2020 interview with an Angel: How does one live a spiritual/religious life when demons are Earth’s ‘leaders’ in government, money, and media/education?


  • Q is a White House insider; proved by accurate predictions and posting-timing exact with Trump Tweets. Although all evidence I see aligns with Q being true White Hats ready to reveal damning evidence for .01% arrests, I also see all evidence as plausibly deniable. That is, if Q is a PsyOp to ID then target Patriots, sheeple will see, hear, and say only what they're dictated to see, hear, and say.
  • Empires loot, plain and simple. American sheeple are, of course, targeted and looted by the tens of trillions. Monetary reform and public banking are two reforms documented since Ben Franklin wrote about colonial Pennsylvania operating without need to tax. Benefits of these two reforms are ~$1,000,000 per US household. You literally have nothing more valuable to learn, and must, or you can kiss your assets goodbye to “required austerity.” Economic solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out have been documented since Bucky Fuller over 50 years ago.
  • The US is not limited government under a constitution, but systematically removing rights once asserted as God-given and secured by government to defend Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness. US military and government employees are Oath-bound to recognize illegal and lying empire, refuse to obey illegal orders (there are no lawful orders for illegal Wars of Aggression), and arrest those who issue them.
  • Our “leaders” have poverty and war-murdered over 400 million people in just the last 25 years. The .01% "leaders" of "former" colonial/slave powers and "developed" nations promised the end of poverty since 1969 at global summits, with less than 1% GNI investment (a fraction of colonial looting) for a total ~10-year project for ~$1 trillion (about what the US annually invests for military). The 400+ million poverty deaths just since 1993 is more than deaths from all wars and violence of any kind in all human history
  • The annual number of poverty deaths is equal in volume to a Freedom Tower in NYC. “Leaders” of “developed” nations have promised the end of poverty since 1969. Better read that again, and reflect on its meaning of what kind of “leaders” we have in the “developed” world.
  • The ongoing reneged promises to end poverty with lying corporate media complicity (see this astounding disinformation from the NY Times) means our "leaders" prefer unimaginable suffering and death rather than technically-simple solutions. 
  • Our .01% opponents overthrow democracies challenging global empire: 80+ since World War 2
  • People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three  times more dangerous than any other country.
  • Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them.
  • These US armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men (and here). 
  • Since Operation O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Liberation; yes, that was the oligarchs’ first name), 2.4 million Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence. 
  • Of 50 oppressive world governments, the US approves weapons sales to 41, and military training or support to 48 (all but Cuba and North Korea). Digging here should reveal many crimes.
  • All rhetoric for war on Iran are easily-proved lies.
  • The academic description of the US government is therefore not a constitutional republic, but instead an ongoing illegal rogue state empire (11-part documentary series).
  • Our opponents’ control over corporate media and public education has produced an Emperor’s New Clothes tragic-comedy that We the Sheeple do not yet see, but just might in exactly an Emperor's New Clothes breakthrough moment.
  • They engage in democide: murder by government to keep our numbers low and weak through fluoride, vaccines, GMO non-foods, and many other attacks on our vitality (explore).
  • A dark, deep topic on its own: they are pedophiles (and here).
The US is arguably worse in corruption, psychopathy, and causing misery than tragic-comic Roman Emperors. Such “leaders” certainly have the greater capacity to harm. 

You shouldn’t need any more data to make the case for .01% arrests as the lawful tool to stop apparent crimes in progress, but there’s more, far more than my meager documentation.

There's no need to believe anyone with any of this independently-verifiable data: look for yourself.

Perhaps most importantly: planet Earth has been home to ancient civilizations with technology superior to “modern” humans. Again, no belief is required to verify objective data that in this case is literally rock-solid. The reason this might be the most important data point is that the same .01% elite from Socrates’ time is still managing a planetary empire today.

And perhaps even more important than the history of ancient advanced civilizations, is the present of advanced ET civilizations engaged in a planetary ascension event

Now, onto our “interview” that presents this data with my analysis in a story:


I’m walking our family dog, May, around our neighborhood wherever she wants to go. At that moment, I’m focused to be with May to sense what she senses, to be with how she perceives the world more attenuated to smells and sounds. This is just one of sooooo many experiments to work with what we have on Earth to explore creative virtue on a planet of evil. May’s head sharply turns down the block with her ears forward. She gives a short bark of wanting to see a person about 50 yards ahead. May bursts forward in sprint, with me behind (I run when she wants to run). I use her leash to slow her down as we approach the man. I smile and announce:

Carl: My dog wants to say hi to you! She’s very friendly! 

(I watch the man’s body language to read his degree of welcome to such a greeting. He’s already bending down in full welcome to May.)

Man”: You must be May! Socrates said what a joy you are! 

(The “man” is wearing sweats the same as Socrates wore his last visit, but with his hoodie off. He is the same angel who visited me in my classroom three years ago. May is in full loving-excited greeting mode; wriggling and “talking” in happiness to this being, who is now crouched down in full communion with His four-legged Sister of a different species.)

Angel: Yes, it’s good to see you, too, May! Thank you! I love you, too, May. Yes, I saw you run! Yes, it’s so good of Carl to run with you. He knows you like to run. Yes, he likes to run, too! And you have many friends in this neighborhood? That’s so nice, May. Yes, many dog friends, adults and children! I’m glad you’re happy here, yes I am!

(looking up and grinning) 

May has a lot to communicate! She’s very appreciative of you for getting outside the house more. She also feels loved by your wife and daughter. She tries to be a good girl inside the house with all the energy she has.

Carl: Thank you, Brother. We fellow slaves have to help each other be as free as possible. May I know your name?

Angel: Not yet. You still have more work to accomplish in your chosen role. If you experience too much of our angelic identity, the frequency of the data you experience and express will not resonate as closely to the human condition as Source prefers. 

But obviously, you’re getting closer to coming home again, Brother. 

With your permission, I’d like you to share publicly what you’ve encountered of what a spiritual perspective looks like for you. May we have such a conversation, Brother?

Carl: Of course. May I ask the purpose?

Angel: Two-fold: one is to help you reflect on your lifetime of service. You are indeed in the completion phase of your mission’s work, Carl. I hope you can feel some joy to complete the ambitious work you volunteered to perform. 

The second is that your perspective is helpful for other incarnating souls in similar work as messengers of Light on planets of Darkness.

Carl:  (totally captured by this angel’s literally-perfect angelic face, sincere communication, radiance of love, and overall energy of peaceful authority. This being is in a league above Socrates and me.) Ok. I trust you, beautiful Brother. Hey, I’ll just be myself unless you want something else. Bro, I don’t get it: how come humans want to crucify beings like you when you’re so powerfully wonderful? 

Angel: It depends on our mission if we want our virtue to shine, or not. We’re perfectly capable to walk among you with zero physical risk, Carl. We exist in a dimension above human, so what is here (pats his torso; he has now stood in elegant athleticism even in so simple a movement) is as invulnerable to harm as birds flying high above cats, who would devourer birds on the ground no matter how beautiful in body and voice.

Socrates was as you: a messenger with choice of how powerfully to resonate with a message of his own government’s corruption. You, too, would martyr yourself if you chose to amplify. And we, your Older Brothers and Sisters, would gladly accept your offered sacrifice on this chessboard to our Light Side’s greatest advantage. You’d be welcome home a hero.

Carl: Wow. This is quite direct, Brother. That’s how I’ve felt: I’m not meant to be a martyr, so I’ve intentionally limited my activism to the scholarship side to simply inform ready and willing humans, rather than engage our Dark opponents directly as Socrates did, and whatever is true in the allegory of Jesus that we’re left to ponder.

Or whatever. I have no idea if I’m dangerous or not in my current role. I might be protected by Angels already. I’m just doing a job here for love and leadership; that’s all I can control.

But, really? You’re saying my “spiritual perspective” can help? Am I correct to conclude that none are doing very well in such a position as mine? From my perspective, Brother, every day is a struggle. I’m scrambling, always. Nothing is secure. 

My wife would flat-out laugh if you told her you wanted my “spiritual perspective” to help anyone. She’d say that my perspective hasn’t helped even me. (sudden smile) Or are you saying you want my spiritual perspective as an example how not to be in such a challenge?

(involuntary laugh, which the twinkle-eyed angel briefly joins)

Angel: The evaluation of your spiritual “fruits of wisdom” is for interested observers and you to determine, Brother. But you’re right: we do look for all kinds of data for as comprehensive an analysis as possible of current and future angelic invasions of planets.

(wicked grin) Oh, and you should see the holography of how Socrates’ wife responded to reminders that her husband was declared the wisest man in their community by the Oracle of Delphi. Your wife’s response pales in comparison, Brother.

Carl: (we’ve begun to wander forward, as May sniffs around planted areas in apparent interest of nocturnal animal pathways) Ok. Just for my own sanity, I’ve thought about what my spiritual perspective is in three talking points:
  1. We’re all connected. God is One; the One is God. We’re all loved; all Brothers and Sisters in diverse forms of mineral, plant, animal, human, and whatever you are and beyond. Connected and important: all who accept this path of love walk their own ways to Heaven. That is, the general promise of Jesus is true: accept Him as a Brother in your heart, the same as you accept everyone else, and you’re accepted into a community of love after this trial on Earth. “Being saved” means this: live in love and one earns this heaven. 
  2. You’re so right, Brother: Earth was given to demons. This is self-evident from the premises I’ll bullet-point at the start of this interview. A world in constant war, poverty, debt; “led” by .01% psychopaths lying and looting to annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions. There is no real joy on Earth, Brother. Even if one is apparently “successful” individually or as a family, we all endure the sights of brutal suffering of our Divine Family, smells of death, sounds of torture, tastes of so many poisons, the feelings from so much evil. This place has severely limited creative potential because anything ambitious with solving real-word problems, or anything challenging the lies and control of the demons will be attacked. Moreover, so-called “people” are really sheeple: 98% of those beings are unaware of the demons waging war upon them! Sheeple join the empire to attack anyone like Socrates or me standing for virtue! This is a big point, Angel: accept Hell first as the facts present themselves, then, and only then, can one discern creative pathways available on Earth.
  3. We’re here on Earth to save the world. We represent Heaven to sheeple. This possibility must begin with standing for basic facts to reveal and end the rogue state empires with lawful arrests for OBVIOUS crimes centered in war, looting, and lying. That said, we messengers are here in numbers only sufficient to allow sheeple a choice without power. We are too few to upgrade anything important, as of yet, and you know we’ve tried. We can effectively demonstrate the slavery on Earth to become visible to all sheeple willing to raise their heads from poisoned pastures to see with their own eyes, hear what is dictated with fear and bullshit, and feel the intentional torture imposed by our “leaders” in government, money, and information from corporate media and public education. There’s a connected point to this: how we messengers can adapt to Hell in order to perform our missions in relative enjoyment.
(I’m continually impressed with the Angel’s paradox of intense engagement of listening with perfect peace and graceful motion.)

Ok, Bro, I’ve said a lot. But that’s basically my spiritual perspective. If this is what you want to discuss, we should go into detail of each point. 

Precision and concision are rarely heard. 

Angel: Yes. Elaboration of complex topics is of course helpful, and the basic description of philosophical work. 

Please say more about your first point of our shared bond of love and light with All.

Carl: Ok. This if primary: God is All that is; the source of all we observe in physical reality. If people want a scientific material perspective generated by physics, chemistry, and biology, that is the same point: a Source generating what we experience in measurable reality. 

We all come from whatever that Source is. 

Humans, I’ll call them that rather than sheeple here, have a choice to accept or reject our shared reality. We can accept this connected web only partially separate in physical forms; that is, we have separate dense-physical bodies, partially-separated minds to direct those bodies to the extent we have separate thoughts, OR we can emphasize the limited separation to drive a wedge between the individual and our environment. 

The problem of evil is simply those of Us choosing to explore what Life is when one ignores our Brothers and Sisters as part of Ourselves, but to interpret Them as separate material things or tools. Evil faces Life as a “little God” wanting to grow into a “bigger God” by controlling resources: minerals, plants, animals, and people as sheeple who are maximized in intelligence as the most capable slaves possible without discovering their status as slaves.

Evil is kind of a joke, of course. It’s a child pretending to be everything. But Source allows this kind of play, as long as the child isn’t pulling wings off insects or using a magnifying glass to fry ants, or that sort of thing. But that’s what’s happened. A group of Beings turned intensely evil, have Earth in their control, and we messengers are responding to show the people their status as livestock to demons. 

The demons also have a basic choice to make: 
  • Reclaim their hearts and connection to walk back to virtue.
  • Double-down to choose a more concentrated evil environment to move to because Earth is being rescued by the Light.
  • Don’t make a choice as they continue their “work” to torture and extract energy in psychopathic parasitism as people awaken to what’s been happening. Those demons will be exposed, arrested, removed from power, then will have a lot of time for reflection in whatever prison will best facilitate our collective freedom.
(smile) That’s a lot, but covers this point unless you see something further to say, Brother.

Angel: Many of your Brothers and Sisters have an interest in what they think of as Heaven, Carl. What do you see for that promise to guide human choices?

Carl: So much of what I engage in is with increasing paradox, Bro. Yes, Heaven is a strong promise we can all rest in. I conclude we all must be heading in the directions we choose to walk. If we walk toward virtue, then we walk toward this Heaven of greater experience and expression of virtues as we best find what virtue is and is not. Most people see this as a destination after this lifetime in Hell is passed, and yes, I conclude this is broadly true. I wouldn’t choose to live here in “Hell on Earth” unless it’s a mission to help sheeple evolve into people

Heaven is real in our experience, which we share with everyone 24-7 as the degree we can live Heaven in our thoughts, words, and actions. Those of us choosing to live in Heaven must share Heaven to live in Heaven.

That’s simple and profound: the kingdom of Heaven is within us. If we choose Heaven, then we gradually upgrade our experience and expression of what we define Heaven as because this is what we share with all around us. We must build Heaven on Earth in literal good-faith work if we want to live in Heaven. In contrast, if we reject Heaven, then we do whatever the fuck is left over in Life for selfish interest or depression from being separate from our power to experience and express Heaven. 

We all have the power to stand where we choose, walk toward the futures we most want. A connected point is to embrace the reality of how little creative potential is available in Hell, but the point here is that Heaven is always available, no matter how challenging it might be to hold one’s heart and mind at home while in Hell.

Angel: And please more about the Heaven after this life?

Carl: Oh, yeah. I think we have to rest upon the wisdom of Socrates on this one: because we can’t show Heaven after this life to anyone, then it’s wise to tell the truth about how little we see, how little we know, and be comfortable in our ignorance. We have full power over our thoughts, words, and actions that we can align with our ideals of this mythical afterlife, but let’s not deceive ourselves with fantasies we cannot prove; factual claims we cannot demonstrate. 

I like the testimonies of people who’ve had near-death experiences. They report Heaven as their home. I believe them. People are welcome to their own conclusions, although this data point is as so many others: ~98% of people are still sheeple to keep their heads down rather than explore what this broad data show us.

Angel: So there is a Heaven as both a heart-held experience, and a literal destination from where a person has chosen to walk toward in a mortal lifetime?

Carl: That’s how I see it. Because all is energetic constructs, our thoughts, words and actions are building who we are. These resonate, and shape the environment around us. This resonate frequency is what Karma is. The energy we generate arranges the future and even the past to align with the energy we are, Brother. 

So people must relate to this power wisely. We have what we create. We create with what we choose to think, choose to say, and choose to do: how we resonate. This is the same as building a home with one’s own hands: whatever we build is where we live. If we don’t like what we have, rebuild to our choosing.

And again, to the extent this opens doors to a permanent residence or tribe of Brothers and Sisters beyond a human lifetime, I have zero personal experience other than vague feelings, images, and memories of Home. This conclusion of Heaven as a destination is entirely vulnerable to manipulation, Brother. I personally don’t trust it. But practically speaking of having a life to live here on Earth as Hell, it helps me to stand that Life is totally fair, that Karma is real, that as we give so shall we receive.

And so, I move forward as best I see that direction to be.

Angel: Thank you, Brother. Please continue to your second point: the Hell you see on Earth.

Carl: (May walks up to us looking quizzically. I look down at her and sense an image of beauty of this neighborhood and wondering how this could be a bad place. I try to project images to May of what I say.) 

You’re a slave, May. I’m a slave. I hope our older Brother here is also not a slave, but I would assume in our fractal reality that He, too, is a captured being with His choices becoming more limited to go Home rather than expanded.

(I bend down to hold May’s head in both my hands, as I often do) This is a beautiful neighborhood, and we’re grateful to live here. You sense the energies all around us, May. There are great frictions. None are safe. We must help our Brothers and Sisters or suffer their attacks upon us if the evil energies expand. 

May, we’re under attack.

(May looks away, as this level of information exceeds her interests. I sense that she knows many are upset, and part of her mission is to stay connected to her soul-energy of boundless love to share with us, and help inspire our similar connection to each other and all of nature. I look up to the angel.)

She lives within her limits, Bro. I’ve had to discover mine, so as to avoid being burned by the friction I can generate among sheeple when I demonstrate their thoughts, words, and actions are easily-proved as false conclusions about our world. 

Sheeple will light themselves on fire to burn everything down rather than experience the friction between their worldview and what I point toward. People will stop, look, and adjust their worldview to the emerging data of what they themselves can see by simply looking for themselves. 

Sheeple will execute Socrates before tolerating his questions requiring truthful answers.

It’s not complicated: sheeple will never see until they look. They will never hear until they contrast the dictates given with what is there to hear. They will never feel right until they discover their feelings of being in some kind of Hell are correct, and that the demons generating Hell are their chosen “leaders” doing exactly what demons do: lie, torture, and parasitize slaves.

I’m not going to go through the evidence of Hell with you, Bro. We’ve talked about this, and whoever cares to read my account of our interview can go through the bullet points of evidence I’ll provide as the premise for this conclusion of Hell on Earth.

Dante nailed it: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. 

And I like Shakespeare: Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

But Brother, please tell me: is there a better frame for us than declaring Earth as a kind of Hell? I mean, for me, I can’t avoid this conclusion given the Orwellian and constant wars, looting, and lying. We’re all under attack in a fight to cull the slaves to the demons’ minimum service requirements.

Is there a better way to see this place?

Angel: (shrugs) Always. What do you see as a better perspective, Brother?

Carl: I don’t see one. I can expand the viewpoint that somehow this place is the consequence of godly experiments gone wrong, or an extreme environment for souls otherwise unresponsive to choices and somehow stuck in apathy, or some kind of “extreme sport” of angelic workout, but I really like something I can prove.

Without proof, I’m just like May turning my head with a “whatever” because while I can prove Hell on Earth, all ideas beyond Earth are obviously speculative.

Angel: (broad smile with full stop to intently touch my soul with his full energy) Then Brother, shouldn’t you work within the limits of the senses you’ve chosen being born human?

Carl: Ok, sure, but with all respect, aren’t we growing with our wondering what lies beyond our senses?

Angel: Absolutely. It’s both. Be at home in the moment when one chooses to be in the moment. Be at home in one’s wandering wondering when one chooses to explore beyond the moment. 

As you say: it’s not complicated. 

If I may, Brother: perhaps you have power to nullify all the friction you experience from who you call sheeple.

You understand the concept: 
  • Face and receive their childish energies of denial with no resistance. Simply receive them.
  • Be in love and honor for Them as your younger Brothers and Sisters who are, indeed, under attack and vulnerable from their distorted conclusions.
  • Stand in your highest virtue as a fellow angel, a messenger of the love we share as Children of the One, to listen to Them as I listen to you. Their frustrations are distortions, mistakes, and you only have one function: be with them. You already have this skill to be in such a way, listen in such a way that your loving response is an energetic field that absorbs their distorted expressions, and thereby disappears them. Of course, they may choose to generate further distortions, and hence the function is complete that they and you know they’ve been heard and have a choice. This function opens choice for further inquiry when they’re left with nothing but the experience that what they’ve expressed is an energy that upsets them, and therefore, if they choose a curiosity to look beyond being upset that they might discover a vista of virtue.
(The angel stops. I feel the depth of eternity in his eyes.)

Carl: (catching myself losing my small identity to the broader experience of All generated by the Angel.)

Thank you, Brother Angel. 

Yes, I’m in practice to be brave enough to stand in front of their childish “attacks” in greater love. And yes, you’re right: my failures are my own frustrations to not have anyone to co-create with on broader scales of my choosing for major Earth upgrades. I’m upset only because I argue with God about the simplicity of my presence to hear the life of sheeple, love them, and honor Them as Brothers and Sisters struggling to make a crucial choice to stand for virtue or vice in this Hell on Earth. 

My being upset at sheeple-sniping is the very same distortion of denial that they experience as upsetting: I deny their misperceptions, and blame them rather than accept what they see as the best they can see. Or at least honor the choice of what they claim to see even when their claims are absolutely refuted by comprehensive objective evidence.

(sheepish smile) I think I have to honor their right to be wrong. I also want the right to be right, but can't have factual discussions within most sheeple's limitations. I must also honor their right to be programmed by demons, if that's where they stand after given a clear choice.

Angel: You’re pretty good with May’s limitations. Why don’t you try to be at least that effective with people?

Carl: (in sudden humor) Bitch, you right. I should treat all the bitches the way I treat May.

Angel: (raising an eyebrow) Might make for a more bitchin’ experience, Brother.

I do have another perspective I feel you'll like. Want to hear it?

Carl: Brother! Of course!

Angel: Carl, do you currently have a problem of wanting the dawn of a new day so much that the night pains you?

Carl: Uh, no.

Angel: You attend to duties and openings of the night.

Carl: Of course.

Angel: What if night to us is when the evil ones come out to play? When the Children of the Dark hunt for prey?

Carl: Then we're on night patrol, Brother.

Angel: That's right, warrior-saint.

Carl: But you guys have watches and know when the dawn is coming. We don't. Could you please tell a Brother the time, sir? ... You know I'm kidding, right? I know I'm just going to hold a perimeter and attack openings to free the enslaved. I'll know the dawn when it comes, because, you know, of the light and all. I'm smart like that, sir.

Angel: I'm glad the analogy served, Brother.

Carl: (sigh) Always more to work on, and always worth the investment. (smiles) Yes, there are always better perspectives. (starting to wonder about being on "night patrol") And there are always more questions. So Socrates already nailed it when he said Angels are responding to a condition similar to if May found her way into a hen house, and starting doing what she's bred to do?

Angel: Exactly! 

Carl: And we somehow fucked up to allow this breach?

Angel: Not with any failure of duty, although we also make mistakes. We're responding to an accident of Beings above my Dimension that precipitated the emergency response we share, Carl.

Carl: That feels right.

Angel: And this connects to your third point of saving the world, yes?

Carl: Yeah. So. I’m here, as best I see to stand, to bring heaven on earth by representing Heaven on Earth. But we're not really rescuing as much as modeling virtue for sheeple to rise as people; at least to offer the choice clearly, as well as future pathways those choices imply. 

As an individual, I feel I'm earning my “angel wings” by simply being who I am, or at least who I choose to be: an Angel. This duty feels new to me, although it could just be a function of being blank-slated as we all are born human.

This much seems clear:
  • There’s a macro challenge to rescue Earth from the demons. 
  • There’s a micro challenge to rescue myself from this Hell by bringing heavenly virtues to the creative venues available. 
For my own "salvation," this means bringing Divine energies of love, faith, efficiency, leadership, or whatever, to my daily routines of doing the dishes, teaching bullshit math to high school Earth children, walking May, and whatever. 

It means being a Divine Child of the One in service as a scholar to expose the demons, as well as being as close to Divine I can imagine with whatever hobbies I choose. I mean, if we want freedom for all, then we must model that freedom. For me, it means enjoying creativity in playing tennis, writing this, and discovering creative enjoyment wherever I am.

It also means being an angel in the paradox of the “attacks” I receive from family and colleagues. Perhaps my full acceptance of those childish projections to lash-out at me is the focus of the time. (looking down with a smile) I certainly get enough practice to figure out some kind of upgrade rather than not liking it. It feels I always have personal mini-works to accomplish, as well as contributing at least a little to the macro war raging around us. Although most sheeple don't discern the war yet, even with its current escalation.

So to conclude this point of Hell on Earth before we go into detail about “saving the world,” I do see Hell on Earth as an objective physical condition of wars, looting, and lying. I also see hell as a subjective interpretation when I choose to desire the objective conditions of frustrated sheeple be different from what they are. 

If I simply heard the sheeple as hurt children, or hens under attack from a frenetic May, then my experience dramatically shifts to empathy for Earth's beings. That is, I can’t take offense of their being hurt, and expressing pain in my presence. Obviously.

Of course they’re upset. They live in fucking Hell. They’re being tortured. Some have been ripped to shreds right in front of their family and friends. Who wouldn’t be upset beyond anything they could possibly imagine?

I’m really dumb to expect anything different or better. It’s probably a miracle for them to express themselves as well as they do. 

I've previously imagined that I can’t wish for caterpillars to fly as butterflies until they’re ready. It’s not complicated to test for either caterpillars or sheeple: just a look and brief conversation demonstrates their status.

Angel: Carl, people can mean many things when they say, “Save the world.” What do you mean?

Carl: Revealing the crimes of our .01% demon leaders centered in war, finance and communication, causing their arrests as the lawful procedure to stop OBVIOUS crimes, and unleashing human creativity for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out. 

(smile) Saving the world means replacing Hell with unlimited creativity to bring Heaven on Earth as best we all can imagine it. It’s not complicated.

Angel: And how will you “cause” those arrests, Brother?

Carl: By your help, Brother. Whenever the players at your level are ready, we’re ready. 

What I mean is that arrests are outside my jurisdiction. I can think, speak, and take limited actions for these arrests, but all I really have are my prayers of request to you and your senior officers.

So how is that request playing out?

Angel: (wide smile) Socrates warned that you’d press me for data beyond your authorization. Brother, if you can’t see enough to know, we’re really stupid to karmically tie ourselves to your predictable misuses of that data if we gave it to you. Carl: you’d never train an ordinary person in violently-effective martial arts strikes. Why is that?

Carl: (jerking suddenly in recognition of the Angel’s point) Because I’d be responsible for any misuse and be karmically bonded to subsequent damage. I’d never ever do that. You’re right. I shouldn’t even ask, and I won’t again. Thank you for the helpful analogy. I’m such a dumb-ass. 

But conversely, do I understand you correctly that if I know enough to ask an intelligent question that you’d answer?

Angel: Of course! Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

What I can answer to your question is what you already know, coupled with the invitation that you apply an existing ideal you honor. Are those conditions acceptable for you to promise good-faith effort, Brother?

Carl: Yes.

Angel: (humored grin) When arrests have the votes, they will be enacted. Until such time, you can assume those votes are not present. And yes, you are correct that your influences upon that broader playing field are nearly insignificant. You keep hope of arrests alive to your colleagues, and present that important idea to the tortured children of Earth that their own parents are the cause of their torture and should be arrested. 

It’ll happen when it happens. Brother, you hold the ideal that you really should trust in God, yes?

Carl: Absolutely.

Angel: Then shouldn’t you apply that ideal to where it matters most? Isn’t that ideal applicable to your question?

Carl: (nodding my head) Total dumb-ass. Thank you, Brother. Yes, I promise to apply my trust in God to that, or any other outcome.

Angel: (another grin) It’s not complicated.

Before we return to our point of planetary salvation, I’m curious to how you’d like to invest your free time, now that you’re semi-retired from most of the reporting of our opponents’ crimes?

Carl: (surprised) Ok. Am I correct that I can only give what I pay attention to receive? So I really must be responsible for personal creativity in order to give it?

Angel: Isn’t going first real leadership?

Carl: The Noble Middle Path. Ok. I really enjoy athletics as well as scholarship. I’m kind of an ongoing scholar-athlete. I spend about 12 hours a week as an athlete and for general health with energy: a third in workout and spa treatment, a third in tennis practice, and a third in match play. That doesn’t count the additional likely hour or so a week programming myself by watching professional tennis players on YouTube.

I spend at least 20 hours a week in ongoing scholarship. This is a lifetime practice to learn whatever seems important at the time. I really don’t care to discuss details because it doesn’t matter to the point: study whatever you want if you want to study. I feel like this is my central mission to this lifetime, Angel Brother: decode the bullshit demon lies, then concisely and precisely communicate them to the public as best I can, along with available solutions.

I try to be a good father and husband, but this is all colored by the general friction between their worldview to still honor and obey the demons and conclude that I must somehow be crazy to challenge them. It seems all I can do is offer dad jokes, help our daughter with her homework, and just be an overall responsible adult because anything deeper evokes cognitive dissonance of their distorted worldview. Of course, my family would claim it’s my worldview that’s distorted, but they are equally unwilling to consider the objective facts in conversation with me.

How’s that?

Angel: Sufficient, Brother, if you’re satisfied. Thank you. And your further points of how people can best create in Hell?

Carl: If we stand for planetary salvation, then we can be comfortable in several conclusions:
  • Anyone operating for the choice of Heaven on Earth is on an angelic team actively looking for help. I know how appreciative colleagues and I are when people step-up to share what they see. Yeah this has the reward of Heaven, and congratulations for that later reward. We can be proud of that status, and for now, we’re engaged in war. 
  • What we build is what we earn. The greater the sacrifices, the higher the honor we earn on these angelic teams. This is similar to being proud of a high batting average in baseball or softball. Our angelic team will know exactly how we performed on Earth, so we all should take action to be proud of what we’ll be known for.
  • There is no other choice other than be angelic because the other two basic options seem to only be to join evil to enslave the planet to demons, or to allow the demons to torture and enslave without opposition. Both of those alternatives damn one’s future either into the Hell one actively builds, or to live in places where Hell is allowed to flourish. Neither option is acceptable to almost anyone given free choice.
There’s more. Shall I just keep going?

Angel: (intently listening) Please.

Carl: A general encouragement is we can only experience virtue to the degree we experience the other end of the spectrum. Being in Hell is a tremendous growth opportunity in virtue because it’s so needed here:
  • We develop and appreciate real leadership to say and do what needs to be done because we’re in Hell for God’s sake. Duh.
  • We become more loving, and love this love because this place is hellishly loveless and painful. So painful.
  • We become more intelligent because evil has owned us soooo bad. We need to get smarter about operating in Hell, obviously.
  • We seek harmony and the arts because we need some sense of beauty in Hell. And it seems that various expressions of beauty comes from pain: the feeling one is so far away from what one loves.
  • We develop engineering because we need tools to literally make a living in this hell.
  • We need faith because everywhere we look in Hell there is no hope. We must rise above Hell however we can to bring a sense of Heaven to inspire what we work for. A current area of exploration for me is plant medicine to resonate more closely with our natural connection to All.
  • We appreciate concision and precision to organize our war, and be as free as possible in this great work.
The biggest point of all might be planetary ascension. I appreciate the mythology and histories of enormous solar events. This might be God’s way to resonate the evil from the virtuous. But I’m not even asking any more without my earning the need to know. And on the topic of planetary ascension I know very little.

Angel: And what do you see of planetary ascension?

Carl: If it’s true, this is a cyclical event of evolution for a planetary body. Humans are allowed to accept this evolutionary jump if we’re ready. Those people polarized to virtue will resonate forward into that environment to live. Those resonating for evil will be separated into that kind of environment. Those unable to choose, the lukewarm ones with empty rhetoric, will find themselves in a similar environment as Earth to live until such a choice is made. The choice is easy when presented. The problem on Earth is the demons masking evil in deception; the inversions that slavery is good, war is peace, debt is money, poverty is choice, and on and on.

And here’s another point, Brother Angel: those of us choosing love and victory for the enslaved are a kind of warrior saints. 

We fight. We serve in loving devotion to the asleep and mind-controlled. We protect the innocent to the limited degrees we can. 

But all this love only means something if one can engage in spiritual warfare effectively. Warfare, Brother. We fight. I fight as a scholar to professionally, concisely, and precisely explain, document, and prove some of the worst ongoing and obvious crimes of our .01% Satanic opponents. 

If one wishes to be an angel, one must engage to disarm evil. “Disarm” seems the best term in my area of engagement because evil dominates through disinformation; a kind of anti-scholarship selling bullshit that one day will end in Emperor’s New Clothes obviousness when critical mass is reached for the sheeple to raise their heads and eyes to learn to see for themselves. But for now, sheeple allow demons to dictate what exists and what is possible.

A real minister should protect his or her flock, Angel. 

A real “man or woman of God” should be an ass-kicker to evil, and among the sharpest to discern exactly what the Satanic do when they try to sell bullshit. The purpose of the bullshit is to enslave people as sheeple. Those of us serving Love and Light are primary defenders to all willing to be defended, all willing to stand with us for Love and Light.

Not all angels sing and pray, Brother.

Angel: (laugh in empathy) Very true. The presence of vital evil is a force of growth for us, Brother, as we are to them. Our competition at this Earth-level of engagement is for both sides to play for the souls of people. 

Carl: (interrupting) And my team is here because Earth was not a fair playing field?

Angel: (not missing a beat) How would you know this is true, Brother?

Carl: Who I say I am is all I have. 

I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t needed. 

I really don’t like this place, Angel, as any being of virtue would feel in Hell. I must be here either because this level of evolution is for me and I’m grossly overestimating my standing, or I’m helping contribute this evolutionary choice to other souls.

Angel: You’ll need to be satisfied with your own answers, Carl. Move forward with whatever you best see, and you’ll see more. Seek and ye shall find.

Carl: Ok. A few more points and I’m done with how this planet is being saved, or at least how we try to do so from my limited perspective:
  • Because we’re modeling Heaven, we should truly do well with where we place our attention. I play tennis and write for virtue. Good for me. Everyone should have something to exercise our best work and play. I certainly operate within constraints as a public school teacher fired four times for attempting broad contributions there, so I’d better have someplace to be my full self. My family rejects what I see of Hell or Heaven on Earth, so that’s a limited venue.
  • We can also “escape” Hell by simply being in the moment. Be here now. Simply be. This is a big deal. The pain in the past is gone; not present. The possible futures both bright and dark are neither here now. Just be and apply virtue. That seems to be part of Heaven, so let’s try it here!
Angel: But wait a minute. You don’t do that much. Nobody does.

Carl: You’re right. But I’m at war. A lot of what I do is notice for a moment, then respond. Notice then respond. This is engagement, Brother Angel. I also need to consider where we’ve been as a scholar and where we might go with whatever I might contribute. Warriors are busy and it’s rather stressful given the billions of souls in play, Brother. I think a lot about contingencies. I have to plan, whether it’s civic engagement, teaching bullshit math for work, or playing better tennis. 

But I also have this tool to simply be in my tool belt. I use it when I reallllly need a break. To just focus on what’s present right in front of me, like to clean the kitchen and these walks with May are where I usually exercise. With attention to the moment, all other cares disappear. The focus is chosen here and now for all awareness: what I hear, what I smell, what I feel, what I see. 

But hey, I know you know this. 

For me, I’m soooo engaged in this war, and enjoy battle planning and execution. Most of my focus is to better serve in this game of souls, for I’m of the opinion we must lead for what we most want.

Got a better light for me, Bro?

Angel: Yes. I respectfully offer the “better light” as literally more light on greater area from a higher perspective: if higher-level gods determine a “mistake was made” causing such an imbalance of evil that it cannot be readily corrected, then They just take the memory of all that is declared “fatally flawed,” archive that data, then go back and re-write the memory into whatever else those gods choose to experiment or play with. 

You do know that; that’s why I’m telling you, Carl. You’ve been exposed to the data point that what you call time is not at all permanent. Time is like a wave receding backward, true, but where does that exist? 

(pause for me to consider)

Carl: God’s hard drive. 

Angel: Exactly! So if They have a “failed program,” and Earth is not such a failure, it’s no big deal. Live and learn, right? They archive rejected experiments for ongoing R&D, then that memory is rewritten. Those gods typically write code so that all the baby codes like you and me are “rewarded” to receive what we worked for in abundance. That would be a nice way to end what turned out to be a cancelled plot-line, wouldn’t it? 

Carl: Are you telling me places like Earth are like a television sitcom? They play seasons until they’re bored, or whatever?

Angel: It’s more sophisticated, but basically, yes. Anyway, that’s why for bettor or worse, we trust in Gods, minor and major. Whoever is writing the program is in charge. If that Divine Being wants Hell on Earth, then that’s what we’ve got to work with, Brother.

We all have co-creative power, but those are basically prayers that can be accepted or rejected for these planetary scenarios. Most programs, including this one, have rules of Karma so that play is fair: you receive what you earn. 

Carl: And that’s what Heaven is: co-resonating souls who earned power from being trusted with love? The better you are, the better the neighborhood you get to live in?

Angel: (pauses with a deep feeling of love) Oh, Brother, it’s much better than you can imagine. And the contrast compared to being human on Earth is dramatic beyond my ability to communicate in this venue.

(We walk on, having almost completed a full casual lap around our block.)

Anything else you wanted to contribute to your point of how to best win for Heaven on Earth?

Carl: Yeah, but I don’t think any of it really matters, Bro. I’ve tried much from desperation to find a way to not be lost in Hell; to open at least myself to some Light. Others have to forge their own ways forward, as best they see it given the tools available to them.

One can identify with all of creation; to see one’s self as a data-gathering tool of the God who created this place. We’re His or Her children or programs or whatever. The problem of evil on Earth is so immense, and Divine timelines so long that we really should surrender to our limited roles. Just be a humble angel on the ground serving wherever one is. It’s dummy-simple, but hey, if that’s all you’ve got then that’s what’s there to work with.

Connected to this, if we're just literal programs to our Creator, then it's easy to connect that whatever happens is what God has programmed. And because we're individually here, we can also conclude that's "part of the program." So there's literally no arguing with what God places before us, because He's the Programmer, and whatever we find on our path is that Program playing out. Yeah, sure, maybe our collective prayers can reach the Programmer to alter the Program, but basically we're just code in His Program who must define ourselves with whatever the Program challenges us with. So we really should just focus on our game to do the best we can imagine in this wilder and wilder Earth story!

Then there’s the noble middle path of service and play. Or at least that’s how I see it after 43 years of civic activism. If we accept that creative projects are profoundly limited by evil’s management of Earth, one could declare a kind of vacation to focus on tennis, music, French Poetry, etc. It’s Groundhog Day.

We can set powerful intentions to create mini “Best day evers” with whatever we do, and focus on those aspects like tennis, teaching, being with family, or wherever one wishes to place attention. This is a big deal: if we look for breakthroughs we'll see them. If we don't care to look, they might be occurring in the background, but without recognition our experience of Life suffers. I look for "best day evers" in health, emotional well-being, what I'm able to think, tennis, teaching, relating to my family, and all become "best day evers" with just a little attention! So becoming a better and better person, on one's own terms and in unpredictable and unimaginable ways, is a miracle-generator we all have in our powers that dramatically reframes the present, despite the bullshit all around us. It's still Hell we live in, but a weird paradox to somehow grow better in bullshit fertilizer. It's yearning for virtue that forces our attention to bring virtue as Hell allows.

Importantly, Bro, and again: I don't think any of this communicates other than the importance to scramble when one lives in Hell to find value where one can invent it.

We can “tune into” higher aspects of ourselves to channel more refined virtues. I do this to imagine and practice better versions of me. It’s more like visions of Home; wherever I’m from beyond Earth and the “better versions” are my Brothers and Sisters there. There’s so much wisdom to experience then translate here and now in this life. Those ways of being are not at all touched by this Hell. The “tunes of higher love and virtue” toy with the bully-evil that is so vulnerable to the simple truths that expose and end their propaganda. I seem to tap into some kind of dimension like that while experiencing cannabis. 

But Big Bro: this also points me to paths of being some kind of monk as I retreat further and further from the “daily business” of Hell that I used to absorb to report. I mean, I still pay attention to my colleagues’ work in alternative media and see more of the Big Pictures than ever before, but I have less and less interest to address those developments outside of truly breakthrough potentials. The archive of my written work shows this.

Importantly, don’t expect any of these practices to be noticed by sheeple. Haters gonna hate.

But to wrap this up, the bottom line is that I’m still at war to win Earth from the demons. I’m semi-retired from full combat, and contemplating what one does with the freedoms available in this particular type of Hell.

Angel: (pauses to make sure I’ve finished) You scholarly souls certainly do think a lot. Carl, would you please say what you see to complete your contributions to scholarship? That was, and is your mission here.

Carl: Wow, yes. Huh! The most important and simple question has me stumped! Thank you, Brother. I really do need to complete this for myself if I’m still so engaged I can’t easily summarize.

(pause) Thank you for this opportunity for completion. This war is such a whirlwind that I don’t even see my own context. And you’re right. It’s time for me to get a handle on what I’ve done over 43 years. 
  • At age 17 I committed to end poverty on Earth, as that seemed the biggest problem that would also generate the most helpful overall solutions for a world that works for everyone with no-one left out. This was inspired by Werner Erhard’s est seminars and The Hunger Project. I created a college major to end global poverty at UC Berkeley, and became one of many leaders of the citizens’ lobby, RESULTS. I volunteered 18 years with work that led to two UN summits for heads of state, helping to shape and deliver ~300 policy briefs. The Executive Director of UNICEF credited us with saving a million lives a year from increased program funding we got from the US, although I now realize the UN is another captured agency of the demons, and unreliable with whatever they say. We championed microcredit. The overall contribution of this area is saving about as many lives as people who live in the US: ~300 million.
  • I applied scholarship to spirituality. I read about 30,000 pages of various materials, including most of Alice Bailey. I participated in maybe 3,000 hours of various seminars, and meditated alone and in groups for maybe another 3,000 hours. I chanted, prayed, intended, walked on fire, bent spoons, cloud-busted, and tried to channel healing energies through my hands. I concluded in my 20s that my mission on Earth included being a type of ambassador between humans and an immense world of esoteric energies and beings.
  • I’ve been a public school teacher for 36 years, with two more planned before I retire. Unless, of course, we win and I’m invited into a leadership role to adjust public education into reality rather than bullshit to train stupefied work animals to the illegal, lying, looting rogue state American empire. That’s been an adventure with being fired four times while being students’ favorite teacher and producing learning about the 99.99th percentile of district expected results. But I’ve discussed this with Socrates, and all evidence to the contrary from speaking here and now, don’t like discussing biographical details beyond an example of what happens to any form of leadership when the demons managing this Hell on Earth see an emerging leader.
  • After the second UN summit for heads of state, I left RESULTS with the deceptively simple message that our “leaders” are saying one thing and doing the opposite. This didn’t seem to communicate at all to anyone, but my amazing friends and colleagues wished me well on my new chosen activist path to “follow the money.” That research now of 24 years led to my published paper by the Claremont Colleges due to the leadership of professor John Cobb. I’ve documented the average US family would claw back about a million dollars each with monetary reform and public banking.
  • I’ve written about OBVIOUS .01% crimes centered in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression “covered” by corporate media, assassinations of our best and brightest to prevent any revolution for virtue in the US, and topics of advanced ancient civilizations with literal “rock-solid” evidence. As best I can estimate from might be completely manipulated data, my written work has ~50 million page views of at least the title since 2009, and likely low multiples from reprints. I’ve had maybe 20 interviews on radio, podcasts, and a few on television.
I think that’s it. 

I’m ready for more work to contribute what I’ve learned, but at the moment have zero opening to do so. Ordinary people can’t hear these ideas, and run from them. Most colleagues find my call to arrest our .01% wanna-be masters as somehow “extreme.” If sheeple have anything to say, most call me a wacky conspiracy theorist because they’re still programmed by corporate media and public education. 

But whatever. My job is to learn and communicate. I’ve done my part.

(Full stop. I look into the Angel’s eyes with a humble pride of having done what I can in an environment unable to see, hear, or say much of anything to free themselves from the demons.)

Angel: (returning the gaze but with a love that I feel resonating throughout my body, making it difficult for me to stand without shaking. The angel places his left hand on my right shoulder.) Carl: you have felt the heat of battle because you chose to enter the friction between what Evil offers and what We Angels of Virtue present. Your growth is a function of absorbing those energies produced by the friction: a combination of experiencing what Evil and Light are, and choosing how to align. Your contributions to this war have reciprocally contributed to your personal growth as a messenger/angel. Your work is recorded. You will always be known for the light you generated, what you’ve helped build, and the profound choices you’ve presented to the captured people on Earth.

As an Ambassador, I thank you for your service, Brother. My appreciation and honor of your contributions is just one of what will be reflected from our community to which you will one day return.

Carl: (listening but feeling I cannot absorb much of what this message means) We ain’t got nothin’ yet, Brother. There’s a war to win. Thank you for the acknowledgment and the gift of love from you to me. I’ve missed that so much being away from home and struggling to regain contact. 

But sir, with all respect, how else can I best serve for our victory?

Angel: (slowly transforms into a glow around him; a body more of light than form) Your service is complete, Brother. Do or not do what you will. You are free. 

(The angel’s light dims back to a fully human-like form. He removes his hand from my shoulder.)

Really. You’re all done. You already know that you’ve said what you’ve needed to, and the choices of humanity are their’s not yours. 


Contribute whatever you want, which is always appreciated, but you feel the calling to reflect and complete, which you should do. You have your own life, too, Brother; the freedom you’ve worked to give to humanity. It’s time to lead by example what a free being does with a free life.

Carl: Ok. But answer me this, please. I don’t think anyone is free: not you, not me. Aren’t we all “food for the gods” to be consumed at Their will? Isn’t our destiny to purify ourselves only to be absorbed into the body of a higher God, like a grape or for me a type of nut?

Angel: If you don’t know, I can’t tell you, Brother.

(grin) Keep pondering, scholar. You’ll figure it out.

But warrior-saint-scholar, don’t you like other frames better, like earning an invitation into the “Big Leagues” from being relatively effective at this level? 

Carl: (slightly embarrassed) Uh, yes. That’s exactly it. I’d love to be among beings actively engaged at higher levels of virtues.

Angel: You’re typical in this regard: always asking for more work, and having no idea of what you’ve already done for good. 

You’ll see.

You receive exactly what you earn. Work to your best call of what’s best.

Carl: (shrugs and sighs. May has sat to lean against the angel’s leg to feel His energy. I bend down to rub her head.) Brother, I don’t know much. The older I get, the more comfortable I am with Socrates’ wisdom to know I don’t know anything other than what the demons offer are lies. 

If I’m effective at all it’s only because I allow the Light to shine through me as a channel.

I’m just a custodian here cleaning shit up.

But thank you for your visit and encouragement. 

Angel: You don’t need any encouragement. That’s why you got this visit. 

It’s time for you to go to that home now (pointing to our house) as your wife is wondering why your walk with May has taken so long. 

Soon enough it will be time to return to your real home with us. 

(Bro hug) Enjoy the contrasts here on Earth, Brother. It’s a unique experience, a cherished contribution, and literally one hell of a story to share.

(The angel steps back, transforms into light, and vanishes. May looks up to me, then starts walking home in happiness. I follow, feeling slightly happy, and still knowing the war is hot with my attention required until victory.)

“Interview” series:
Satire series:


  1. It's actually very simple : Evil is making the natural, unnatural, and the unnatural, natural


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