’s video series “Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z.” I recommend watching the 49-minute summary of Part IV first, and if you want more to watch the complete presentation of Parts I, II, and III.)

If President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act, and US military is under DEFCON 2, then continuity of government forbids President Trump to transfer leadership. If US military leadership is in agreement that DNC/Biden/Harris appear guilty of an attempted coup through election fraud, then their “inauguration” was a show with criminally-complicit corporate media. 

Gene Decode provides compelling testimony to the above in 32 minutes.

Gene has two current interviews here and here.

Dnajlion7 with further evidence and reasoning in 22 minutes.

BeachBroadcast/SantaSurfing with supporting evidence in 25 minutes:

Monkey Werx US in 11 minutes that “Joe Biden” was denied government aircraft to fly to Washington DC for his “inauguration;” the first time in history when Presidents-elect have flown-in: 

Mathematically proven election fraud

Many American Patriots are distraught with “Joe Biden” being shown inaugurated as US President because he was a demented War Criminal, quid pro quo, child-groping, hair-sniffing, gun-grabbing, pathological liar and plagiarist (and hold onto your laptops for much more).

Moreover, Biden is the face of DNC imperial election fraud proven by contested states all stopping “vote counts” in the middle of the night with Trump winning, then resuming with mathematically impossible “vote batches” for Biden to “officially” win those states and the “election.” All good-faith attempts for legal remedy were rejected by US courts at every level. Congress was “invaded” just as election fraud was being introduced on January 6 that ended public consideration of that evidence.

Some Patriots therefore question if Biden’s promised “Dark Winter” has commenced, and White Hat Patriots are defeated. 

I conclude no reason to fear anything so far “Shown” to the public. If White Hat victory is to be total, my personal experience of family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors all demonstrate that evidence of US rogue state empire (and here) must be exposed while it happens. If the military would have arrested Biden after taking the oath of office, for example, ~80% of the people I’m around in NorCal would conclude an illegal military dictatorship rather than restoration of the Republic. Corporate media and public education “texts” have sheepleized Americans to irrationally believe proven psychopathic liars who annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions.

Stand strong in Faith and facts, Patriots. 

Example of election fraud: Pennsylvania’s “official data” claimed a “batch” of ~600,000 votes for Biden with only ~3,000 for Trump after the vote was stopped, then resumed. 

Spiked “votes” for Biden in the ratio of ~200 to 1 are mathematically impossible. 

That such a spike would occur randomly in a condition of ~50% votes going to Biden and ~50% to Trump is similar to a coin-flip: one flip is calculated by 2 options to the first power. That two votes would both be for Biden produce odds of 2 to the 2nd power: one in four or 25%. Three consecutive votes to Biden is 2 to the 3rd power or one in eight (12.5%). But a ratio of alleged “random” ballots in a ratio of ~200 to 1 for Biden is similar to 200 coin tosses going all to one side before the other occurs. 

This produces odds of a number with 50 to 60 zeroes behind it (x/base = 2, n/exponent = 200): 

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  to  1.

Because we never work with such numbers, some comparisons:

  • The odds of winning the Powerball jackpot is ~175,000,000 to 1. The odds of winning two consecutive Powerball jackpots is 30,625,000,000,000,000 to 1 (175 million times itself). It’s more likely you'd win three consecutive Powerball jackpots, and almost more likely that you would win four straight Powerball jackpots than the Biden vote spike being true.
  • The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, which is 1.64 trillion days. If we had a computer randomly select one of those days, the odds of you picking that same day is 1.64 trillion to 1. You are more likely to accomplish this miracle than it’s probable Biden’s spike is accurate.
  • In fact, the number of seconds Earth has existed is 141.7 quadrillion. You’re more likely to correctly predict which random second of Earth’s existence a computer selects than the “official” election count not being a lie. More accurately, we can also say you’re more likely to select a random 1/2,000th of a second from all Earth’s existence over 4.5 billion years than Biden’s spike not being a hoax.

More documentation of election fraud herehere, here.

Context: American Revolution 2.2 2020: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS

I’m a professional historian with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress on ending poverty that led to two UN Summits for heads of state, have written ~1,000 articles since 2009 with ~50 million page views that include published research, and was recognized by two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best high school teachers among ~20,000 teachers in Central L.A. 

I also wrote a 2005 ~40-page White Paper circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for those lie-started Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression (200+ footnotes using our own government’s most authoritative official documents as slam-dunk proof of lies known to be lies as they were told, and the opposite of lawful military attack).

As a historian with 36 years’ teaching experience to the world’s most challenging audience (captured teenagers), I know that ordinary Americans don’t see the present clearly because We the People are CONSTANTLY lied to about the past and present by .01% political “leaders,” corporate media, and public “education” “texts.”  That is, Americans believe “official” sources because game-changing historical context is CONSTANTLY obfuscated by INTENTIONAL AND OBVIOUS LIES of omission and commission. These are not careless and/or non-consequential errors, but massive, game-changing, and inexcusable lies I document and prove beyond reasonable doubt. 

As an academic professional, I factually assert an Emperor’s New Clothes condition; an Orwellian reality that anyone who cares to lift their heads and look will see abundantly for themselves: the United States of America has been an ongoing illegal, looting, lying rogue state empire.

Because Americans are crippled by “official” disinformation, Patriot leaders must rise, stand, and teach objective, comprehensive, and independently-verifiable data that explain, document, and prove our .01% “leaders” are engaged in ongoing OBVIOUS CRIMES centered in war and money, with annual costs of killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

Many of us are Oath-bound to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. All in the US military are trained to recognize and reject illegal orders, with officers trained to arrest anyone issuing obvious illegal orders. All of you learned in your high school US Government class that any so-called “law” in violation of the Constitution is void and without power.

My teaching experience has proven to me that ordinary teen-age humans want the truth, and almost all (~80%) will embrace it thankfully when effectively offered in objective reality. Importantly, family, friends, and colleagues will almost universally (~98%) reject the truth, no matter how effectively offered, and will not see the bullshit excuses they offer in profound cognitive dissonance. I therefore offer this article series only in confidence of the accuracy of its documented facts, and with no confidence how to successfully use these facts in ordinary life among family, friends, and colleagues. The rejecters never ever ever ever engage in factual and reasoned consideration, but resort to ad hominem, denial, and unexamined belief in “leaders.”

We Patriots communicate because Planet Earth and the United States are at war. 

The war is Patriots versus Psychopaths, Truth versus Lies, Virtue versus Evil. I use these labels as the most accurate I have as a professional academic, and provide abundant and game-changing evidence among hundreds in alternative media. After engaging with the data in this article series, I challenge you to accurately frame this war in any other way.

Please read the above sentence one more time. 

Challenge accepted??? 

This American Revolution 2.0 is now in endgame: We the People are being forced to choose a side that will determine the victor for the planet. The outcome will either be an awakened and free people enjoying unimaginable hidden technology and a world that works for everyone with no-one left out OR masked slavery of “non-essentials” to be shot (“vaccinated”), chipped, and eventually culled to serviceable numbers for psychopaths to control and parasitize as sheeple-slaves.

This 9-part article series will engage “Socrates” in interviews for his experience of enduring a 27-year civil war caused by his society’s rhetoric of freedom contrasted with his government’s hypocritical gangster empire. Even after been proved correct of his government’s OBVIOUS hypocrisy, Socrates could still not be heard, was tried for “corrupting the young” and “dishonoring the Gods,” and overwhelmingly voted by the public for execution rather than endure his voice.

Historians look to the future as much as the past. I research and document important slivers of history as best one can discern in the present to a relatively few Patriot colleagues, and with eyes for future generations placing the past in the context they will have: building Heaven on Earth as best All can imagine. 

Our series (*links added at end of each of the 9 points*): 

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (*new article here*)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (herehere). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries here, and here. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: herehere). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


  1. The whole premise is based on a fraudulent election with no evidence provided by you or Trump as witnessed by over 60 court cases , claiming fraud, being thrown out due to lack of evidence

    1. Your whole comment is based without looking at the links providing abundant evidence that yes, the court system proved as fraudulent as the election. So now look at the link provided if you want to discuss evidence of election fraud. Wait. I'll edit the article to provide it for you. Thank you for the help.

    2. Now, Unknown, discuss the evidence for election fraud, or your comment is as fraudulent as the courts upholding a fraudulent election :)

    3. Think, do you honestly think President Trump didnt plan it out this way? Your mistaken! All along it's been the other side, showing thier colors of deciet, lies, games, failures, ALL IN THE OPEN! We saw it, and first hand! Their is your evidence, or wait, OURS!! No need for the Supreme Court to decide, WE DID! No need for a NEW ELECTION, we still have our PRESIDENT TRUMP! Wait for it, wait for it...

  2. reply from unknown.

  3. It's very easy to prove election fraud.
    Start with a fair coin flip:
    probability of 1 head on one flip of a fair coin: 0.5
    probability of 2 heads in a row on 2 coin flips: 0.5^2
    probability of 3 heads in a row on 3 coin flips: 0.5^3
    In Michigan, Biden increased by 138,339 ballots IN A ROW
    with zero changes in the votes for 4 other candidates.
    At time 1, Biden had 46.75% of the total votes counted.
    probability of 138,339 Biden votes in a row: .4675^138339
    the CALCULATOR program on my modern HP workstation BLOWS UP!
    BING computes the result = ZERO i.e. 0.0000000000000000 ----> out to infinity
    let's give CALCULATOR a less stressful test: .4675^200 = 0.[67 zeroes here]904
    because CALCULATOR blows up, let's do a "equal ratio" estimate:
    67 zeroes / 200 exponent x 138339 ballots = 46,343 zeroes
    thus, .4675^138339 ~= 0.[46,343 zeroes here][some positive integer here]

  4. President Donald J. Trump did not "sign" the Insurrection Act.

    It was already signed into law by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807.

    The correct language is to "invoke the Insurrection Act" and/or
    to exercise powers conferred on the President by that Act.

    All Acts of Congress must be signed by the President, or
    a Presidential veto may be overridden by Congress
    if two-thirds of the House and Senate vote to do so.

    Please watch your language, and study the Constitution!

    1. Thank you, SupremeLaw for the correction (made) and admonishment :)

  5. This is non sequitur, the USSA has been under an continuity of government since 9/11, and I do no believe it ever ended.

    The presidency is a TV show, full of actors, actresses, cameras, plotlines, scripts, monsters of the week episodes, heroes and villains. Donald Trump is a actor, this cannot be denied.

    Think about it, covid is a hoax, all trump had to do is expose that and the elite are finished, instead he put a mask on. He belongs in prison for the rest of his life for crimes against humanity, freedom, and liberty. Sharing a cell with fellow criminals like Biden, Hitlery, obummer, Bush, Clinton, Gates and the rest of the lowlifes.

    Your article was a waste of energy. All that research and you are still way off target...

    I smell.......controlled opposition! Still trying to divide America along party lines. Who cares? All you are picking between is who's version of tyranny you want every 4years, Democrat tyranny or Republican tyranny. Why choose tyranny at all????????????

    1. He who smelt it, dealt it :)

      This article arms Patriots with facts to demand the arrests you want. How are you using them? What are you doing for those arrests? We hang together, or hang separately, Brother.

      Btw I worked with Congressman Kucinich to impeach Bush/Cheney with a 40-page White Paper (linked in the article).

    2. Epstein GUILTY zioTrumpy was the SWAMP from DAY ONE. Installed ALL SWAMP creatures except RFK jr. HANG HIM WITH THE REST!

    3. And what do you see about the "Great Awakening" over the last 4 years in preparation for the justice you seek, Patriot "Unknown"? How difficult would it be to drain the swamp after 100s of years of corruption and swamp assets buried everywhere? How would you do it?

  6. We can discuss theories until the end of time, but judging by real-world actions, the U.S. is well and truly screwed. 'Banana republic' is too soft a description. Trump thought he was draining a swamp; come to find out it was a septic tank. The rest of the world will be the leech field as this thing overflows.

    1. "Real-world actions" in war are hidden until the explosion, Patriot :)

      Are you so confident, so in command of the facts to state this? If so, you know more than the hundreds of leaders I network with.

      The rest of we mere mortals are communicating facts as best we find them, and encouraging people to stand for .01% arrests for the Banana republic leaders' arrests. What are you doing to help?

    2. How did Epstein GUILTY zioTrumpy "drain the swamp" by FILLING IT WITH THE SAME SWAMP CREATURES?? He served IsraHELL NOT US!

  7. so if the military(Deep State) took over how exactly did we slip out of the deep states control?

    1. You have no idea of the type of split that exists within the US military. You ask a question based on unsubstantiated premise. If you can prove what you premise, go for it.

      Otherwise, from this article with links live there:

      "Be certain that military White Hats absolutely knew that JFK was assassinated by CIA, and have planned since then (and before) to expose and end what is often called the “Deep State.” Military leadership game-out strategies to achieve objectives, with fluid changes upon discovery of real-world combat conditions.

      If White Hat adults are in command, their conclusion was DNI reporting election fraud (and here) would not be sufficient for the desired level of victory over long-embedded Black Hat assets. It’s also possible that Black Hat weapons must be discovered and disabled, and/or military operations required to rescue children.

      If White Hat Patriots are in total command, then this war has already been won. Here is compelling evidence that the global heads of empire are already destroyed, with their minion “heads of states” already capitulated to avoid disclosure of NSA folders of their darkest crimes.

      I conclude Black Hats are not running the show because they would be too damaged from fact-less claims that Russia manipulated President Trump in some unexplained dramatic and deadly Cold War, crime-less impeachment based on hearsay, and the concluding drama including whether ballots were uniquely printed and accountable that would prove Trump overwhelming victory by the largest margin in US history (helpful news and analyses here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here).

      The only way I see Black Hats in command is if they were auditioning to descend into a further level of Hell, with all that we witness as their “Show” to begin Civil War 2.0. If that is true, then I tip my cap to them for being a superior opponent (while I can before decapitated as a domestic terrorist leader of radical conspiracy theories, and a public health menace refusing to be shot and chipped).

      All this said, a White Hat Show must provide encouragement if they want to prevent Patriots from taking American Revolution 2.0 into their own hands."

    2. I can address this statement:
      "Black Hat weapons must be discovered and disabled"
      When I lived and worked in downtown San Diego,
      an informant told me a 20KT nuclear weapon had been
      smuggled onto the USS Midway, a popular aircraft museum
      moored on the civilian side of San Diego harbor.
      I first reported this to the OOD at the USCG main gate
      chiefly because I was already assisting Coast Guard Investigations
      with 9/11 follow-up (positive identification of Pentagon murder weapons).
      He asked me, "Is it floating or on land?" I replied, "Floating".
      He replied, "That's us." Meaning, USCG had jurisdiction.
      I rushed over to county HazMat, who convened an emergency
      meeting of top officials, and in that meeting we divided up our
      labor and I was sent back to USCG to tell them everything.
      The informant had insisted that I not tell anyone, but
      HazMat did not feel I was obligated to honor that.
      Along the way back to the USCG main gate, I picked up
      a map of the USS Midway, and then handed that map
      to the sentry guarding the main gate: OOD was not there.
      The look on the sentry's face was something I shall never forget.
      I stepped back, saluted the sentry, and headed for home
      without exchanging any words whatsoever with that sentry.
      About 4 months later, a Chief Petty Officer with U.S. Navy
      met with me and quietly told me, "That investigation is still ongoing".
      Best theory to date was the B-52 that departed Minot AFB,
      deviated over Walker Lake in a remote region of Nevada,
      and deployed that nuke into the lake with a parachute.
      That B-52 arrived at Barksdale AFB with 5 instead of 6 nukes on-board.
      The USS Midway was built with a nuclear weapons armory,
      so it would have been the perfect place to "hide" that nuke.
      Heck, one could display it on the flight deck with a sign,
      and the many visitors would think it was a replica.
      B-52s have been modified with a rotating internal "pylon"
      that stores 6 x cruise missiles in the main bomb bay,
      and more on both wings, read "very deadly weapons".
      The warhead yields can be "dialed-up" by pilots in the cockpit
      (cf. W80 models). That whole incident was most probably
      Cheney's little project to start WWIII somewhere in the Mideast.
      Much of the above remains the best hypothesis, albeit still surviving
      and never rejected by any contrary evidence.

  8. From 30+ years of legal research and relevant litigation experience, what could and should have happened during Trump's Administration was straightforward enforcement of the Oath of Office Clause and the Appointments Clauses. We started a project in 2001 which came to be known as "The Credential Investigation". Briefly, many Federal "robes" turned up with missing and defective credentials: some had all 4, some had 3, some had 2, some had 1, and some had none. Of the credentials that were disclosed, many were counterfeits e.g. violating the Paperwork Reduction Act. Missing and defective credentials implicated those "robes" in many federal offenses e.g. 18 USC 241, 242, 912 and 1962 (racketeering), particularly after we notified them in writing of the omissions and defects. Instead of enforcing those laws, in 2014 rogue federal agents falsely arrested me, kidnapped me, and tortured me for 11 months with 55 moves, numerous related felonies, and threats of lethal injection at a BOP prison hospital. While detained at that hospital, I commenced 2 lawsuits: one of which exposed all BOP personnel (no exceptions) for failing to disclose ANY APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS. The other lawsuit honestly and carefully attempted to enforce an important human rights treaty -- the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Senate ratified that treaty by appending a "not self-executing" Declaration that is clearly UNconstitutional (House never voted on it, thus it cannot be domestic federal law). The robe in both civil cases got cold feet and sent me back to more false imprisonment in a remote county jail in Nebraska. I was eventually thrown out into 4 inches of snow after sunset on a cold December night, almost without clothing. The CJA attorney assigned to my case came to my rescue, brought some clothes, and drove me to a Greyhound bus. In our professional experience, the entire legal "system" in America has a lot of explaining to do. For just one simple example, not one licensed ATTORNey has even tried to produce positive identification of "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" as that "plaintiff" appears on every Federal grand jury "INDICTMENT" we have examined during the past 30 years. The silence on that one point is terribly significant, and speaks volumes. HINT: that improper "plaintiff" circumvents Article III and permits a legislative tribunal to prosecute federal criminal cases, but legislative tribunals have no criminal jurisdiction whatsoever. (Details available, upon polite request.) p.s. Can I post links here without censorship? I'm happy to answer any questions that arise from the above, but I decline to engage in irrelevant and useless insults: been there / done that already.

    1. Dear Supreme Law, I have no questions for you, only admiration and empathy for what you’ve endured. May good triumph over evil in the end and you obtain your just reward.

  9. Thank you Carl for all your hard work and enlightenment to the masses. BTW USA has been bankrupt since 1933 and we are all chattel under the Maritime Law we live under, as witnessed by our Birth (as in at the dock) Certificate. Lots of insightful clips on the net by Legal Beagles.
    As for all the BS that has been shoved down our throats for eons, unless one researches and investigates it themselves, they will never believe it AND even then.
    For sure, things are not always as they appear to be.

  10. OBJECTION: HJR 192 was a (R)esolution, not an Act of Congress: compare 1 USC 101 and 102.
    As such, that Resolution was not a petition to a lawfully convened Federal bankruptcy court.
    The United States has now declared insolvency as to obligations owed to the FED banks,
    at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Washington (State).
    Also the notion that we are "chattel under Maritime Law" is not correct; it's misleading.
    As those terms occur in Article III, admiralty and maritime refer to matters that arise
    on the high seas. See the 2 definitions in Bouvier's Law Dictionary, for authority.
    Admiralty and maritime are jurisdictions, and neither is a type of Court, either.
    Accordingly, the concept of "inland admiralty" is an oxymoron clearly because
    being on the land necessarily means NOT being on the high seas, and vice versa.
    The Supremacy Clause clearly defines the supreme Law of THE LAND in the USA.
    If your intent is to define admiralty and maritime DIFFERENTLY from their meanings
    as used in the Constitution and as defined in Bouvier's Law Dictionary, I argue
    you should make that intent clearly, up front, to minimize misunderstandings.
    The UNLAWFUL DOMINION that really matters is the frequent use of Federal
    MUNICIPAL laws by Congress, but made to appear as if those laws are
    national in scope e.g. subtitle A of the INTERNAL Revenue Code (cf. 26 U.S.C.)
    The PROOF of this frequent legislative abuse can be found in the Omnibus Acts
    where a "special definition of 'State'" is admitted by Congress numerous times!

    1. Code is not law.

      You are berthed in your motherships water, thus, technically, subject to maritime admiralty law, which, on your berthing certificate of manifestation, you agree to, through capitus demenmutia maxima. It's a solution whereby 99% of all program recipients accept the program AS LONG AS THEY ARE GIVEN A CHOICE.

      Our courts are indeed ships. They never fly the real American flag. You play games on a court, and you play tennis with a racket, because that's what court is. Comes complete with a floodgate that when you open you are in deep water, and the judge let's you sink or swim. Maybe you might get BAILED out? So you wont DROWN in a CURRENT-SEA of debt? Or your riverBANK might overFLOW and you might be riverBANKRUPTure-SEA.

      There are many sources out there showing clear as day that, if the judge cannot get you to agree to your all capitals name, you cannot be charged under us code. Because us code is not law, and sovereigns are only subject to divine law. U.S.C and the uniform commercial code are unconstitutional, and you have to consent to being serviced by the state for code to apply. Yes, in America, it is legal to sign your rights away. And that, is EXACTLY what they have done. Through legalese, which can only be decoded via the use of etymology.

    2. Re: "Code is not law. U.S.C. and UCC are unconstitutional."
      I honesty don't know where so many Americans obtain these false claims.
      Let's take the Act of June 25, 1948, as one example among many others.
      On that day, Congress revised, codified and enacted into positive law
      all of Title 28 of the U.S. Code. Thus that "Code" became supreme Law
      of the Land, pursuant to the Supremacy Clause (Constitution, Laws and
      Treaties of the United States are all supreme Law of the Land).
      There are Titles of the U.S. Code which have not yet been
      enacted into positive law e.g. Title 26 is a notorious example.
      Whenever a conflict is confirmed between the U.S. Code and
      the Statutes at Large, the latter prevail.
      The rest of your diatribe is little more than Patriot mythology:
      "courts are ships". Huh? Try floating the U.S. District Court in
      San Francisco Bay, and come back to tell us what happened.
      LOL!! Once again, "admiralty" and "maritime" are jurisdictions,
      and both are defined to refer to matters that arise on the high seas.
      The American People are sovereign as a group, but an individual
      American cannot claim to be a sovereign because America is
      not a monarchy. Moreover, individual Americans can be
      compelled by the Sixth Amendment to testify. A true "sovereign"
      cannot be compelled to do anything e.g. King of England.
      Many of your claims above are getting lots of people into
      serious legal trouble, for example they are fined for traffic
      violations and try to tell magistrates that they are not
      "subject to" the motor vehicle code and can run red lights
      whenever they feel like it! Reductio ad absurdum. And,
      that ridiculous attitude creates unnecessary problems
      like defamation and reprisals against honest Americans
      who have studied the Dred Scott decision and understand
      how "sovereign" is explained in that standing decision
      of the U.S. Supreme Court. Nowhere in that decision
      did that Court give the Sovereign People permission
      AS A GROUP to violate any law they please. Yes, I agree
      that we do have a "choice" -- to stop for red lights
      or to ignore red lights. If your "choice" is to ignore red lights,
      you may get somebody killed, including yourself.

  11. Carl, I’ve spent the last couple hours researching where directed, watching you on video and reading so much of your writing that I’ve become quite a fan! Your students are very fortunate to have you teach them with your vast knowledge in so many subjects.

    I’m not certain about Q any longer and have given up hope. I fear that they are a CIA, DOD and DOJ psyop that kept us preoccupied and at home instead of rising up to fight for our country.

    The only one who can win a victory for us at this point is God Almighty. As a historian have you researched the Bible? I majored in Theology and have spent thirty years following Christ. The history is so rich and in-depth that I find that it never gets old and continue to learn something new time and time again. I was just curious if you have studied it because I’d love to learn from you.

    From one Patriot to another, we have been put on this earth for a time such as this so let’s continue on seeking truth and then act upon it.

    Very Best Wishes.

    1. Thank you, Sister :)

      More importantly, thank you for your heart and actions for truth.

      Q provided the most powerful evidence of Satanic/Empire crimes and lies. Anons jumped on it and did their best to share with stupefied/propagandized Americans. The task to win back America and planet Earth is beyond anything ever done in known history, and personally I can imagine the plan to discover the opponent's "ammo" so it can be best removed.

      I have researched the Bible. Did you know that among professional historians the most studied individual is Jesus? I haven't done much work with this history, as the enemy controls the content we're allowed to see. That said, historical details become secondary to the theme to love All as divine Brothers and Sisters.

      We are here to build Heaven on Earth, as free beings. Our contribution is to win the revolution over evil (or at least to help the enslaved see what happened when God's Angels do the work).

      I looked to see what I wrote specifically with the search word, "Jesus," and this satire is all I have:

  12. "He who smelt it dealt it"????

    Wow, immaturity mixed with blindness. By the way, I didn't fart, that's the smell of bovine excrement coming from your article.

    Dennis Kucinic? Another actor? Are you serious?(at least he a vegetarian, but still, wow!)

    And, you dont know me, dont assume anything. As for you. Oh you wrote papers of impeachment. Which accomplished what you accuse me of, nothing. And you knew that before you started. To control a game both sides need to be under direct control.
    Much like the opposition to the Bush war on terror, which has gone on unabated.

    Hang together? I'd prefer to hang OUT with you, have some tea. But I'll never hang by the neck for a man made corruption, like a country. Find me one that isnt, and all buy the tea, my friend.

    Step away from the political scene and speak from the heart. We need to be instilling knowledge tempered with wisdom within the proletariat. Connect the dots. Seriously, politics actually convinces people that a lifelong democrat can all at once switch parties and end a tyranny in the making for the better part of 10,000 years? The "hero of the conservative movement"? Yeah, lots of good things going on in Atlantic City. Trump for years played in the swamp to make his millions...Then! He decided to switch parties, and drain it? That's a good one. The old, "dont worry the secret good guys have a plan to take out the bad guys just sit tight, DO NOT DO ANYTHING, JUST SIT THERE, WE GOT THIS" routine. Its had many names, from bolshevik Russia, to the modern day with that clown Qanon.

    They BELONG in prison. I wasnt calling for arrest. Wasnt even calling for a trial. Trying to bring the system(system=sewer/latin) within the system just gets you covered in system. The criminal justice system, is owned by the criminals, but that said the same thing twice, which is why it's called the criminal justice system. Best thing to do is just ignore them. Storming the Capitoline will just spill unnecessary blood, guaranteed, and over what? These idiots are just gophers for the 1%, salesmen, in all actuality we have probably never seen the real face of our opposition. Keeps people off stride, it's how I would do it if I was one of them. War, conflict, chaos, is what they want. I say we just ignore them, the only power they have, is what we give them with our attention. Ignore them, and we just move forward with fixing this mess and getting back to basics, to simplify the thought process some. Confrontation gives them power, that's why they are there, to steal our power. Ignore them, and they fade into nothingness, like Queen Mab.

    "Patriotism, is a virtue of the wicked."- Oscar Wilde

    And, by the way, I noticed, you never denied the controlled opposition, you simply redirected the focus back to me while not answering anything or saying anything of real substance, you know, like a politician, or a lawyer.

    I speak from the heart, thus it is rather simple to decipher who is who here, and intuition shall lead the way. The Great Awakening cannot be stopped, the age of illusion is over. And the new world order's Dawn Of A New Day shall be met with the dusk of the darkness, for the long night has come. And all this time the 1% has been saying "yes", they shall be met with the most powerful word in the universe. The power of --**NO!!**-

    1. ok, ok, I apologize :)

      I tend to react strongly against accusations I'm doing something other than documenting the most powerful facts to expose and end our Evil opponents. I am not controlled opposition, or even controllable among my own family :) I have been among the leaders calling for Americans to demand their "leaders" be arrested for OBVIOUS crimes centered in war and money, with annual costs killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

      And yes, the heart and intuition are our homes. The "age of illusion" shall be over, and we are the vanguard for that mission.


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