Is Earth flat? 36 minutes of evidence I can’t refute + ‘official stories’ of Earth/Moon as provable lies = flat Earth best evidence???

 Because we’ve been lied to about everything, then there’s literally nothing too big for our psychopath rogue state imperial opponents to lie about. 

If you haven’t seen a cogent argument for flat Earth, invest half an hour with David Weiss. I also recommend his Top Ten Proofs.

I can’t refute the evidence. Because I hold the evidence as credible, and we prove the psychopaths’ “facts” as proven lies in everything important I can imagine, I hold flat Earth as the better explanation of observable facts. 

Game changer, again?

View it here. And if you want another half-hour: here. Want another game-changer? Here you go.

Think NASA is reliable? Their “astronaut” Don Pettit, claims NASA is unable to return to the moon because somehow they destroyed the technology to go. He really said that (32 seconds):

Want more about the “moon landings” provable lies? Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer will walk you through the video, photographic, and common-sense evidence here from his BitChute channel with many other game-changing topics.

Want one more? Try this 46-minute conversation between David Weiss and Auto Didactic:


Oh, and about those provable lies so egregious we’re experiencing American Revolution 2.0:

Context: American Revolution 2.0: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS

I’m a professional historian with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress on ending poverty that led to two UN Summits for heads of state, have written ~1,000 articles since 2009 with ~50 million page views that include published research, and was recognized by two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best high school teachers among ~20,000 teachers in Central L.A. 

I also wrote a 2005 ~40-page White Paper circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for those lie-started Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression (200+ footnotes using our own government’s most authoritative official documents as slam-dunk proof of lies known to be lies as they were told, and the opposite of lawful military attack).

As a historian with 36 years’ teaching experience to the world’s most challenging audience (captured teenagers), I know that ordinary Americans don’t see the present clearly because We the People are CONSTANTLY lied to about the past and present by .01% political “leaders,” corporate media, and public “education” “texts.”  That is, Americans believe “official” sources because game-changing historical context is CONSTANTLY obfuscated by INTENTIONAL AND OBVIOUS LIES of omission and commission. These are not careless and/or non-consequential errors, but massive, game-changing, and inexcusable lies I document and prove beyond reasonable doubt. 

As an academic professional, I factually assert an Emperor’s New Clothes condition; an Orwellian reality that anyone who cares to lift their heads and look will see abundantly for themselves: the United States of America has been an ongoing illegal, looting, lying rogue state empire.

Because Americans are crippled by “official” disinformation, Patriot leaders must rise, stand, and teach objective, comprehensive, and independently-verifiable data that explain, document, and prove our .01% “leaders” are engaged in ongoing OBVIOUS CRIMES centered in war and money, with annual costs of killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

Many of us are Oath-bound to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. All in the US military are trained to recognize and reject illegal orders, with officers trained to arrest anyone issuing obvious illegal orders. All of you learned in your high school US Government class that any so-called “law” in violation of the Constitution is void and without power.

My teaching experience has proven to me that ordinary teen-age humans want the truth, and almost all (~80%) will embrace it thankfully when effectively offered in objective reality. Importantly, family, friends, and colleagues will almost universally (~98%) reject the truth, no matter how effectively offered, and will not see the bullshit excuses they offer in profound cognitive dissonance. I therefore offer this article series only in confidence of the accuracy of its documented facts, and with no confidence how to successfully use these facts in ordinary life among family, friends, and colleagues. The rejecters never ever ever ever engage in factual and reasoned consideration, but resort to ad hominem, denial, and unexamined belief in “leaders.”

We Patriots communicate because Planet Earth and the United States are at war. 

The war is Patriots versus Psychopaths, Truth versus Lies, Virtue versus Evil. I use these labels as the most accurate I have as a professional academic, and provide abundant and game-changing evidence among hundreds in alternative media. After engaging with the data in this article series, I challenge you to accurately frame this war in any other way.

Please read the above sentence one more time. 

Challenge accepted??? 

This American Revolution 2.0 is now in endgame: We the People are being forced to choose a side that will determine the victor for the planet. The outcome will either be an awakened and free people enjoying unimaginable hidden technology and a world that works for everyone with no-one left out OR masked slavery of “non-essentials” to be shot (“vaccinated”), chipped, and eventually culled to serviceable numbers for psychopaths to control and parasitize as sheeple-slaves.

This 9-part article series will engage “Socrates” in interviews for his experience of enduring a 27-year civil war caused by his society’s rhetoric of freedom contrasted with his government’s hypocritical gangster empire. Even after been proved correct of his government’s OBVIOUS hypocrisy, Socrates could still not be heard, was tried for “corrupting the young” and “dishonoring the Gods,” and overwhelmingly voted by the public for execution rather than endure his voice.

Historians look to the future as much as the past. I research and document important slivers of history as best one can discern in the present to a relatively few Patriot colleagues, and with eyes for future generations placing the past in the context they will have: building Heaven on Earth as best All can imagine. 

Our series (*links added at end of each of the 9 points*): 

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (*new article here*)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (herehere). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries here, and here. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and here since. Work back to 2009 is censored by (blocked author pages: herehere). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.


  1. Carl Herman, do you really believe the Earth is flat?

    1. I do not "believe" anything when facts exist to be supported or refuted by explanations. Are you the same way, or do your beliefs somehow interfere with factual examination?

    2. And, what do you say about the evidence for flat Earth in the two videos and "top 10" list? As I wrote, I cannot refute any of the evidence.

    3. Evidence is king, it leads to knowledge not just belief. I do not agree that not being able to refute another's opinion is sufficient grounds for accepting that opinion. We may have insufficient training to refute it.

    4. You take upon yourself a burden of proof: show us from the source material (the two videos of David Weiss: total 1 hour, and the "top 10 proofs" page) how these are "another's opinion" rather than factual claims.

      Why not address the evidence directly from those source materials? That would be a level of conversation worth having.

  2. It's not hard to discredit every one of his "Top Ten".
    I'm not sure if he is serious as #6 is easy to prove false by just looking at the flight paths of many airlines.
    The others require a little more details but I'm not going to waste my time with explanations. You can do a Google search on each one to see them debunked.

    1. Then you end your comments with denial, and not worth further attention.

  3. All evidence regarding the shape of the Earth can be categorized into two main


    The first class of evidence :
    (1) Evidence that can be obtained, experienced and verified by independent

    individuals and regular people.

    The second class of evidence:
    (2) Evidence obtained from 3rd party sources: NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, US DoD

    etc. (Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Hubble Telescope, Voyager 10 ).

    If we consider only class (1) evidence, then without a doubt our senses and

    eyes tell us that the Earth is flat and stationary.
    (i) The horizon appears flat and remains flat regardless of our altitude.
    (ii) Roads, bridges and railways do not account for any curvature of the Earth in

    their construction.
    (iii) Lighthouses are visible from hundreds of miles away.
    (iv) Skydivers jumping out of a plane, land on the ground without any

    movement or horizontal translation due to the alleged rotation of the Earth.
    (v) When traveling on an airplane, the airplane does not constantly adjust it's

    altitude nor pitch for the alleged curvature of the Earth. The airplane remains

    level throughout the flight. This is impossible if the Earth is a sphere.

    When we consider evidence obtained from class (2), for example from NASA,

    we have plenty of reasons to be skeptical of such evidence.
    The Apollo 11 Moon landing is a perfect example of hoaxed evidence and

    fakery. When viewing the details about the alleged landing, an intellectual

    honest observer can see that it makes no sense.
    Go and watch the lunar module blasting off from the Moon's surface. You will

    be left with the distinct impression that the module is being hoisted up from

    the ceiling by a mechanical crane.

    Why would these people lie to us ?
    Consider how many lies we have already been told:

    COVID-19 hoax, Infection to fatality rate: 0.003%, Real deaths only 6% of all CDC

    listed deaths
    Election Fraud: Massive computerized, ballot-stuffing theft
    9/11: Inside job, No airplanes, controlled demolitions of all buildings
    WW2: Hollow-Hoax-A-Cost. Six gorillion figure has already been thoroughly

    discounted. There are approximately 220 million seconds in the years between

    1939 and 1945 ( 7 years inclusive, 31.5 million seconds per year). That means

    for the six gorillion figure to be correct, someone had to die every 36 seconds

    for every day, of every week, of every month for seven years. That is impossible.
    Nuclear Weapons are Fake: There is no radioactive fallout at the cities of

    Hiromshima and Nagasaki. People and animals and plant life are comfortably

    living there. There is no dangerous thousands-year half-life of radioactive

    contaminants because all nuclear weapons are fake.
    Free Energy: We have had free energy available to us for more than a century

    but it has been purposely hidden from us. I give two sources here: Atmosphere

    electricity from travelling magnetic/current lines and Cracking Water similar to

    Cold Fusion.
    Cancer Cures: We have had the cure for cancer for decades but it is being

    hidden from us. Baking soda, coconut and cannabis oil for example are 100%

    cures for cancer.

    Is it so hard to believe that the Rockefeller/Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia is hiding

    the real shape of the Earth from us ?

    Because if the true shape of the Earth were known to all of humankind , it

    would have two important consequences:

    (1) God/Creator exists. You cannot have a flat stationary Earth (where outer

    space is a fiction) forming from natural and random processes of science.

    (2) Humans are divine beings. Luminous and magical beings are we, not this

    crude matter.

    The above is something the Khazarian Mafia will not tolerate.
    The times are changing with the advent of the internet.
    The truth about the Earth's shape will come out soon...

    I wish you well Carl Herman.


    1. Powerful comment, Robert; thank you!

      I wish you well, too, Brother.

  4. An equatorial mount works in real life, and on globe models, but doesn't work and can never work on any flat earth model. Earth cannot be flat because equatorial mounts actually work. The "top 10" is just mass ignorance, as all of them have readily been debunked multiple times over. Giving any credence to the flat earthers discredits everything else you have on this site.

    1. If you want to be taken seriously, you have a burden of proof to explain the facts of equatorial mounts that prove the claim you assert to us. The rest of your comment is denial, then your own ignorance or believing people are stupid enough to conclude factual accuracy in one area of research can be "discredited" by facts in a separate area of research.

    2. Carl, these people do not know how to logically construct an argument.

      For example, in the above the "Unknown" poster, asserts that IF Equatorial Mounts work, that proves that the Earth is flat."
      This is totally asinine and of such childish level logic that it is laughable that such people can still breathe the oxygen in the air without constant difficulty.
      He must explain how it is that equatorial mounts work and then show that such a fact unequivocally proves that the Earth is flat. (linkage)

      Further, he is taking one very small sphere of experience (ostensibly his own with astronomy and telescopes) and extrapolates from that to arrogantly conclude that the Earth is NOT flat.
      All other lines of reasoning are quickly debunked as he says without actual critical inquiry and essential examination.

      I have shown above that our personal experience and actual experimentation that can be replicated by anyone in any part of the world, PROVE unequivocally that the Earth is flat and stationary.

      One last comment, as an aside, it is a logical fallacy to use arguments from others (Google, others have debunked etc.) as points to strengthen your own argument.
      All arguments must stand on the evidence and nothing else.
      Appeals to authority (classical logical fallacy) are worthless.


    3. Yes, Robert, they display their lack of logic, or perhaps their tools as propagandists.

      Thank you for your engagement, Brother. You seem to be battle-hardened :)

    4. Brother Carl, thank you for your kind words.
      I am indeed battle hardened and having watched you on Jim Fetzer's "The News You Need

      to Know" for several months I know you are also similarly toughened.

      Your comment got me thinking about everything I have learned since my real awakening

      began almost 20 years ago on Tuesday September 11, 2001. On that day "the sleeper" was


      What I have learned since that day will shock even the most cynical and die-hard truth

      seekers. The real mysteries and conspiracies of this world are almost never talked about

      not even on truth-telling websites.

      For this comment however I will limit myself to Flat Earth and the cascading 2nd, 3rd order

      implications of living on a flat and stationary home. It is these domino-effect consequences

      that virtually no one talks about.
      I will make such an attempt now.

      We know that the Earth is flat and stationary (proof given earlier).
      This means that gravity does NOT exist.
      Objects actually fall to the ground because of electromagnetism not the imaginary force of

      I might add that the force of gravity has never been experimentally verified.
      Also using the Standard Model theory of everything, the force of gravity is said to be

      approximately 39 orders of magnitude weaker than the force of electromagnetism.
      This by itself should tell you that gravity does not exist.

      In any event, because the Earth is flat (proof given earlier), gravity does not exist.
      Therefore since the Theory of General and Special Relativity is really a theory of how gravity

      warps space and time, both of these theories are one hundred percent horseshit.
      Also it is virtually certain that Albert Einstein knew all of this and thus he knows he is a

      charlatan and snake oil salesman who concocted his nonsense theory to obfuscate the

      divine and magical nature of our true being.
      Further, the Nobel Prize Committee is a total fraud and politically captured by anti-human

      Satanic psychopaths.
      In light of the above, one should then take a careful look at all of Einstein's discoveries and

      proofs of relativity or more accurately described as "how gravity warps space and time."
      One of these is the alleged prediction that Einstein made using his nonsense theory

      regarding the bending of light around the orbit of Mercury. I won't go into an details here

      but when one begins even a cursory examination of Relativity you will quickly find that

      there are many holes of logic and problems that mainstream science never discusses.
      Werner Heisenberg and Nicola Tesla were ardent critics of Relativity and considered

      Einstein's work pure nonsense. Having done some research into the area myself, I can tell

      you Albert Einstein is pure horseshit.
      (After considerable research I am convinced that Albert Einstein was actually portrayed as a

      "life actor" and also life acted the character of one Edward Bernays. That is to say Edward

      Bernays and Albert Einstein were the same individual. If you take a look at their lives you

      will become convinced of this. Don't be fooled by dates of birth and lifespan which can all

      be falsified , remember we are talking about "life actors" peoples whose whole life is a lie.)

      One last comment.
      Curious individuals who are new to the idea of a flat Earth often ask the following question:
      "If the Earth is flat where is the edge?"
      This question makes an incorrect assumption.
      That assumption is that the Earth is a three-dimensional object and thus has an edge.
      The Earth (anagram for Heart) is NOT a three-dimensional object and therefore it has NO

      We are living on a plane (plane-t) not a body of mass. This plane constitutes it's own

      dimension and it may or may not have an edge. It may in fact go on forever in all directions.
      Now that is something that should really get people thinking.
      Remember, we are divine and magical beings and so our home is also magical.

      Until next time, I wish you well.


    5. Thank you, Robert. As Morpheus says, "All I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

    6. This explains how an equatorial mount proves the globe - it only needs to move in one direction. If the Sun circled the pancake earth it would need to move in two dimensions.
      I hope you have the guts to watch this:

    7. Welcome back, MMMLLL. You offer a 5-minute video with a title spelling "doesn't" as "deoesnt". I lasted 3 minutes of the graphics that provide no intelligible explanation. So again, we go back to YOUR factual claim with YOUR burden of proof to explain to us. Go ahead, we're right here.

    8. Too bad you only watched 3 minutes. If you would have watched the rest you would have found out how the equatorial mount works.

    9. I watched the rest; all I heard was a factual assertion of a flat earth requiring 2 dimensions of movement without demonstration of that fact. So the burden of proof is still on you to explain the factual claims. Again, go ahead; we're right here.

  5. Hi Carl,
    I watched that video probably because I am a masochist of sorts.
    Looks like it was created by someone with intense OCD combined with a psychotic level of Tourette's syndrome. Concentration and focus is not something that video creator values.

    Anyways, most of what he said is pure gibberish and not understandable at all.
    This "MMMLL" clearly does not understand the video himself because otherwise he would have at least attempted to explain what the video is speaking about. Since he doesn't know what the video is about, he can only mumble with spittle leaking out the side of his mouth "muh go watch video, slurp".

    The only thing that got through was "the equatorial mount must work since it only corrects in one dimension and the Earth only moves in one dimension while in Flath Earth (Flatzoids) you need two dimensions."

    Not sure where to begin with such nonsense.
    The best refutation is to watch a time-elapsed view of the night sky.
    Tell me what you see?
    You see the stars moving above in a circular path.
    Here is the video:

    North Star (STAR TRAILS) Time-lapse HD!

    In any event, in the incorrect Heliocentric model of the solar system, the Earth is allegedly moving around the sun and the sun is moving around several large nebulae and those are moving around the Milky Way Galaxy, so there are many alleged dimensions of motion.
    Therefore even their own reasoning doesn't hold water with their own incorrect Heliocentric model.

    I don't know how many times I have to say this.
    Simply pointing to a video and repeating like some Pavlovian-conditioned dog that it proves a spinning globe Earth is NOT reasoning , it is not using LOGIC.
    That is an appeal to authority which is a Classic Logical Fallacy.
    I would advise MMMLL to learn about logical fallacies. Because he knows nothing about them.
    Start here:

    If I am being too hard on this "Tourette patient" I am somewhat apologetic but their ignorance and subservience and slavish devotion to illogic is sickening.

    1. Thank you, Robert. I hear the karmic pay is really good for our work to observe Hellish lies then refute them. I appreciate your expertise in this area of Hell :)

      I'm soon to publish an article on mud floods and a past US "great reset" that kept amazing buildings that were propagandized as "temporary world fair structures" that were then torn down or destroyed by "fires." Done any work in that area yet?

    2. Hi Carl,
      I hope you are correct about that karmic pay because if you are, I'm due a great deal of spiritual compensation :).

      I'm not sure but it sounds like you are referring to something biblical ?
      I have done some work on history and the true age of the Earth if that's what you're pointing at. The Russian mathematician Fomenko's work in particular. It might interest you.

    3. One final note about equatorial mounts.
      The adjustment that is made for the celestial pole varying with respect to one's latitude or distance from the North Pole appears to reveal something shocking.
      I'll explain using a very simple example.

      Imagine you are standing directly below a spotlight that is suspended in the air approx. 10m (30 feet) above your head.
      In this case, the axis of the equatorial mount should be pointing directly above at the spotlight. In effect this axis would be making a perpendicular angle to the plane of the Earth, a ninety degree angle.

      Now imagine that you begin to walk away from the spotlight in any direction. Once you are approx. 100m (300 feet) away from your original location which was directly underneath the spotlight, take careful note now where the spotlight is.
      It is no longer directly above your head.
      In fact, the spotlight would appear closer to the horizon rather than the zenith (the highest point in the sky, which is formed by a perpendicular line to the plane of Earth shooting upwards).
      Because the spotlight is no longer directly above you, you must now adjust the axis of the equatorial mount so that it points directly at the spotlight. Pretend for example that this angle is approx. 10 degrees.
      This procedure which I just described to you in the above, is the exact series of actions that astronomers employ when adjusting their eq mounts for the lattitude of their location relative to the North Pole.

      In the astronomical world, the spotlight would be the North Star , Polaris. And the distance that you walk away from the spotlight would be your lattitude. For example Tropic of Cancer versus the equator.

      Here is the problem.
      In our first example, let us label the distance from the person to the spotlight directly above you as distance A (10m=30ft).
      And label the distance that you walked away from the spotlight as B (100m=300ft).
      Note that B divided by A is 10.

      In the astronomical world under the incorrect Heliocentric model of the solar system the distances are vastly different.
      Stars are alleged to be at least trillions and quadrillions of kms/miles away from us.
      Do you see the issue now?
      In the false Heliocentric model, the equivalent "A" distance , the distance from the observer to Polaris directly above you, would be approx. 450 light years x 10 trillion km = 4.5 quadrillion km away.
      And the equivalent "B" distance in lattitude would only be measured in thousands of kilometers at the most.
      Then B divided by A is approx. 1000 km / 4.5 quadrillion km = 1 / 4.5 trillion , a very very small number.

      Thus the angle necessary to adjust the axis of the EQ mount to the North Star Polaris would be indistinguishable from ninety degress.

      In other words, you would not need to adjust the EQ axis mount for your lattitude in a Heliocentric model because they stars are so very far away but we do so anyways.
      Because in reality the stars are only thousands of kms (or less) away from the observer since we live in a geocentric universe.
      In effect then, the EQ mount that our MMMLL poster spoke about , unequivocally proves that the Earth is flat and stationary and that stars are very close by.

      In conclusion , the EQ mount axis adjustment proves the exact opposite of what MMMLL said.
      Satanic Inversion is the hallmark of these people.


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