70-minute video: Need to Know news for lucid analysis and commentary on current events (June 2, 2022)

Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer, Joe Olson, and I discuss current events to sharply discern objective reality fit for news from corporate media bullshit to herd sheeple: here on BitChute (censored on YouTube).

This is my best “shot” to explain, document, and prove the “Covid” + “vaccine” narratives are Crimes Against Humanity: a 4,700-word essay I sent to ~100 teacher colleagues in September 2021, and this is my May 2022 essay to our teachers’ union Board as an excellent overview of both the data, and the battle with the school district exposing their prima facie-illegal “health” “orders” (2-hour overview discussion with Fetzer here).

Want to learn more about false flags and conspiracies? For ~25 years I’ve learned from Professor Fetzer’s academic work; he offers 24 free video presentations from the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference. The 2021 False Flags and Conspiracies Conference is here

And if you want more from me, here is my book.

Context: American Revolution 2.0 2020: PATRIOTS vs. LOYALISTS

I’m a professional historian with degrees from Berkeley and Harvard, helped craft and deliver ~300 policy briefs for Members of Congress on ending poverty that led to two UN Summits for heads of state, have written ~1,000 articles since 2009 with ~50 million page views that include published research, and was recognized by two Los Angeles Mayors as among the very best high school teachers among ~20,000 teachers in Central L.A. 

I also wrote a 2005 ~40-page White Paper circulated among Members of Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney for those lie-started Orwellian-illegal Wars of Aggression (200+ footnotes using our own government’s most authoritative official documents as slam-dunk proof of lies known to be lies as they were told, and the opposite of lawful military attack).

As a historian with 38 years’ teaching experience to the world’s most challenging audience (captured teenagers), I know that ordinary Americans don’t see the present clearly because We the People are CONSTANTLY lied to about the past and present by .01% political “leaders,” corporate media, and public “education” “texts.”  That is, Americans believe “official” sources because game-changing historical context is CONSTANTLY obfuscated by INTENTIONAL AND OBVIOUS LIES of omission and commission. These are not careless and/or non-consequential errors, but massive, game-changing, and inexcusable lies I document and prove beyond reasonable doubt. 

As an academic professional, I factually assert an Emperor’s New Clothes condition; an Orwellian reality that anyone who cares to lift their heads and look will see abundantly for themselves: the United States of America has been an ongoing illegal, looting, lying rogue state empire.

Because Americans are crippled by “official” disinformation, Patriot leaders must rise, stand, and teach objective, comprehensive, and independently-verifiable data that explain, document, and prove our .01% “leaders” are engaged in ongoing OBVIOUS CRIMES centered in war and money, with annual costs of killing millions, harming billions, and looting trillions.

Many of us are Oath-bound to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. All in the US military are trained to recognize and reject illegal orders, with officers trained to arrest anyone issuing obvious illegal orders. All of you learned in your high school US Government class that any so-called “law” in violation of the Constitution is void and without power.

My teaching experience has proven to me that ordinary teen-age humans want the truth, and almost all (~80%) will embrace it thankfully when effectively offered in objective reality. Importantly, family, friends, and colleagues will almost universally (~98%) reject the truth, no matter how effectively offered, and will not see the bullshit excuses they offer in profound cognitive dissonance. I therefore offer this article series only in confidence of the accuracy of its documented facts, and with no confidence how to successfully use these facts in ordinary life among family, friends, and colleagues. The rejecters never ever ever ever engage in factual and reasoned consideration, but resort to ad hominem, denial, and unexamined belief in “leaders.”

We Patriots communicate because Planet Earth and the United States are at war. 

The war is Patriots versus Psychopaths, Truth versus Lies, Virtue versus Evil. I use these labels as the most accurate I have as a professional academic, and provide abundant and game-changing evidence among hundreds in alternative media. After engaging with the data in this article series, I challenge you to accurately frame this war in any other way.

Please read the above sentence one more time. 

Challenge accepted??? 

This American Revolution 2.0 is now in endgame: We the People are being forced to choose a side that will determine the victor for the planet. The outcome will either be an awakened and free people enjoying unimaginable hidden technology and a world that works for everyone with no-one left out OR masked slavery of “non-essentials” to be shot (“vaccinated”), chipped, and eventually culled to serviceable numbers for psychopaths to control and parasitize as sheeple-slaves.

This 9-part article series will engage “Socrates” in interviews for his experience of enduring a 27-year civil war caused by his society’s rhetoric of freedom contrasted with his government’s hypocritical gangster empire. Even after been proved correct of his government’s OBVIOUS hypocrisy, Socrates could still not be heard, was tried for “corrupting the young” and “dishonoring the Gods,” and overwhelmingly voted by the public for execution rather than endure his voice.

Historians look to the future as much as the past. I research and document important slivers of history as best one can discern in the present to a relatively few Patriot colleagues, and with eyes for future generations placing the past in the context they will have: building Heaven on Earth as best All can imagine. 

Our series (*links added at end of each of the 9 points*): 

  1. Introduction: we really live in American Revolution 2.0 2020 under life and death consequences. (1 of 9 here)
  2. The US has been a lying, looting, illegal rogue state empire committing Wars of Aggression for over 200 years and counting. These invading Wars of Aggression have war-murdered ~30 million since WW2 and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). The wars are for resource control: natural and human. (*new article here*)
  3. Ongoing Bankster looting now has a global 1% owning more assets than the 99%. Our economic system is based on the criminal fraud that debt = money, an Orwellian-inversion of total evil. Leading Americans have pointed to public banking and monetary reform for nearly 300 years as obvious solutions to being looted annually in the trillions. (3 of 9 here)
  4. Corporate media and public education intentionally lie to literally “cover” these crimes centered in war and money to control global resources (natural and human). As a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, US History, World History, Economics, and also credentialed in Mathematics, I prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Americans have been massively, ongoingly, and criminally lied to. These are not careless and inconsequential errors, but intentional and game-changing lies of omission and commission. (4 of 9 here)
  5. The .01% evil imperialists assassinate real leaders who oppose them: President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy (who would have been President in 1968), Dr. King, and hundreds of others are proven by overwhelming evidence, including the King Family civil trial whose jury found the US government guilty of assassinating Martin. These assassinations continue to the present, including 2020 State of the Union film evidence (explore SOTU videos here and here at 36:30) of Democratic “leaders” and Vice President Pence planning to assassinate President Trump according to plausible  lip-reading from a professional. (5 of 9 here)
  6. The Covid “plandemic” has dozens of verifiable “official” lies and hypocrisies for Orwellian-illegal policies that any American should instantly reject while calling for independent factual explanations. Most Americans sense this; I account for some of this data (herehere). (6 of 9 here)
  7. Our .01% “leaders” engage in child trafficking. Independent journalists and researchers have compiled powerful documentaries to provide context to arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, and conviction of Weinstein (Fall Cabal and Out of Shadows documentaries herehere, and here with further documentaries. Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer’s 2-hour presentation on Pizza-gate here). (7 of 9 here)
  8. Q is a White House insider proven by coordination in timing and language between Q posts and Trump Tweets. Q has revealed Democratic and corporate media “leaderships” lies and crimes to remove President Trump, install dictatorial plandemic government, and hide crimes against children. (8 of 9 here)
  9. The most important historical context for human beings to embrace: Earth has had ancient advanced technological civilizations from ET involvement that seem to be the genesis of our current evil-bloodline .01% empire-class. That is, the war in the present is a continuation of evil alien invasion from the past: I challenge you to see the evidence for yourself and see if you have a more accurate conclusion. (9 of 9 here)


I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History (also credentialed in Mathematics), with all economic factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences (and here). I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at Carl_Herman@post.harvard.edu 

Note: My work from 2011 to October 2017 is on Washington’s Blog, which the owner closed from Internet censorship in 2019, and heresince. Work back to 2009 is censored by Examiner.com (blocked author pages: herehere). This means that some links in essays are inactive. If you’d like to see those articles, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the search box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive.



    Hi Carl,
    You and I both agree that we need a breakthrough event to create some kind of catalyzing emotional reaction in the American public and indeed all of humanity that will get them to "WAKE UP" from their mental slumber.
    They need to see the truth and that truth needs to enter the public domain.
    Below I outline several scenarios in the near future that can make this happen:


    White Hats = Elements of the Constitutionally-loyal US military such as Special Operations and perhaps Space Force, National Security Agency.
    We don't know the exact composition nor leaders of the White Hats.
    These forces will likely also be aligned with the moral militaries of other nations such as Germany, Canada, United Kingdom etc.

    Black Hats = Rothschild led International Jewish Central Banking Organized Crime Multi-generational families that have control over the issuance of money. Through this power of infinite wealth they have corrupted the entire world's power structure: government, legal, medical, media, finance etc.

    White Hats are involved in an invisible war with the Black Hats.
    Scenarios that can lead to truth being revealed in a transformational manner:

    (1) Corruption by the Fake Actor Puppident Joe Biden Administration.
    -plenty of evidence showing that Actor Puppident Biden is guilty of corruption and bribery in the billions
    -Burisma scandal, Loan Guarantee , Ukraine money laundering
    -Rose Seneca Partners, China, influence peddling, money laundering
    --If this evidence can get out to the public we may be able to get the actor Biden administration to fall
    -I believe the Hunter Biden laptop is a psyop and thus a "nothing burger" meant to distract the American public

    (2) DEEPFAKE, Latex Mask Actors
    -The real Joe Biden has been replaced by an actor wearing a latex mask and CGI digital avatars using DEEPFAKE sofware depending on whether the Puppident is attending a personal interactive event or television only
    -Plenty of evidence showing that this version of Joe Biden is not the real Biden
    -If this evidence can get out to the public (e.g. DEEPFAKEs and/or actors wearing latex masks), we may be able to get the actor Biden administration to fall
    -Many others have also been replaced: Nancy Pelosi, Janet Yellen, Kamala Harris, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Boris Johnson

    (3) Election Fraud,
    -There is plenty of evidence showing that the November 2020 Presidential Election involved mass fraud with illegal ballots giving Biden the win. While Donald Trump is a controlled opposition Jewish agent, fairly speaking, Trump did win the election.
    -If we can get an immediate de-certification of the electoral votes cast in several states, the Puppident Biden Admin can be forced to resign.
    No audit should be requested. The Maricopa County audit showed us the futility of that option , besides there is enough evidence without requiring an audit.

    (4) Vaxx Genocide,
    -The COVID vaccine has murdered millions of Americans. This can be proven and I am certain the White Hats have access to this information from their penetration and hacking of the bigHarma drug company databases (e.g. Pfizer dbase hack).
    -Murdered by the vaccine
    (1) Columbia University Study..................= 443,860 murdered
    (2) Jessica Rose Ph.D, Data Scientist....= 769,637 murdered
    (3) CMS Database WhistleBlower..........= 2,250,000 murdered
    (4) Harvard-Pilgrim Study......................= 2,831,000 murdered

    [note: All above are controlled opposition agents/groups, be careful]
    ---Keep in mind VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
    currently records the following deaths from the quack-cine:
    28,310 murdered as of May 20th, 2022
    -If this information can get into the public domain, the American people will rise up and force the resignation of the actor Biden admin.

    1. (5) WHO Pandemic Treaty High Treason
      -Amendments to the existing pandemic treaty with the WHO that cede sovereignty from each member nation to WHO is an offense of high treason.
      Anyone involved in such action can be charged with the capital crime of treason and be put to death.
      The White Hats should have arrested any and all such invididuals involved in such offenses (HHS Secretary Xavier Baccera, CDC Director Walensky, Secretary of State Blinken) and charge them with treason.
      -If this information can get out we can force the resignation of the actor Biden admin.

      (6) Internet Censorship and Social Engineering of Social Media
      -Evidence is emerging that Twitter may have up to 90% of it's userbase comprised of sock puppet accounts and sofware bots. Facebook and Instagram and others may be similiarly controlled organizations involved in social engineering and manufacturing fake grass-roots movements and trends.
      -These social media companies (Big Tech) have undoutedbly censored and deleted BILLIONS of posts, comments and videos that attempted to reveal the Vax Genocide that is being perpetrated on humanity by the Black Hats.
      -If this information can be released into the public domain, we can force a fundamental change in our corrupt government and around the world.

      (7) Faked Mass Shootings
      -The Uvalde Texas school shooting is an obvious faked staged hoaxed event where NO CHILDREN wear killed, just like every other faked staged hoaxed mass shooting event since Sandy Hook hoax and Columbine.
      -If this information can be released to the public, we can charge all police forces, prosecutors, judges involved with domestic terrorism which carries a death penalty.
      -This can also force a change in government and bring about the necessary transformational change we are all looking for.

      Once any or all or some combination of the above happens ,
      I expect the following to occur:

      (1) The Puppident actor Joe Biden administration will fall.
      Actor Biden will resign and be arrested for identity theft and treason inter alia.
      All secretaries of his administration will likely be charged.
      Transistion of power will not go to the Vice President Kamala Harris since she is not an American citizen and has also likely been replaced some time ago.
      The Speaker of the House has also been replaced some time ago.
      The White Hats will not allow any transition of power to occur because of the high treason that all of these individuals have committed.
      The White Hats will temporarily take control openly since they have already been in control since the Nov 2020 election. Remember US military forces have been closely monitoring election since the Romeny/Obama election fraud years ago.

      The White Hats will step into power around the world.

      The White Hats will halt all capital markets trading in effect stopping all stock markets around the world in order to root out the "Jewish Central Banking Scam Ponzi Scheme". This will take several months.
      However by this time, the White Hats will have seized upwards of $500 Trillion stolen by the Rothschilds who are almost certainly a front group for the real power hiding in the shadows. That hidden hand will be revealed to all.

      The White Hats will then seize control of the Jewish media and halt all enemy war transmissions known as the mainstream media.

      The White Hats will initiate the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System).
      During that time, they will reveal the thousands of arrests that have taken place over the last several years as well as the corruption and high treason of almost all members of Congress.

      I am waiting for these sequence of events to unfold.


    2. Wow! Great summary of the White Hat argument, Robert; thank you. Yes, we do need a breakthrough to stop "The Show," with many possible triggers as you list. Two more could be an ET card of some type, and a "Biblical" event of some type. Until then, we do what we can.

    3. Thanks.

      ET event ?
      Well I believe the evidence indicates that our Earth is FLAT and stationary with space being non-existent. As such, the only aliens that could reach us would have to be inter-dimension-ally which is not UN-reasonable.

      Biblical event ?
      You mean the CREATOR actually speaking to us ?
      That's possible if we are forced into a near death event.

      What about something from the civilization that existed before ours ?
      I remember you posted many links on the subject and that got me interested in the whole topic.

      One last thing, I have created my first video on the Biden Actor DEEPFAKE and Latex mask wearing actors.
      As I respect your opinion and knowledge particularly about public banks and the fraud of our money system , please let me know what you think.
      Here it is:
      See the video here:


    4. Great video, Robert; I subscribed to your channel.

      From whatever source, a breakthrough is coming, and I conclude it includes "friends in high places" :)


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